A list of chapters and volumes for the ninth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, The JOJOLands.
The JOJOLands is currently ongoing, compiled into volumes of the Jump Comics trade paperbacks. Chapter titles often change between the original publication in Ultra Jump magazine and the paperback graphic novels, so both are included below.
Release Date

Chapter Titles
Revised TitlesUltra Jump Titles
- Departure (出発(
DEPARTURE ), Shuppatsu (Dipāchā)) - South King Street (サウス・キング・ストリート, Sausu Kingu Sutorīto)
- The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 1 (ハワイ島の別荘 その①, Hawai-tō no Bessō Sono 1)
- The Villa on Hawaii Island, Part 2 (ハワイ島の別荘 その②, Hawai-tō no Bessō Sono 2)
- Mechanism (
仕組み , Mekanizumu) - The Japanese Man on Hawaii Island (ハワイ島にいる日本人, Hawai-tō ni Iru Nihonjin)
- Find the Diamond in the Mansion (豪邸にあるダイヤを探せ, Gōtei ni aru Daiya o Sagase)
- Vs. Rohan Kishibe (vs.岸辺露伴, Bāsasu Kishibe Rohan)
Release Date

Chapter Titles
Revised TitlesUltra Jump Titles
- "Rise Up" (『上って行け』, "Agatte Ike")
- Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 1 (フアラライ山 - キャット・サイズ その①, Fuararai-san - Kyatto Saizu Sono 1)
- Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 2 (フアラライ山 - キャット・サイズ その②, Fuararai-san - Kyatto Saizu Sono 2)
- Hualalai - Cat Size, Part 3 (フアラライ山 - キャット・サイズ その③, Fuararai-san - Kyatto Saizu Sono 3)
- November Rain (
11月の雨 , Nōbenbā Rein) - Jungle Warfare, Part 1 (ジャングルの攻防 その①, Janguru no Kōbō Sono 1)
- Jungle Warfare, Part 2 (ジャングルの攻防 その②, Janguru no Kōbō Sono 2)
- Let's Go Look at Luxury Watches (高級時計を見に行こう, Kōkyūdokei o Mi ni Ikou)
Release Date

Chapter Titles
Revised TitlesUltra Jump Titles
- Kailua-Kona - Flight Waiting Time, Part 1 (カイルア・コナ - フライト待ち時間 その①, Kairua Kona - Furaito Machijikan Sono 1)
- Kailua-Kona - Flight Waiting Time, Part 2 (カイルア・コナ - フライト待ち時間 その②, Kairua Kona - Furaito Machijikan Sono 2)
- Kailua-Kona - Flight Waiting Time, Part 3 (カイルア・コナ - フライト待ち時間 その③, Kairua Kona - Furaito Machijikan Sono 3)
- Charming Man (チャーミング・マン, Chāmingu Man)
- Owner of the Lava Rock (溶岩の持ち主, Yōgan no Mochinushi)
- THE Hustle, Part 1 (THE ハッスル その①, Za Hassuru Sono 1)
- THE Hustle, Part 2 (THE ハッスル その②, Za Hassuru Sono 2)
- His Name is "Charming Man" (その名も"チャーミングマン", Sono Na mo "Chāminguman")
Release Date

Chapter Titles
Revised TitlesUltra Jump Titles
- Joestar Brothers (ジョースター兄弟, Jōsutā Kyōdai)
- Aim for That Fifty Billion Dollars, Part 1 (その価値500億ドルを狙え その①, Sono Kachi 500-oku Doru o Nerae Sono 1)
- Aim for That Fifty Billion Dollars, Part 2 (その価値500億ドルを狙え その②, Sono Kachi 500-oku Doru o Nerae Sono 2)
- Lulu's Bags Groove, Part 1 (バグス・グルーヴのルルちゃん その①, Bagusu Gurūvu no Ruru-chan Sono 1)
- "The Absurd Event That Happened to Me That Year" ("その年わたしに起こった不条理な出来事", "Sono Toshi Watashi ni Okotta Fujōri na Dekigoto")
- Hawaii State Land Registry Office (ハワイ州土地登記所, Hawai-shū Tochi Tōkijo)
- Bigmouth Strikes Again (ビッグマウス・ストライクス・アゲイン, Biggumausu Sutoraikusu Agein)
- That Girl's Bags Groove, Part 1 (あの娘のバグス・グルーヴ その①, Ano Musume no Bagusu Gurūvu Sono 1)
Release Date

Chapter Titles
Revised TitlesUltra Jump Titles
- Lulu's Bags Groove, Part 2 (バグス・グルーヴのルルちゃん その②, Bagusu Gurūvu no Ruru-chan Sono 2)
- Lulu and Bobby Jean, Part 1 (ルルちゃんとボビー・ジーン その①, Ruru-chan to Bobī Jīn Sono 1)
- Lulu and Bobby Jean, Part 2 (ルルちゃんとボビー・ジーン その②, Ruru-chan to Bobī Jīn Sono 2)
- Lulu and Bobby Jean, Part 3 (ルルちゃんとボビー・ジーン その③, Ruru-chan to Bobī Jīn Sono 3)
- That Girl's Bags Groove, Part 2 (あの娘のバグス・グルーヴ その②, Ano Musume no Bagusu Gurūvu Sono 2)
- That Girl's Bags Groove, Part 3 (あの娘のバグス・グルーヴ その③, Ano Musume no Bagusu Gurūvu Sono 3)
- Glory Days, Part 1 (グローリー・デイズ その①, Gurōrī Deizu Sono 1)
- Glory Days, Part 2 (グローリー・デイズ その②, Gurōrī Deizu Sono 2)
Chapters published only in magazine format
Chapters published only in magazine format

Release Date

Chapter Titles
- HOWLER Company Impropriety Suspicions (HOWLER社不正疑惑, Haurā-sha Fusei Giwaku)
- Dolphin Bank's Debt Collection, Part 1 (ドルフィン銀行の取り立て その①, Dorufin Ginkō no Toritate Sono 1)
- Dolphin Bank's Debt Collection, Part 2 (ドルフィン銀行の取り立て その②, Dorufin Ginkō no Toritate Sono 2)
- Dolphin Bank's Debt Collection, Part 3 (ドルフィン銀行の取り立て その③, Dorufin Ginkō no Toritate Sono 3)