Yoma Hashimoto

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Dans tous les domaines, il y a une course ! C'est pourquoi on a besoin d'équité ! Sans équité, les gens ne peuvent pas grandir.
—Yoma Hashimoto

Yoma Hashimoto (橋本 陽馬, Hashimoto Yōma) est l'antagoniste principal du one-shot Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan - Episode 9: The Run.

Il est le petit ami de Mika Hayamura. C'est un top modèle au début de sa carrière qui développe une obsession sur le bodybuilding et l'exercice physique afin d'avancer dans sa carrière. Yoma s'inscrit à la salle de gym du Morioh Grand Hotel où il rencontre Rohan Kishibe, et leur rivalité prend un tournant dangereux.


Yoma Hashimoto Appearance.png

Yoma est un jeune japonais de taille supérieur à la moyenne et une carrure athlétique. Il a des cheveux court avec quelques mèches courtes sombres qui ressortent de sa chevelure. Il est très beau, assez pour qu'une chasseuse de tête le sélectionne pour devenir un top modèle.

Son agente lui suggérant d'aller faire de la musculation, Yoma commence à s'exercer sérieusement et en peu de temps il acquiert une musculature remarquable avec chacun de ses muscles étant très saillant. Rohan remarque même que ses Muscle dentelé antérieur sont développés. De fait, il semble que les muscles au niveau des homoplates et des chevilles semble prendre la forme d'ailes, ce qui suggère la bénédiction d'Hermes, le dieu des muscles.

En tant que top modèle, Yoma porte plusieurs tenues différentes tout au long de l'histoire. Sa première tenue consiste en un gilet par-dessus un sweat à capuche avec un pantalon décontracté et des baskets. Lorsqu'il s'entraîne, il porte soit un sweat-shirt, soit un t-shirt, soit pas de t-shirt du tout et un short. Il porte parfois des gants et des bracelets d'haltérophilie. Il porte également un collier de cordes avec un pendentif.


Les palettes changent souvent entre les médias. L'information ci-dessous ne devrait pas être considérée comme canonique.
Cheveux(Cheveux blonds, mèches noires)
Cheveux(Cheveux gris, mèches noires)


Yoma admiring his body in the mirror

After being hired as a model and working as an actor for a minor role in a movie, Yoma's confidence and dedication to improving his body progresses into egotistical self-obsession.

He follows a strict training regime, avoiding carbs and fats while only eating food containing protein. He decides that his diet would only contain steamed chicken, a heaping pile of egg whites, seaweed and mushroom salad, salmon with tomato sauce, Owson chicken salad, and a low-fat protein shake. He goes to sleep at 7 p.m., then wakes up at 4 a.m. and runs 10 kilometers.

Despite being in a cheerful mood while working out, Yoma becomes apathetic and rude toward others, lying and stealing for his own benefit as if everything was his own property. He becomes angry at minor infractions towards his strict training lifestyle and diet, not wanting to eat Walleye pollock roe spaghetti that his girlfriend Mika made and angrily yelling at a deliveryman who rang the doorbell three times at 7 p.m. He steals 5000 yen from Mika to buy protein and promises to pay her back but never does, and then eventually steals 270,000 yen from her debit card for his own personal training.

Yoma's dark aura after taking over Mika's apartment

Yoma also starts taking over Mika's apartment, leaving his weights and training equipment all over the room, not caring that she trips over them. Acting as if the place belongs to him, he asks Mika if she can leave from her own home. He then manages to install a bouldering set all over the building for the sake of his training. His self-obsession drives him to murder Mika, his regular deliveryman, and a random stranger that took his personal trainer away from him, as they all disrupted his training regime in some way.

Yoma can also be competitive and vengeful in his determination to win. After building his body to an amazing extent, Yoma's initial loss against Rohan Kishibe in a treadmill match at the gym motivates him to turn their next competition into a life-or-death struggle in an effort to make it "fair" for his opponent.[1]

Pouvoirs de compétences

Avatar d'Hermès

Yoma is the avatar of the god of athletes

As the avatar of Hermes, the god of athletic pursuits and exercise (among other things), Yoma Hashimoto is blessed with a supernaturally fit body, which allows him to become very muscled in a short amount of time.

He is capable of casually performing athletic feats such as running backwards at 20 km/h and throwing a 20kg dumbbell with one hand while running, without breaking a sweat.


Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan - Episode 9: The Run

Yoma working out

Yoma Hashimoto was once scouted by a model production agency because of his good looks. He managed to have photos of him published in a magazine, and had a minor role in a film. During the production, he could see the actors Takeru Satoh and Gō Ayano from a distance.

One day, his manager told him to work out, as good poses and exuding a certain aura were more important than sheer talent. Thus Yoma began to seriously develop his body by frequenting the Morioh Grand Hotel's gym on the 8th floor. Here, he met Rohan Kishibe, who became his acquaintance as well as a minor rival in a game. Said game was to run alongside each other on treadmills and try to take a small remote first once a certain running speed was reached.

Incidentally, Yoma's progress was remarkable, his trainer and girlfriend Mika remarking how quickly his muscles developed. However, he also developed a narcissistic streak and became obsessed with exercising. Living at Mika's apartment, he soon crowded her home with training equipment, but would also fight with her over his protein-rich diet and general obsession with fitness. Moreover, Yoma scolded a deliveryman who gave him protein for ringing the doorbell at 7 p.m., the time at which he wanted to sleep.

Yoma climbing the outside of the building

One day, Yoma's personal trainer was unavailable because of a client. Frustrated, Yoma stole 270,000 yen from Mika's credit card to subscribe to an expensive training program, covering her apartment and the building's facade with a bouldering set. At wit's end, Mika broke up with him and ordered him to leave. At an undisclosed time, Yoma murdered Mika, the deliveryman, and the other gym client, hiding their bodies encased in cement in various places. His muscles also kept developing at a tremendous speed, eventually taking the shape of wings at the trapezii, ankles, or other areas.

Yoma running backwards on the treadmill

During one of his training sessions, Yoma met Rohan again. Despite a previous loss at their game, Yoma tried to ignore the mangaka until the latter teased him about his career. Upset, Yoma accepted Rohan's challenge. Exhibiting his exceptional body, causing Rohan to lose confidence, Yoma also threw a dumbbell at the window behind them, transforming the game into a life-or-death situation. Still sour about his previous loss, Yoma all but claimed that Rohan cheated and wanted a fair challenge, even breaking three of Rohan's fingers to prevent him from preemptively taking the remote. However, doing so allowed Rohan to partially transform Yoma's arm into a book and rapidly scribble a command.

At the critical moment, Yoma grabbed the remote first. Although he claimed victory, Rohan's command forced him to stop Rohan's treadmill, and Yoma was propelled backwards out of the building. Failing to grab the ledge, Yoma only menacingly muttered Rohan's name.

Although his ultimate fate is unknown, Rohan is sure that Yoma's athletic abilities enabled him to survive the fall or maybe stop his fall by clinging to the facade. He also reveals that Yoma is likely an avatar and is currently possessed by the God of Muscle, Hermes. Paranoid that Yoma would come back for him, Rohan decides to run.




  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named TSKR
  2. https://twitter.com/rohan_tour/status/1217747693969166336


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