GioGio's Bizarre Adventure ★ Giorno Giovanna

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Giorno makes his video game debut with the rest of Team Bucciarati as one of the main playable characters in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure. He is voiced by Romi Park.

Giorno is playable in Chapters 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 10-2, and 11-3 of Super Story Mode, and can be selected to fight Illuso, Prosciutto, Ghiaccio, Shadow Diavolo, Notorious B.I.G in both its forms, Secco with Cioccolata, and Chariot Requiem in Another Story Mode.

Giorno's special attacks utilize his ability to create life: he can create a tree to knock down an enemy, a snake to bite them, or a frog to reflect an incoming attack. While his Stand is active, Giorno's Stand Shoot takes the form of Gold Experience's signature "Muda-muda!" barrage of punches.

In Chapter 11-3, Giorno evolves his Stand into Gold Experience Requiem, which slightly alters his moveset. Gold Experience Requiem shares most of its attacks with Gold Experience, but foregoes the tree and vine attacks in favor of a long-range scorpion flick attack. Notably, Gold Experience Requiem is immune to King Crimson's time erasure: if Diavolo erases time while Giorno is in Stand Mode, Gold Experience Requiem continues to move and attack at full speed even as Giorno continues to be slowed down.

Command List

User Mode (本体モード)
Normal Punch Attack (本体パンチ攻撃)
PS Square.png
Giorno slaps the enemy in the face, backhands them with the same arm, and finishes by leaning into a heavier slap. This attack is a three-hit combo that requires PS Square.png to be pressed three times for the full attack.

Attack type: High
Damage: 10 + 10 + 15 (35)

PS Square.png (Heavy, while moving)
Giorno tackles the enemy with his upper body, knocking them backward.

Attack type: High
Damage: 25

New life, spring forth! (生まれろ新しい命よッ!)
PS Cross.png
Giorno punches the ground in front of him with Gold Experience, creating a tree. If the enemy is standing above the ground the tree grows from, they will be impaled by the tree and lifted high above the ground before falling over. No more than four trees can be created at one time, and a tree cannot be created inside a wall.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 10 (punch) + 15 (tree) (25)

I can tell you apart! (見分けが付くってわけだッ!)
PS Triangle.png
Giorno gives life to a ladybug, which flies toward the enemy and circles around their head for ten seconds. This move serves no direct combat purpose, but can be used to locate offscreen or otherwise hidden enemies.
Gold Experience! (ゴールド・エクスペリエンスッ!)
PS R1.png
Giorno summons his Stand, which flies forward and strikes the enemy with its left fist. As a Stand Shoot, this move can be charged by holding PS R1.png: at Lv.2, Gold Experience follows up with a right uppercut, and at Lv.3, the Stand finishes by punching the ground to create a tree.

Attack type: High
Damage: 15 (Lv.1) / 15 + 20 (35) (Lv.2) / 15 + 15 + 20 + 15 (65) (Lv.3)

Stand Mode (スタンドモード)
Stand Rush (スタンドラッシュ)
PS Square.png + PS DPad.png
This move varies based on which direction the analog stick is held, as well as the pressure applied to PS Square.png.
  • PS Square.png (Light): Gold Experience jabs the enemy with its left arm twice before delivering a straight punch with its right arm and finishing with a left uppercut. This attack is a four-hit combo that requires PS Square.png to be pressed four times for the full attack.
  • PS Square.png (Heavy): Gold Experience delivers a haymaker with its right arm.
  • PS DPad Left.png: Gold Experience uppercuts the enemy with its right arm.
  • PS DPad Up.png: Gold Experience delivers a spinning attack with its left arm.
  • PS DPad Down.png: Gold Experience uppercuts the enemy with its left arm before punching them down with its right. This attack is a two-hit combo, but only requires PS Square.png to be pressed once.

Attack type: High
Damage: PS Square.png (Light) 10 + 10 + 20 + 25 (65) / PS Square.png (Heavy) 35 / PS DPad Left.png 30 / PS DPad Up.png 40 / PS DPad Down.png 15 + 20 (35)

Dodge Attack (回避攻撃)
PS Circle.png + PS Square.png
This move varies based on which direction Giorno is dodging.
  • PS Square.png: Gold Experience uppercuts the enemy with its right arm.
  • PS DPad Up.png/PS DPad Down.png: Gold Experience moves behind the enemy delivers a haymaker with its right arm.
  • PS DPad Left.png: Gold Experience uppercuts the enemy with its right arm.

