All-Star Battle R ★ All-Star Battle Mode Battles & Rewards

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A list of All-Star Battle Mode panel battles in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R, including their conditions, secret missions, rewards, and unique interaction dialogue.

There are 3 different types of panel battles:
Normal - Canon matchups from the official JoJo storylines.
Extra - Non-canon matchups.
Boss - Canon matchups that require special conditions to be unlocked.

Part 1 Phantom Blood

Normal Battles

In order of canon chronology.

Jonathan Joestar

Robert E. O. Speedwagon
Panel Completion Rewards

700 G

Secret Missions

Land the First Attack - 1000 G
Use the "Ripple Breathing!" style - [2D Art] Robert E. O. Speedwagon Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land the "Zoom Punch" special - [Music] Dastardly Speedwagon > 500 G

Special Rules

- None.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) Hold it! No need to be hasty! I'm just here searching for the one who sells the oriental poison!

Entrance: (First) Those are some nice digs you've got there, chap. I think I'll take them!

Victory: I came here to help my father... You must have a mother and father, and brothers too... I don't want to cause them grief!

Victory: I've got just one question! Why didn't you kick me full force?

Will A. Zeppeli

Jonathan Joestar
Panel Completion Rewards

500 G

Secret Missions

Use the "Seated Jump" special - 1000 G
Land the "Zoom Punch" special - [2D Art] Jonathan Joestar Publicity Artwork > 250 G

Special Rules

- Player's HH Gauge only fills by Ripple Breath.
- Player's attack increased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) You did well to survive! But the mask's master lives as well!

Entrance: (Response) Wha?! While he was sitting? How can you jump so high with just your knees?!

Victory: I am Baron Zeppeli. It takes more than courage to beat the power of the Stone Mask!

Victory: What?! You mean Dio is... Dio is still alive?!

Will A. Zeppeli

Dio Brando
Panel Completion Rewards

500 G

Secret Missions

Land a 5 hit combo - 1000 G
Land the "Pow!" throw - [2D Art] Will A. Zeppeli Publicity Artwork > 250 G

Special Rules

- Opponent's attack decreased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) Bastard! How many lives have you sucked away to heal those wounds?!

Entrance: (Response) I don't know, how many loaves of bread have you eaten in your lifetime?

Victory: The overwhelming evil! Can you feel it?!

Victory: Ripple? Breathing? Save your breath for a glorious fanfare to my superiority!

Extra Battles

In order of difficulty.


Dio Brando

Joseph Joestar
Panel Completion Rewards

1000 G

Secret Missions

Execute a taunt - 1000 G
Use the "You are a mere dog!" special - [2D Art] Dio Brando Reference Sketch > 250 G
Land the "Vaporizing Freeze" skill - [Color Tint] Dio Color Tint C > 500 G

Special Rules

- Opponent's health continuously refills.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) You're Jonathan's grandson? Hah.

Entrance: (Response) Ripple uses the same energy as the light of the sun! And you don't like the sun, do ya?!

Victory: Your Ripple is pathetic compared to Jonathan Joestar's... You weakling!

Victory: Apparently, the natural breathing rhythm I was born with creates some sort of bizarre energy within me!


Jonathan Joestar

Giorno Giovanna
Panel Completion Rewards

1000 G

Secret Missions

Win without losing any rounds - 1000 G
Use the "Ripple Breathing" style - [2D Art] Jonathan Joestar Reference Sketch > 250 G
Land the "Sword of Luck and Pluck" skill [Color Tint] Giorno Color Tint C > 500 G

Special Rules

- Opponent's defense decreased.
- Opponent's attack increased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) This feeling... Dio?

Entrance: (Response) Dio? Did you just say Dio?

Victory: You remind me so much of him... Could it be?

Victory: Please tell me about Dio Brando... My father.


Robert E. O. Speedwagon

Old Joseph Joestar
Panel Completion Rewards

1000 G

Secret Missions

Down your opponent - 1000 G
Use a HHA - [2D Art] Hermit Purple Reference Sketch > 250 G
Land the "Go nuts with those knives, boys!" skill - [Color Tint] Speedwagon Color Tint C > 500 G

Special Rules

- Opponent's attack increased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) You're the one who needs to step down, old man!

