Risotto Nero (リゾット・ネエロ, Rizotto Nēro) is a playable character in JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! with two Gold Rarity (GR) units.
He was added to Pitter-Patter Pop! on April 29, 2019 in the "La Squadra Esecuzioni Gathering!" event.
Blades Born from Iron
Blades Born from Iron ver. 鉄分から生まれる刃 ver.
The character is a festival limited gold rarity unit
Max Power: 1738 (Lvl 50) / 2998 (Lvl 80)
Release Date: April 29, 2019
Favorite Gift and Voiced Gift Reactions:
Skill: Metallica
Enhances all of the Partner panels. Replaces all panels, except Block panels, with Partner panels. Replaces more panels the less Risotto panels there are (Up to 8 at SL1)
Skill Lv 1
# of Replaced Panels:8 Cooldown:80
Skill Lv 2
# of Replaced Panels:11 Cooldown:80
Skill Lv 3
# of Replaced Panels:13 Cooldown:75
Skill Lv 4
# of Replaced Panels:16 Cooldown:75
Skill Lv 5
# of Replaced Panels:18 Cooldown:70
Risotto [Red/Red]
Type: Shiny
Availability: Sticker Shop (300 Sticker Ink) Date: April 9, 2021 - September 2, 2021 Requires: Red & Red Units
Cost: 15
Power + 200
Covert Risotto
Type: Normal & Shiny
Availability: King Crimson vs. Metallica Date: April 28, 2020 - May 14, 2020 Requires: Yellow Unit
Cost: 20
Cost: 15
Erasing Skill Power + 120
Type: EX
Availability: Awakening Date: September 28, 2020 - September 2, 2021
Blades Born from Iron ver.
Cost: 0
After using the Partner Skill, erases random panels, having priority on Risotto panels.
Resolve to Learn Emperor's Secret ver. 帝王の秘密に近づく覚悟 ver.
The character is a voiced festival limited gold rarity unit
Max Power: 1797 (Lvl 50) / 3087 (Lvl 80)
Release Date: April 28, 2020
Favorite Gift and Voiced Gift Reactions:
Skill: You're Already Finished
Replaces random panels, except for block panels, with Intensified Risotto panels. Panels that were replaced by the last skill use will also be replaced by Intensified Risotto Panels. The Boost Lv is raised when using the skill, increasing the number of replaced panels (Up to Boost Lv 5). The replaced panels will follow the same pattern onwards when the skill is used again.