User:Nabu/Sandbox trad

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Kiss of Love and Revenge

Jolyne Cujoh has managed to retrieve her father Jotaro Kujo's Star Platinum DISC and somehow send it to the Speedwagon Foundation. However, there is still Jotaro's memory DISC to find in order to completely save her father.

It is lunch time at Green Dolphin Street Prison. As F.F. waits in line to get her portion at the cafeteria, another inmate cuts her off. When Jolyne points it out, F.F. comments that it is as if nobody in prison liked Atroe, the woman whose identity she stole. Jolyne suggests that F.F. aggressively asserts herself but F.F. decides that it might be worth simply changing her behavior to be accepter among her peers, and thus looks for ways to do the opposite of what Atroe did. Humorously, F.F. decides to eat the opposite of what Atroe would have eaten. Jolyne briefly complains about her bullet wounds, saying that she's still hurting and asking F.F. to do something about it. However, F.F. only filled the wounds with plankton and cannot do anything to accelerate Jolyne's healing. F.F. then asks what is the opposite of pork, and the Curly-Haired Prisoner who works here giver her salmon, praising how it goes against the river's currents in contrast to a pork's lazy lifestyle. More prisoners cut in line, which angers Jolyne, but F.F. cheekily decides to let everybody pass. It actually causes the prisoners to bicker and fight, allowing F.F. and Jolyne to go through the line unimpeded.

Jolyne remarks that she hasn't seen Ermes in days and she asks what F.F. knows about it. F.F. acts mysterious for a moment, asking if Jolyne didn't hear about "the real reason Ermes came to prison". Jolyne doesn't understand and says that she only knows that Ermes got caught committing armed robbery. F.F. comments that it may be expected that Ermes didn't tell Jolyne, to which Jolyne insists F.F. tells her what is going on. F.F. reveals that Ermes came to Green Dolphin Street Prison on purpose and begins to tell Ermes' story, which she says is merely conjecture.

F.F. narrates an incident involving Gloria Costello, Ermes's deceased older sister. When Gloria was 20, she inherited her father's restaurant and took upon herself to run the family restaurant. One small problem was that Gloria counted on Ermes' help to run the family business together with her but Ermes wanted to acquire a scholarship in cross-country and go to college, which caused frictions among the siblings. One evening after an argument, Ermes stormed out of the house to go run. Gloria followed Ermes out, but then witnessed a man being murdered by a mobster. Gloria managed to hide and had no intention to get involved with the mob. However, she saw the mobster looking at Ermes, who was running nearby. To protect her sister, Gloria was forced to call the police as a witness. Gloria's testimony meant that the state could incriminate the mobster, an infamous criminal named Sports Maxx, for life, but Maxx had someone kill Gloria. Without witness, Maxx was only sentenced to 5 years in prison for tax evasion and inflicting bodily harm. For her part, Ermes lost her father and the restaurant, leaving her alone. Thus, F.F. explains, Ermes has surely come to Green Dolphin Street Prison to get revenge on Sports Maxx, who is currently purging his last year of imprisonment in the men's ward. Once he goes out, Maxx will be protected by his bodyguards and thus now is a golden opportunity for Ermes to assassinate Maxx and avenge herself. Worried for Ermes, Jolyne asks where is Ermes, to which F.F. suggests that Ermes is probably in the chapel, stalking Maxx.

The scene shifts to Ermes discreetly observing Maxx in the chapel as he smells a bouquet of flowers. She tries to approach Maxx but then the priest Enrico Pucci appears, forcing Ermes to bide her time. Maxx asks Pucci if he can take one flower, but strangely the flower is being covered in maggots.

Ermes explains the power of her Stand, Kiss. When she puts one of the stickers produced by Kiss on an object, she can duplicate it. Then when she takes the sticker off, then the two objects will fuse back to one, though the object will be fractured. Ermes has decided to see this power as a sign from Heaven and plans on making Sports Maxx pay for killing her sister Gloria.

Ermes has been carefully stalking Sports Maxx and observing his every habits : how he regularly goes to the chapel, to the graveyard to tend to the tombs, and to the workshop working on stuffed animals. Thus, Ermes has been able to find out the best place to isolate and kill him. Likewise, Jolyne and F.F. have been watching over Ermes. F.F. asks what they should do but Jolyne prefers not to act for now, although she wishes to protect Ermes from being a murderer. When Ermes and Sports Maxx go in different directions, Jolyne and F.F. assume that Ermes is done observing Sports Maxx for today and leave the place. However, it turns out that Ermes merely misdirected her friends.