Entrance: (First) Step aside unless you wanna get hurt, kid!

Victory: This guy's got some crazy moves! They were kind of like Ripple, but kind of different... What were they?!

Victory: Have I seen this thug somewhere before, or is it just me?


Dio Brando

Panel Completion Rewards

1500 G

Secret Missions

Land a 5 hit combo - 1000 G
Attack the opponent's Stand - [2D Art] The World Reference Sketch > 250 G
Land the "Frozen in your tracks!" skill - [Music] How feeble!
Win with a GHA - [Special Costumes] Dio Special Outfit A

Special Rules

- Player's attack decreased.
- Opponent's health continuously refills.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) A Stand, you say? Interesting. Try it on me!

Entrance: (First) Testing my Stand against my former self... How amusing!

Victory: Your Stand was surprising at first, but now I know it's nothing to fear!

Victory: Vaporizing Freeze... Ahh, what memories!

Boss Battles


Jonathan Joestar

Dio Brando
Panel Completion Rewards

1500 G

Secret Missions

Land the First Attack - 1000 G
Use the "Ripple Breathing" style - [2D Art] Dio Brando Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land the "Sword of Luck and Pluck" skill - [Music] Luck & Pluck > 500 G
Win with a HHA - [Special Costumes] Jonathan Special Outfit A

Special Rules

- Player's defense decreased.
- Opponent's health continuously refills.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) I'll cleanse the world of your filth!

Entrance: (First) I'll wring every last bit of life out of you!

Victory: You must be annihilated, Dio!

Victory: Come, JoJo! Accept my vampire extract, and become my newest slave!

Part 2 Battle Tendency

First Page

Normal Battles

In order of canon chronology.


Joseph Joestar

Panel Completion Rewards

500 G

Secret Missions

Use the "Ripple Breathing" style - 1000 G
Land the "Time to bring down the hammer" skill - [2D Art] Wamuu Reference Sketch > 250 G

Special Rules

- Each round lasts only 60 seconds.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) Like to pick on people, huh? I'll smash that attitude of yours good!

Entrance: (Response) Show me your warrior's spirit!

Victory: Could never stand arrogant bastards like you!

Victory: Humans are not as strong as they once were.


Lisa Lisa

Joseph Joestar + Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
Panel Completion Rewards

700 G

Secret Missions

Win without losing a single round - 1000 G
Land a Stylish Evade - [2D Art] Caesar Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land the "Snake Muffler" skill - [Music] Lisa Lisa's Theme > 500 G

Special Rules

- Player's defense increased.
- Opponent's Assist attack increased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) I will not live a life so in vain that it invites pity from children!

Entrance: (First) Now, how should I pick on you? Heh heh heh!

Victory: I've always wanted to test that amazing talent of yours...

Victory: Just how old are you, really?!


Joseph Joestar

Panel Completion Rewards

500 G

Secret Missions

Down your opponent - 1000 G
Land the "Clacker Boomerang" skill - [2D Art] Esidisi Publicity Artwork > 250 G

Special Rules

- Opponent's defense decreased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) So you've figured out that Lisa Lisa has the Red Stone of Aja, huh?

Entrance: (Response) You got spunk. But those who meet me with such an attitude... always die quickly!

Victory: Go away! And take that rush of power you earned by killing all those thousands with you!

Victory: 2,000 years ago, I ran into lots of Ripple users like you. And I consumed them all!

Extra Battles

In order of difficulty.


Joseph Joestar

Josuke Higashikata 4
Panel Completion Rewards

1000 G

Secret Missions

Execute a taunt - 1000 G
Attack the opponent's Stand - [2D Art] Josuke Higashikata 4 Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land a Great Heat Attack - [Color Tint] Josuke 4 Color Tint D > 500 G

Special Rules

- Player can't guard.
- Opponent can't guard.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) Joseph Joestar's gonna take you down!

Entrance: (Response) Huh? Back up a second. What did you just say?

Victory: Gonna be kinda hard to do this with that big head of yours, but... Knock knock, helloooo?

Victory: Whoa, wait a minute! Is this Mr. Joestar?!