Attack type: High
Damage: PS Square.png 15 / PS DPad Up.png/PS DPad Down.png 15 / PS DPad Left.png 20

Life, spring forth! (生まれろ生命よッ!)
PS Cross.png
Giorno punches the ground in front of him with Gold Experience, creating vines that travel across the ground. If the vines travel below the enemy, the enemy's legs are wrapped in the vines, immobilizing them momentarily and leaving them open to further attack.

Attack type: Low
Damage: 10 (punch) + 5 (vines) (15)

The attack will be reflected back! (自分自身への攻撃となるッ!)
PS Triangle.png
Giorno gives life to a frog, which clings to his chest for ten seconds. If Giorno is attacked during this time, he takes no damage, and instead the enemy takes an equal amount of damage and knockback to what their attack would have dealt. Once the enemy attacks, or after ten seconds have elapsed, the frog leaps off of Giorno's clothes and hops away for ten seconds before disappearing, during which time Giorno cannot create another frog.

Attack type: Counter
Damage: Equal to enemy attack

Muda-muda! (無駄無駄ッ!)
PS R1.png
Gold Experience unleashes a punch barrage on the enemy. As a Stand Shoot, this move can be charged by holding PS R1.png: at Lv.2, the barrage is slightly extended, and at Lv.3, the Stand finishes with a strong right punch.

Attack type: High
Damage: 4 × 2 + 3 × 18 (54) (Lv.1) / 4 × 2 + 3 × 24 (80) (Lv.2) / 4 × 2 + 3 × 24 + 30 (110) (Lv.3)

User Mode (本体モード)
Normal Punch Attack (本体パンチ攻撃)
PS Square.png
Giorno slaps the enemy in the face, backhands them with the same arm, and finishes by leaning into a heavier slap. This attack is a three-hit combo that requires PS Square.png to be pressed three times for the full attack.

Attack type: High
Damage: 10 + 10 + 15 (35)

PS Square.png (Heavy, while moving)
Giorno tackles the enemy with his upper body, knocking them backward.

Attack type: High
Damage: 25

Will you escape destruction? (あんたは… 滅びずにいられるかな)
PS Cross.png
Gold Experience Requiem appears and flicks a glowing scorpion at the enemy. Upon impact, the scorpion drops to the ground and disappears shortly afterward, though Giorno does not have to wait before using the move again.

Attack type: High
Damage: 55

I can tell you apart! (見分けが付くってわけだッ!)
PS Triangle.png
Giorno gives life to a ladybug, which flies toward the enemy and circles around their head for ten seconds. This move serves no direct combat purpose, but can be used to locate offscreen or otherwise hidden enemies.
Gold Experience! (ゴールド・エクスペリエンスッ!)
PS R1.png
Giorno summons his Stand, which flies forward and strikes the enemy with its left fist. As a Stand Shoot, this move can be charged by holding PS R1.png: at Lv.2, Gold Experience follows up with a right uppercut, and at Lv.3, the Stand finishes by punching with its left arm.

Attack type: High
Damage: 15 (Lv.1) / 15 + 20 (35) (Lv.2) / 15 + 20 + 30 (65) (Lv.3)

Stand Mode (スタンドモード)
Stand Rush (スタンドラッシュ)
PS Square.png + PS DPad.png
This move varies based on which direction the analog stick is held, as well as the pressure applied to PS Square.png.
  • PS Square.png (Light): Gold Experience Requiem jabs the enemy with its left arm twice before delivering a straight punch with its right arm and finishing with a left uppercut. This attack is a four-hit combo that requires PS Square.png to be pressed four times for the full attack.
  • PS Square.png (Heavy): Gold Experience Requiem delivers a haymaker with its right arm.
  • PS DPad Left.png: Gold Experience Requiem uppercuts the enemy with its right arm.
  • PS DPad Up.png: Gold Experience Requiem delivers a spinning attack with its left arm.
  • PS DPad Down.png: Gold Experience Requiem uppercuts the enemy with its left arm before punching them down with its right. This attack is a two-hit combo, but only requires PS Square.png to be pressed once.

