Author's Note ★ Steel Ball Run

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Steel Ball Run

In every volume of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the front folded flap of the dust jacket usually contains a picture of Hirohiko Araki himself, and more than often a quotation. The quotes featured below the picture are always different from each other, and are usually about Araki expressing his opinion on certain subjects. These subjects can be about anything, including information about characters or the story itself. The notes below are from Steel Ball Run.


Chapter Translation Original

SBR Chapter 1 JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is entering into a parallel world. And by that I mean it's no longer JoJo, it's Steel Ball Run. ジョジョの奇妙な冒険P(パラレル)ワールドに突入した。そしてジョジョでなくなったっていう事でSBR(スティール・ボール・ラン)

SBR Chapter 2 My goal for 2004 is to start playing golf. I've never played a round of golf in my life. 2004年の目標はゴルフを始める事。やった事一ぺンもないから。

SBR Chapter 3 I went to Kyoto for the first time in my life and saw Mount Fuji from the Shinkansen train. 生まれて初めて京都に行き、途中新幹線の車内から、生まれて初めて富士山を見た。

SBR Chapter 4 The most delicious food I had during my interview trip in the Southwestern United States was Burger King. アメリカ南西部取材旅行で一番おいしかった食べ物は「バーガー・キング」だな。

SBR Chapter 5
SBR Chapter 6
The editorial staff has switched out Mr. Shima the 8th for Ms. Keiko the 9th. You have my gratitude, Mr. Shima. 編集担当が、8代目嶋さんから9代目瓶子さんに変わりました。嶋さん感謝。

SBR Extra Chapter 1 I'm looking forward to "Aomaru Jump," a magazine that mainly focuses on artists who draw unusual works. 「青マルジャンプ」は変わった作品を描く作家さん中心の雑誌だそうで楽しみです。

SBR Chapter 7 The CDs I've been listening to a lot recently are the new Norah Jones album and the soundtrack to The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. 最近よく聴いてるCDはノラ・ジョーンズの新譜と「続・夕日のガンマン」のサントラ

SBR Chapter 8 For some reason, looking at catalogs makes me feel at home. The ones I've been looking at lately contain photos of the interiors of boutiques. カタログ本を見てると、なぜか心が落ち着く。近頃見てるのはブティクのI(インテリア)だけの写真が載った本

SBR Chapter 9 Cooking. Spaghetti carbonara, for example. It's very complicated. If you don't do it quickly, the eggs will clump up. 料理。スパゲティーカルボナーラ。奥が深い。スゲッ手早くやらないと卵がかたまっちまうんだよね

SBR Chapter 10 The Lives of Eccentrics tankōbon will be released on March 19th (Friday). These short story collections only come out once every decade and this will be the third one. 「変人偏屈列伝」が単行本で3月19日(金)発売。10年に1回しか出ない3冊目の短編集。

Chapter Translation Original

SBR Chapter 11 Steel Ball Run is a 31-page serialization. However, I'll be taking a break every ten weeks or so. The race's second stage will resume around June. SBR(スティール・ボール・ラン)は31P連載です。が、10週位ごとに休むことになりますのでよろしく。2S(セカンドステージ)再開は6月頃。

SBR Chapter 12 This year is the year I met with several manga artists. Eleven of them so far. All privately, not business-related. 今年はよく漫画家に会う年だ。仕事ではなく、プライベートで。11人に会った。

SBR Chapter 13 Are Finnish people really a nation of Xylitol gum chewers? フィンランドの人たちって本当にキシリトールガムばっか噛んでる国民なの?