Muhammad Avdol
Panel Completion Rewards

1000 G

Secret Missions

Use the "Heat Control Mode" style - 1000 G
Land the "How could youuuuuu!" skill - [2D Art] Esidisi Reference Sketch > 250 G
Land the "Burning King Mode" skill - [Color Tint] Esidisi Color Tint C > 500 G

Special Rules

- Player's fire damage decreased.
- Opponent's fire damage decreased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) You can use flames too? Intriguing...

Entrance: (Response) Ggh... I'm being overwhelmed... by heat?

Victory: Avdol, was it? Allow me to commend those flames of yours!

Victory: I can't believe you can actually make your blood boil... Impressive!



Old Joseph Joestar
Panel Completion Rewards

1000 G

Secret Missions

Use the "Brilliant Bone Blades" style - 1000 G
Use a Heart Heat Attack - [2D Art] Kars Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land the "Victory is everything!" skill - [Tint] Old Joseph Color Tint C > 500 G

Special Rules

- Player's defense decreased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) I've never heard of a feeble old Ripple user like you!

Entrance: (First) I'd never forget the payback I owe you, Kars...

Victory: Is that you, JoJo? Humans age so quickly...

Victory: That was for my left arm!



Will A. Zeppeli
Panel Completion Rewards

1500 G

Secret Missions

Land a First Attack - 1000 G
Use the "Vapor Barrier" style - [2D Art] Zeppeli Reference Sketch > 250 G
Attack from the "He bent backwards!" skill - [Music] Zeppeli's Theme > 500 G
Win with a Great Heat Attack - [Special Costumes] Wammu Special Outfit A > 1000 G

Special Rules

- Opponent's attack increased.
- Opponent's health continuously refills.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) Ripple users haven't died out yet?!

Entrance: (Response) Now what do we have here? He feels even stronger than a vampire...

Victory: I thought you Ripple warriors were many, but I see you're all out of allies...

Victory: He knows about Ripple... But how?

Boss Battle


Joseph Joestar

Panel Completion Rewards

1500 G

Secret Missions

Use the "I'm so outta here!" special - 1000 G
Land the "I'll smash you good!" skill - [2D Art] Joseph Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land the "Your next line is:" skill - [Music] Joseph's Theme > 500 G
Win with a Heart Heat Attack - [Special Costumes] Joseph Special Outfit A

Special Rules

- Kars starts in Ultimate Thing Mode.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) I have an ace up my sleeve!

Entrance: (Response) JoJo! Your death will be dedicated to my birth!

Victory: I'm outta here!

Victory: Spill down into the endless depths! Melt, and begone!

Second Page

Normal Battles

In order of canon chronology.


Joseph Joestar

Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
Panel Completion Rewards

500 G

Secret Missions

Execute a taunt - 1000 G
Land a 5-hit combo - [2D Art] Caesar Reference Sketch > 250 G

Special Rules

- The battle only lasts one round.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) Ha ha ha! A guy like you couldn't even beat a pigeon!

Entrance: (First) Forget it! Your Ripple could never even beat this girl!

Victory: I'll say it one more time. You still couldn't even beat a pigeon!

Victory: I'll say it once more! You can't even beat that girl!


Joseph Joestar

Panel Completion Rewards

500 G

Secret Missions

Land the "Time to bring down the hammer" skill - 1000 G
Land the "Rebuff Overdrive" special - [2D Art] Joseph Reference Sketch > 250 G

Special Rules

- Player's attack decreased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) Fight alongside me, Caesar!

Entrance: (Response) I'm expecting a good fight from you... JoJo!

Victory: You were a great fighter... But Caesar, my strongest ally, was here for me to the end!

Victory: Only the strong deserve honor! Only victory brings justice, and friendship...


Lisa Lisa

Panel Completion Rewards

700 G

Secret Missions

Use the "Ripple Breathing" style - 1000 G
Use a Heart Heat Attack - [2D Art] Lisa Lisa Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land the "Snake Muffler" skill - [Music] Kars's Theme > 500 G

Special Rules

- Player's HH Gauge only fills by Ripple Breathing.
- Player's defense increased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) How can you possibly fight if you aren't even prepared to kill me?!

Entrance: (First) You Ripple users like to fight fair, huh? Then let's settle this fair and square.

Victory: This scarf was woven from Satiporoja Beetle-thread, which can fully conduct Ripple energy! It's a radar, too!

