Dont give up. Obstacles can be overcome through strategy and learning.

Hello there (whoever is reading this). I am Chritin, and I'm aneditor on the JoJo wiki. I am also a photo and video editor, among other small hobbies.

About Me

I am Male, currently living in Pennsylvannia (born and raised).

I discovered Jojo around late 2019. I remember discovering it from getting recommended the chariot fight with Wamuu and Joseph on YouTube, and my love for the series blossomed from there (mainly because of the anime). I will say I was a bit weird with how I got into the series, but over time I eventually grew to appreciate the whole story, and read it all the way through the end of Jojolion. I have also read most if not all of the JoJo Light novel/spin-off material, say for the untranslated stories. Now, I'm excited to continue my JoJo explorative Journy with The JOJOLands.

In terms of other things I enjoy I'm a fan of other anime and manga series such as One Piece, Bastard!!, and Baki. I enjoy the soulsborne/greater fromsoftware catalogue of games, Team Fortress 2, and SCP Containment Breach. Finally, I am a massive nerd for fossils and collecting.

Pages I've Worked On

Pages I've Made

Pages I Like/Have Worked On

Infobox Redraws

Infobox Redraws
Manga (Changed to Appearance section)
Manga, Both
Manga & Anime
Anime (Originally a redraw, but the redraw got cropped to better fit)

Transparent Infobox Pages

Transparent Infobox Pages
Manga & Anime
Manga (Minor redrawing for toe)
Was originally used on Ticket To Ride in the Appearance section, moved to the Love Train Appearance Section
Anime, Junior (Color Correction)
TSKR, Manga (Slight redrawing on wristband)
Manga (Uploaded by FTR)


Goals/To DO

  • Remove square and other oblong infoboxes for others that are more form fitting.
  • Redraw and make clear infoboxes when needed or applicable.
  • Change Anime Avs to more closely match manga images or just improve quality (no eyecatch images)
  • Improve the quality of figure pages


Favorites in JoJo

Novel Ranking (left is no. 1)



You see, I'm a huge fan of powerscaling. While I think 90% of people think Powerscaling has no place in JoJo, I personnally enjoy thinking about it and talking about it, so I thought I'd keep this little section in my profile to discuss it. However, I may turn this into a blog at some point.

More to come, and edits will be made...