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StoryExtra Battle77 Rings KnightsDio Mode
(プロローグ Purorōgu)
Cutscenes Only
Unlock Criteria: None

Sometime between the 12th and 16th centuries, an Aztec chieftain wearing a Stone Mask sacrifices a young woman as part of an ancient Aztec ritual. Her blood splatters onto the mask, causing bone-like prongs to sprout from it and pierce the chief's head. Incredibly, the chief survives and screams to his enraptured audience that he has gained eternal life. The narration tells of the great tribe, which tried to conquer the world with the help of the Stone Mask and its powers before suddenly disappearing from history.
Dio the Invader
(侵略者ディオ Shinryakusha Dio)
Jonathan Joestar (12) vs. Brat A and Brat B
Unlock Criteria: None

In the year 1880, Dario Brando, an old man on his death bed, gives his son, Dio, a letter to mail to the Joestars. Dario recalls that in 1868, Dario had stumbled upon a carriage crash and decided to steal valuables from the corpses. Unbeknownst to Dario, a certain George Joestar had survived the crash. George's infant son had also survived the crash, although the baby's mother had died protecting him. Thinking Dario had come to save them, George offered Dario a reward for his help. Recalling his wife's death and his business's failure, Dario urges his son to become the richest and greatest man of all.

Not long afterwards, Dario dies and is buried. Dio recalls all of his father's misdeeds toward him and his mother. He promises his father that he will take advantage of the Joestars in order to rise on the social ladder and become the most successful person he can be. As a parting gift, Dio spits on his grave. Meanwhile, at a different location, two boys have stolen a doll belonging to a young girl named Erina Pendleton while bullying her. A third youth, Jonathan Joestar, comes to her rescue.

After being beaten by the bullies, the boy pulls out a handkerchief with his name embroidered on it. The bullies recognize his family's name; spiteful toward the privilege he has as a rich person, they continue to beat Jonathan up. In the end, Jonathan is able to get Erina's doll back. However, he claims that he didn't get involved to earn her gratitude, but for the sake of becoming a true gentleman. As he leaves, Erina picks up the dirty handkerchief he had forgotten and admires Jonathan's courage.

As Jonathan returns to the Joestar family's mansion, a carriage arrives carrying Dio. Jonathan promptly introduces himself to the boy who will be living with him and his father. Jonathan's dog, Danny, chases after him, and Jonathan begins to introduce him to Dio as well. However, Jonathan is quickly infuriated when Dio knees Danny in the jaw without warning, sending him flying. Dio thus begins enacting his plan to psychologically and physically torture Jonathan and seize the Joestar family fortune.
A New Friend!
(新しき友人! Atarashiki Yūjin!)
Jonathan Joestar (Boxing) vs. Dio Brando (Boxing)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 01

Sometime later, Jonathan takes part in a local boxing competition. As Jonathan prepares to face the reigning champion, Mark Watkin, the announcer abruptly announces the entrance of a new friend. To Jonathan's shock, Dio enters the ring to challenge him, offhandedly mentioning his boxing experience in the slums of London.

Dio stuns Jonathan with a jab in the stomach and lands a direct punch to Jonathan's face, claiming victory in the match. However, Dio is not yet satisfied with his victory: jamming his thumb into Jonathan's eye, Dio throws him to the ground. As a result of Dio's stunning victory, Jonathan's boxing friends take a liking to him. Dio takes the opportunity to ruin JoJo's reputation in the group by offering to teach his techniques to everyone except him, calling him a tattletale. As Jonathan struggles to get up, blood running from his eye, he wonders why Dio is trying to ruin his life.
A Fight I Cannot Lose
(負けられない戦い Makerarenai Tatakai)
Jonathan Joestar (13) vs. Dio Brando (14)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 02

Jonathan reflects on how his life has fallen to pieces since Dio arrived at his house. He pets Danny, grateful that the dog will remain with him no matter what Dio does. Suddenly, Jonathan sees a girl looking at him from behind a nearby tree; she runs away, leaving a basket of grapes on one of the branches. Jonathan recognizes her as the girl he defended a mere few days ago, and invites her to come see him again soon. The two of them begin to spend time together, and quickly fall in love. One evening, Erina is abruptly confronted by Dio, who notes that she must be the reason behind Jonathan's recent happiness. Dio grabs Erina and forcibly kisses her, causing the two youths accompanying him to awe at Dio's boldness. In tears, Erina washes her face in a puddle of muddy water, causing Dio to become enraged by her act of defiance and slap her. Scolding himself for letting a girl anger him, he and his goons leave. Upon learning of what happened between Dio and Erina via rumor, Jonathan rushes into the mansion and shouts Dio's name. Dio correctly guesses that Jonathan has come to take revenge for Erina, and turns to confront the furious youth.

Jonathan manages to headbutt Dio in the face. Dio is stunned by the unexpected hit, and Jonathan furiously pummels him, yelling that he will not stop until Dio cries. As Jonathan concludes his attack, some of Dio's blood splatters onto the Stone Mask hanging on a nearby wall, activating the mask's bone-like protrusions. Jonathan notices the mask's behavior, but his attention quickly returns to the fight. To Jonathan's surprise, Dio cries and wonders how Jonathan could hurt him. Before the fight can continue, George Joestar intervenes and scolds Jonathan for beating Dio while he was defenseless. Both Jonathan and Dio are sent to their rooms, with promises of a later punishment. The mask returns to its previous inactive state, unnoticed in the commotion. Seven years pass, and the mask waits in silence.
A Letter from the Past
(過去からの手紙 Kako kara no Tegami)
Jonathan Joestar (20) vs. Dio Brando (21)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 03

At the Joestar mansion, Jonathan and Dio visit their father, who has become very ill recently. What at first appeared to be a common cold has developed into a harsher, unknown illness. Despite his condition, George congratulates Jonathan and Dio on their recent rugby victory, expressing pride in his two sons and their accomplishments. That night, Jonathan performs an experiment on the Stone Mask: pricking his left index finger with a knife, he lets his blood drip onto the Stone Mask. Just as it did seven years ago, the mask sprouts sharp protrusions before quickly returning to its normal state. While reminiscing about his mother and her reasons for buying the mask, Jonathan accidentally knocks over a case containing the letter sent by Dario Brando seven years ago. Curious about Dario's last thoughts, Jonathan reads the letter. To his shock, Jonathan realizes that the symptoms of the fatal sickness that Dario described are identical to those that are currently afflicting George.