Victory: I am no warrior, nor am I a romanticist. No matter what, in the end, victory is everything!

Extra Battles

In order of difficulty.


Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli

Gyro Zeppeli
Panel Completion Rewards

1000 G

Secret Missions

Land a counterattack - 1000 G
Land a 10-hit combo - [2D Art] Gyro Reference Sketch > 250 G
Land the "Bubble Cutter" skill - [Color Tint] Caesar Color Tint C > 500 G

Special Rules

- Player's HH Gauge continuously refills.
- Opponent's defense increased.
- Opponent's attack increased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) A Steel Ball? That's an unusual style. Care for a round?

Entrance: (First) Say, have we met somewhere? I feel like I haven't met you... but you don't seem like a stranger.

Victory: I feel... some sort of connection here. To you, to that Steel Ball...

Victory: You're so impatient. Try taking the scenic route sometime. You might find something good that way.


Lisa Lisa

Robert E. O. Speedwagon
Panel Completion Rewards

1000 G

Secret Missions

Win without losing a single round - 1000 G
Down your opponent - [2D Art] Lisa Lisa Reference Sketch > 250 G
Land a Great Heat Attack - [Color Tint] Lisa Lisa Color Tint C > 500 G

Special Rules

- No special rules.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) You're... Speedwagon?!

Entrance: (First) Hey lady, you've got some nice clothes on you! Allow me to take them off your hands!

Victory: Why do you look like that? Don't tell me you used the Stone Mask?!

Victory: That flashy red jewel of yours is nothing but a huge "kick me" sign!



Old Joseph Joestar
Panel Completion Rewards

1000 G

Secret Missions

Land a First Attack - 1000 G
Use the "I shall see with the wind" style - [2D Art] Old Joseph Reference Sketch > 250 G
Land a Heart Heat Attack - [Tint] Wamuu Color Tint C > 500 G

Special Rules

- Player's HH Gauge continuously refills.
- Opponent's attack increased.
- Player's defense decreased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) JoJo! Wamuu requests a battle with you!

Entrance: (First) Wamuu! Why are you alive?!

Victory: Thank you for giving me the chance to fight a warrior like you a third time!

Victory: Return to your eternal slumber, friend...



Funny Valentine
Panel Completion Rewards

2000 G

Secret Missions

Use the "Brilliant Bone Blades" style - 1000 G
Land the "You IDIOT!" throw - [2D Art] Kars Reference Sketch > 250 G
Land the "Feast your eyes on my Ripple!" skill - [Music] Valentine's Theme > 500 G
Land the "The power of supreme genes!" skill - [Special Costumes] Kars Special Outfit A > 1000 G

Special Rules

- Valentine starts with three Corpse Parts.
- Opponent's HH Gauge continuously refills.
- Player's attack decreased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) What in the world are you? Where did you come from... And when did you get here?

Entrance: (First) I can't help but feel... You're an impediment to the prosperity of my country.

Victory: You can slip through dimensions? Whatever fortune you have, it ran out when you met Kars!

Victory: It all comes back to my patriotism. I'll get rid of you for the safety and happiness of my citizens.

Boss Battle


Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli

Panel Completion Rewards

1500 G

Secret Missions

Use the "Ripple Breathing" style - 1000 G
Land the "Gliding Bubble Cutter" skill - [2D Art] Wamuu Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land the "Cat Stance" skill - [Music] Wamuu's Theme > 500 G
Win with a Great Heat Attack - [Special Costumes] Caesar Special Outfit A

Special Rules

- Player's attack decreased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) I feel so tense! This is just like how it was back in the slums! Your defeat will be cold and cruel!

Entrance: (First) Very well! You are deemed worthy to be killed by the great Wamuu!

Victory: Your Vapor Barrier is like a giant fan, sucking my bubbles right into your body!

Victory: Strength is honor... and a hero deserves respect! You will always have mine, Caesar!

Part 3 Stardust Crusaders


Old Joseph Joestar

Panel Completion Rewards

700 G

Secret Missions

Use the "Fighting on the run!" style - 1000 G
Use the "Cunning Tactician" skill - [2D Art] Old Joseph Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land the "Hermit Purple!" skill - [Music] Can't Hate The Guy > 500 G

Special Rules

- Opponent's health continuously refills.
- Player's HH Gauge continuously refills.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) Kakyoin's not one to fool around at a time like this... Why would he go that way?