Sports Maxx is heading for the workshop when he notices something stuck on a pipe on the wall, which turns out to be a photo of Gloria. Curious, Maxx takes if off the pipe. It is at this moment that Ermes reveals herself and tells him that she wants him to remember her sister. Suddenly a second pipe flings into Maxx and traps him inside of the pipe, because he took off a sticker that was hidden behind the photo. Shocked, Maxx slides further inside of the pipe and Ermes seals it by duplicating a part of it with another sticker and tries to flush him into the gutters so that he dies down there. Yet, Ermes hears Maxx mumble inside of the pipe and call to a certain "Limp Bizkit".

Suddenly, a bottle in the workshop breaks seemingly without reason, however, Ermes doesn't see anything but some tools and a stuffed bird on a table. It quickly becomes apparent that something small and invisible is heading towards Ermes. It cuts one of Ermes' fingers and pierces her face multiple times. Ermes summons Kiss to fight the enemy off but she hits nothing. However, she can hear flapping in the corrider. She quickly guesses that it has to do with a Stand power and that she's fighting a bird-like foe, but it does her no good when it suddenly tears at her carotid. Ermes quickly duplicates her vest to trap the enemy within and she's able to crush it on a wall. This causes the stuffed bird to break as well.

Still recovering from that fight, Ermes realizes that Sports Maxx has become a Stand User because of Whitesnake for an unknown purpose. On another hand, it means that she could discover Whitesnake's true identity if she investigates Sports Maxx. She tries to taunt Maxx by kicking the pipe, but she's then interrupted when the table of the workshop is violently flipped by something else. Ermes sees a stuffed alligator and notes something big and invisible running after her. Ermes has to hang on a pipe on the ceiling to escape the creature. Ermes finally realizes that her foes have to do with the stuffed animals in the workshop and that they are probably undead invisible animals. The invisible alligator on the ground repeatedly charges the pipe, and Ermes sees that Maxx is trying to escape. Suddenly, Jolyne and F.F. appear. Ermes tries to warn them but the alligator tears F.F.'s leg.

Ermes quickly explains that the invisible corpse of an alligator is after them. Jolyne splashes it with F.F.'s blood, making it somewhat visible as it rushes at her, its maw gaping open. Even if Jolyne summons Stone Free, the animal is powerful and quick enough to slap her and send her flying into a wall. The animal disappears and Jolyne deploys a string on the floor to sense vibrations around her. Jolyne and Ermes use the respite to clarify the situation about Sports Maxx and his power. Ermes expects the power to disappear once Sports Maxx dies. Jolyne wonder why her string hasn't detected the alligator yet but it turns out that it crawled on the wall to avoid it. It bites Jolyne in the shoulder and tears off a big chunk before retreating again. Erme yells to draw the enemy to her, but F.F. willingly exposes her arm to bait the alligator. As soon as bites into F.F.'s arm, she makes her pistol parts appear and shoots inside of the reptile's mouth, killing it on the spot.

However, Ermes notes that the pipe has been broken and that Sports Maxx has broken out from the visible wet handprints on it.

We see Sports Maxx freshly out of the sewage pipe, haggardly walking away while complaining about being thirsty. Confused, Sports Maxx heads for the chapel, barely remembering that Whitesnake tasked him with finding a body somewhere in this prison. Deciding he must relax a bit, Maxx makes a detour to the women's ward to visit his favorite prostitue here. He quickly bribes a guard who ignores him, and approaches the woman, caressing her while asking for her company. The woman then kicks a prisoner nearby, telling him not to touch her.

Meanwhile, Ermes fears the worst. She cannot see Sports Maxx's corpse and isn't sure whether he's actually dead. For her part, F.F. is alive but gravely wounded and immobilized for the moment. She expects that Sports Maxx is now also an invisible zombie, and tells Jolyne that there is a connection between Maxx and Whitesnake and thus that it is a lead to Jotaro Kujo's memory DISC. Jolyne and Ermes thus head out to find him and extract his memory DISC.

Meanwhile, Sports Maxx has dragged a prisoner with him to the graveyard, which the prostitute followed out of curiosity. While Maxx searches for the prisoner's money and drugs, the woman stands near, confused by what she thinks is the prisoner wanting to pay for her. When Sports Maxx finds and injects himself with the man's drugs, it immediately flows out of his arm. Seeing himself leaking liquid which he recognizes as sewage, Sports Maxx finally remembers that he's dead. Maxx attacks the woman and devours her brain. Furious, he remembers his death and who Ermes is, and is overwhelmed by his hunger for human flesh.