SBR Chapter 14 I know it's a common complaint every year, but during the rainy season, my manuscript paper gets damp and it's hard to write on it. 毎年のグチだけど梅雨シーズンは原稿用紙が湿るのでべンが走りにくくて困る。

SBR Chapter 15 I've suddenly developed an allergy to the mango fruit. It's my favorite food, but I can't eat it anymore. 突然、フルーツのマンゴーのアレルギーになった。大好物なのに食べられなくなった。

SBR Chapter 16 It was George Asakura the manga artist's birthday, so I sent her flowers, and she sent me double the amount in return. Oh, dear... 漫画家ジョージ(あさ)(くら)が誕生日だったので花を贈ったら、倍のお返しが来た。やばいよ。

SBR Chapter 17 I got a bottle of very expensive wine, but when I took it with me on my trip, it got damaged. 超高級ワインもらったんで、旅行先で飲もうと持ってったら、痛んでしまった。

SBR Chapter 18 The mailman and courier who do deliveries to my neighborhood never bring me anything in the morning since they know I'll be asleep. 近所を配達してる郵便と宅配は寝てるの知ってるので、午前中ぜったい持って来ない。

SBR Chapter 19 It's apparently out of stock at the bookstore, but I'm just too embarrassed to ask if they have a book on Guts Ishimatsu. 本屋で品切れらしいんだけど「ガッツ伝説って本ありますか?」って恥ずかしくて聞けない。

SBR Chapter 20 We had a cockroach infestation at work. I used half of the pesticide to get rid of them. I'm afraid they'll come back... 仕事場にゴキブリが出た。殺虫剤半分使って始末したんだが、そっからが恐い。復活しそうで。

Chapter Translation Original

SBR Chapter 21 I'm not really a fan of stuff like mecha, but Thunderbirds is an exception. I've got all five volumes. メカって、そんな好きじゃあないんだけど「サンダーバード」は別。1〜5号全部集める。

SBR Chapter 22 Volumes 3 and 4 of Steel Ball Run will be on sale at the same time on November 4 (Thursday). Thank you for your support! JC(コミックス)「スティール・ボール・ラン」③と④が11月4日(木)同時発売になるので、よろしく。

SBR Chapter 23 Lately, I've been trying to find good walking paths, but it's hard to find one that isn't full of stressful things like car traffic. 最近の課題はよい散歩コースを探すこと、車の通行などストレスのないコースはなかなかない。

Chapter Translation Original

SBR Chapter 69 It's been quite awhile since I've done a comment like this and I'm really nervous. Ultra Jump, please continue to support me! コメント、本当久しぶりでマジ緊張します。UJ、これからもよろしく。

SBR Chapter 70 This year I got to meet Mikiya Mochizuki-sensei and Kishin Shinoyama-sensei. I hope to be like them when I'm older. 今年に入り望月三起也先生、篠山紀信先生と会えた。あんな風に年をとりたいです。

SBR Chapter 71 I went to Kyoto. I ended up finding a Maiko, but a local told me that it was a fake (パチもん, Battamon). 京都へ行った。「舞妓さんだッ」って言ったら、「あれパチもん(にせ者)や」って地元の人に言われた。

SBR Chapter 72 I've gone cherry blossom viewing three times this Spring. It's the perfect season to enjoy nature's beauty to its fullest. 今春は、花見を3回しました。「花鳥風月」全部しみじみ楽しめる良い季節ですなあ。

SBR Chapter 73 I wanted to buy something I wouldn't forget, so I purchased an 80,000 yen umbrella. The idea was a little too optimistic. I lost it. 忘れ物しないようにと8万円もする傘買ったが、甘い考えだった。失くした。

SBR Chapter 74 A friend of mine and their significant other appeared on Atsushi Watanabe's "House of Paradise". I'm almost certain they played their guitars on it." 友人が渡辺篤史さんの「建もの探訪」に出演だって。きっと夫婦でギター弾かせられたな。

SBR Chapter 75 I don’t really like cats that much. Still, I want to meet Wakayama’s “cat station master.” ネコ、あまり好きじゃあないけど、和歌山の「ネコの駅長」。会いたいです。

SBR Chapter 76 Taken was great! Thank you for this miraculous masterpiece; both stylish and tear-jerking. 映画『96時間』良かったです。スタイリッシュで泣けるという奇跡の傑作、ありがとう。

SBR Chapter 77 I’m terrfied of cicadas in the summer. It’s because when I approach one, thinking, “is it dead?” it comes back to life like a zombie screeching “RARRRH.” 夏、蝉が怖くて。「死んでる?」と近づくと『ギ!』ってゾンビみたいに甦るところ。

SBR Chapter 78 My current hobby is collecting CD jackets, but a lot of them tend to be sold out. CDの『紙ジャケット』ってのを集めるの趣味にしてるけど、売り切れスゴい多い。