Entrance: (Response) Joseph... You're next!

Victory: N-No! It can't be! DIO's The World can really stop time?!

Victory: Joseph! Grandson of Jonathan! I have smitten you at last!


Vanilla Ice

Panel Completion Rewards

1000 G

Secret Missions

Win without losing any rounds - 1000 G
Land the "How dare you!" skill - [2D Art] Cream Reference Sketch > 250 G
Land the "Lord DIO!" skill - [Color Tint] Vanilla Ice Tint C > 500 G

Special Rules

- Kars starts in Ultimate Thing Mode.
- Opponent can't guard.
- Player's defense decreased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) "Ultimate Thing"? Sounds ridiculous.

Entrance: (First) You're nothing more than food! You dare challenge Kars?

Victory: You see? The ultimate being I recognize is Lord DIO and none other!

Victory: I never thought a vampire could be this strong... I may want to meet your master.


Muhammad Avdol

Panel Completion Rewards

700 G

Secret Missions

Use a GHA - 1000 G
Call 1 Assist in a single round - [2D Art] Magician's Red Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land the "Crossfire Hurricane" skill - [Music] HELL 2 U! > 500 G

Special Rules

- Mariah starts with a maxed out Magnetization Gauge that does not decrease.
- Player's HH Gauge continuously refills.
- Player's Assist attack decreased

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) This woman can control magnetism?!

Entrance: (Response) Muhammad Avdol! So the news about you being alive was true!

Victory: My flames can melt even steel itself!

Victory: O-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh! Lord DIO, I defeated Avdol!

This section requires expansion.

Part 4 Diamond is Unbreakable

Normal Battles

In order of canon chronology.


Akira Otoishi

Okuyasu Nijimura
Panel Completion Rewards

700 G

Secret Missions

Use the "Charge" special - 1000 G
Land the "Time to get electric, baby!" throw - [2D Art] Red Hot Chili Pepper Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land a GHA - [3D Models] Red Hot Chili Pepper > 500 G

Special Rules

- Win within a count of 30.
- Player's HH Gauge continuously refills.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) You think you've cornered me?

Entrance: (First) I'm ready to take you on! You're gonna be wiped right out of this world!

Victory: You're lacking in spirit... You can't get revenge if you can't outclass your brother!

Victory: Eat it for breakfast, jerk!

Extra Battles

In order of difficulty.


Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)

Panel Completion Rewards

1000 G

Secret Missions

Use the "Star Platinum, The World!" style - 1000 G
Land a 20 hit combo - [2D Art] Star Platinum Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land a GHA - [Color Tint] Jotaro (Part 4) Color Tint C > 500 G

Special Rules

- Opponent's attack increased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) I sense... You've got some connection to the Arrow, don't you?

Entrance: (Response) You.. Who are you? You know about the arrow? About me?

Victory: Good grief, no one linked to that Arrow is a decent person.

Victory: A friend of Polnareff's... But no, it's over. I've erased every last trace of my past!


Rohan Kishibe

Narciso Anasui
Panel Completion Rewards

1500 G

Secret Missions

Land a Stylish Evade - 1000 G
Do a normal attack with Stand on - [2D Art] Heaven's Door Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land "What would I do if I were a manga hero?" skill - [3D Models] Heaven's Door > 500 G
Win with a GHA - [Special Costumes] Rohan Special Outfit B > 1000 G

Special Rules

- Opponent's HH Gauge continuously refills.
- Player's attack decreased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) You're a murderer, right? I'm taking your memories and experiences as material for my manga!

Entrance: (Response) You're a real creep, and that's saying something coming from me.

Victory: Are there different kinds of murderers? I'm going to take my time reading this.

Victory: I'm a murderer, and I don't have to hide it. But I won't let you invade my privacy.

This section requires expansion.

Parte 5 Vento Aureo

This section requires expansion.

Part 6 Stone Ocean

Extra Battles

In order of difficulty.


Jolyne Cujoh

Trish Una
Panel Completion Rewards

500 G

Secret Missions

Land the First Attack - 1000 G
Use the "Stringing me for a ride!" special - [2D Art] Jolyne Publicity Artwork > 250 G

Special Rules

- No special rules.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) Oh, good grief... It sucks having your dad take control of your life.