Incidentally, Jolyne and Ermes arrive at the graveyard. They have no idea of Sports Maxx's abilities and suddenly find themselves trapped when Maxx slams the gate of the graveyard shut. Jolyne deploys another string barrier all around her and Ermes to feel the enemy coming from any direction. Jolyne feels a string moving above and kicks the enemy, breaking some bones in the process. However, this invisible foe is a corpse and thus still grabs Jolyne's leg and drags her up to attack her. Jolyne still manages to envelop the enemy in strings and pummels them. Ermes declares her victory but it turns out that the dead prostitute was the enemy.

Ermes tries to warn Jolyne but Jolyne still receives a heavy blow to the shoulder. Ermes comes in to protect her friend and tells Jolyne that it is her problem to deal with no, though Jolyne says that they've gone past this. Suddenly, the tombs of the graveyard break open, letting loose a group of invisible zombies. Jolyne suggests that they retreat strategically, but Ermes stand her ground instead. She expects Sports Maxx will want to deal the killing blow out of revenge, and thus this gives her an advantage. Additionnally, Ermes has her own score to settle no matter what happens.

Several strings snap as the zombies come closer to Ermes but she persists in facing the enemy. The zombie begin to bite and tear at Ermes, who suffers agony but patiently waits for the killing blow. Indeed, Ermes feels Sports Maxx bite at her head and tear a chunk of it before swallowing it. However, Ermes split her head with a sticker, creating a dummy head to absorb the bite, and she summons Kiss to pummel at him. Unfortunately, Kiss hits nothing beneath Sports Maxx's head. It is revealed that Maxx tore off his own head to misdirect Kiss, having been expecting a trick. Putting himself together, Maxx even tells Ermes that Gloria deserved her death and tells her that he will devour her brain. He takes off Ermes's sticker, refusing Ermes' heads. The backlash hurts Ermes and makes her trip, which gives the opportunity for Maxx to jump on her to kill her. However, the chunk of flesh he bit off Ermes suddenly comes out of Maxx's stomach, Kiss's power forcing all the bits of Ermes' duplicated head to return. Jolyne understands that it was all part of Ermes' plan to reveal Maxx's location at the crucial moment. Ermes violently kicks Maxx, bursting out a few teeth, and she declares that it was for Gloria. Maxx sics his zombie on Ermes and tries to escape but she's already duplicated his head by putting a sticker into it. Ermes proceed to pummel Maxx violently, destroying his body. The heads of Maxx fuse, knocking out his DISCs, and Maxx dies for good, also destroying the zombie mob.

Standing still, Ermes suddenly tears up, but her head has been split open. She falls unconscious and Jolyne has to call for help. F.F. treats Ermes but she remains in critical condition.

Later, Jolyne is forcibly brought to the Ultra Security House Unit (or punishment ward) on account of all the chaos and deaths she seems to cause around her. She is hereby put in isolation for an indefinite time, with only one meal and shower per day and will all her permissions revoked. She's thrown into the floor, landing on a squat toilet. Regathering herself, Jolyne discovers the bleak dark cell she's in. She grabs on to a piece of bread on a tray but discovers that it' is covered in cockroaches. Startled, she shrieks. This actually causes the other prisoners to be excited because they realize a woman is her. Jolyne even receives feces on her face, to the sick joy of the other inmates. Reeling, Jolyne nonetheless quickly regains her composure, vowing to see through her time her on behalf of her mission.

Jolyne's allies read Sports Maxx's memory DISC. They see a memory of him in the chapel conversing with Whitesnake about souls. The Stand notably exposes a theory according to which there is a definite number of souls on Earth and wonders how could one person possess every life. Whitesnake thus presents a small bone to Maxx, asking him to revive the spirit of this bone. Unsure, Maxx reluctantly revives the spirit in the bone. Whitesnake suddenly sees that the bone's gone through its hand and has disappeared. The both of them are confused and briefly search for it, but Whitesnake realizes that it is still part of the plan to go to Heaven. Whitesnake decides to leave the bone for now to retrieve him at the right time, and expects to use the bone with Jotaro Kujo's memory to enact his plan. Sports Maxx nonetheless feels that the bone is now in the punishment ward and that it might have been picked up by someone here.

