Chapter 31

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Ruins of the Knights is the thirty-first chapter of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga. It is also the thirty-first chapter of Phantom Blood.


Elsewhere in the graveyard, Poco has tried to tell two thugs about the zombie knights; unfortunately, due to his reputation as a liar, they do not believe his story and then the two of the plan to swing Poco on a rope over the knight's graves. However, before they can do this one of the thug's steps on something and when he looks down at it, he beholds Tarkus's face. As Tarkus rises from the earth and starts towards the thugs and Poco, the thugs run off leaving Poco to his doom at the hands of Tarkus.

Suddenly, Jonathan comes to Poco’s aid along with Zeppeli and Speedwagon. A fazed Tarkus strikes the earth with his sword and makes the ground under Jonathan and his allies feet shift and erode to show the old knights training ground. All of them stand stunned at the sight but Zeppeli wonders where Tarkus has gone. No sooner does Zeppeli ask this question when he spots Tarkus on a higher rock formation with the two thugs that bullied Poco earlier. Then to demonstrate his power, Tarkus starts crushing the two boys’ bodies. Jonathan shields Poco's eyes from the sight while Tarkus then holds the bodies over his mouth to drink their blood as he crushes their bodies into pulp. Rejuvenated, Tarkus then proceeds to charge his adversaries.

Cornered, Jonathan tries to think of an escape plan when he notices leaves on the ground. Having lso seen them, Zeppeli tells Jonathan to use the “You-know-which” Hamon and the two of them proceed to use the Life Magnetism Overdrive to form all of the leaves into one giant leaf which Jonathan, Zeppeli, Speedwagon, and Poco use to escape Tarkus.


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