Last Survivor ★ Leone Abbacchio

Leone Abbacchio (レオーネ・アバッキオ, Reōne Abakkio) is a playable character in Last Survivor. He was announced during Bandai Namco's 7th Online Fan Meeting Stream live stream on the official Last Survivor YouTube channel on May 31, 2024. He was released as a playable character on June 5, 2024.


Abbacchio is a Disruption Type (撹乱タイプ, Kakuran Taipu) character. He is rated two out of three stars in difficulty.
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Skills (スキル)
Moody Rush (ムーディー・ラッシュ)
Consecutive normal punches from Moody Blues.
Stand ON (Summon Stand) (スタンドON (スタンド出現))
Stand will remain out. Attack speed increases.
Replay (再生 (リプレイ))
(Hold on traces)
See the traces left by the enemy players that have passed by within a certain period of time. It is possible to "record" the enemy whose traces are investigated. You can record the "replayed" enemy for several seconds.
Dubbing (複製 (ダビング))
Moody Blues transforms into a duplicate of Abbacchio. Although it cannot attack while active, you can control it remotely to move freely. Press and hold the R1 button to display a placement guide, and release the button to activate. If attacked while this skill is active, the enemy will be recorded. Even while Dubbing is active, you can "replay" the enemy's traces. You can also perform actions like obtaining items and helping downed allies.
Gang's "Resolve" (ギャングの「覚悟」)
The recovery speed of your Spirit Gauge greatly increases. Even if you take enemy attacks, your health will remain at a certain level, preventing you from being incapacitated. However, Fugo's "Special Virus," Risotto's "Metallica's Invasion," and damage in areas where restarting is not possible cannot be prevented. Can be used up to 2 times per game.
Recording (記録 (レコーディング))
Special Feature
Enemies that are "recorded" will be automatically targeted by your attacks, and the damage dealt to them will also increase. Traces of recorded enemies will be highlighted.

Cosmetic Items

Color Variations

Character Color VariationStand Color Variation
Color Variation 12345678
Normal (ノーマル)
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default.


Golden Wind Anime design

Seeking Orange (探求のオレンジ)「★★★★」
Unlock Condition
  • Collect 10000 EXP during the Challenge Event: Moody Blues Strikes Back to receive as a Class 7 reward.
  • Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Golden Wind Episode 6: Moody Blues Strikes Back Color Shift[2]

Blue (ブルー)「★★★★」
Unlock Condition
  • Login during the Bucciarati Team Gathering Campaign
  • Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

Golden Wind Anime Opening 2, Requiem for a Traitor

Yellow (イエロー)「★★★★」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


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Red (レッド)「★★★★」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


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Brown (ブラウン)「★★★★」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


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TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
Unlock Condition
  • Weekly Medal Exchange.
  • Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.

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White (ホワイト)「★★★★」
Unlock Condition

Lucky Draws or Premium Draws.


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Color Variation 12345678910
Normal (ノーマル)
Unlock Condition

Unlocked by default.


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TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」


Pose 123456789
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
Unlock Condition

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Chapter 457 Cover B

TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」
TBA (TBA)「★★★★」




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