The DISC snaps out of Emporio Alnino, who's shocked by what he's witnessed. Nearby, F.F. also tells him that Jolyne has consulted the DISC, letting Emporio realize that Jolyne went to the punishment ward on purpose. F.F. wants to help Jolyne but Weather Report and Ermes Costello are in the infirmary for now. She glances at the other prisoner who's been hanging in the ghost room with them, but Emporio has little hopes about "Anasui" helping them.

Emporio describes the Ultra Security House Unit, a building situated 520 away from the women's ward on the southern section of the men's exercise ground. It has been purposely built to isolate specific prisoners from the rest of the inmates, some to protect them like elderly prisoners, other because they are extremely violent and vicious.

Emporio adds that they will have to sneak through the prison's security because there is no other way to go to the punishment ward. F.F. tries to ask Anasui for help though he seems to ignore her. She insists but Emporio reveals that he's a murderer. Anasui, Emporio tells, has always been obsessed by the idea of teaking things apart since childhood, and he was condemned for the murder of her girlfriend and a lover, which he "took apart" too. Surprisingly, Anasui was declared sane and thrown in prison. Even Emporio worries about what Anasui would do without Weather Report to keep him calm.

F.F. glances at Anasui, who has his back turned and is reading a book. Unsure about Anasui, she thinks about forcing him to help her and deploys her gun finger, readying herself to aim at him and even shoot him if need be. But, as soon as she approaches, Anasui agrees to help F.F. find Jolyne. He immediately goes out, to Emporio's suspicion. The kid asks him what he is after and Anasui thus reveals that he's fallen in love with Jolyne. He thus plans on becoming Jolyne's protector and eventually marry her, to F.F. and Emporio's confusion.

Anasui rushes into an iron gate and summons his Stand, Diver Down. Diver Down violently kicks the gate, alerting guards on the other side who rush in with armor and guns. However, as soon as they open the gate to puinish the troublemaker, a lege violently kicks the guards, taking them out. It is revealed that Diver Down can make object store its power and release it at an opportune moment.

The Secret of Guard Westwood

In her cell, Jolyne watches a group of cockroaches and ants eat a mushroom and deems that the ones growing under her bed safe for consumption. She has only eaten a few when she hears the guards yelling from the other side of the door announcing that it is time for shower. When the door opens, Jolyne hides behind her bed, to the joy of one of the guards who bet with his partner that she would do it. For her part, Jolyne is sneakily deploying a string to search the ward and find DIO's Bone. The guards proceeds to roughly hose Jolyne, spreading water all over the cell and it is shown that the whole punishment ward is covered in puddles.

One of the guards, named Sonny Likir, accidentally sprays his partner and apologizes. The sprayed man, named Viviano Westwood, then knocks his arm against the guard's shoulder. The argument quickly degenerates into a fistfight where the friend copiously insult each other. Even when they seem to regain their senses and try to make peace, it only gives Likir the chance to violently sucker punch his friend so violently the flesh tears away from his knuckles and Westwood's cheek is torn off, revealing his teeth. Surprisingly Westwood only relishes the prospect of a fight. It is shown that they can somehow see through their opponent's body and admire each other's muscles. Jolyne is astonished to see the guards going berserk and leaving the cell door open as they fight and sees Westwood breaking his friend's leg. She realizes that this must be some sort of Stand attack. We then see Enrico Pucci in his office reading the Bible and revealing that he's sent no less than four Stand Users after Jolyne to the punishment ward to stop her. At the same time, Westwood has gone mad and opened all the cells to challenge the inmates.

A flashback shows a young Pucci together with DIO, discussing about Stand abilities. Out of curiosity, Pucci asked DIO what was the weakest Stand ability he ever saw. DIO answered that everybody had strengths and weaknesses in their characters and that concepts of weak or strong Stands didn't exist, which causes Pucci to say his question was foolish. Nonetheless, DIO tells Pucci that the weakest Stand he knew of was Survivor, although it was difficult to handle. DIO told Pucci the story of a group of hikers who went in the middle of the French mountains in 1982. They all died there and it was discovered that they seemed to have killed each other in an extremely violent fistfight. In addition, DIO learned that they met a man early whom they slighted, and that man simply activated his Stand Survivor. Survivor could emit a weak electric signal that travelled through the water on the ground and affected the brains of the hikers, making them go berserk. DIO deemed the ability useless because it couldn't distinguish between friend and foe, but Pucci was nonetheless interested and stored the ability in a DISC.

