As Baby Face is an independent Stand, it also holds separate sentience from its user, requiring proper education to ensure a positive growth. Otherwise, it will become disobedient and uncontrollable. It also takes its personality from its "mother"; the one used against Bruno Buccellati's group had a hotheaded "mother" and demonstrated such personality traits.
Homunculus Generation: Through its Computer Stand, Baby Face has the ability to generate a secondary Stand from the blood of a female and a male subject. This not only creates the homunculus from the blood, but passes the traits of the subject to the Stand as well. Unlike most Stands, the homunculus Baby Face is capable of being attacked without its user being hurt (this is due to the homunculus not having the same spiritual frequency as its user, but being made of two different people's DNA).
Computer: The Computer Stand is not only responsible for the Homunculus Generation powers, but is also used like a regular computer, capable of holding and interacting with data. With the Homunculus Stand, the computer allows the user to contact and commune with the Stand from a remote distance, and holds status data of the current homunculus.
Matter Manipulation: Upon birth, the secondary Stand is capable of "cubing" up any form of matter. Upon "cubing", Baby Face is capable of rearranging its structure into anything it desires (Baby Face cubed and transformed Trish into a table), and can even apply his powers to itself, to blend in with the environment. This can also be used as an attack, being able to influence the range of the cubing to remove various parts of the body.
Physical Growth and Aging: The Homunculus starts as a baby. Over a short period of time, it will grow up to become a fully aged adult.
According to JOJOVELLER, this Stand is like an evil version of Echoes ACT3 and its head is of "deformed Amerindian" style.[clarification needed]
Baby Face (Computer form, without arms and legs)
Baby Face (Computer form, with limbs)
The ways of kissing shown on Baby Face's screen
A screen shows how Baby Face grown to a Fetus
The larvae Baby Face on its "mother"'s back of head
Baby Face's urination on its "mother"
The woman targeted by Melone, disintegrates from Baby Face's abillity