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The Visitor 1

Jolyne and Jotaro are stuck in the meeting room against Manhattan Transfer, a small satellite Stand floating around. When Jolyne shouts, impressed by Manhattan Transfer's ability to read the air currents, Jotaro tells her to be silent as to not reveal her location. Since Johngalli A.'s position is unknown, Jotaro recommends to focus on attacking the Stand so that the damage will be transferred to Johngalli. Suddenly, Jolyne deploys a thread against Jotaro's advice.

Meanwhile in the men's ward, a guard patrols sees Johngalli A. peacefully sitting by a window. As soon as the guard disappears, Johngalli reassembles his rifle made from his cane and various parts hidden on him. While he takes aim, Johngalli tells himself some principles of sniping, notably the need for a sniper rifle to be unified with the shooter's bone structure, which offers stability. He continues his rant and says that while meteorologists are right in stating that the wind is unpredictable, it can still be read. By comparison, he likens the seemingly random movements of a flying fly to the wind and manages to predict its movement, crushing it by letting a bullet fall at the right moment. Johngalli then analyzes the situation in the meeting room and sees perfectly Jolyne and Jotaro's position. Enraged, Johngalli A. prepares to end the Joestar bloodline to avenge DIO.

Back at the meeting room, Jolyne has activated the fire alarm by exposing the sprinklers to a lighter's flame. Manhattan Transfer's flight path has become erratic and thus Jolyne thinks that its ability to read the air has been impaired by the many water drops. She prepares to attack the Stand but Jotaro interrupts her, telling her to watch more closely. Jolyne thus realizes that Manhattan Transfer is actually avoiding every single drop of water, which means it can still read the air. Again, Jotaro tells Jolyne to stick to the wall. Suddenly, Emporio Alnino calls out to Jolyne, telling her to kick a block under one of the pillars near her. Johngalli detects Emporio's presence as Emporio urges Jolyne to heed his counsel. Jolyne kicks the block, uncovering a secret passage. Jotaro wants to quickly use the passage to hide from the enemy, but Jolyne objects. She's noticed that Manhattan Transfer has disappeared, meaning that Johngalli A. is pursuing the boy in order to kill him. Determined to protect Emporio, Jolyne breaks the door lock instead and steps into the hallway. Jotaro sighs, though he still follows her.

Meanwhile, Johngalli A. has read the air and determined Emporio's height, and has decided to kill him first because of his troublesome knowledge of the prison's layout. Manhattan Transfer thus disappears into an air duct as Jolyne carefully enters the hallway. While the staff scrambles in the background to investigate the cause of the alarm, Jolyne examines the hallway carefully and discovers another secret passage behind the fire hose. She enters the passage, a tunnel dug through the wall which ends into a vertical service shaft covered in pipes. Hanging from the pipes, Jolyne peers down into a machine room and sees Emporio entering a sewage pipe and sink into the water. She is reassured, thinking that Johngalli A. will be unable to detect him, but suddenly the nuts linking two pieces of the sewage pipe burst out. It is Manhattan Transfer which is redirecting bullets shot through the hole of an extractor fan. Indeed, Johngalli A has tracked Emporio and has managed to uncover him. Now, the sniper has a clear indirect shot to the boy's heart. Jolyne immediately weaves a large net and deploys it to catch Manhattan Transfer, but it only serves to indicate Jolyne's exact position to Johngalli A. who switches target and shoots, making Manhattan Transfer redirect the bullet right at Jolyne's head. However, the bullet misses. Jolyne reveals that she's burst a gas pipe, creating a separate layer of gas that made Johngalli A. misread the air current. Manhattan Transfer is caught in Stone Free's net and Stone Free is able to crush the enemy Stand before Johngalli A. can reload his rifle.

