JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! ★ Diavolo
(Redirected from JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!/Vinegar Doppio)
Diavolo (ディアボロ, Diaboro) and Vinegar Doppio (ヴィネガー・ドッピオ, Vinegā Doppio) are playable characters in JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! with three Gold Rarity (GR) units. Doppio has one while Diavolo has two.
Diavolo was added to Pitter-Patter Pop! on August 5, 2019 in the "Diavolo's Domination" event. Doppio was later added on April 28, 2020 in the "Uncover the Emperor's Identity" event. Before Diavolo was made playable, his silhouette appearance was in the game as an enemy Boss character.
Time-Erasing Emperor


Time-Erasing Emperor ver.
時間を消し飛ばす帝王 ver.
時間を消し飛ばす帝王 ver.
Skill: King Crimson

Enters a special Stand Up, creating partner panels on the top right and block panels on the bottom left. The damage of the Partner panels during the activation time is greatly increased.

Skill Lv 1
Time of Effect (%): 30
Cooldown: 100
Cooldown: 100

Skill Lv 2
Time of Effect (%): 50
Cooldown: 100
Cooldown: 100

Skill Lv 3
Time of Effect (%): 50
Cooldown: 80
Cooldown: 80

Skill Lv 4
Time of Effect (%): 100
Cooldown: 80
Cooldown: 80

Skill Lv 5
Time of Effect (%): 100
Cooldown: 60
Cooldown: 60
The Emperor's Alternate Personality


The Emperor's Alternate Personality ver.
帝王のもう一つの人格 ver.
帝王のもう一つの人格 ver.
Skill: The forecast of his actions was very precise, Boss

For some seconds, replaces block panels with Doppio panels (The maximum amount is decided by the Skill Lv)
During that time, the appearance rate of Doppio panels is doubled
During that time, the appearance rate of Doppio panels is doubled

Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels: 4
Cooldown: 85
Cooldown: 85

Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels: 6
Cooldown: 85
Cooldown: 85

Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels: 6
Cooldown: 80
Cooldown: 80

Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels: 10
Cooldown: 80
Cooldown: 80

Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels: 10
Cooldown: 75
Cooldown: 75
Ruler of Time and the Mafia


Ruler of Time and the Mafia ver.
組織と時間の支配者 ver.
組織と時間の支配者 ver.
Skill: Time shall be erased for everyone but myself!

Enters a special Stand Up, creating partner panels on the top left and block panels in the center. Stand Up panels are used after making a 2x2 or bigger, increasing Stand Up damage each time.

Skill Lv 1
Time of Effect (%): 40
Cooldown: 100
Cooldown: 100

Skill Lv 2
Time of Effect (%): 60
Cooldown: 100
Cooldown: 100

Skill Lv 3
Time of Effect (%): 60
Cooldown: 80
Cooldown: 80

Skill Lv 4
Time of Effect (%): 100
Cooldown: 80
Cooldown: 80

Skill Lv 5
Time of Effect (%): 100
Cooldown: 60
Cooldown: 60
Stand-up Icon
Charging to Attack
Win Pose