List of every mistakes from French official materials

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Hey, you ! Are you French and want better french material, by learning where they failed ? Do you hate France so much that you want to know where to strike ? This blog is made for you !

I will, and you can too, regularly update this blog to add mistakes from every French official material. May it be French dub, subs, mangas, or even games if there is any mistakes.

Delcourt Tonkam

Note : ignore all of this, just go read Vetri's thread.

  • Angelo's IQ is mentionned to be higher than 160, which... doesn't really matter to be honest.
  • Ermes (called Hermes in french) is called Hermes Coste in a Volume Summary
    • Another Volume Summary mix everything up, saying Weather Report is called Foo Fighters, that Ermes is Emporio and his Stand is "???", that Pucci is the green baby, and Versus is Pucci. a big mix up huh.
  • Magent Magent, called Magenta Magenta in french, instead of saying that he liked Wekapipo, mentions that he was in LOVE with him.
  • In Volume 7, Chapter 27, Tsurugi is misspelled as Tsuguri.
  • JoJolion Volume 14, which was first sold at the Japan Expo (a french expo about everything Japan related), did not had the title JoJolion, it was just empty.
  • A COLLECTOR JoJolion bookmark, with all the JoJos calls Johnny Joestar "Johnny Star". the bookmarks are also very ugly imo but whatever.
    • Jotaro is called "Jôtarô Kûjô", and his daughter share the same surname. This was something that was only in J'ai Lu's translations, not Tonkam.
  • JoJolion Chapter 106: Go Beyond is called Chapter 102
  • Three mistakes can be found in JJL Volume 27
    • Kaato's Inca no Mezame potatoes has been translated litteraly ("le réveil des Incas", meaning "Incas's awakening"), it's not something that should be translated.
    • one of the postcards included in the collector says "la famille de Higashikata", which means "the family of Higashikata". the "de" (or "of" in english) should not be here.
    • Space Trucking is called Space Truckin', like the song. This completely ruins the King pun (King Nothing, Nut King Call, etc...)
  • At the Japan Expo 2023, Tonkam had a big wall with an illustration on their stand of Part 3. The one where you can see Hol Horse and the Crusaders, however, Tonkam added a logo at the bottom left of it...the one of Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable.


Anime French Dub

  • When he first explains his ability to Bucciarati, the boss says that King Crimson can stop time
  • Diavolo's ability is called Epitaph once during Chariot Requiem "wait that's not a mistake !", well kind of. For all of Golden Wind, the name Epitaph is removed, with just an eyecatch that calls it Eulogy, so it shouldn't have been called Epitaph, but something like "My vision of the Future" like they did with King Crimson vs Metallica.
  • Messina and Enya don't uses localized names either, despite every characters using one.


  • When meeting Polnareff as an enemy, instead of saying "Another one ?", Joseph asks "Where is Holy", as if DIO kidnapped her.
  • Dio states to Hol Horse that he likes dogs and their loyalty. I don't think I need to explains the mistake here
  • In the car chase scene, instead of asking himself if DIO has some sort of teleportation power, Kakyoin confidently says that DIO teleport to a parallel dimension by opening a rift in space. This was around a decade before D4C.




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Jacob-JackAgent of DIO
23 months ago
Score 0
(I know you specialise in French JoJo and that's why you made this blog, but as a joke I thought about the possibility of French JoJo stuff being so bad it warrants a whole blog. Sorry.)