Having defeated Manhattan Transfer, Jolyne decides to ask Emporio who he is and how he's in prison. As she slides down a pipe, the bone Emporio's given to her catched on a piece of machinery and slightly hurts Jolyne. She takes it out and asks Emporio what it is and why he has a human bone in his possession. Nervous, Emporio can only mutter that she must hold on to it. Jotaro then reappears, having slid down the shaft too. When Jolyne informs him of the situation, she suddenly sees Johngalli A. creeping near with his near thanks to the reflection on the puddle. She catches a glimpse of Johngalli hiding between the pipes and alerts the other. Jotaro is skeptical, saying that he's probably been out of reach and too far to close up to them so fast, but Jolyne spots him hidden in the vertical shaft from which she's come. Jotaro decides to believe her and crashes another pipe with Star Platinum, creating a spark that lights up the gas. The fire goes up the shaft and burns Johngalli, who falls down and crashes on the ground. With the enemy definitively beaten, Jolyne turns to ask Emporio if he's alright but the boy has disappeared. Jolyne frantically searches for him, confusing Jotaro as he never was aware of anyone besides the two of them nor did he spot any secret passage. Jolyne gets angry, thinking that Jotaro is messing with her since the only way he could have gone down here is through Emporio's secret tunnel. Jolyne then realises that something is wrong. She notices that Jotaro's wounds have disappeared and that the wound Johngalli A.'s inflicted her has also disappeared. Besides, Johngalli A. has disappeared and in his stead lays the corpse of the meeting room's guard. Confused, Jolyne grabs the guard's corpse to examine it and make sure it's real, then a strange liquid oozes from her hand. Reminiscing Emporio's warning about a fate worse than death awaiting her, Jolyne sees the world, the people besides her as well as herself covered in a strange goo. Finally Jolyne realizes that she's seeing hallucinations and that everything up until the cigarette was fake. Thus she awakens from her torpor, finding herself in the meeting room covered in goo, with Jotaro asleep in front of her. The real attack was an hallucination that trapped Jolyne and Jolyne in a dream and covered them in acid that is slowly melting them.

Prisoner of Love

Jolyne has woken up from the dream induced by an unknown enemy into the meeting room, which is covered in a strange acidic goo. Immobilized, she examines the room to see what was real and what was an illusion. From the unconscious guard to the photo of Johngalli A. on the table, Jolyne concludes that everything was normal up to the moment she and Jotaro noticed the strange cigarette on the ash tray. Everything afterward was an hallucination meant to trap her and Jotaro as they were being digested by the acid. She realized that the bone Emporio Alnino gave her has saved her as she was woken up when she squeezed it unconsciously. Jolyne tries to deploy a thread to reach her father, but it dissolves instantly. Jolyne thus is in a helpless situation as the acid slowly dissolves everyone in the room. In a burst of rage, she summons Stone Free to push the table down, and it breaks under the pressure and the effect of the acid.

Jotaro finally wakes up from his torpor and sees Jolyne near him. She asks him to break the door with Star Platinum so that they can escape, which Jotaro does. Jolyne then tells him to get her out of the room quickly. However, Jotaro then notices something is wrong. Jolyne has just said out loud his Stand's name, which he never told Jolyne about. Jotaro realises that Jolyne knows more than she should and he understands that he's not seeing reality.

Jotaro thus finally wakes up from his torpor, his head wrapped up in Stone Free's thread. He asks if they were both dreaming the same thing, to which Jolyne only answers that she is immobilized. Jotaro questions the reality of what he is seeing again, but Jolyne says that if he feels he can't move, then it must be reality. Jotaro sees that it is Jolyne's Stand that has woken him up and asks Jolyne to fully summon Stone Free again. Jolyne protests because her threads are dissolved by the acid but Jotaro tells her to use the clumped fully shaped form. Jolyne reluctantly summons Stone Free, commenting that she already thought of breaking the table but that it didn't work. Jotaro ignores her, gauging the "best position" for Stone Free before summoning Star Platinum, which violently punches Stone Free. Jolyne and her Stand are sent flying into the door's electronic lock, which opens the door. Crawling out of the meeting room in pain, Jolyne is angered against her father for the sudden punch but nonetheless drags him and the guard out of the room too.

Jolyne shows the bone to Jotaro, who doesn't really understand what is up with it, but Jolyne is convinced that Emporio Alnino exists. A camera spots Jotaro and Jolyne and the alarm is raised. Jolyne is worried by what could happen to Jotaro, but her father shows that he's planned everything. Jotaro explains that he's borrowed a submarine from the Speedwagon Foundation and acquired a map of Green Dolphin Street Prison, and thus quickly unveils his plan to break Jolyne out of prison. They need to reach a wall of the prison whose windows face the ocean and where the security is scarce. From there they can break out and reach the beach, where the submarine will be hidden waiting for them. Jotaro and Jolyne thus quickly leave the meeting rooms. Unbeknownst to them, an unknown Stand has been observing them. Lamenting that the Joestars have managed to escape its grasp, it quickly disappears.

Jolyne and Jotaro slowly navigate the prison with the help of the map. Worried, Jolyne jumps at the slightest noise. A strange knock she hears turns out to simply be a damaged ceiling fan. Reassured, Jolyne carelessly turns and trips, as she is walking into a set of descending stairs. Jotaro offers his hand and tells her to stick out her hand. Embarrassed yet somewhat glad, Jolyne says that she doesn't need his help but Jotaro then tells her that he didn't mean to help her but check if she has kept the pendant secure, as it is a valuable and useful item. Jolyne's mood darkens. Snatching the pendant out of Jotaro's hand, she begins to reminisce the time when she had a fever and believed she was about to die while he was away in Japan, or the time she took his car for a joyride and Jotaro said she stole it although he wouldn't use it as he was about to leave the house again. Jolyne then snaps, angrily throwing the pendant back at Jotaro.