In the now, Survivor has been deployed by an unknown user in the Punishment Ward, affecting everyone. The guard Westwood angrily challenges all the prisoners he's freed while Jolyne tries to identify the real enemy and find the DIO's Bone. However, she too feels affected by a killing urge. Suddenly, Westwood rushes at Jolyne who readies herself, confident that she can defeat any ordinary man with her Stone Free. She summons Stone Free but Westwood somehow avoids the attack and climbs a wall, disappearing for an instant before reappearing from behind a door frame to try and kick Jolyne in the head. Jolyne leaps to avoid the attack and ties Westwood's leg to his beck, making him kick himself. Yet, Westwood is able to uppercut Jolyne in the gut. Westwood also admires Jolyne's muscle and can even discern her strings as a "strong point" of her. Jolyne realizes that she's dealing with a man who's gone beyond normal human capabilities and must find a way to deal with him.

Meanwhile, Narciso Anasui and F.F. have fought and snuck their way out of the main building and nearly reached the courtyard linking to the Ultra Security House Unit. F.F. uses the reprieve to inform Anasui that there may be several assassins after Jolyne but to her astonishment, Anasui ignores what she said only to repeat that he'll marry Jolyne.

In the punishment ward, Jolyne continues her struggle against Westwoo while the rest of the inmates kill each other. Affected by Survivor, Jolyne admires the internal muscles of Westwood of his right arm and leg. However, Jolyne sees Westwood's blackened muscles on his left leg, meaning he's been severely weakened on this limb. Distracted by a fight, Jolyne leaves herself open to a right cross but Jolyne counters it with a straight kick to the right knee before comboing into an uppercut with Stone Free as the guard falls. Westwood throws two wild punches at Jolyne but she's tied his fist to his neck, which chokes him and leaves him open to a front kick in the jaw which she follows with a series of wild kicks to the face. Stone Free approaches to deal the finishing punch, but suddenly, her arms is nearly cut in half, something blowing through Stone Free's arm. The damage is reflected at Jolyne too, who stops her attack and wonders what Westwood did to her. She then sees a DISC poking out of Westwood's head and realizes that he's been turned into a Stand User too. In his office, Enrico Pucci expects Survivor to bring out the full strength of each of his Stand Users so that they will surely eliminate Jolyne and protect DIO's Bone.

In the punishment ward, Jolyne's momentum has been stopped by the grievous wound on her arm. Worse, she has no idea how she was injured, Viviano Westwood having hidden his Stand thus far and its capabilities being totally unknown. As Westwood stands up, he notes that Jolyne's strings are her strong points. Jolyne stitches her arm and challenge him but is surprised when Westwood quickly rushes to her side to try a violent left hook ; Jolyne still evades it by ducking. A series of strikes ensue but Jolyne manages to kick Westwood in the face and glances upon Westwood's Stand as he reels back. The guard falls but immediately comes back for more. Thus, Jolyne stands her ground and deploys a string between her foot and hand which manages to deflect Westwood's punch to the side without effort, and she's then able to tie his hands. Jolyne blinds Westwood by throwing her prisoner's jacket at him and she's able to punch him with Stone Free. Still, Stone Free's leg is now also grievously wounded, making Jolyne fall. This allows Westwood to come back and grapple Jolyne on the ground. Immobilized, Jolyne can take a good look at the glass roof and feel that something is coming at her.

Immobilized by Westwood's grapple technique, Jolyne tries to attack him with a punch from Stone Free but it seems even Stone Free cannot hit Westwood because he is locking her head and twisting her left shoulder specifically to prevent her right arm from moving too much. Jolyne tries to grab for Westwood's crotch but he anticipated the technique and shift his grapple to land on the ground. Jolyne sees two round roles on the glass ceiling of the roof and understands that the danger is coming from above. Desperately, she deploys strings from her left hand and sends them right into Westwood ear so that they come out of his eye socket and nose, then violently pulls at them as a pair of small meteorites falls right at her.

The narration explains how earth's atmosphere protects the Earth's surface from most of the meteorites and debris falling into the atmosphere due to the intense friction of the air resistance. However, objects falling at a precise angle can resist being burned away and fall on the surface as a meteor. In the men's courtyard, the prisoner observe a meteor shower passing above them.

Jolyne violently pulls on the string she's inserted into Westwood's face and the pain makes him release Jolyne. She takes a painful glancing hit by a meteor which then heads for Westwood, but it disappears, the heat destroying it thanks to the protection of Planet Waves. Westwood grabs Jolyne's left wrist and tries to lock her arm. Jolyne deploys another string and tears off one of Westwood's toenails in retaliation, also tearing the skin from his foot. Three meteorites fall towards her but Westwood has loosened his grip and Stone Free deflects the meteorites into Westwood, but Planet Waves still makes it so Westwood is protected against the rocks. Worse, Jolyne's hands were injured from the effort. Jolyne finds herself seemingly unable to attack Westwood and heavily wounded on all limbs while he can call endless numbers of meteorites to him. Nonetheless, she stands up and readies herself to continue the fight.