Jonathan confronts Dio regarding the medicine he plans to give George, announcing his plans to have the medicine investigated. Dio denies Jonathan's claim and threatens him with the dissolution of their friendship. Jonathan promises to return the medicine and not mention his misgivings again if Dio swears his innocence on his father's honor. As Jonathan expected, Dio refuses to make such a vow, enraged at the thought of someone like Dario having any honor.

Jonathan twists Dio's arm, astonishing Dio with his newfound strength. Jonathan proclaims his resolve to protect his family, lifts Dio above his head, and throws him through a railing using only one hand. Realizing that he and Dio were never truly friends, Jonathan says that he will have the medicine analyzed and send Dio to jail. Dio barely contains his murderous urges; knowing it will take Jonathan at least three days to find any trace of the Eastern poison he used, Dio plans to finish off Jonathan before he is caught.
The Battle on Ogre Street
(食屍鬼街(オウガーストリート)の戦い Ōgā Sutorīto no Tatakai)
Jonathan Joestar (Ogre Street) vs. Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hat), Tattoo Guy, and Kempo Fighter
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 04

Dio breaks into Jonathan's desk and reads Jonathan's notes on the Stone Mask. Dio decides to kill Jonathan by using the mask to pierce his brain, figuring that the police would assume Jonathan had accidentally killed himself during his research. Meanwhile, in London, Jonathan's carriage driver refuses to drive any further: the carriage has entered a particularly dangerous area of the city known as Ogre Street. Jonathan decides to continue alone, intending to find the source of Dio's poison and obtain an antidote at any cost. Walking through the maze-like Ogre Street, Jonathan is attacked by three men. Sending his two lackeys ahead of him, the leader of the group shows off the hidden blades within his bowler hat.

Jonathan defeats his attackers, but a mob of thugs surround him. Suddenly, the group's leader tells the mob to not harm Jonathan. Introducing himself as Robert E. O. Speedwagon, the leader asks Jonathan why he held back while fighting him. Jonathan responds that he only seeks a way to help his father, and did not want to cause Speedwagon's family any distress. Amused by Jonathan's naivety and nobility, Speedwagon offers to take Jonathan to Wang Chan, the poison seller he is looking for.

Meanwhile, in a port town near the Joestar mansion, Dio is distressed by Jonathan's uncertain fate. Though he expects Jonathan to die miserably on Ogre Street, he worries that his foe may have found an antidote to the poison, against all odds. As a result of his distressed state, Dio has taken to drink just as his late father did; the thought of following in his father's footsteps enrages him. Dio bumps into two older men on the street, who taunt him for being out so late at night. Dio, amused by the men's confidence, smashes his bottle into one of the men's faces. As the other man pulls out a knife to attack, Dio decides to use the opportunity to test his murder weapon.

Dio forces the Stone Mask onto his attacker's face and stabs the man's partner with his knife. The blood from the wound activates the mask, causing it to emit a strange, glowing light. The Stone Mask's human test subject appears to fall dead, only to get back up and attack him from behind. The newly-revived man approaches Dio and grabs him by the throat, sucking his blood through his fingers. As the man's face begins to de-age, Dio realizes that the mask has created a Vampire. Luckily for Dio, the rising sun turns the Vampire into dust, leaving Dio to contemplate his options.
Transcend Humanity!
(人間を超越する! Ningen o Chōetsu Suru!)
Jonathan Joestar (Spear) vs. Police Zombies (x2) with Dio Brando (Vampire)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 05

Dio returns to the Joestar mansion, deciding that he would rather fight Jonathan than run away. He is met by Jonathan, who plainly states that he has proof of Dio's treachery and has already given his father an antidote for his poisoning. To Jonathan's astonishment, Dio offers to turn himself in, seemingly regretful of the crimes he committed as a result of his upbringing. However, Speedwagon appears from the shadows and reintroduces himself, having followed Jonathan out of concern. Speedwagon claims to be able to tell good and bad people apart by smell alone; remarking on Dio's putrid smell, he argues that Dio had been evil since the day he was born. Speedwagon reveals an apprehended Wang Chan, and a nearby curtain drops to reveal George Joestar and several police officers. Dio asks that Jonathan be the one to cuff him. As Jonathan approaches him to apply the handcuffs, Dio remarks that human abilities are greatly limited.

Suddenly, Dio brandishes the Stone Mask and announces his intention to reject humanity. Jonathan, fixated on the mask, fails to notice Dio's knife lunging toward him. However, George jumps in front of his son and takes the blow. Dio dons the mask and activates it with George's blood. The police fire upon Dio, who laughs maniacally as his body is knocked out of a nearby window. George peacefully bids farewell to his son as he passes away; as Speedwagon admires their nobility, he almost fails to notice that Dio's body has disappeared. Dio suddenly reappears and slaughters the policemen, having successfully become a Vampire. Seeing the destruction wrought by the now-inhuman Dio, a terrified but determined Jonathan laments his role in discovering the mask's abilities. Jonathan takes a spear from a nearby suit of armor and prepares to fight the vampire head-on.

Dio gloats about his new power and assured victory, but finds that Jonathan and Speedwagon have both disappeared. After a quick assessment of the foyer, Dio finds their hiding place behind a curtain. However, the two heroes light the curtain on fire and drape it over Dio, causing him to fall back. Despite his burns from the fire, however, Dio's skin heals rapidly enough to negate the damage, causing the two to fear that he may indeed have become immortal.
Settling the Youth with Dio!
(ディオとの青春に決着! Dio to no Seishun ni Kecchaku!)
Jonathan Joestar (Mansion) vs. Dio Brando (Shirtless)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 06

Jonathan tells Speedwagon to flee the mansion, which has caught fire, as he climbs to the second floor of the foyer and dares Dio to follow him. Amused by Jonathan's will to save his friend, Dio decides that he will use Jonathan's blood to heal his burns and save Speedwagon for later. He follows Jonathan to the second floor by walking up the wall and jamming his feet into it with each step. With all parties aware of Jonathan's inability to escape, Jonathan leads Dio to the mansion's roof for their final confrontation.

Jonathan charges at Dio as the floor gives out beneath them. Jonathan reflects on how he has lost everything but his own life, and expresses that he is more than willing to die to stop Dio's ambitions. Dio, confident in his immortal body, nonetheless worries that the flames on the first floor can overpower his healing capabilities. To escape Jonathan's grasp and his own death, Dio breaks both of Jonathan’s arms. Yet Jonathan refuses to let go, despite his broken arms and burns. Asking his father's soul to give him strength, Jonathan impales Dio on the statue of the Joestar guardian deity, the goddess of love. Dio is unable to remove himself from the statue, causing him to burn in the fire. Speedwagon continues to watch the mansion burn from the outside. Mourning the cruel fate of Jonathan Joestar, Speedwagon is shocked to see Jonathan's unconscious body thrown out of the burning building through a window. Jonathan has miraculously survived the battle and defeated Dio.