Attack type: High
Damage: PS Square.png (Light) 10 + 10 + 20 + 25 (65) / PS Square.png (Heavy) 35 / PS DPad Left.png 30 / PS DPad Up.png 40 / PS DPad Down.png 15 + 20 (35)

Dodge Attack (回避攻撃)
PS Circle.png + PS Square.png
This move varies based on which direction Giorno is dodging.
  • PS Square.png: Gold Experience Requiem uppercuts the enemy with its right arm.
  • PS DPad Up.png/PS DPad Down.png: Gold Experience Requiem moves behind the enemy delivers a haymaker with its right arm.
  • PS DPad Left.png: Gold Experience Requiem uppercuts the enemy with its right arm.

Attack type: High
Damage: PS Square.png 15 / PS DPad Up.png/PS DPad Down.png 15 / PS DPad Left.png 20

Will you escape destruction? (あんたは… 滅びずにいられるかな)
PS Cross.png
Gold Experience Requiem flicks a glowing scorpion at the enemy. Upon impact, the scorpion drops to the ground and disappears shortly afterward, though Giorno does not have to wait before using the move again.

Attack type: High
Damage: 55

The attack will be reflected back! (自分自身への攻撃となるッ!)
PS Triangle.png
Giorno gives life to a frog, which clings to his chest for ten seconds. If Giorno is attacked during this time, he takes no damage, and instead the enemy takes an equal amount of damage and knockback to what their attack would have dealt. Once the enemy attacks, or after ten seconds have elapsed, the frog leaps off of Giorno's clothes and hops away for ten seconds before disappearing, during which time Giorno cannot create another frog.

Attack type: Counter
Damage: Equal to enemy attack

Muda-muda! (無駄無駄ッ!)
PS R1.png
Gold Experience Requiem unleashes a punch barrage on the enemy. As a Stand Shoot, this move can be charged by holding PS R1.png: at Lv.2, the barrage is slightly extended, and at Lv.3, the Stand finishes with a strong right punch.

Attack type: High
Damage: 4 × 2 + 3 × 18 (54) (Lv.1) / 4 × 2 + 3 × 24 (80) (Lv.2) / 4 × 2 + 3 × 24 + 30 (110) (Lv.3)

Super Story Mode

Bucciarati's Coming, Part 1
(ブチャラティが来る その① Bucharati ga Kuru Sono 1)
GioGio 1-1.png

The game begins with a summary of the previous Parts to give context to the player. A cutscene depicts Giorno, fresh from taxi work at the airport, being harassed by gang member Leaky-Eye Luca. Luca, who controls the airport, demands payment from Giorno, only to end up knocked out. Later, Bruno Bucciarati confronts Giorno to interrogate him about Luca's attacker. The player plays as Giorno and fights Bucciarati. The first part of the level acts as a tutorial that teaches the player how to attack, dodge, summon their Stand, and Stand Shoot. After teaching the player about Secret Factors, the tutorial ends and Bucciarati begins attacking.

  • There are four Secret Factors in this level.
  • 1. Shoot Bucciarati. (1) (ブチャラティをシュート(1))
    Stand Shooting Bucciarati activates a cutscene recreating the moment Giorno punches Bucciarati in the face and knocks out his tooth. Bucciarati describes the intense pain this is causing. This factor rewards the player with +4.
  • 2. Shoot Bucciarati. (2) (ブチャラティをシュート(2))
    Stand Shooting Bucciarati rewards the player with +1.
  • 3. Shoot Sticky Fingers. (S・フィンガーズをシュート)
    Stand Shooting Sticky Fingers while it's not blocking activates another cutscene. As Giorno stands behind Gold Experience facing Bucciarati, he realizes that Bucciarati's power is to place zippers on any object. This rewards the player with +3.
  • 4. Shoot a fire extinguisher. (消火器をシュート)
    Stand Shooting any fire extinguisher will turn it into a snake that attacks Bucciarati. This rewards the player with +2.
  • None of these need to be done in a specific order, although the first must be done during the tutorial. When all are achieved, Health will be MAX.
Bucciarati's Coming, Part 2
(ブチャラティが来る その② Bucharati ga Kuru Sono 2)
GioGio 1-2.png

Injured, Bucciarati flees the trolley and Giorno pursues him. Giorno and Bucciarati end up in a city square that Bucciarati teleports around with zippers. Giorno must find Bucciarati and damage him enough to activate a cutscene where he hides in a civilian. After the player attacks the civilian he's hiding in, Bucciarati ceases fleeing and begins attacking Giorno directly.