Westwood purposefully leaves himself open to an attack, but Jolyne is distracted when she sees one of the prisoners playing with DIO's Bone. Westwood jumps at Jolyne, forcing Jolyne into a corner to use the wall as a shield against meteors, but Westwood calls in a bigger meteor that destroys the wall and still disintegrates right in front of him. He lands a roundhouse kick on Jolyne's face, throwing her to the side as a big meteorite falls right on her. Still, Jolyne is not giving up.

Westwood tries to deal a vertical kick to Jolyne when she grabs onto his right leg but Jolyne got what she wanted: his boot. Jolyne is able to use the boot filled with a piece of brick as a shield right as the meteor hits her right in the shoulder, deflecting the meteor with the boot right at Westwood. To Westwood's dismay the boot has absorbed the force of the meteorite and even though the rock disintegrates, the boot filled with brick pieces hits him right in the face. Westwood suffers from the impact and the heat, and though he attempts a last ditch attack, Stone Free headbutts him, and knocks him out. Jolyne thus declares her victory.

Still, Jolyne has to look for DIO's Bone and the prisoner player with it. However, she sees a number of bloated corpses around her. One of the prisoner even dies right in front of her, bloating for an unknown reason. She realizes that she has to deal with other Stand Users and soon spots a pair suspicious men standing among the dead prisoners.

Enter the Dragon's Dream

Jolyne finds herself alone standing against two suspicious men who seem to have taken out the other prisoners in the Ultra Security House Unit. Jolyne is unsure about who did what but she knows that she is dealing with at least three Stand Users and must find the prisoner who had DIO's Bone.

One of the prisoners, a short old man, then advances towards Jolyne. Cracking his knuckles and bending his fingers backwards so much that they touch the back of his hand, the man reveals himself as a Stand User rather interested in Jolyne's ability as well as her fighting ability. Finishing bending to warm up, the old man named Kenzou stands ready to battle. For his part, the other man prefers to stand aside. Jolyne accepts the challenge, taunting him by giving him the finger. Surprisingly, Kenzou reveals that he drowned the prisoner around him, but then says that Jolyne is not the priority yet. He strikes a man's elbow, making it punch another corpse and thus forces F.F. to reveal herself.

Leaping from behind the corpse, F.F. jumps high and shoots at Kenzou with some plankton bullets but a corpse spontaneously moves, blocking the projectiles. F.F. dismisses is as dumb luck and continues her battle. Meanwhile, Narciso Anasui makes his appearance on the far side of the hall.

F.F. advances towards Kenzou, who summons his own Stand, a strange metallic ring with an arrow decorated with a dragon head, which Kenzou uses as a sort of compass to single out a particular point in space. The old man proceeds to advance, expecting F.F. to open her lips as soon as a drop of sweat reaches her mouth. F.F. shoots several bullets, but they all miss Kenzou, who then rushes towards her and puts his arm inside of her mouth. Suddenly, F.F.'s mouth fills with water.

Kenzou explains that human can easily drown if a few drops of water block their respiratory system. Indeed, he wounds the cervical inside of F.F.'s mouth and stimulates the adrenal glands, causing a great release of mucus in the trachea and thus suffocating her. F.F. falls and begins to bloat too, but she is able to pierce her throat while Kenzou advances towards Jolyne. The old man notices the danger and barely evades F.F.'s subsequent shots, some bullets glancing his leg. He retaliates with a kick but F.F. squeezes between the bars of a handrail to evade the attack, causing the old man to question whether she's human.

Meanwhile, Anasui has joined up with Jolyne and advises her to observe the fight carefully. He proceeds to try and analyze Kenzou's fighting style, although he also confesses his love for Jolyne, which surprises her. Anasui proceeds to present Kenzou, who is a 78 year old man who's been in prison for 40 years. Kenzou used to be at the head of a cult but he soon caught the attention of the authorities. Kenzou thus gathered his 34 followers, drugged them, and then put fire to his building, killing everybody but himself. Somewhat miraculously, Kenzou survived, some debris shielding him from the fire.