Jotaro takes it but is distracted. He too has heard the knock and he says that someone has been quietly following them. Hiding behind the corner and at the base of the stairs, Jotaro and Jolyne see a guard stepping in and signalling that nothing is out of the ordinary. A second guard barges in and points out that the metal door has been bent out of shape. Suddenly, the first guard shoots the second one in the head and slips into the hallway. His hat falls and the JoJos see that it is Johngalli A., who's already detected the Joestars. Jotaro steps in, prepared to fight Johngalli A. But he suddenly sees from the corner of his eye Manhattan Transfer. Confused, Jotaro realizes that Manhattan must be real despite him having only seen it in the dream, just as Johngalli A. shoots towards Jolyne. Jotaro stops time and he then sees that there is another Stand behind him. The Joestars are caught in a pincer attack that was being planned up to this moment. Jotaro understands how formidable their true enemy is. Having no choice, Jotaro decides to bump Jolyne out of the way just before time resumes, and he uses Star Platinum to deflect the bullets. However, the second enemy Stand has already positioned itself right behind Jotaro and it strikes Jotaro. From Jotaro's head come two DISCs.

While the DISCs are extracted from Jotaro, the mysterious Stand called Whitesnake gloats and rejoices as it has managed to steal what it wanted from Jotaro. Jolyne recovers from her fall and when she turns back, she sees Jotaro wobbling out of balance, reclining on a wall. Johngalli A. reappears and shoot at them. She is able to defend herself with Stone Free but Jotaro is strangely unable to block the bullets. Jolyne leaps backwards and breaks a window, bending its bars as Johngalli is forced to reload. She then turns to call Jotaro, but she then catches a glimpse of the true enemy slithering out of sight and carrying a DISC with an image of Star Platinum. Jotaro slowly turns his gaze towards Jolyne and tells her to flee first, but Jolyne can clearly see that something has happened to Jotaro. As Johngalli approaches, Jotaro has to quickly explains that Johngalli is operating besides another Stand User, and that there is a transmitter in the pendant that'll allow her to call the submarine when she reaches the beach. Slowly losing consciousness, Jotaro confesses he's always cared about Jolyne, shocking her. Jotaro bleeds out from his chest, which Jolyne notices. He tries to play down the severity of his injury but Jolyne understands already that something has been "stolen" from Jotaro, preventing him from using his Stand ability. She thus realises that the enemy has stolen Jotaro's Star Platinum.

Johngalli A. leaps out of the corner and aims at Jolyne, shooting her immediately. However, she effortlessly deflects the bullets by weaving a path made of thread that curves them out of the way from the barrel of the gun to the wall. Astonished by this move, Johngalli tears the thread to shoot Jolyne again but he realises that he's suddenly pointing at a wall. Jolyne has neutralised him by tying his feet with a string and she then makes him spin rapidly to make him lose his balance. Jolyne orders him to stand out. Worried, Johngalli complies and lifts his arms in the air, but only to aim at Manhattan Transfer which he hopes will redirect a bullet at Jolyne right when her guard is down. However, Stone Free suddenly punches him. Jolyne, with a yet unsuspected determination in her eyes, pummels Johngalli A. and sends him flying into a wall. Having witnessed that, Jotaro feels reassured and is sure that Jolyne will survive any ordeal, before he loses consciousness.

Jolyne drags Jotaro out to the beach, commenting that the Speedwagon Foundation seems formidable to have unmanned submarines available and hopes that they will be able to treat his wounds. As they reach the water, Jolyne can see the submarine emerging from the water. Meanwhile, the guards have been deployed with attack dogs and shotguns with permission to use lethal force. Distracted, Jolyne is horrified to see that Jotaro can't even react when he's being submerged underwater and she quickly lifts him out. Examining Jotaro, Jolyne realises that something is deeply wrong with Jotaro, his shallow bullet wound being not enough to explain his condition. Worse, Jotaro's heart seems to have stopped beating. The attack dogs have found Jolyne and rabidly try to attack her from the other side of the fence. Jolyne finally realises what exactly Emporio meant by suffering a fate worse than death. Helpless, Jolyne howls out of grief and rage.