Three days after the battle with Dio, Speedwagon decides to visit Jonathan in the hospital to offer his emotional support. He is stopped at the door to Jonathan's room by an unknown woman. Despite his attempts to argue, the woman refuses to let him in, saying that Jonathan is not accepting visitors at the time and that her care is enough. As the door is closed on him, Speedwagon takes offense at the woman's words and stubbornly resolves to come back later. Taking it upon himself to sneak into the hospital after visiting hours, Speedwagon sees a light streaming from the slightly-opened door. The woman who dismissed Speedwagon earlier is still tending to Jonathan's wounds, and Speedwagon is further shocked to see her hands cracked and callused from continuously cooling Jonathan's burns. Jonathan finally regains consciousness and, like Speedwagon, is perplexed by the woman tending to him. Though Jonathan thinks it impossible at first, the woman reveals herself to be his childhood sweetheart, Erina Pendleton. Speedwagon realizes that the two have known each other for some time and decides to leave the reuniting couple alone. Meanwhile, at the remains of the Joestar mansion, Wang Chan sifts through the rubble for valuables. He comes across the Stone Mask, but a hand emerges from the debris and grabs his wrist before he is able to grab it. As the hand grabs the dealer's wrist and drains his blood, Dio's charred face peers out from beneath the rubble.
The Miracle Energy
(奇跡のエネルギー Kiseki no Enerugī)
Jonathan Joestar (Training) vs. Wang Chan with Fodder Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 07

One night, a couple walks down an empty street in London. The woman says she has read in the news that the killer known as Jack the Ripper has been murdering women recently, and she wants to go home before the two can run into him. The man wonders why she is so afraid of him, since he has been with her the whole night. Before the woman can react, Jack murders her in cold blood. Suddenly, a cloaked Dio appears behind him in a wheelchair, pushed by a zombified Wang Chan. Dio, still recovering from his burns at the mansion, remarks that he will need servants from now on. Dio promises Jack that if he joins him, he will obtain magnificent powers and freedom to express his desires to the fullest. Jack agrees to Dio's offer, and is turned into a zombie.

Back at the remains of the Joestar Mansion, Jonathan searches for the Stone Mask in the rubble. He is troubled by its disappearance, but wants to believe that it was destroyed in the mansion's collapse. Erina joins Jonathan and hands him his cane as they go for a walk together. Shortly afterward, Jonathan notices a strange man following them. The man reveals that he knows both of their names before striking Jonathan in the chest with his pinky finger, to the shock of both him and Erina. A moment later, Jonathan's right arm completely heals, a process that should have taken months to occur. The man introduces himself as Will Anthonio Zeppeli, and warns Jonathan that he cannot defeat the Stone Mask with bravery alone.

Zeppeli brings Jonathan and Erina to a small river and reveals to them a breathing technique known as Sendō. As Zeppeli takes a deep breath, unusual ripples in the water begin to emanate from where he stands. Zeppeli explains that he adjusted Jonathan's respiration when he pierced his diaphragm, allowing Jonathan to create powerful Ripple energy within his own body. Zeppeli brings his fist down upon a frog sitting on a rock; Jonathan and Erina are surprised as the strike splits the rock down the middle and leaves the frog intact. Zeppeli reveals that Dio is still alive and currently in possession of the Stone Mask. He claims it is Jonathan's fate to do battle with it, and the two agree to train in the art of Sendō. Later, at night, Jonathan is ambushed by Wang Chan.

Jonathan realizes that he can stretch his arm by dislocating his joints and softening the pain with Ripple energy. Using this new-found knowledge, Jonathan uppercuts Wang Chan with a Ripple-imbued punch, burning his cheek and forcing him to retreat. Zeppeli congratulates Jonathan on defeating Wang Chan using Ripple, but tells him that he still has much to learn.
Salem's Lot
(呪われた町 Norowareta Machi)
Will Anthonio Zeppeli vs. Jack the Ripper with Fodder Zombies
Alternate Characters: Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training), Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 08

Jonathan, Zeppeli, and Speedwagon take a horse drawn-carriage to Windknight's Lot, where Dio is currently lurking. Zeppeli laments that letting Wang Chan escape and reveal Dio's location also informed Dio about Ripple energy and its effects. The carriage enters the tunnel entrance to Windknight's Lot and suddenly comes to a halt. Speedwagon exits the carriage to ask the driver why they had stopped, only to discover that the horses have been decapitated and the driver has been slaughtered. Jack the Ripper reveals himself from within the body of one of the horses, and Zeppeli decides to fight the zombie by himself.

Zeppeli proclaims that courage is knowing and mastering one's own fears, and that the Ripple is a product of that courage. Zeppeli attacks Jack with a Sendo Wave Kick, severely burning the left half of his face. Zeppeli tells his allies that the only way to kill a zombie is to destroy their brain completely. Jack reveals a secret passage in the tunnel, which he escapes into. Speedwagon is put off by the prospect of entering the passage, but Zeppeli clarifies that Jonathan will be following him alone. Zeppeli tosses a full wine glass to Jonathan and tells him that he must defeat Jack without spilling a single drop of wine. If Jonathan fails at this task, Zeppeli vows to abandon him regardless of whether Jack is defeated or not. Speedwagon objects to Zeppeli's ultimatum, but Jonathan agrees to his master's conditions and enters the secret passage.
Make Fear Yours
(恐怖を我が物とせよ Kyōfu o Wagamono to seyo)
Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training) vs. Jack the Ripper (Pincer) with Fodder Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 09

Following a grueling battle in the secret passage, Jonathan pinpoints Jack the Ripper's location and unleashes a Sendo Ripple Overdrive on a wall separating the two combatants. Jack, expecting Jonathan to continue walking into his trap, is taken by surprise when Jonathan's Ripple flows through the wall. The Ripple melts Jack's head, definitively killing him.