Meanwhile, Kenzou observes F.F.. Influenced by Survivor, he distinguishes the Stand and plankton within her body, but remains confident. He summons his Stand Dragon's Dream and identifies a spot to go to again. Kenzou slowly slides his feet towards the spot while a great dragon-headed arrow appears behind F.F.. She tries to shoot it but the bullets don't affect Dragon's Dream. The Stand actually talks to F.F. and warns her about Kenzou's incoming attack although, he says, he can't "interfere" in the battle.

Kenzou attacks with a swiping kick which F.F. ducks under. She counter-attacks with a barrage of punches but the old man blocks them easily. Grinning, Kenzou leaps and plunges his arm into the the bubble surrounding Dragon's Dream, which seemingly tears his arm off. However, Kenzou's disembodied arm then reappears to strike F.F. from behind. Warned by Jolyne, F.F. dislocates her arm to shield herself and is merely sent a few metres away. F.F. is unimpressed by the strike, and Kenzou starts to bicker with his Stand about it warning the enemy.

Incidentally, the drops of blood F.F. has spilled on the wall attract a trio of mice. They proceed to climb the wall and mess with a control board, closing the doors of the cell. One of those doors crushes a man's head and his eyeglasses, and the thing flies right into F.F.'s mouth. Surprised, F.F. opens her mouth again and Kenzou attacks. Thankfully F.F. manages to evade the strikes.

Jolyne is surprised at the coincidence that led to that opening, but Anasui has determined that Kenzou is using "Feng Shui" to attack. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art which determines lucky and unlucky spots according to flows of energy. Usually applied to houses and building, Kenzou uses that art to determine the path he has to follow to strike and kill his enemies, and Dragon's Dream helps him determine the lucky spots where he can evade attacks as well.

Kenzou resumes his aggression carefully walking towards a lucky spot where F.F.'s bullets will be rendered ineffective. Dragon's Dream reappears behind F.F. and points to another unlucky spot for her. Jolyne warns her about the Stand's power, and F.F. deems that she must stop the old man from touching his Stand at all cost. Dragon's Dream points to F.F., explaining that the spot above her ear is very unlucky, and Kenzou is fuming about his enemies knowing about his powers.

Kenzou disappears, only to reappear to strike F.F. and she tries to counter him with a sole to the face. Kenzou grabs onto her leg and she answers with a knifehand strike towards his head but Kenzou deflects her hand and counters into a left cross right in the sternum. This allows him to plunge his hand into F.F.'s mouth but F.F. still counters the blow by biting hard into his fingers. Reeling from the pain, Kenzou strikes her liver to force her to release him. Kenzou realizes that he has to rely on Dragon's Dream to completely finish her off. Still, he lands a vertical kick on F.F., throwing her into Dragon's Dream. It bites into F.F.'s arm, making it strike another corpse for an unknown reason. Kenzou thus deems his attack completed.

F.F. is confused and asks Dragon's Dream what is going on, but even he doesn't know what will happen. Her striking a corpse happens to have disturbed a couple of flies which go near a ventilator. A bird appears to snatch a fly but it is killed by the ventilator, breaking the fan ; finally a debris falls, rebounding on the ground and slicing her head open.

Jolyne wants to come help her friend but Anasui stops her, as what has happened has already been decided. Kenzou confidently defies Jolyne and Anasui, but Jolyne points out that F.F. is still alive, albeit barely because she's running out of water. F.F. takes Kenzou by surprise when she shoots, wounding his arm in the process. Kenzou hastily retreats into his safe zone, allowing F.F. to think about a strategy. She thus thinks about creating a mirror out of water to misdirect Kenzou at one point but she needs water to heal herself as well.

Meanwhile, Kenzou laments his fall since he was imprisoned but now rejoices as his powers will allow him to build another cult where he will be revered as a savior. Kenzou jumps in to attack and orders Dragon's Dream where to strike. He does a flying kick but F.F. backflips out of danger. She then runs into a fire-extinguishing hose to collect water, pursued by Kenzou. Jolyne tells Anasui to help F.F. but Anasui refuses as he only wishes to protect Jolyne.

F.F. reaches the hose and goes for the faucet but then Dragon's Dream appears, warning her that there is no time to drink. Kenzou leaps but surprisingly, F.F. plunges her arms into Dragon's Dream, losing both in the process. Kenzou kicks F.F. but she sneaks inside of the hose and opens the faucet. However, her own arms strike her, sending her flying away from the water. F.F. is sent flying down the staircase at the center of the hall. Jolyne wonders where it leads and Anasui tells her about the execution room downstairs, equipped with an electric chair.