A pair of guard who were following the attack dogs approach the beach, ready to shoot the prison escapees. Jolyne suddenly reveals herself, surrendering to the guards. One of them shoots are her, startled by her appearance, but the slug is deflected when his shotgun is mysteriously pulled from his hand. He then tries to unholster his pistol to gun Jolyne down but his companion stops him, saying that Jolyne has surrendered. At the same time, Jolyne has deployed a thread right back to the prison, with which she's managed to contact Emporio again. Using the thread's vibration, Emporio asks Jolyne why she's decided to stay at Dolphin Street, but she declares that she must uncover the killer lurking inside of the prison. Telling what she saw of the enemy, Jolyne feels like the killer feels secure inside of the prison and she declares her intention to retrieve the DISCs that were stolen from Jotaro. Emporio feels no hope for Jolyne's goal to save her father, explaining that his mother, who gave birth to him in prison, also fell victim from Whitesnake and that her bone is the only thing that has remained from her. However, Jolyne is still determined and clings on the hope that Jotaro is not yet dead but merely frozen. She then asks Emporio to collaborate with her to unmask the culprit and find the DISCs.

Meanwhile back in prison, Johngalli A. lays on the ground, severely wounded. He senses Whitesnake approaching and is glad to see that they've managed to steal the powerful Star Platinum. He asks Whitesnake to bring him back to the men's ward but then Whitesnake takes his gun and kills him, placing the gun next to his corpse to frame the now deceased Johngalli A. Whitesnake has thus acquired two DISCs from Jotaro.

Ermes Sticker

Emporio details in narration the story of Green Dolphin Street Prison, in which he's always lived in hiding. At an obscure point in time, a strange murky power has begun manifesting in the prison: the Stand Whitesnake which can put people to sleep and then digest them with an acid, as well as stealing their "minds". Its real identity is unknown and why it keeps stealing minds and Stand abilities is unknown. It has recently stolen Jotaro's mind and his ability Star Platinum. However, his daughter Jolyne has decided to stay in prison and she believes that she can save her father by retrieving the DISCs that Whitesnake stole from Jotaro. Expressing his hope in Jolyne's confidence, Emporio awaits the moment Jolyne is freed from her solitary confinement to begin acting. He also explains that he must contact another prisoner, Ermes Costello.

At the same time, we see a man mopping the prison floor. Seeing Ermes laying on a bed, the man sneakily approaches his hand and slips it inside of her dress, taking some money from her. Ermes, feeling the hand, suddenly awakes and calls the thief out but he's already disappeared. Angry at the janitor, Ermes notices that she's on IV and in fact that she's in the infirmary. She remembers having cut her palm on started bleeding but doesn't remember the exact circumstances yet. Taking a sticker out of her palm and tossing it aside, Ermes reads her examination card and realises that she's slept through six whole examinations from the doctor. She then remembers that back at the holding jail, she picked up a pendant stuck on the drain cover of a meeting room, picked it up but then cut her hand on it, then selling it to Gwess. However, Ermes now feels fine.

She then notices the sticker stuck to her palm again and picks it up but a number of sticker still appear on her palm, which startles her. Confused and angry, Ermes then notices that a third shoe has appeared besides her normal pair of shoes, and then sees a sixth finger on her hand when she tries to grab the extra shoe. Panicking she tries to shake the sticker off her hand and then tears it off, causing the sixth finger to fuse back to her normal finger, hurting her a bit. Fearing that her fever has made her delirous, Ermes notices that the chamber pot has been duplicated as well and that when she takes the sticker off, then the duplicated pot fuses with the normal one, though the backlash breaks the pot. Ermes shreeks in disgust, which wakes the whole infirmary and the prisoners who all complain at her. Telling them to go back to sleep, Ermes realizes that her power is real and begins to understands the mechanics of her ability. When the janitor comes back to take his mop, Ermes sets up a trap for him. She's duplicated the mop and takes the sticker at the right moment so that the extra mop flies back to the original, whipping the janitor and trapping his head between the two shafts of the mops. The man is knocked out and Ermes feels satisfied at her mastery of her ability. She grabs the man by the trousers and drags him closer to her, demanding where he's hidden her money. However, Ermes notices a pair of DISCs sticking out of the man's head and takes one of them. Confused, she hides from the janitor and wonders what is the disc she's taken out of the man's head.

Ermes is finally discharged from the infirmary. She asks the doctor what is the janitor's name, but the guards order her to move on. Without better options, Ermes goes to the toilets to examine the DISC. Watching closer, she sees glimpses of a hiding place, and notably sees from the point of view of the janitor that the Stand Whitesnake has approached the man. Whitesnake describes the man named McQueen as a an evil man who drags people down with him and asks him to help it out. Baffled, Ermes quickly extracts the DISC out of her cheek, the DISC falling into the toilets. Suddenly, someone calls Ermes out from behind. She turns and sees the janitor, Thunder McQueen, who comments that he's never been followed by a woman.