Chapter Translation Original

SBR Chapter 79 I'm very happy to have a good pizza place in my neighborhood. It's great for meetings too. 近所にうまいピザ屋が出来て、超幸せです。良い打合わせ場所としても。

SBR Chapter 80 The first thing I did to start off the new year was play Mario Kart. I usually watch a horror movie, though... 新年一番最初にした事は『マリオカート』でした。普通はホラー映画だけど…。

SBR Chapter 81 While I was out shopping I met A-chan from Perfume. What are the odds? Was it Fate? (maybe not...) 買い物行ったら「Perfume」のあ~ちゃんに会った。どんな確率?運命の人?(違うか?)

SBR Chapter 82 My favorite politician is the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. He looks happy. 好きな政治家のキャラクターは伊の「ベルルスコーニ」首相。ハッピーそう。

SBR Chapter 83 I went to the new Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum. It's a recreation of a red brick building from the Meiji era. Amazing! 新しい『三菱一号美術館』に行きました。赤レンガの明治の建物復刻。凄ッ!

SBR Chapter 84 Jeff Beck's new CD album is super good. Definitely similar to Christian rock. CD。「ジェフ・ベック」のニューアルバム、超良いです。確かで祈りのようなロック。

SBR Chapter 85 Recently, I've been really into art exhibitions and zombie movies. I just want to immerse myself in both. 最近本当、「絵画展」と「ゾンビ映画」を観てます。どちらもずっと浸っていたい。

SBR Chapter 86 Lately we've been having a series of disasters at Lucky Land. There was a leak upstairs and now there's water raining down on upon the workplace. 最近、ラッキー・ランド災難続き。上の階で漏水。仕事場に水が降って来た。

SBR Chapter 87 Went to Tetsuya Chiba-sensei's house. While I was there it felt like a historical building given the masterpieces that were created in it. ちばてつや先生宅へ。まさに、あの名作たちが生まれた歴史的建造物だと思いました。

SBR Chapter 88 The word I've used the most this summer is 'hot'. How often you ask? Like several dozen times a day. 今年の夏、一番多く使った「ワード」は「暑い」ですね。一日何回?まさか何十回かも。

Chapter Translation Original

SBR Chapter 89 Carrying a Mikoshi feels so energizing, right? I got to carry one again this autumn. 『お神輿』って元気もらえますね。この秋も担がせていただきました。

SBR Chapter 90 When I got the flu shot, I was told that it wouldn't hurt, but it did. I cried. インフルエンザの予防接種、「痛くない」と言ってたのに痛かった。泣いた。

SBR Chapter 91 I am addicted to the Twilight series. I want to suck blood, but I can't. 映画『トワイライト』シリーズにハマりました。血吸いたいのに吸えないね。

SBR Chapter 92 Happy new year! Thank you for your continued support of JoJo this year. 謹賀新年。今年も『ジョジョ』をよろしくね。

SBR Chapter 93 I've been to New York. I respect Johnny for not dying from the cold. NYへ行って来ました。死ぬかって寒さで「ジョニィ」は偉いなと思いました。

SBR Chapter 94 I'd like to express my deepest sympathy to all the victims in the affected areas, including my hometown of Sendai. 地元・仙台をはじめ、全ての被災地の方々に心よりお見舞い申し上げます。

SBR Chapter 95 Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart for the completion of Steel Ball Run. I'll see you in Part 8: JoJolion. 『SBR』心より完結大感謝。第8部『ジョジョリオン』でお会い致しましょう。

SBR Volume 1

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
In substance, I drew Steel Ball Run as the seventh part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure saga. However, for the readers who might begin with this volume, I preferred not to insist too much on that affiliation. On the other hand, completely burying one's past work in order to create a brand new one is, in my opinion, a bad habit for any manga author. It's important to find a theme which carries on from the past. (To be continued in SBR Volume 2.)