Entrance: (Response) You're right... But I'm not running away!

Victory: I don't really know you, but I think we could be friends.

Victory: I think we could have gotten along...


Jolyne Cujoh

Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
Panel Completion Rewards

500 G

Secret Missions

Down your opponent - 1000 G
Attack the opponent's Stand - [2D Art] Jolyne Reference Sketch > 250 G

Special Rules

- Player's attack increased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) Hey! I nearly got killed over here, and you're off playing around in Japan?!

Entrance: (Response) You... It can't be...

Victory: I always wanted to give you a good fist to the face!

Victory: I don't expect you to understand, but...


Narciso Anasui

Jotaro Kujo (Part 4)
Panel Completion Rewards

700 G

Secret Missions

Land a Stylish Evade - 1000 G
Do a normal attack with Stand on - [2D Art] Diver Down Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land the "Meat and Bone Suspension" skill - [Music] Anasui's Theme > 500 G

Special Rules

- Player's attack increased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (First) Please, Jotaro! Give me Jolyne's hand in marriage!

Entrance: (Response) What are you saying...?

Victory: Thank you, Jotaro! I promise to cherish Jolyne with all my heart!

Victory: Are you nuts? Jolyne's only 6 years old.


Ermes Costello

Akira Otoishi
Panel Completion Rewards

700 G

Secret Missions

Execute a Flash Cancel - 1000 G
Land a 5-hit combo - [2D Art] Kiss Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land a Great Heat Attack - [Tint] Ermes Color Tint C > 500 G

Special Rules

- Opponent's HH Gauge continuously refills.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) Where the hell do you get off?

Entrance: (First) A Stand user and a thief? Heh heh... I think we could be friends.

Victory: Yeah, I may be an ex-con... But I'm still not as pathetic as you!

Victory: I thought we'd get along, but... I guess I was wrong.


Foo Fighters

Panel Completion Rewards

1000 G

Secret Missions

Use the "I've overcome my weakness" style - 1000 G
Land a 5-hit combo - [2D Art] F.F. Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land a Great Heat Attack - [Tint] F.F. Color Tint C > 500 G

Special Rules

- Kars starts in Ultimate Thing Mode.
- Player's HH Gauge continuously refills.
- Player's attack increased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) You think you're better than me, don't you? Well, you're wrong!

Entrance: (First) You're not human, are you? Answer me. Who created you?

Victory: "Ultimate Thing"? I don't think so! Your hubris is going to be the end of you!

Victory: Ah, you have intelligence. How fascinating, for a swarm of bugs.


Enrico Pucci

Panel Completion Rewards

1000 G

Secret Missions

Win without losing a single round - 1000 G
Use a Great Heat Attack - [2D Art] Pucci Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land the "I order you!" skill - [Tint] Pucci Color Tint C > 500 G

Special Rules

- Opponent's health continuously refills.
- Opponent's defense increased.
- Player's HH Gauge continuously refills.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) You are a king among kings.

Entrance: (First) Your Whitesnake can turn souls into objects and store them... Why don't you try to do the same to me, then?

Victory: I love people who can push me to new heights.

Victory: You'll become a very noble clergyman.


Ermes Costello

Jean Pierre Polnareff
Panel Completion Rewards

1500 G

Secret Missions

Use the "Here's where ya stick it!" skill - 1000 G
Land a counterattack - [2D Art] Ermes Publicity Artwork > 250 G
Land a Great Heat Attack - [Model] Kiss 3D Model > 500 G
Win with a Heart Heat Attack - [Special Costumes] Ermes Special Outfit A > 1000 G

Special Rules

- Player's HH Gauge does not fill while their Stand is active.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) Butt out. That's none of your business.

Entrance: (First) What's a girl like you doing in a prison like this? There must be a reason. I can see the determination in your eyes.

Victory: So it wasn't just me... You smell just like me.

Victory: I'm not going to lecture you. If it'll do you good, then go get it done.