Ermes angrily asks what is up about him, but to her dismay, McQueen begins to cry, lamenting the fact that he can't remember what has happened and calling himself out it. Ermes asks him if he's alright, prompting anoter mood switch. McQueen then feels overjoyed at the idea that a woman could care for his well-being and feels happy but he rapidly switches back to dejection and decides to hang himself with his belt. Taken aback, Ermes then feels herself being lifted up as protusions equipped with propeller have sprouted from her neck and are lifting her in the air.

The DISC's reflection displays in full what Whitesnake has told McQueen. Whitesnake admires the lack of animosity of McQueen since, it says, animosity will always encounter somenthing stronger that will destroy it. However, McQueen possesses a particular kind of evil that makes it so he doesn't make trouble but thinks he's a victim. Thus, Whitesnake has bestowed him an ability so that he eliminates an enemy for him, which happens to be Ermes. Ermes feels herself being choked by an unknown force, but quickly understands that McQueen is somehow responsible for hanging himself. Suffocating, Ermes thinks about helping McQueen out and she quickly tosses a sticker onto the belt, then takes the sticker out of the duplicate to make the two belt fuse. Damaged, the belt rips from McQueen's weight. Thus, he and Ermes are both saved.

Angry, Ermes orders McQueen to stay away from her although the latter is simply confused that Ermes would take an interest in her. Still angry, Ermes asks him why he would hang himself all of a sudden. McQueen explains that it was an urge that has taken him over and promises to treasure his life. Still suspicious, Ermes whats him about his ability, though McQueen seems ignorant about it and says he's indebted to her. Embarrassed, Ermes takes her gaze away for a short moment, but when she opens her eyes again, she sees McQueen drowning himself in a faucet. Immediately, a liquid oozes from Ermes's nose and mouth, engulfing her face in a liquid ring that threatens to drown her as well.

Ermes sees scars on McQueen's wrist and realizes that he's an unstable man with a severe suicidal streak. She realizes she must escape from him somehow. McQueen's ability forces Ermes to be upside down and she floats midair, unable to grab onto anything. Thankfully, she has the presence of mind of putting a sticker on her nose, developing an extra nose which allows her to breathe. This gives her the time to grabe the mop and knock McQueen out of the faucet. Ermes understands that McQueen's ability must be linked to the DISCs she's seen. She decides to take the memory DISC in the toilet as McQueen begs Ermes to let him die because, in his own word, he's "trash". Ermes yells at McQueen and threatens to kill him if he approaches her again, but it only drives McQueen to beg her to personally off him. Flummoxed, Ermes decides to simply leave. Suddenly, McQueen's gaze becomes sharper and he becomes aware of the fact that the DISC in Ermes's hand belongs to him.

Ermes pushes her way through the crowd in the medical ward, wanting to go back to her cell. At the same time, she asks herself if there could be other people with similar abilities inside of the prison. Distracted, Ermes then meets Emporio while descending a staircase and is naturally perplexed to see a boy playing with a baseball, muttering about Stand abilities drawing towards one another. Emporio drops the ball, and although Ermes tries to catch it by reflex, it goes through her and ends into a hidden crack on the wall. As Emporio explains his life, a confused Ermes asks loudly what is going on. Emporio manages somehow to disappear and reappear behind her and drags her into the crack. Ermes sees a flattened Emporio who pulls her inside.

There, Ermes finds herself in a room with various pieces of furnitures, from a piano to various painting or bookshelves. More importantly, two men are sitting inside and leaning against the piano, though Emporio tells Ermes to not mind them. Emporio begins to present his secret room and describe all its details, showing that the room is actually the ghost of an old room that has burned down in 1984 and which is sustained by Emporio's own ability: Burning Down the House. However, Emporio precises that he isn't a Ghost. Emporio then begins to explains the situation to Ermes, notably that the true enemy is Whitesnake, who is responsible for the appearance of the DISCs, which can contain either a Stand ability or the memories of the person from whom it's been extracted. Ermes presents the DISC she's taken from McQueen, and Emporio becomes interested in McQueen's Stand DISC, hoping that they could learn something from it. Their discussion is interrupted when Ermes's wrist begin bleeding and she then feels a shock. Ermes realises she's still under McQueen's ability's spell and that McQueen is trying to electrocute himself.