SBR Volume 2

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
Since seasons pass and man evolves during his life, I think it's important to build what I call the theme of one's work by basing it on the foundations of their previous works, and that wanting to cut oneself one from that past is a mistake we shouldn't make. Thus, in Steel Ball Run, you will meet characters whose names are similar to some of the characters in the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure saga. You can see them as their ancestors, or as their incarnations in a parallel world.
However, the theme remains the same: a hymn to humanity. What will happen to these people plunged into the strange race of life?

SBR Volume 3

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
One of the things I've found amazing lately is a ball that is used for exercise. It's about 70 to 80 centimeters in diameter, filled with air, and made of scientific resin. By just sitting on it and jumping around, you can strengthen your abdominal muscles and remove strain on your spine and pelvis. I couldn't understand the principle behind something that moves so simply. I am a skeptic, but when I saw professional athletes using it, I was convinced that it was true. It also makes my internal organs stronger.

SBR Volume 4

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
Something related to the shape of the sphere amazed me... I was watching an Aikido video, and this young man in a traditional dress grabbed the head of a man (he seemed to be a master) who was around 60 years old. The master grunted "Hmph!" and shook his head in a spherical motion. The young man flew approximately 2 meters into the air. It makes you think he just jumped on purpose, since he was thrown so easily. But I don't think it was fake, since the video cost over 10,000 yen. I'd like to be thrown once (onto somewhere soft).

SBR Volume 5

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
In late 1980, when I had the opportunity to shake Osamu Tezuka's hand, I thought to myself, "Wow, a manga artist's hand is so soft and fluffy!" Later, when I shook the hand of Masutatsu Ōyama, a karate master, I also thought to myself, "Whoa! So he actually smashes bottles and stuff with these soft hands..." And so I decided that all experts must have soft hands. Nobody has ever told me that I have soft hands, but I'm sure that Gyro's hands are very soft and fluffy.

SBR Volume 6

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
The question usually comes from women for me, but have you ever been told that you looked like someone else? People used to tell me I looked like an actor in Stargate named James Spader. But lately, I've been told that I resemble Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa or the cover of Prince's album 1999. I've also been told I look like Jackie Chan, Masakazu Tamura, a dog, a horse, a cloud, a car, the vampire Rock from Osamu Tezuka's work... All of these are questionable.
よく女性とかに言われる事が多いんだけれど、「誰それに顔似てるよね?」とか言われたりしないでしょうか? ぼくは昔よく「ジェームス・スペーダー」という「スターゲイト」とかに出ていた俳優に似ていると言われました。最近ではダ・ヴィンチの「モナリザ」とか言われたし、プリンスの「1999のジャケット」に似てるとかも言われました。その他言われた事のあるもの「ジャッキー・チェン」、「田村正和」、「犬」、「馬」、「雲」、「自動車」、手塚治虫のヴァンパイアの「ロック」など。全部「?」です。

SBR Volume 7

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
I've realized that I've reached my mid-40s. If I'm to live to the age of 70 or 80, then I've already passed the halfway point. This is a bit of a difficult topic to write about, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm alright the way I am. Am I walking the right path? One needs satisfaction on that front, and both Gyro and Johnny are seeking that satisfaction in this race. That is the theme of this manga. (To be continued in Volume 8.)
わたし(飛呂彦)も気付いたら40代半ばになってしまっていて、仮に人生70歳とか80歳まで生きるとしたなら、とっくに折り返し地点を過ぎてしまった事になる。で、ちょっとこムズかしい事を書くけど、最近良く考えるのは、自分はこんなんでいいのか? という事だ。自分は「正しい道」を歩いて来ているのだろうか?

SBR Volume 8

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
Sometimes I wonder what the right path even is. I wonder what would happen if I were to go down the wrong path, in pursuit of love or justice. What are the right and wrong paths, and how are we supposed to distinguish between the two? Will anyone ever tell us? If we hurt the ones we love because we love them, how can we escape it? Gyro and Johnny, as well as everyone else involved in the race, are in that situation. Can they do anything other than pray?
それが正しいのか誤った道なのか、どうやって「2つ」を見分ければ良いのか? 誰か教えてくれるというのか? 愛する気持ちゆえに愛する者を傷つけてしまったら、どうやってそこを抜け出せば良いのか? ジャイロとジョニィも、レースに関わる者は全員、その状況下にある。


SBR Volume 9

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
Movies that I've seen recently and thought were fantastic were works by Micheal Mann (like The Insider and Collateral), the Jason Bourne series, and the TV series 24. The main characters in these works all have a sense of professionalism, and they act without hesitation: it's as if their determination transcends notions of good and evil. I can sense a deeper sense of humanity through these characters. When I place myself in these characters' shoes, I can feel myself tearing up. All of these works are supposed to be cool, but I am passionately moved by them. The best one is Heat.