Boss Battle


Jolyne Cujoh

Enrico Pucci
Panel Completion Rewards

1500 G

Secret Missions

Attack the opponent's Stand - 1000 G
Set off a Stage Hazard - [2D Art] Stone Free Reference Sketch > 250 G
Win without losing your DISC - [Music] Jolyne's Theme > 500 G
Win with a Great Heat Attack - [Special Costumes] Jolyne Special Outfit A

Special Rules

- Each round lasts only 60 seconds.
- Opponent's attack increased.
- Player's attack decreased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) If you won't back down, I'll learn your identity!

Entrance: (First) I must finish Jolyne Cujoh now, even if it brings a bit of risk.

Victory: Are you... Whitesnake's...

Victory: Did you see, DIO? I've avenged you. Jotaro and his daughter are done for.

Part 7 Steel Ball Run

This section requires expansion.

Part 8 JoJolion


Josuke Higashikata 8

Giorno Giovanna
Panel Completion Rewards

500 G

Secret Missions

Land the First Attack - 1000 G
Land a 5 hit combo - [2D Art] Giorno Giovanna Reference Sketch > 250 G

Special Rules

- Giorno starts in Gold Experience Requiem.
- Player's attack increased.

Special Dialogue

Entrance: (Response) Resolve? I just want to know who I am.

Entrance: (First) An assassin from the organization? You look like someone who came prepared.

Victory: You're... so young... A middle schooler?

Victory: Being ready to kill others means risking getting killed. That's true resolve.

This section requires expansion.

Total Completion Rewards


- Complete 20 panels: [Special Costumes] Joseph Special Outfit B
- Complete 40 panels: [Special Costumes] Giorno Special Outfit B
- Complete 60 panels: [Special Costumes] Koichi Special Outfit A
- Complete 80 panels: [Special Costumes] Pucci Special Outfit A
- Complete 100 panels: [Special Costumes] Jonathan Special Outfit B

Secret Missions

- Complete 10 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Echoes / Gold Experience Requiem
- Complete 20 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Sex Pistols
- Complete 30 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Pesci
- Complete 40 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] George Joestar I
- Complete 50 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Erina Pendleton
- Complete 60 Secret Missions: [Special Costumes] Josuke Higashikata 4 Special Outfit B
- Complete 70 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Dire
- Complete 80 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Messina / Loggins / Rudol von Stroheim
- Complete 90 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Senator Phillips / Oingo
- Complete 100 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Boingo
- Complete 110 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Enyaba
- Complete 120 Secret Missions: [Special Costumes] Gyro Special Outfit B
- Complete 130 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Daniel J. D'Arby
- Complete 140 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Telence T. D'Arby
- Complete 150 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Nukesaku / Devo the Cursed
- Complete 160 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Cameo / Tamami Kobayashi
- Complete 170 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Toshikazu Hazamada / Tonio Trussardi
- Complete 180 Secret Missions: [Special Costumes] Lisa Lisa Special Outfit A
- Complete 190 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Pearl Jam / Reimi Sugimoto
- Complete 200 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Ken Oyanagi / Terunosuke Miyamoto
- Complete 210 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Leone Abbacchio / Melone
- Complete 220 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Cioccolata / Secco
- Complete 230 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Jean Pierre Polnareff
- Complete 240 Secret Missions: [Special Costumes] Old Joseph Joestar Special Outfit A
- Complete 250 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Emporio Alnino
- Complete 260 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Steven Steel
- Complete 270 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Ringo Roadagain
- Complete 280 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Pocoloco / Wekapipo
- Complete 290 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Joshu Higashikata
- Complete 300 Secret Missions: [Player Card Tag Line] Yasuho Hirose
- Complete 310 Secret Missions: [Special Costumes] Jotaro Kujo Special Outfit B


- Complete Phantom Blood: [2D Art] Part 1 Special Illustration
- Complete Battle Tendency: [2D Art] Part 2 Special Illustration
- Complete Stardust Crusaders: [2D Art] Part 3 Special Illustration
- Complete Diamond is Unbreakable: [2D Art] Part 4 Special Illustration
- Complete Vento Aureo: [2D Art] Parte 5 Special Illustration
- Complete Stone Ocean: [2D Art] Part 6 Special Illustration
- Complete Steel Ball Run: [2D Art] Part 7 Special Illustration
- Complete JoJolion: [2D Art] Part 8 Special Illustration

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