Emporio offers his help. Seeing that McQueen is trying to electrocute himself although he's stopped for now, Emporio theorizes that McQueen could go see salinie water to rise his body's conductivity and thus be able to actually kill himself via electrocution. Ermes realizes that saline water is stored in the medical ward for medicinal purposes and thus rushes to the storage room in said ward, only to find McQueen having tied himself with a nude electrical cord and about to pour saline water over himself. When he douses himself, Ermes tries to explain the situation to him and asks him to think about positive things. McQueen then begins to explains his story. Four years ago, McQueen was cleaning his shotgun in his apartment. However, it was loaded and the shotgun was triggered, shooting a slug into the window. By sheer back luck, a woman who was jumping down her window was hit and killed by the slug instead, and so he was condemned for murder. Ermes herserlf is taken aback by the sheer unluck of McQueen.

McQueen then yells and prepares to switch the electricity on, but Ermes stops him. Desperate, Ermes proposes to give him her panties, just so he has a positive experience with women in his life. She tries to play up her enthusiasm and tries to inspire him to see things in a better light but McQueen is reminded of the day of his arrest when she tries to talk about "the fun Saturday". McQueen sees through Ermes's game and says that she's only being nice to save herself. Depressed by how little people care about him, McQueen still wants to go through with his suicide. Having had enough, Ermes then calls him out on his selfishness. Crying from joy, McQueen comes to truly admire Ermes and decides to kill himself and take her with him so he won't die alone. Ermes rushes towards McQueen but he flips the switch and both of them suffer from a violent electric shock. Thankfully, Ermes has managed to put a sticker on his face. As Ermes has planned, the sticker burns out from the electric shock and the two heads of McQueen merge together. The backlash snaps the electric cord and also knocks McQueen out. The Stand DISC comes out of McQueen and Ermes can take it, neutralizing McQueen for good.

Ermes then remembers the precious $5000 McQueen has accumulated and hidden, and also decides to take on Whitesnake as she wants to get rid of the person responsible for this mess. Thus, Ermes decides to go seek Jolyne and cooperate with her.

Operation Savage garden 1

The narration explains the existence of Green Dolphin Street Prison's store. When an inmate works on the fields or accomplishes a form of labor, they still receive payment, although it is meager. The inmate is then able to spend their money on everyday items that will make their life more comfortable, such as soap, shampoo, towels, newspapers, gum, hair dye and so on. Inexplicably, one can also buy a Rolex watch of a Vuitton bag at the store. This is one of the seven wonders of the prison.

After retrieving Jotaro's Stand Disc from Whitesnake's Disc stash and secured it, Jolyne now heads to the prison telephones.Just as one of the inmates prepares the pick up the phone, Jolyne taps on her shoulder to tell her to move. The inmate briefly gets angry but sees the money Jolyne's offering her and changes her attitude, making a fuss of Jolyne to please her. Jolyne thus contacts the Speedwagon Foundation. The people at the Dallas Headquarters initially decline to contact her but she presents herself and thus a representative of the foundation who is in the know about the whole affair picks up the phone. The contact informs Jolyne that they have retrieved Jotaro Kujo's unconscious body and moved him somewhere safe but that he's presented no signs of life, which quietly shocks Jolyne. However, she offers a way to revive him as she's retrieve of the DISCs stolen from him and asks the Foundation to figure out a way to quickly extract the DISC. The representative asks if the conversation could be being wiretapped, something Jolyne confirms, stressing that her enemies will move as soon as she acts and that her visiting rights are revoked. The contact suddenly asks if Jolyne can access the courtyard between the men and the women's ward and tells her to be there in twenty minutes due to the urgency of the situation. The representative makes it clear that they cannot assist her or help her escape but Jolyne accepts the operation. Unwilling to discuss the plan in detail, the representative only tells her to look for Savage Garden and hangs up, leaving Jolyne puzzled about the nature of this "Savage Garden". As she hangs up the phone, Emporio calls for her.

Emporio leads her to the music room. Amazed by Jolyne's daring plan to deliver the DISC, Emporio nonetheless warns her that Whitesnake will definitely find out about it in less than twenty minutes. As Jolyne leans into the music room, she sees a man standing besides Emporio. Ignoring the man for the moment, Jolyne asks Emporio to give her a shortcut to the courtyard but the boy tells her that there is no shortcut and that he merely hides inside of Ghost objects to traverse the prison undetected. Nonetheless, he offers his assistance. Using a map of Green Dolphin Street Prison, Emporio shows to Jolyne the path to the courtyard next to the factory. Emporio explains that the way is barred by a heavy door that can only be opened with the right access card or else Jolyne will need to force her way through. As a good news, Emporio presents Weather Report, another inmate who agrees to help Jolyne reach the courtyard. Weather is amnesic with a number of eccentric habits whose memories were probably stolen by Whitesnake, hence his will to retrieve his memories and discover what is happening. Moreover, says Emporio, Weather Report has his own Stand of of the same name which controls the weather. Weather thus summons a rain cloud and a gust of wind which creates a puddle of water and makes several pencil fall on the piano. The sudden sound prompts an unknown stalker to look in and the heroes see his reflection on the puddle, confirming that Whitesnake's allies are already trailing Jolyne.