Jonathan, Zeppeli, and Speedwagon exit the tunnel and continue towards Windknight's Lot. Speedwagon asks Zeppeli to teach him the Ripple technique, but Zeppeli declares it impossible. Angered by his blunt answer, Speedwagon demands to know why. Zeppeli explains that Jonathan must constantly practice the breathing technique he has been taught, to the point where it becomes a subconscious habit. It is said that only one in ten thousand humans can master the Ripple; Zeppeli attributes Jonathan's aptitude and mental fortitude to his troubled past and uncertain future. Zeppeli himself studied for decades under a certain Ripple master to learn the technique. Undeterred, Speedwagon says he still wants to be of use to the two of them. Zeppeli proposes the idea of striking Speedwagon in his diaphragm to generate a small amount of Ripple energy. Speedwagon jumps at the opportunity and insists he tries. Zeppeli indeed strikes him in the diaphragm, but misses the position he was aiming for; as a result, the strike only succeeds in causing Speedwagon to double over in pain.
Invitation to a Trap
(罠への招待 Wana e no Shōtai)
Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training) vs. Knight Zombies (x20)
Alternate Characters: Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 10

A young farm boy cuts a rope that causes a tree to fling him into the air, stealing Jonathan's group's bag in the process. The boy lands on a cliff face and begins climbing the rock, teasing the group as he attempts to escape. Jonathan punches the rock's surface, sending Ripple energy into the cliff and pushing the boy away from the rock. The boy plummets toward the ground, where he is caught by Jonathan. Jonathan notices that the boy, Poco, is terrified and unable to recall his actions a moment prior. Zeppeli realizes that the boy lured the group into a graveyard, having been hypnotized into doing so. As zombies rise from the dirt around the group, Dio reveals himself atop a nearby rock formation and announces that night has fallen, and with it his enemies' lives. Speedwagon remembers the death of George Joestar upon seeing Dio, becoming enraged at the latter's past actions; Zeppeli laments that the mask fell into the hands of such a clever man, and resolves to stop him at any cost.

Zeppeli confronts Dio, who remains atop the rock formation. Dio reveals that he has nearly fully healed his wounds, having sucked the life out of a number of village residents to do so. Zeppeli jumps into the air and attempts to destroy Dio with a Sunlight Yellow Overdrive, landing a punch on Dio's arm. However, Dio counters by freezing Zeppeli's arm, stopping his arm's flow of blood and rendering his Ripple ineffective. Dio prepares to crush Zeppeli's head with a punch, but Jonathan intervenes and blocks Dio's attack.
The Mask's Blood-Chilling Power
(血も凍る仮面力 Chi mo Kōru Kamen Pawā)
Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training) vs. Knight Zombies (x15) with Dio Brando
Alternate Characters: Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 11

Following a battle with Dio, Jonathan and Zeppeli are overwhelmed and knocked backward, unable to deal any damage to Dio. As Dio mocks their power, the earth starts to rumble as Dio's most brutal enforcers, Tarkus and Bruford, rise from the bedrock. Dio reveals that the two zombies were once knights who served under Mary Stuart, and harbor resentment toward the world over her fate.
The Dark Knights
(暗黒の騎士達 Ankoku no Kishitachi)
Jonathan Joestar (Underwater) vs. Bruford (Underwater)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 12

A zombie ambushes Jonathan from behind, but Bruford rips off its nose with a single swipe. Having retained his pride as a knight, Bruford petitions Dio to allow a one-on-one battle between himself and Jonathan. Dio expresses concern over Bruford's chivalry, but allows him to do as he wishes. As the duel commences, Bruford leaps into the air with both arms behind his back, using his Danse Macab-Hair to draw his sword and slash at Jonathan. Jonathan narrowly dodges the attack, falling backward into a nearby lake. As Bruford dives in after him, Zeppeli notes that Jonathan cannot breathe underwater and is thus unable to use the Ripple. Dio takes this information as assurance of his victory and departs, intending to convert the residents of Windknight's Lot into zombies and take over all of England.

Jonathan fights Bruford underwater, using air bubbling out of pockets beneath the rocks at the lake's bottom. Eventually, Jonathan builds up enough Ripple energy to use an underwater Turquoise Blue Overdrive attack. As Ripple energy flows easily through water, Bruford is unable to prevent Jonathan's attack from striking his forehead. Although wounded by the Ripple, Bruford manages to escape further injury by swimming to land. The knight, ecstatic at the idea of fighting such a worthy opponent, vows to battle Jonathan with his full power.
Sleep as a Hero
(英雄として眠る Eiyū toshite Nemuru)
Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training) vs. Bruford
Alternate Characters: Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 13

After a fierce battle, Bruford draws his sword and swings it at Jonathan's neck. However, Jonathan kicks the sword, noting that metal conducts Ripple energy. Jonathan sends a Metal Silver Overdrive attack through the sword into Bruford's right arm, causing it to melt. Bruford lunges at Jonathan once more, but Jonathan unleashes a Sunlight Yellow Overdrive barrage and sends his opponent flying backward.

Suddenly, Bruford ceases his attack, and his face takes on a more peaceful expression. The former knight expresses his gratitude toward Jonathan for reminding him of pain and, through it, his humanity. Having reached a peaceful state, Bruford feels content to rejoin his queen in the afterlife. After asking Jonathan for his name, Bruford presents Jonathan with his sword, Luck. Bruford draws the letter "P" with his blood, rechristening the blade as Pluck, and gifts it to his former foe before finally crumbling into dust. Moved by his actions, Jonathan recognizes Bruford's honor and renews his resolve to defeat Dio and the Stone Mask.
To the Chamber of the Two-Headed Dragon
(双首竜の間へ Sōshuryū no Ma e)
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer) vs. Hungry Zombies (x6) with Knight Zombies
Alternate Characters: Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training), Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 14

Tarkus charges his adversaries, boasting his skill in direct combat and slaughter. Cornered on the edge of a cliff, Jonathan tries to think of an escape plan. He suddenly notices leaves strewn about on the ground. Having also seen them, Zeppeli suggests using the Ripple together with Jonathan. The two Ripple users combine the leaves with Life Magnetism Overdrive into a single larger leaf, allowing the three heroes (and Poco) to escape Tarkus. Suddenly, Tarkus jumps after them from the cliff, landing on and damaging their glider. Thinking quickly, the group jumps to a nearby balcony in the cliffside; abandoning the leaf with Tarkus on it, the four rush to find a safe hiding place.

