Yoshio Kou

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If I just wanted to make money, I could hold a music festival with some famous musicians... But that's far too boring! What I want is something so bizarre that it'll have the attention of people around the world!

Yoshio Kou (康 芳夫, Kō Yoshio) is the main protagonist of the one-shot Showman of the Century Who Launched Oliver: Yoshio Kou from The Lives of Eccentrics.

He is a private producer known for his ability to sell even "nothing" to people. In 1976, Kou brings to Japan Oliver, a chimpanzee whose appearance has led many to believe him to be human, intending to make him the center of attention of people around the world.


Yoshio Kou is a middle-aged man of average height and build. He has long, straight dark hair.

He usually wears either a business suit or casual clothes.


Yoshio Kou is a calm, collected, and confident man. These qualities allow him to use his impressive set of skills to their full extent.

When it comes to his job as a showman, Kou doesn't consider money his main priority. Kou appears to care more about the attention the public gives to his shows. Rather than exclusively working with things that are guaranteed to succeed, he often works with risky, yet remarkable, subjects, which also require a lot of funding.

Yoshio Kou tends to be quite cynical. He doesn't think highly of the general public, deeming it gullible and easily impressed. He often disregards ethics in his shows, being willing to deceive the public or realize ideas many would consider morally questionable.



Yoshio Kou prides himself in his ability to sell anything to people. He has a lot of experience promoting and organizing big famous events as well as those that are bizarre and risky.


Showman of the Century Who Launched Oliver: Yoshio Kou

Yoshio Kou was born in 1937 in Tokyo to a Japanese mother and a Chinese father. Despite being discriminated against due to his mixed blood, Kou's forcefulness and sinister gaze ensured that he was never bullied. Growing up during the war, Kou was conflicted about Japan's position in the conflict, and even more so regarding the shift in its culture after the war.

Making a deal with the Korean yakuza.

In 1955, in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Kou is confronted by the Korean yakuza, who at the time, controlled the area. They demand Kou and his friend pay a fee to use the road. Instead of running away like his friend did, Kou strucks a deal with them to collect the fees himself and give the yakuza a third of the profits in exchange for leaving him and his friend be. He later manages their finances and sets up a food delivery business to local Chinese people. One day, Kou notices a group of people fascinated by what was advertised to be a snake with the head of a woman. Fascinated by the audience's ability to wholeheartedly believe such a boldfaced lie, Kou goes into show business.

Kou begins his new career by partnering with Japanese businessman Akira Jin to bring Russian shows to Japan as a form of money laundering. Kou would go on to promote all types of events, including concerts, festivals, races, hunts for mythical creatures, and boxing matches.

In 1976 Yoshio Kou organizes Oliver's visit to Japan. At the Miami airport Kou demands for Oliver, a chimpanzee at the time presumed to be human, to board the plane like a person, threatening to sue the company for discrimination. Having successfully recieved first class tickets, he flies to Japan with Oliver sitting next to him.

Kou notices Oliver reading an erotic magazine and gets an idea. Kou proposes letting Oliver mate with a live human female live on camera. Though members of the media doubt that any woman would be willing to do so, Kou introduces a 19-year-old unknown talent who is more than willing to bear Oliver's child. As the woman makes a contract with the media, Kou watches on and savors the attention his bizarre idea will elicit.

Kou and Oliver arrive at a hotel and book a suite by threatening to sue the hotel for failing to recognize Oliver as human. Oliver extends his hand to the receptionist, offering a handshake. Kou assures him that Oliver wants to greet him. The receptionist complies and gets his hand crushed by Oliver's inhumanly strong grip.

Stopping the broadcast and revealing that Oliver is a chimpanzee.

In the hotel, Oliver's arms and legs are tied, and the broadcast begins. As cameras film her from behind, the woman takes off her clothes and prepares to mount Oliver. Suddenly, Kou bursts into the room and orders the event to be terminated, as tests have concluded that Oliver has 48 chromosomes and is thus a chimpanzee. Oliver breaks free of his arm restraints as the woman is dragged out of the room, despite her pleas to be allowed to continue.

Laughing at the gullibility of the public while reading the newspaper.

The following day, July 23, 1976, saw the front pages of every newspaper in Japan filled with the revelation of Oliver's true identity. Of course, this had all been Kou's plan from the beginning. Though he would feign disgust at the bizarre experiment in public, Kou privately relished the spectacle of a mere chimpanzee being the single biggest story in the country.

In 1977, Kou makes an exlusive broadcasting contract with NBC for 500 million yen. He would arrange a fight between a Bengal tiger and a karate master in Haiti as it's one of the only places where such a thing would be legal. The show is cancelled at the last minute after Brigitte Bardot and animal rights groups contact president Carter. The news shocks Kou, not only due to it's suddenness, but also due to the fact, that they were more concerned for the tiger rather than the man who had to fight it. As a result of the show's cancellation, Kou loses 180 million yen and leaves Haiti in shame.

Kou continued producing public spectacles for some time after Oliver, but by 2002 his role has mostly been superseded by specialized advertising companies, to his irritation. When asked about the profit he has turned from his various ventures in an interview, Kou dismisses the question, stating that money is nothing compared to the thrills it can give birth to.


Quote.png Quotes
  • If you refuse to let him on board your company's plane, we will sue you for discrimination. Would that be okay with you?
  • I have a proposal. How does this sound? If Oliver is capable of breeding with humans, it would be a scientifically historic event. It would be reported in scientific journals around the world... So then, how about we capture it on camera?
  • I want the attention of all the people in this room... I want it! They will look closely at the girl, wondering what will happen to her, and at Oliver, who'll hold the world's attention! I want everyone to look at my show!
  • I'm a promoter who can even sell people "nothing"!! I'm an expert at risky business like this!
  • How about I'll collect the fee to use this road from others and I'll give you 1/3 of that fee to you. Then you guys won't even have to do anything and be able to profit. Happy? In return, just let me and my friend be.
  • Pathetic, even though it's such an obvious fake... This sham... It's strange how such a lie can be transformed into truth by the audience here!
  • As I said, I came to Japan to get Oliver officially recognized as a human. So if you refuse to let us stay in this hotel, we will sue once he is recognized as human.
  • Stop! Get her out of the room! The test results determined that Oliver does have 48 chromosomes, making him a chimpanzee!
  • What do humans really believe in? In times of war, they believe in their countries, but after the war they ridicule it. Human wills change so suddenly. The top story in Japan is that Oliver was a chimpanzee! Those fools, this is the real show!!




Araki alongside Yoshio Kou


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