SBR Volume 10

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
It's something that was given to me, but I have a swimsuit calendar hanging on the wall of my workplace. In other words, I have 12 pictures of girls in bathing suits in my office. Nothing too naughty. Every time the month changes, I have to flip the page to the next girl, and that somehow makes me feel incredibly melancholy. I feel like I'm saying, "Goodbye, September girl. I'll never see you again..." And then when I flip the page, I end up betraying her already and thinking, "October's not bad either!" What I'm trying to say is that a year goes by really quickly.

SBR Volume 11

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
Recently, I've been thinking a lot about numbers. Take money, for example. Everyone thinks it's better to have a lot than a little, but it seems like once someone gets too much of it, they become burdened with it. This also applies to that wonderful, beneficial invention of cars: too many of them, and they become an inconvenience. They're bad for the atmosphere, too. And though I believe every human life is important beyond measure, if a country with more than ten billion people were to come into being... Hmm, that's a scary thought.

SBR Volume 12

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
I have times I like to call angry seasons, when I strangely begin to get aggravated by the world's rules and regulations. On the other hand, once those phases pass, I start to think that the same things I was irritated by are now great!

Recently, two horror movies called The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning and The Texas Chain Killer: Beginning came out, and I mistakenly bought the wrong DVD. Hey! But once my angry season passes, I'll probably think that it was great that I bought two interesting-looking horror movies.

(Note: The Texas Chain Killer: Beginning is called Hoboken Hollow in America.)

SBR Volume 13

SBR Volume 14

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
I often see the phrase "horse and man as one" in racing magazines or in historical novels, and it supposedly means that the rider can synchronize his or her movements with their horse, so that they're almost one entity. When I draw Gyro and the others on their horses, I feel like I understand a bit of what that phrase means, though I don't ride horses myself. I can't tell you specifically which ones they are, but when I get a racing panel to look just right, the figures seem to fit well with one another. Humans and horses must be biologically suited for one another (whatever that means).

SBR Volume 15

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
I've recently found out that people are somehow intimidated by me-- people I've met for the first time during interviews often say, "Man, I was so nervous the whole time!" That worries me. Apparently, people perceive me as similar to a character that I made in the past, Rohan Kishibe, and that's why they get so nervous. I'm not like him. I'm the type of person that'll drink their tea even when eraser bits or drops of ink get into it.
I really want people to say, "Man, Araki makes me feel so relaxed." I guess I need to work on myself more.

SBR Volume 16

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
I love horror movies more than eating a good three meals a day. The cheaper and more B-tier they are, the more I love them. I watch these movies with the utmost respect for them, and their cinematic vision somehow gives me a sense of ease. However, there are some elements of horror movies that I can never agree with:
  1. Whenever one of the characters try to call someone on their cell phone, they either have no service or the battery is dead.
  2. Even though a character only has a limited number of bullets, they get trigger-happy during the worst times and then run out of bullets when they need them most.
  3. When the camera slowly zooms in on a character's back, but no one's there when they turn around. What's the point of using that camera technique if no one is there?! I... I can't forgive that. I want them to go and stand under a waterfall.

SBR Volume 17

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
Do you know a song called "Tsuki no Sabaku" (The Desert Moon)? When I was a kid, one of my friends used to listen to me singing it with a tear in his eyes. At the time, his sensibility stupefied me, but I realize that I am highly sensitive too. I'm sensitive not to a song but a certain type of background: a curved and sloping street with a wire fence on the side, like what can be found near schools. Whenever I see such a street, be it in Japan or elsewhere, a wave of nostalgia takes me and a tear appears in my eye... I don't even know why. Regardless, I'm always bawling when I take pictures of these streets.