After reaching a door on the balcony, Zeppeli tells Jonathan to enter the building and find a place where Poco can hide safely. The boy advises against going in, warning Jonathan that this building was formerly a training ground for knights and likely contains several traps. Jonathan nonetheless opens the door, triggering a neck brace on a chain to fall and hook itself around his neck. Tarkus enters the room and recognizes it as the Chamber of the Two-Headed Dragon, where he had fought Chain Neck Deathmatches over 300 years ago. The nostalgic Tarkus puts on a second neck brace as the door locks behind Jonathan.
The Master's Prophecy
(老師の予言 Rōshi no Yogen)
Will Anthonio Zeppeli vs. Tarkus with Knight Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 15

Tarkus taunts Jonathan by showing him that the only way to get free of the neck brace is to take the key to it from his opponent's identical neck brace. Jonathan tries to send Ripple energy through the chain, but it proves ineffective, as both his and Tarkus's chains are connected to the ceiling. Furthermore, Jonathan's neck brace hinders his breathing and prevents him from generating Ripple energy. From outside the arena, Speedwagon sees a lever inside the room which he suspects will open the locked steel door. Speedwagon also notices small holes that Poco could fit through, but Zeppeli objects that Poco would undoubtedly be killed if he were to enter the arena.

Poco recalls a time when his sister saved him from his bullies. Poco promised to fight back against his bullies "tomorrow," and his sister responded by asking when "tomorrow" would come. Poco recalls not being able to answer, causing his sister to suggest he was afraid of pain than of helplessness and fear. Now having worked up the courage, Poco climbs into one of the holes leading to Tarkus's arena. Though he suffers a kick from Tarkus, Poco survives and pulls the lever unlocking the door. Zeppeli, recognizing the room as the place his master Tonpetty foretold his death within, accepts his fate and prepares to fight Tarkus.

Tarkus leaps above Zeppeli, wrapping him in his chain as part of his Hell Heaven Snake Kill attack. Tarkus then pulls on the chain to deliver the finishing blow, leaving Speedwagon to watch as Zeppeli is torn in half and Jonathan's neck snaps. Both heroes collapse to the floor, seemingly killed.
Blast Him with Rage!
(怒りをたたきこめ! Ikari o Tatakikome!)
Jonathan Joestar (Shirtless) vs. Tarkus with Knight Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 16

Tarkus gloats over his apparent victory. However, he soon notices that Jonathan and Zeppeli are still breathing and moves to finish them off. Zeppeli barely manages to grab Jonathan's hand, allowing him to use his ultimate move, Deep Pass Overdrive, to transfer his remaining life energy to Jonathan. Tarkus attempts to crush both of them, but Jonathan grabs hold of his end of the chain and lifts Tarkus from the ground. Grabbing hold of the steel neck brace choking him, Jonathan tears the collar apart and faces Tarkus head-on.

Jonathan defeats Tarkus and rushes to his master's side. Zeppeli urges the group to not waste time mourning and focus on defeating Dio and destroying the mask. After telling Jonathan that he was like both a son and best friend to him, a satisfied Zeppeli passes away in his pupil's arms.
The Three from a Faraway Land
(遥かな国からの3人 Haruka na Kuni kara no 3-nin)
Jonathan Joestar vs. Mr. Adams with Fodder Zombies
Alternate Characters: Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Jonathan Joestar vs. Dire
Alternate Characters: Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 17

Following Zeppeli's death, Speedwagon notices that Jonathan's mannerisms have become more serious. Certain that Dio's zombie army is currently destroying Windknight's Lot, Speedwagon urges what remains of the group to hurry. As Jonathan, Speedwagon, and Poco approach the village, Poco recognizes a man named Adams, who scolds Poco for being out so late and tells Poco his sister is angry at him for it. Speedwagon concludes that the village is safe for now, and the group begins to move onward. However, Adams twists his head around and attempts to eat Poco. Jonathan grabs Adams's tongue, and the zombie reveals his true appearance.

Jonathan defeats Adams, but is immediately attacked by a mysterious man. The man introduces himself as Dire and launches a slow kick directed at Jonathan using both of his legs. Jonathan grabs Dire's legs, only to have his arms immobilized when they split apart; Dire introduces his Thunder Split Attack technique, and moves to chop Jonathan's head in two. Jonathan counters by headbutting Dire's face, impressing him with his resilience. Dire ceases his attack and clarifies that he is not a zombie, having attacked Jonathan to test the skills Zeppeli taught him. Dire points out the letter he placed on Jonathan's shoulder, which Zeppeli had sent him prior to pursuing the mask. Another two figures appear behind Dire; Dire introduces the first stranger as his and Zeppeli's master, Tonpetty, and the second introduces himself as fellow student Straizo. Tonpetty and his students join Jonathan in their common goal to defeat Dio and destroy the Stone Mask.
Doobie the Monster
(怪人ドゥービー Kaijin Dūbī)
Jonathan Joestar vs. Doobie with Chimera Zombies
Alternate Characters: Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Dire, Straizo, Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 18

Returning home, Poco is relieved to see his father alive and well. However, he soon realizes that his sister is missing, having gone out to look for him earlier that night. Meanwhile, at Dio's castle, Dio attempts to persuade Poco's sister to become one of his zombies. She mutters something under her breath; when Dio moves closer to hear her more clearly, she slaps him and denounces him as a monster. Disappointed, Dio decides to introduce her to Doobie the Monster, a zombie who had been lurking in the room the entire time. Leaving the girl to her fate, Dio tells Doobie to do as he pleases. Doobie assaults Poco's sister, but an anvil falls on his head from the open ceiling. Doobie looks up to see Jonathan and company, who are prepared to battle their way to Dio.

Doobie is revealed to have a mass of snakes living within his head. He moves to attack Jonathan with his snakes, but Jonathan grabs them as they lunge toward him. Jonathan sends Ripple energy into Doobie's snakes, influencing them into turning on and devouring their master. The heroes move further into the castle, finally coming face-to-face with Dio and his zombie guards.
Thunder Cross Split Attack
(稲妻十字烈刃(サンダークロススプリットアタック) Sandā Kurosu Supuritto Atakku)
Jonathan Joestar vs. Executed Zombies (x10)
Alternate Characters: Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Dire, Straizo, Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 19

After fighting off Dio's guards, Jonathan declares his intention to kill Dio as revenge for his friends' deaths. However, Dire intervenes and announces his right to fight Dio first, having been friends with Zeppeli for much longer than Jonathan. Despite Jonathan's attempt to warn him of Dio's freezing technique, Dire approaches him without a second thought. Though Dio is taken aback by his movements, he effortlessly stops Dire's kick, only to have his hands forced apart by Dire's split. Dire uses the ultimate form of his technique, Thunder Cross Split Attack, which nullifies the opening Jonathan used against him; before he can deliver the killing blow, however, the vampire freezes his entire body in an instant. After taking the opportunity to taunt Dire, Dio shatters his body, leaving only his head intact. Dio proclaims his intent to kill Jonathan next, only to be struck in the eye with a Ripple-infused rose from the flower pot Dire's head landed in. Dire taunts Dio before succumbing to his fate, further enraging the vampire.
Bloody Battle! JoJo & Dio
(血戦!JoJo&Dio Kessen! JoJo ando Dio)
Straizo vs. Page, Jones, Plant, and Bornnam
Alternate Characters: Jonathan Joestar, Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Tonpetty
Jonathan Joestar (Luck and Pluck) vs. Dio Brando with Executed Zombies
Alternate Characters: Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Straizo, Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 20