F.F. lands on the execution chair itself while the hose messes with the control board, starting a 15 seconds countdown to electrocution. Panicking, she seeks to escape but she catches her overalls' straps in a belt buckle, making her trip and sit on the chair. She can barely stand up when Kenzou arrives, and shoots at Kenzou to distract him while she tries to run past him. Unfortunately, some of Kenzou's decorative ball bearings fall and make F.F. slip back into the chair but now she's being tied down by the hose. She attempts a desperate punch but Kenzou deflects it and kicks her back down into the chair as the countdown reaches zero.

The electric chair activates, frying F.F. as Kenzou gloats and plans on becoming a cult leader again. However, Dragon's Dream warns him about F.F., saying she managed to collect some water: Kenzou's own sweat. She's managed to create a mirror reflecting Dragon's Dream and misdirecting Kenzou into an unsafe spot and she's able to grab onto him, electrifying him as well. Both fighters suffer from the deadly electrocution while Jolyne and Anasui observe them. Jolyne lets herself fall down to save F.F., which surprises Anasui because she's still heavily wounded. Down here, Jolyne notices that Dragon's Dream is still there and that Kenzou is barely alive.

Still, she prepares to fight and sends a pointy clump of strings at Kenzou, who avoids it and rushes at Jolyne. However, Jolyne has reached for a small spot of water where a bit of F.F. remains. Jolyne's string gets caught in Dragon's Dream, making Kenzou confident that she'll die from his next attack, but then Anasui intervenes. Kenzou plunges his feet inside of Jolyne's throat to drown her and gloats, but realizes that he's unusually high in the air and knocks his head on the top of the staircase. Confused, Kenzou ordes Dragon's Dream to find him a lucky spot but he falls, only to bounce on the floor. It turns out that his legs are twisted in a strange way and now act like springs, making Kenzou unable to find his footing. Indeed, Anasui and his Diver Down, which was hidden inside of Jolyne's body, modified Kenzou's legs as soon as he touched her, turning them into horrific strings. Kenzou bounces everywhere as F.F. regains her consciousness. Even Jolyne is stunned at the extreme methods of Anasui, only for the man to enjoy her attention. Kenzou ends out of commission, stuck in a bucket and unable to move.

Meanwhile at the Speedwagon Foundation facility where Jotaro Kujo is taken care of, several doctors keep track of his status. Since his Star Platinum DISC has been inserted back into him, Jotaro has woken up at times but spends most of his time sleeping, sitting legs crossed like a monk. Jotaro seems to have learned some facts but he has no recollection of his identity or his family. The doctors deem that the fact that he has absolutely no memories make it so he has no will to live either and that his body is still breaking down due to the placebo effect of having no incentive to survive. Yet, Jotaro violently reacts if someone dares approach his hat, even if he's unconscious. A doctor carelessly reaches for it and Jotaro slams his arm towards the doctor, breaking an IV drop container. His cuts his arm on the glass and the wounds strangely write the name "Jolyne".

At Green Dolphin Street Prison, Jolyne receives treatment from F.F. and she reminisces an incident that happened in her youth. Once upon a time, a young Jolyne stumbled upon a wallet while walking on a parking lot. The wallet belonged to a man nearby who saw her with his wallet and then rushed inside of the car to call the police. Jolyne panicked and when she heard sirens nearby, she pushed the man and his son out of the car in a foolish attempt to drive away, only to crash into several cars. She was arrested and detained later, but thankfully, she was only 14 at the time and avoided being charged. Looking at her mother denying that Jolyne could be a criminal, she then spotted a man with a star cap and a large coat. She almost stood up, thinking the man was her father, but was sorely disappointed to see that it was a different person. She then heard her mother call Jotaro and be shocked that he would fly out of the country at such time. As she walked with her mother out of the police precinct, she heard an attorney in a room discussing about the psychological damage a daughter feeling abandoned by her father would suffer from and how it would lead her to forming toxic relationships with men, with ironic flashes to Romeo Jisso and the car accident leading to her being imprisonment.

In the present, F.F. is done healing Jolyne's wounds, but finds the same "Jolyne" scar on her forearm. The wounds strangely heal rapidly, and realizes from a dream she's had when unconscious that Jotaro was actually protecting Jolyne and his wife but shielding them from Stand-related affairs. Jolyne thus feels like she now completely understands her father.

Birth of the "Green"

Yo-Yo Ma Is Coming!

F.F. - The Witness


Whitesnake - The Pursuer

Jail House Lock!