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Pasting stuff here so I don't have to open my tablet notes every time.



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  • My name is Jorge Joestar. The name was taken from my aristocratic grandfather but written the Spanish style. I asked why Mum didn't spell it 'George' like a proper English name, but she just smiled and said, "Well, you were born in the Canary Islands, and if I named you George, we couldn't very well call you Jojo, could we?"
    —George Joestar II, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 1: Tsukumojuku
  • The only way to stop being scared was to start being brave. I was a boy, and couldn't keep relying on a girl my whole life.
  • I'll be brave. Starting tomorrow, I'll beat up Antonio myself. That might not actually happen, but I'll think of something. I won't need your help.
    —to Lisa Lisa
  • I'd never realized that true arrogance presented itself as elegance. True class, to my mind, was evident without resorting to pretense.
    —George Joestar II, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 7: Airplanes
  • Fights are always won by whoever has more people on their side. This was high school; we were all grown up, and our punches and kicks hurt quite a lot. But I was ecstatic. I could finally take a swing at somebody! At the same time, I felt hollow. However slimy my opponents were, they were just high school boys, normal humans; not evil vampires or zombies. My fights were sleepy scraps in a world of peace.
    —Why is this long?
  • Ha ha ha! I'm definitely flying one of those! Absolutely! Positively!
    —George after seeing Kenton Motorize's plane
  • Whatever the author intended, it's up to the reader how they respond to it. And... not that I've ever tried to write one, but characters in a novel don't always do what the author intends.
  • I don't mind if you criticize me, but using someone else's words to do it isn't right, Darlington. If you want to criticize me, or talk shit about me, or be mean to me, at least use your own words.
    —George to Darlington Motorize
  • It's all right, Lisa Lisa. You and me. Even if we're apart, we'll be OK.
  • Kenton loved planes. She loved flying. She was good at it, and never more beautiful. Even now I wasn't sure if I really liked planes, or just been entranced by the sight of her flying off that cliff.
    —George Joestar II, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 9: Cliff
  • Motor cars! Vroooom! Hell yeah!
  • I was certain Lisa Lisa would come with me to prison; it's not like I wanted that to happen but if it did it wouldn't be that bad, and knowing that made me willing to accept it. That's how messed up my mind was. I was prepared to waste Lisa Lisa's life just to ease my loneliness, lessen my fear, and calm my anxiety. I wasn't just pathetic; I wasn't even a man. I was scum.
  • Behaving properly meant people trusted you, tried to help you. The more people like that you had, the more you could accomplish. Instead of letting them do everything for you, you just had to do the best you could and people would naturally step up to help you out.
  • For a moment, I wondered if Jim and I should just plunge straight town into the ocean to our deaths, but I thought better of it. Fuck dying here.
    —George Joestar II, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 11: Gremlin
  • The only good thing about wars was that they ended.
    —George Joestar II, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 13: Enemy
  • Damn it, Lisa Lisa, if you don't love me why'd you say you wanted to marry me!?
  • Believing in Beyond meant... there was an author writing a story with me as the main character. And in a story, you couldn't have things that didn't make sense or just showed up out of the blue. So I had to create the flow.
    —George Joestar II, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 15: Beyond
  • I couldn't just manufacture narrative flow. If I wanted this Beyond to work for all of us, not just myself, I needed courage. I had to start being more proactive.
    I'll come to Japan someday. I'll come find you, even on the other side of the world. And we'll solve more cases together!
    I cursed God and cried. I don't know what plan You had, but the price for stealing my friend was very, very high. He was my first and only friend. He was amazing. He should have been the main character!
    —probably not adding this one
    I was having fun. I'd been bullied my whole life and never been much of a fighter and while I'd let it bottle up inside me until I exploded and took a swing at someone a few times, John had pulled the rage out of me so easily the curses just spilled off my tongue. It felt amazing. Liberating. To think I could talk like this! That I could trade blows instead of snapping!
    A year before John's boss Rolls had put out the Silver Ghost, which could do 80 kph without any noise, a guy named Ford in America had started mass producing his T series and this was the age of cars, baby!
    —not adding this, but it's funny
    Fuckkk offfffffffffffffffff! What was this prick doing here?!
    —Not adding, just funny
    Oh, shit, I thought. This was bad. We needed a relationship revolution! With that wind in my sails I decided to go see Lisa Lisa.
    I agreed, Lisa Lisa was beautiful and amazing and I was still laughing about it when I got her pregnant. ... Crap.
    Arrghhrghhrghrgh woah woah woah woah woah I I I I'm gonna I'm gonna piss myself oh shit I did sorry!


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  • I am Jorge Joestar's guardian! I fight to protect his beautiful blood line! Breathe, Lisa Lisa! Indigo Blue Overdrive!
    —Lisa Lisa, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 1: Tsukumojuku
  • I don't really get love, or any of that stuff yet, but... I am glad that I could marry you.


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  • But I'm a detective. The moment I get involved, the rules of the world shift to my genre.
    —Jorge Joestar, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 2: Nishi Akatsuki
  • I'm Jorge Joestar. The Detective Jojo.
    —Jorge Joestar, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 12: Rhinoceros Beetle
  • Someone will come along to surpass you. Those who strive for domination must live in the shadow of fear of something just like them. All you'll ever do is wait for someone to surpass you. What an exhausting way to live. But look closely. The one that surpasses you may not come from below. Without you ever noticing, they might already be looking down at you from far above. But if you think hard about that, if you really look at the big picture...that might well be a comfort to you. Good news, Dio Brando!
    —Jorge Joestar, JORGE JOESTAR Chapter 16: Beyond II


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