Inspired by Dire's final attack, Jonathan asks Speedwagon to toss him Bruford's sword, Luck & Pluck. Jonathan announces his plan to infuse the sword with Ripple energy, thus preventing Dio from freezing his blood flow. An enraged Dio curses Dire's Ripple energy and sics his zombies on the entire group, finally revealing his true, ugly nature. Poco and his sister are ambushed by four of Dio's zombies, but Straizo comes to their aid.

The four zombies attacking Straizo use their Needle Vein Strike attack, which Straizo dodges by jumping into the air. Straizo then kicks a chandelier, causing it to fall atop and trap his enemies; noting that the Ripple cannot linger within metal, Straizo lands on the chandelier and sends Ripple through it, melting the four zombies. Meanwhile, Dio leaps at Jonathan, and the two begin their duel.

Jonathan cuts Dio's right arm off with his sword before slicing Dio's head straight down the middle. Speedwagon celebrates Dio's apparent death, but Dio merely taunts his adversaries, having frozen the sword itself. Reattaching his arm and piecing his head back together, Dio gloats about his superior abilities, declaring Jonathan's training and intent to continue fighting futile.
A Demon's End
(悪鬼の最後 Akuki no Saigo)
Jonathan Joestar vs. Dio Brando with Executed Zombies
Alternate Characters: Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Straizo, Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 21

Jonathan and Dio enter a battle to the death. Dio leaps into the air, declaring that Jonathan is nothing more than a monkey compared to him. Jonathan, refuting Dio's dismissal of humanity, sets his own hands on fire to counter Dio's ice. The two launch their final attacks. Jonathan's burning fist resists Dio's freezing technique and pierces his chest, sending Ripple into his body. Dio laments his eternal life being cut short as his body begins to disintegrate. Despite all the pain Dio inflicted upon him, Jonathan weeps for his adopted brother.
The Final Ripple!
(最後の波紋! Saigo no Hamon!)
Jonathan Joestar (Wounded) vs. Wang Chan w/ Dio with Ship Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 22

Two months after Dio's defeat, Jonathan and Erina have married and plan to sail to America for their honeymoon. Speedwagon notices he is late to see them off and quickly rushes toward the dock. In his haste, he accidentally bumps into a crew of men hauling a large ornate box. Eventually, Speedwagon reaches the dock, where he meets the rest of Jonathan's friends to see the newly-wedded couple off. Speedwagon wishes the couple happiness and promises to be there for them no matter what, even if he only succeeds in getting in the way.

Later, aboard the ship, Jonathan and Erina express their love toward one another. Their happiness is interrupted when Jonathan spots Wang Chan and deduces that Dio is still alive. Chasing Wang Chan into the ship's hold, Jonathan is confronted by Dio, now reduced to only a head. Dio recognizes that he and his adversary are bound by fate, and intends to take his body for his own. Erina enters the hold, pursued by the ship's zombified passengers; before Jonathan can react, Dio launches pressurized body fluid out of his eyes, piercing Jonathan's neck and rendering him unable to breathe.

Jonathan fights on to the best of his ability, but Wang Chan moves to slice off his head. Jonathan decides to release all of the remaining Ripple energy in his body in a single blast; at the last moment, Jonathan uppercuts Wang Chan, destroying Wang Chan's head and tearing a crucial part of his own body. Dio notices that Wang Chan's body has been manipulated into grabbing the ship's screw shaft, building pressure inside the pistons that will ultimately cause the ship to explode. Jonathan urges his wife to escape before she is caught in the blast, but Erina declares her intent to die alongside him. The couple share a final kiss.
The Final Ripple! (Reverse)
(最後の波紋!(裏) Saigo no Hamon! (Ura))
Jonathan Joestar (Honeymoon) vs. Dio Brando (Styx's Body) with Winzaleo, Eijkman, and Caineghis
Unlock Criteria: Clear Chapter 22 with an S Rank

Two months after Dio's defeat, Jonathan and Erina have married and plan to sail to America for their honeymoon. Speedwagon notices he is late to see them off and quickly rushes toward the dock. In his haste, he accidentally bumps into a crew of men hauling a large ornate box. Eventually, Speedwagon reaches the dock, where he meets the rest of Jonathan's friends to see the newly-wedded couple off. Speedwagon wishes the couple happiness and promises to be there for them no matter what, even if he only succeeds in getting in the way.

Later, aboard the ship, Jonathan and Erina express their love toward one another. Their happiness is interrupted when Jonathan spots Wang Chan and deduces that Dio is still alive. Meanwhile, an unfortunate priest drops his cross in the ship's hold. Noticing a strange box in the hold, the priest approaches it for a closer look, only to have his head destroyed by a mechanism within the coffin. Chasing Wang Chan into the ship's hold, Jonathan notices a priest standing in the hold. He attempts to ask the priest where the zombie went, but the "priest" turns around and reveals himself to be Dio, having survived as only a head. Dio recognizes that he and his adversary are bound by fate and, though he is using a priest's body temporarily, intends to take Jonathan's body for his own. To aid in doing so, he summons the zombies of three knights: Winzaleo, Eijkman, and Caineghis. Wang Chan incidentally reveals that he zombified one of the ship's passengers, causing mayhem on the upper decks. Though he is worried about Erina, Jonathan resolves to end the fate he shares with his brother by destroying him once and for all.