  • There are four Secret Factors in this level.
  • 1. Give life to objects in the city. (街にある物を生物に変える)
    Stand Shooting a barrel turns it into a snake, and likewise turns a lamppost into a tree. Doing either rewards the player with +1.
  • 2. Attack a suspicious townsperson. (怪しい街の人を攻撃)
    After Bucciarati hides in a civilian, the player must Stand Shoot an incorrect civilian. This rewards the player with +1.
  • 3. Turn Bucciarati's tooth into a fly. (ブチャラティの歯をハエに変える)
    Giorno must Stand Shoot Bucciarati's tooth on the ground next to where he disappeared. Being little more than a white dot on the ground, it can be hard to see while moving. Stand Shooting the tooth activates a cutscene where Giorno turns it into a fly, which then begins following the correct civilian. This rewards the player with +5.
  • 4. Find who Bucciarati is hiding inside of. (ブチャラティが誰に入っているか見破る)
    Attacking the correct civilian reveals Bucciarati. This rewards the player with +3.
  • Stand Shooting an object can be done at any time, but the second and third Secret Factors must be done before the fourth, or they will not activate. When all are achieved, Health will be MAX.
A cutscene after the level ends shows Giorno and Bucciarati making peace as they discover their mutual hatred of the underage drug trade. Bucciarati agrees to let Giorno infiltrate his gang, Passione.
Joining the Gang
(ギャング入門 Gyangu Nyūmon)
GioGio 2-1.png

In order to enter the gang, Giorno meets with Polpo, a Passione capo. Polpo gives him a lighter and tells him to keep it lit for 24 hours. At his school courtyard, a janitor douses the lighter on accident. When the janitor relights it, the Stand Black Sabbath comes forth, kills the janitor, and turns to attack Giorno. Giorno must defeat Black Sabbath in the school courtyard. However, Black Sabbath hides in the shadows cast by the building and can grab Giorno to damage him. Birds occasionally fly across the map, and Black Sabbath may attack from their shadows.

  • There are four Secret Factors in this level.
  • 1. Attack Black Sabbath. (ブラック・サバスを攻撃)
    Deal 10% of Black Sabbath's health. This will activate a cutscene where Giorno confirms its association with shadows. This rewards the player with +3.
  • 2. Watch Black Sabbath hide in a bird's shadow. (鳥の影に隠れたB・サバスに気付く)
    After the first Secret Factor is achieved, Black Sabbath will begin attacking through the shadows of passing birds. The first time this happens, Giorno will point it out, and the player will earn +2.
  • 3. Destroy a stone pillar to remove its shadow. (石柱を破壊して影を消す)
    Attacking any of the pillars that dot the bottom and the left of the stage will destroy them. In addition to exposing Sabbath to sunlight if he is standing in the pillar's shadow, this rewards the player with another +2.
  • 4. Expose Black Sabbath to sunlight. (ブラック・サバスに日光をあびせる)
    Knock Black Sabbath into the sunlight. This will both inflict heavy damage upon the Stand and trigger a cutscene where it writhes in pain before escaping, leading Giorno to realize that sunlight is its weakness. This rewards the player with +3.
  • The second, third, and fourth Secret Factors will only activate once the first is achieved. When all are achieved, Health will be MAX.
Once Black Sabbath is defeated, the Stand is shown being disintegrated by sunlight as Giorno retrieves the still-lit lighter. Later, Polpo officially inducts Giorno into Passione. However, Polpo is killed shortly thereafter when he eats a gun that Giorno turned into a banana, serving as revenge for the janitor Black Sabbath killed.
"Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 2
(『グリーン・ディ』と『オアシス』 その② "Gurīn Dei" to "Oashisu" Sono 2)
Green day and Oasis fight 2.jpg

Mista and Bucciarati eventually reach Rome, but soon discover that Cioccolata has followed them in a helicopter. Mista attempts to shoot at the helicopter, but his bullets are deflected by Secco, who then dives into the ground at a higher altitude. Giorno encourages Mista to fire at the helicopter again; although Mista's bullets don't reach far enough, Giorno transforms the bullets into branches that ensnare Cioccolata's helicopter at the top of a nearby building. Giorno, Mista, and Bucciarati split up, with Bucciarati handling Secco while Giorno and Mista defeat Cioccolata. The player controls Giorno, who must defeat Cioccolata and Green Day. As Giorno fights Cioccolata, Green Day roams around the arena, leaving a trail of mold. If Giorno touches this mold, his health begins draining temporarily and he is regularly forced to flinch. Moreover, Cioccolata can split himself into several body parts, which all begin to attack Giorno individually.