Jolyne, Emporio and Weather run to the factory with their enemy, Lang Rangler, close behind. Lang strangely walks on all fours, having suction cups on his fingertips. He manages to spit on Jolyne's shoes before the heroes turn a corner, and when Lang reaches the corner too, he loses sight of them. Seemingly at a loss, Lang Rangler leaves the scene. In truth, the heroes are hiding under a prison coat. Emporio urges Jolyne to go to the courtyard immediately before Whitesnake can hear about the plan. Weather Report then whispers something in Emporio's ears, the latter explaining that Weather has told him about the guards standing in the way and the risk she incurs when she will have to force her way through. Still, Jolyne remains determined to save her father. The group thus splits up. While Emporio stays behind, Weather quietly heads back to the men's ward, followed by Jolyne who has partially the same route. The factory guard who watches the corridor decides to treat himself to a soda but the drink bubbles and spills over his glass. He complains and accuses Jolyne of having touched the drink but she refutes the accusation. She slips a $50 bill under the guard's saucer and pretends she needs to have her shoe repaired. The guard quietly accepts the bribe, nonchalantly telling Jolyne to buy him another drink as he turns away. Satisfied, Jolyne prepares to leave but she notices the bill stuck on her neck. She initially mistakes it as the guard genuinely telling her to buy him a drink but then she notices that the glass and the saucer are also stuck to her. When the guard turns to look at the corridor, Jolyne has already disappeared. In reality, she's begun to float in the air alongside the saucer, glass and soda. Confused and freely drifting midair, Jolyne realises that Lang Rangler's spit has caused her to become suspended in air. The Star Platinum DISC slips from her pocket but when she tries to send a thread to retrieve it, she misses the DISC and becomes disorientated. She thus realises that she's not merely floating, but as lost any sense of up or down, as she's lost her "gravitational force" and is now is a zero-gravity environment.

It is a this moment that Lang reappears and launches himself towards the DISC. Jolyne retries to send a thread more carefully, in a straight line to alleviate the loss of balance, but Lang simply blows the thread away and seizes the DISC. He tries to bend the DISC but the item refuses to bend or break, forcing Lang to keep it in his back pocket as he crawls out of sight. With the DISC risking to disappear out of reach in the men's ward and with his father's body running out of time, Jolyne looks frantically in all direction to seek a solution. She finally spots and grabs the glass and throws the a glass towards the men's ward with a thread attacked. Having created a makeshift string telephone, Jolyne is able to call Weather Report for help, who comes running to assist her.

Weather sees Lang Rangler crawling on the ceiling and runs towards him to attack. Unimpressed, Lang summons his Stand, Jumpin' Jack Flash, who possesses strange rotating spherical gauntlets at the wrist. Jolyne warns Weather about the gravity loss caused by the enemy Stand just as it shots projectiles from its wrist towards Weather. Weather summons clouds which seemingly deflect the projectiles away, showing that they are nuts, bolts and screws. Observing from afar, Jolyne tries to make sense of Weather's ability and guesses that he's created atmospheric layers to use the air resistance to deflect the attack, and guesses from the gauntlets spinning that Lang shoots his projectile via centrifugal force. Weather and Lang confront each other and prepare to exchange blows. However, Lang's arm is set aflame due to the friction with Weather's layers of air. Weather approaches to attack again but Lang releases the zero-gravity, making a ventilator fall on Weather. The fall of the objects on the floor activates an emergency alarm in the hall and the doors begin to close automatically. The alarm makes the plan even more difficult to fulfill for Jolyne but she expects to be able to take the DISC from Lang's hands if they're trapped together. To her surprise, Langs shoots several screws and bolts into a wall, using the recoil to propel himself away and slip into the next room. However, Weather Report grabs Jolyne, becoming weightless as well, Weather thus summons a gust of wind that also guides them to the laundry hall and they are able to reach the place before the large iron doors close on them.