The three knights are defeated. Jonathan sends Ripple energy into Dio's body, but Dio survives by decapitating himself before it can reach his head. Erina enters the hold, pursued by the ship's zombified passengers; before Jonathan can react, Dio launches pressurized body fluid out of his eyes, piercing Jonathan's neck and rendering him unable to breathe. Wang Chan moves to slice off Jonathan's head. Jonathan decides to release all of the remaining Ripple energy in his body in a single blast; at the last moment, Jonathan uppercuts Wang Chan, destroying Wang Chan's head and tearing a crucial part of his own body. Dio notices that Wang Chan's body has been manipulated into grabbing the ship's screw shaft, building pressure inside the pistons that will ultimately cause the ship to explode. Jonathan urges his wife to escape before she is caught in the blast, but Erina declares her intent to die alongside him. The couple share a final kiss.
Into Oblivion
(忘却の彼方へ Bōkyaku no Kanata e)
Cutscenes Only
Unlock Criteria: Clear either Chapter 23 or Chapter 23a

Jonathan points to a baby nearby whose mother was killed in the zombies' rampage, and tells Erina to live on and save the child. Erina objects, but Jonathan tells her that his own mother died protecting her child in the same way. Dio commands his zombies to devour Wang Chan's body, but he is too late to prevent the engine from exploding.

Dio quickly wraps his blood vessels around Jonathan's neck and lunges toward him to take his body. However, Jonathan removes a piece of shrapnel from his back and stabs Dio's neck with it. Trapping Dio's head within his arms, Jonathan reflects on their bizarre friendship and intertwined fates. As Erina looks at her husband for the final time, Jonathan tells her to be happy. Dio desperately tries to convince Jonathan to let him go, offering him eternal life and happiness with Erina. However, Dio realizes too late that his brother and mortal enemy has already passed away.

The ship is consumed in a fiery explosion. Erina and the orphaned baby are the only survivors of the disaster, having hidden inside Dio's explosive-proof coffin. As the coffin drifts at sea, Erina reflects on the life Jonathan Joestar lived. Though history will never know Jonathan's heroic deeds, Erina resolves that his descendants, including the unborn child inside her, will hear about the life he lived. Two days later, Erina is rescued near the Canary Islands, bringing the tale of Jonathan's life to a close and beginning a new era of adventure.
(エンディング Endingu)
Cutscenes Only
Unlock Criteria: Clear either Chapter 23 or Chapter 23a