SBR Volume 18

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
As I've been writing Steel Ball Run, I'm beginning to notice a common thread between the characters: namely, that they want to go home. Or rather, they're looking for places to go home to and meanings for their going home. That even applies to Gyro, who has a hometown to go back to. So far, the only one among all the characters who was able to find that was Mountain Tim. Even as the author behind Steel Ball Run, it feels really harsh, and sometimes I just want to leave this race and go home. But I can't go home yet. Not until I can find meanings for the characters' going home.

SBR Volume 19

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
Here's a warning for young people: you shouldn't try to imitate tree climbers, and even more importantly, you should never do what you are told not to do. If you climb a tree in Tokyo, you'll undoubtedly be questioned by the police, and you'll look foolish if you find yourself unable to climb back down. People will suspect that you'll hurt your hip, scrape yourself, die, or simply go insane. You'll have to travel to the countryside to find trees to climb, but it's good to practice becoming one with nature regardless.

SBR Volume 20

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
I'm afraid of false eyelashes falling in my house... Great long ones fall off in hallways and in the bathroom. When there's bad lighting, they really freak me out. I imagine they might be moving. Talk about horror! (I can't say whose specifically, but) when I picked some up and threw them in the garbage, their owner said "Why are you throwing those away? I'm still using them!" Then they picked the things up and put them on a shelf. I was really indignant, but even more terrified.


SBR Volume 21

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
This is an actual conversation I had:
"Huh? Don't you know Wakeru-kun?"
"No. I'm afraid I don't."
"Really? He's Wakeru-kun. Wakeru-kun!"
"Really, who is he?"
"Do you really not know him? Wakeru-kun, the guy with parted hair. He's incredibly popular. Sensei, you're from Sendai, aren't you?"
"Huh? Yes, I am from Sendai, but... Is he the city's mascot character, like Shiga's Hikonyan or Nara's Sento-kun?"
"That's the best reaction I've seen since I started working here! Sensei, you really don't know him despite being a manga artist? Wahahaha!"
"How would I know...?"
(The end. Was that good?)
「本当ですか? ワケルくんですよ。ワケルくん!」
「なんでしょう? それ」
「本当、ご存知ないですか? 分け目のついてるワケルくん。ものすごい人気なんですよ。先生は仙台出身でしたよね?」
「わたし、この部署について以来の大反響なんですよ! 先生、プロの漫画家なのに、ご存知ないとは、ワハハハ」

SBR Volume 22

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
The work known as drawing pictures is infinite. You can keep drawing on one sheet forever, wondering where the best place to end is. The same goes for a story. For example, if you have the setup of a lover falling to the bottom of a deep hole, but a friend you don't like can take the lover's place and save them if you push them in, what would you do in that situation? Would you push the guy you hate in? I don't think it's the correct action. If you start thinking about it, the infinity of answers begins to disappear.
As a side note, drawings are only completed when your heart wants them to end. That's my personal opinion.
そして『物語』。仮に「恋人」が穴の底に落ちている設定があって、そこに「嫌いな友人」を身替わりに突き落とすと、その『恋人』は命が助かるという状況があったとしたなら、もし、あなたならどうしますか? 嫌いなヤツを突き落とす? それは「正しい行動」じゃない気がする。考えると『無限』に答えがでなくなってしまう。

SBR Volume 23

Link to this sectionAuthor's Note
Recently, something that has been on my mind is people that put on performances. The ultimate goal of these people is to be the center of attention, so I honestly can't tell what is they're actually trying to do. Those people are abundantly talented, so they try to extend into many different fields and never try to quietly master any one thing. Is it art, or is it politics? Is it a rescue operation or is it business? I feel like they're a particularly extraordinary and uncanny part of society. I can't think of any way to unite those clashing goals.

SBR Volume 24

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With Volume 24, the Steel Ball Run race is completed. Everyone, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for being such loving readers. Just what was the holy corpse that appeared here? I never explained it thoroughly right up to the end, but I wrote it as a symbol of purity. I think that the sense of purity is extremely important: like the difference between good and evil, virtue, and what should be respected, it can be understood instinctively. You can be sure that the one who obtains the corpse will find happiness.


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