  • There are four Secret Factors in this level.
  • 1. Attack Green Day. (グリーン・ディを攻撃)
    Stand Shooting Green Day rewards the player with +2, in addition to temporarily preventing the Stand from appearing.
  • 2. Shoot Cioccolata's split body parts. (分裂したチョコラータのパーツをシュート)
    When Cioccolata splits himself, Giorno must Stand Shoot any of Cioccolata's body parts. This rewards the player with another +2.
  • 3. Shoot Cioccolata's main body. (分裂したチョコラータの本体をシュート)
    The player must Stand Shoot Cioccolata's head and torso while he is disassembled. This rewards the player with another +2, and also activates the second Secret Factor if it is not yet completed.
  • 4. KO with a Lv.3 "Muda-muda!". (「無駄無駄ッ!」Lv3でKO)
    Finishing off Cioccolata with a fully-charged Stand Shoot from Gold Experience rewards the player with +4.
  • Although the fourth Secret Factor must be done at the end of the level, the rest can be done in any order. When all are achieved, Health will be MAX.
King of Kings
(王の中の王 Ō no Naka no Ō)
GioGio 11-3 Gameplay.png

Bucciarati is unable to kill Chariot Requiem, who exits the Colosseum with the Arrow in tow. The Sex Pistols warn the group that Bucciarati's body is waking up, and Mista (in Trish's body) shoots at Bucciarati's command. However, time suddenly skips once more. When the group turns to Narancia to check Aerosmith's radar, they find him impaled upon the metal bars of an arch. Although Giorno is able to heal Narancia's body, his soul is already gone, and Giorno's soul can do nothing but slip back inside his own body. Polnareff comes to the conclusion that the boss has two personalities, and that Diavolo is hiding inside the body of one of the team members. The group races after Chariot once more as Doppio dies in Bucciarati's body. As they catch up to Requiem, Diavolo takes control of Mista's body and weakens Requiem. However, Bucciarati figures out Requiem's secret and destroys it completely, reversing the soul swap and sealing his fate. Bucciarati bids farewell to Giorno, who grabs the Arrow and pierces himself with it as Diavolo wakes up, unlocking Gold Experience Requiem. The player controls Giorno and Gold Experience Requiem, and must defeat Diavolo. Diavolo can still erase time, but Gold Experience Requiem is unaffected. When Diavolo's health bar is emptied, he releases a nondamaging shockwave and regenerates a portion of his health; once this health is depleted, the fight is won.

  • There are three Secret Factors in this level.
  • 1. Clear the stage. (ステージをクリア)
    The first Secret Factor will activate immediately when the level starts and reward the player with +5.
  • 2. Attack with a scorpion. (サソリをヒットさせる)
    Shooting Diavolo with Gold Experience Requiem's scorpion attack rewards the player with +2.
  • 3. Survive erased time without being hurt. (時間消去攻撃をノーダメージで切りぬける)
    Enduring a period of erased time without taking damage rewards the player with +3.
  • When all are achieved, Health will be MAX.
GioGio Ending.png
After the fight, Gold Experience Requiem pummels Diavolo, tossing him into a river. Although Trish still senses Diavolo's spirit, Giorno declares that everything is already over. Diavolo tries to flee through a sewer, having seemingly survived the fight, but is fatally stabbed by a homeless man. Diavolo then wakes up in a city, only to trip and fall in front of a moving car. Diavolo now realizes Gold Experience Requiem's power has denied him death; when he wakes up before a little girl, all he can do is desperately warn her to stay away. Mista and Trish, now assured of their victory, head to the Colosseum to heal Bucciarati's body, unaware that he is dead. Giorno follows shortly afterward, reassured by Bucciarati's spirit that their setting fate free constitutes a complete victory. On the way, the trio encounter Polnareff, who managed to cling to the turtle's Stand during Chariot Requiem's defeat and intends to remain in the turtle for some time. Giorno decides not to destroy the Arrow, and he and Polnareff agree to store it within the turtle. The final scene sees Mista open a window for Giorno as he accepts vows of allegiance, having become the new boss of Passione.

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