The game's ending credits play, accompanied by backgrounds and panels from throughout the story.
I Can't Stand Rich People!
(金持ちは嫌いだ‼ Kanemochi wa Kirai da!!)
Brat A or Brat B vs. Jonathan Joestar (12)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode
It's So Inspiring! I Admire Him!
(そこにシビれる!あこがれるぅ! Soko ni Shibireru! Akogareru!)
Brat A or Brat B vs. Dio Brando (13)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 1,000,000 points
Get Some Minions!
(手下を作れッ‼ Teshita o Tsukure!!)
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hat) vs. Tattoo Guy and Kempo Fighter
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 1,300,000 points
The Battle on Ogre Street
(食屍鬼街の戦い Shokujiki-gai no Tatakai)
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hat), Tattoo Guy, or Kempo Fighter vs. Jonathan Joestar (Ogre Street)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 1,600,000 points
Attack of the Living Dead
(生ける死者の襲撃 Ikeru Shisha no Shūgeki)
Police Zombie vs. Jonathan Joestar (Spear) with Police (x2)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 1,900,000 points
Who the Hell is This Guy?!
(なんだこいつは〜〜ッ‼ Nanda Koitsu wa!!)
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hat) or Police vs. Police Zombies (x2) with Dio Brando (Vampire)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 2,200,000 points
This Mask... Will Be Worth a Fortune...
(この仮面⋯金になるよ⋯ Kono Kamen... Kin ni naru yo...)
Wang Chan vs. Dio Brando (Vampire) with Fodder Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 2,500,000 points
Elite of the Evil
(悪のエリート Aku no Erīto)
Jack the Ripper vs. Dio Brando (Vampire) with Wang Chan
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 2,800,000 points
An Example of the Ripple Technique
(波紋法の手本 Hamon-hō no Tehon)
Will Anthonio Zeppeli vs. Wang Chan with Fodder Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 3,100,000 points
I'll Lick It All Up!
(べロべロなめてやるね! Berobero Namete yaru ne!)
Wang Chan vs. Jonathan Joestar (Training) and Will Anthonio Zeppeli
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 3,400,000 points
The Strange Serial Killer
(猟奇的殺人鬼 Ryōkiteki Satsujinki)
Jack the Ripper vs. Jonathan Joestar (Post-Training), Will Anthonio Zeppeli, and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 3,700,000 points
Battle of the Underground Labyrinth
(地下迷宮の戦い Chika Meikyū no Tatakai)
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer) vs. Jack the Ripper (Pincer) with Fodder Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 4,000,000 points
Thou! Will Thou Be My Life Force?
(汝!わたしの生命となるか! Nanji! Watashi no Seimei to naru ka!)
Aztec Chief vs. Aztecs (x15)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 4,300,000 points
I Don't Want You Fodder!
(お前らァ雑魚はいいッ! Omaerā Zako wa ī!)
Bruford or Tarkus vs. Hungry Zombies (x10)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 4,600,000 points
Battle of the Two-Headed Dragon's Chamber
(双首竜の間の戦い Sōshuryū no Ma no Tatakai)
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer) vs. Tarkus with Knight Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 4,900,000 points
DIO's Creations
(DIOに造られしモノ DIO ni Tsukura Reshimono)
Doobie vs. Chimera Zombies (x50)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 5,200,000 points
These Fangs Will Do the Biting!
(この牙の歯型としてくれる! Kono Kiba no Hagata toshite Kureru!)
Sword Zombie or Claw Zombie vs. Jonathan Joestar and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 5,500,000 points
The Vascular Needle Zombies' Counterattack, Part 1
(血管針ゾンビの逆襲① Kekkan Hari Zonbi no Gyakushū 1)
Page, Jones, Plant, or Bornnam vs. Jonathan Joestar and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 5,800,000 points
The Vascular Needle Zombies' Counterattack, Part 2
(血管針ゾンビの逆襲② Kekkan Hari Zonbi no Gyakushū 2)
Page, Jones, Plant, or Bornnam vs. Straizo and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 6,100,000 points
The Vascular Needle Zombies' Counterattack, Part 3
(血管針ゾンビの逆襲③ Kekkan Hari Zonbi no Gyakushū 3)
Page, Jones, Plant, or Bornnam vs. Tonpetty and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 6,400,000 points
Thunder Cross Split Attack, Part 1
(必殺稲妻十字空烈刃① Hissatsu Inazuma Jūji Sora Retsujin 1)
Dire vs. Page, Jones, Plant, and Bornnam
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 6,700,000 points
Thunder Cross Split Attack, Part 2
(必殺稲妻十字空烈刃② Hissatsu Inazuma Jūji Sora Retsujin 2)
Dire vs. Dio Brando with Executed Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 7,000,000 points
The Three Chasing a Stone Mask
(石仮面を追う3人 Ishi Kamen o Ou 3-nin)
Jonathan Joestar, Will Anthonio Zeppeli, or Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer) vs. Dire, Straizo, and Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 7,300,000 points
The Three from a Faraway Land
(遥かな国からの3人 Haruka na Kuni kara no 3-nin)
Dire, Straizo, or Tonpetty vs. Jonathan Joestar, Will Anthonio Zeppeli, and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 7,600,000 points
A Severe Penance
(厳しい苦行 Kibishī Kugyō)
Dire vs. Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Straizo, and Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 7,900,000 points
No Mercy Even in Training
(修行でも容赦せん Shugyō demo Yōsha-sen)
Straizo vs. Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Dire, and Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 8,200,000 points
The Elder's Teachings
(老師の教え Rōshi no Oshie)
Tonpetty vs. Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Dire, and Straizo
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 8,500,000 points
The Legendary Knights, Part 1
(伝説の騎士たち① Densetsu no Kishitachi 1)
Winzaleo vs. Bruford, Tarkus, Eijkman, and Caineghis
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 8,800,000 points
The Legendary Knights, Part 2
(伝説の騎士たち② Densetsu no Kishitachi 2)
Eijkman vs. Bruford, Tarkus, Winzaleo, and Caineghis
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 9,100,000 points
The Legendary Knights, Part 3
(伝説の騎士たち③ Densetsu no Kishitachi 3)
Caineghis vs. Bruford, Tarkus, Winzaleo, and Eijkman
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 9,400,000 points
The Final Ripple!
(最後の波紋! Saigo no Hamon!)
Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Dire, Straizo, or Tonpetty vs. Wang Chan w/ Dio with Ship Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 9,700,000 points
The Final Ripple! (Reverse)
(最後の波紋!(裏) Saigo no Hamon! (Ura))
Will Anthonio Zeppeli, Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer), Dire, Straizo, or Tonpetty vs. Dio Brando (Styx's Body) with Winzaleo, Eijkman, and Caineghis
Unlock Criteria: Clear Story Mode and earn 10,000,000 points
Ripple Warriors Edition
(波紋戦士編 Hamon Senchi-hen)
Selected Character vs. Knight Zombies (x74) and 77 Rings Winners (x3)
Unlock Criteria:
Jonathan Joestar: Clear Extra Battle 10
Will Anthonio Zeppeli: Clear Ripple Warriors Edition once
Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer): Clear Ripple Warriors Edition twice
Dire: Clear Ripple Warriors Edition three times
Straizo: Clear Ripple Warriors Edition four times
Tonpetty: Clear Ripple Warriors Edition five times
Jonathan Joestar (Luck and Pluck): Clear Ripple Warriors Edition six times
Jonathan Joestar (Honeymoon): Clear Ripple Warriors Edition six times and clear Dio Mode
Living Corpses Edition
(屍生人編 Shiseijin-hen)
Selected Character vs. Knight Zombies (x74) and 77 Rings Winners (x3)
Unlock Criteria:
Wang Chan: Clear Extra Battle 20
Jack the Ripper: Clear Living Corpses Edition once
Bruford: Clear Living Corpses Edition twice
Tarkus: Clear Living Corpses Edition three times
Mr. Adams: Clear Living Corpses Edition four times
Doobie: Clear Living Corpses Edition five times
Dio Brando: Clear Living Corpses Edition six times
Wang Chan w/ Dio: Clear Living Corpses Edition six times and clear Dio Mode
Beat Him to a Pulp!
(徹底的に叩きのめせッ‼ Tetteiteki ni Tatakinomese!!)
Dio Brando (Boxing) vs. Jonathan Joestar (Boxing)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Extra Battle 32
Increase Your Minions!
(子分を増やせ! Kobun o Fuyase!)
Dio Brando (13) vs. Brat A and Brat B
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 01
Jonathan's Anger
(怒りのジョナサン Ikari no Jonasan)
Dio Brando (14) vs. Jonathan Joestar (13)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 02
Reclaim the Medicine!
(薬を奪い返せッ‼ Kusuri o Ubaikaese!!)
Dio Brando (21) vs. Jonathan Joestar (20)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 03
The Stone Mask's Secret
(石仮面の秘密 Ishi Kamen no Himitsu)
Dio Brando (Live Subject Test) vs. Vampire Vagrant
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 04
Reject Your Humanity!
(人間をやめるぞ! Ningen o Yameru zo!)
Dio Brando (Vampire) vs. Jonathan Joestar (Spear) with Police (x2)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 05
Transcend Humanity!
(人間を超越するッ! Ningen o Chōetsu Suru!)
Dio Brando (Shirtless) vs. Jonathan Joestar (Mansion)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 06
Lord of Darkness
(闇の帝王 Yami no Teiō)
Dio Brando (Vampire) vs. Wang Chan and Jack the Ripper
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 07
Tame the Living Dead!
(死生人を服従させろ‼ Shiseijin o Fukujū Sasero!!)
Dio Brando (Vampire) vs. Knight Zombies (x15)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 08
Make History Your Slave!, Part 1
(歴史を下僕にしろッ!① Rekishi o Geboku ni Shiro! 1)
Dio Brando (Cemetery) vs. Bruford and Tarkus
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 09
Make History Your Slave!, Part 2
(歴史を下僕にしろッ!② Rekishi o Geboku ni Shiro! 2)
Dio Brando (Cemetery) vs. Winzaleo, Eijkman, and Caineghis
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 10
Dio's Creations
(ディオの造りしモノ Dio ni Tsukura Reshimono)
Dio Brando (Cemetery) vs. Mr. Adams and Doobie with Chimera Zombies
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 11
Apex of the Natural World
(生物界の頂点 Seibutsu-kai no Chōten)
Dio Brando vs. Will Anthonio Zeppeli and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 12
Assassins from a Faraway Land
(遥かな国からの刺客 Haruka na Kuni kara no Shikaku)
Dio Brando vs. Dire, Straizo, and Tonpetty
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 13
Bloody Battle! Dio & JoJo
(血戦!Dio&JoJo Kessen! Dio ando JoJo)
Dio Brando vs. Jonathan Joestar and Robert E. O. Speedwagon (Hammer)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 14
A Raging Storm's Voyage
(狂嵐の旅路 Kyō Arashi no Tabiji)
Dio Brando vs. Jonathan Joestar (Honeymoon) with Father Styx and Police (x2)
Unlock Criteria: Clear Dio Mode 15