Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli

Revision as of 05:04, 6 September 2012 by MetallicKaiser (talk | contribs)

Caesar Antonio Zeppeli is an ally and friend of Joseph Joestar featured in Part II: Battle Tendency.


Caesar Zeppeli is a blond, suave ladies' man, as well as a skilled hamon user. He is rather cool and collected, especially compared to Joseph, with whom he is grudgingly paired to fight the Pillar Men, but over time Joseph starts to grow on him to the point where he is "even able to understand his strange thought patterns".



When Caesar was a child, his father suddenly left him with no explanation. As a result, Caesar grew up hating his father thinking he was out living a new life. However, one day when Caesar spotted him walking, he tails him with the intention of killing him, down to a secret passage leading to the Pillar Men under the Colosseum. Caesar then spots a jewel, not knowing that it was part of Wham's trap, but his father pushes him out of the way, sacrificing himself for Caesar, leading Caesar to admire his father and swear revenge on the Pillar Men.

Some time after Caesar desires revenge against the Pillar Men, he trains under Lisa Lisa in the use of the hamon, but apparently has learned little more than the fundamentals and still needed to go through the final part of the ripple training in order to master it fully.

Battle Tendency

A recollection of his past with his father leads to Caesar to go ahead of the rest of the group to fight Wham, where he almost manages to kill the Pillar Man. However, because he closed in for his final attack, his shadow was taken advantage of by Wham and he is dealt a deathblow. As he is about to die, he rips off Wham's lip piercing and sends it in a hamon bubble made of his blood for Joseph before his body is crushed by a rock.





  • Like his grandfather before him, Caesar's choice of weapon is unique; Caesar's being soap and soap bubbles, but as shown by his last act, he was not limited to soap and could construct bubbles from other liquid materials.
  • Also similar to his grandfather, Caesar passes on his headgear to one of his friends after his death, his headband worn by Joseph during the latter's battle with Wham.
  • Caesar's Steel Ball Run counterpart is most likely Gyro Zeppeli, who mentions that his real name was, in fact 'Yulius Kaiser Zeppeli', upon which Johnny Joestar, in surprise, asks him if it is actually pronounced 'Julius Caesar'. A possible reference to Caesar.
  • According to JoJo 6251, Caesar dislikes unsophisticated people, irresponsible people, and bugs.