Jolyne and Weather find themselve in the laundry room, a large hall filled with machinery blocking the view. To the side is a heavy metal door leading to the courtyard and which can either be opened with a pass card or forced through. However, Jolyne wants to address one thing first. Embarrassed, Jolyne has to tell Weather about her need to pee in a roundabout way. Unfazed, Weather explains out loud the diuretic response of the body to the zero-gravity environment and offers Jolyne a cloud to hide her. Jolyne tries to use the cloud, but is further embarrassed when she sees droplet of urine float away. However, Jolyne notices that she's heavily bleeding from her nose and Weather's blood is also rushing out of his body through his wounds. Worse, the two begin to have trouble breathing. Several projectiles suddenly fly towards Jolyne. Thanks to Weather's warning, Stone Free deflects them but it is wounded too and blood gushes from the scratch on Jolyne's arm. Thinking about the enemy's ability, Jolyne understands that she's affecting the air itself, causing it to flow away from her and sucking out the blood out of her body due to the negative pressure.

Operation Savage Garden 2

Meanwhile in the surveillance station, the guards have noted the activation of the alarm in the corridor but dismiss it, knowing that it doesn't lead in any way to an exit and thus they are sure that at least no prisoner is trying to escape. The guards greet Father Enrico Pucci, the prison's priest, who has come out of his chapel to see what was happening. Hearing the guards, Pucci becomes interested in the cause of the alarm. He then spots in the call log that Jolyne Cujoh has called the Speedwagon Foundation and asks the guard to listen to the conversation.

Back at the laundry room, Jolyne tries to seal the iron door by which the air is escaping, fearful of suffocating. Weather Report corrects her, stating that the low pressure will kill them faster than suffocatin as their blood will start to boil in their veins. Another flurry of projectiles flies towards Jolyne but even she deflects them with Stone Free, they pierce the objects she has placed to seal the room and the air resumes flowing. Lang Rangler decides to reload his gauntlet. At the same time, Weather Report grabs Jolyne and tells her that they must get away from the door and hide, but Jolyne protests because she wants to stop the air flow. Weather Report thus uses his ability again.

When Lang Rangler peeks out of his hiding spot, Jolyne and Weather have gone out of sight. In reality, Weather has covered himself and Jolyne in a protective suit of cloud that keeps the remaining air near them. The pair is safe from asphyxiation and decompression, for a short while. Weather puts his mind to seeking Lang, but Jolyne then points out that some objects far away seem unaffected by the zero-gravity. Saying that Lang Rangler too should be put in danger if he was in the zero-gravity vacuum, she theorizes that the zero-gravity has a range around herself which she estimates to be around twenty meters, and that Lang is hiding outside of that range. Finally, that means that they can find more air to breathe out of that range. Still, the pressure in the suit is destabilizing already and thus Weather has to go collect air quickly. As soon as Weather propels himself towards a laundry basket out of range of the zero-gravity zone, Lang shoots at him from behind. Stone Free deflects all but one of the projectiles, which pierces Weather's suit. Lang Rangler then reveals himself and heads towards Weather to shoot him while Jolyne gets prepared to protect Weather.

Weather has noticed the hole and he's already suffering from the decompressure as Lang positions himself to shoot again. Jolyne anchors herself to a pipe and summons Stone Free again to deflect the projectiles. However, Lang Rangler reveals that he was aiming as a drum barrel full of air. The projectiles hitting the barrel cancel its gravity and the barrel bursts. It then flies and crashes into Weather before he can grab the basket, sending him further into the zero-gravity zone. Weather's suit is cracked and he's flying out of control, but Jolyne gathers her will and pierces her own suit to fly towards Weather, which Lang guesses is to push him out. Confident, Lang shoots Jolyne again. Stone Free deflects the nuts and bolts but Lang unveils the second layer of his plan: he's thrown a pair of rats towards Jolyne and the rodents burst right in front of her, their blood covering her visor. Reloading his gauntlets again, Lang Rangler shoots Jolyne and pierces her suit in several points.

Gloating about his awesome ability, Lang Rangler shoots Jolyne again, seemingly killing her. He turns back to head to Whitesnake, and expects to be able to beat it. Suddenly, he notices a thread leading from his gauntlet to Jolyne's suit. It is revealed that she had sneakily deployed her string and attached the nuts and bolts in Lang Rangler's possession in anticipation of his next shots. Jolyne has tied Lang's wrists and is now able to pull him inside the zero-gravity vacuum. Lang is severely affected by the vacuum and his blood begins to boil, thus Jolyne orders his to cancel his power if he wants to survive. Lang Rangler then reminds himself of the professro he's stabbed during his time in college. Angered, he decides to retaliate himself. Lang puts manganese dioxide in a bottle of disinfectant (peroxide solution), creating a chemical reaction that releases oxygen. In a rage, Lang throws the bottle at Jolyne and it explode right in front of her, the vacuum having turned the bottle into a makeshift grenade. Jolyne's visor is fully broken and Lang gloats because he know that Jolyne will die before him because of her wounds.

However, another cloud suit forms around Jolyne. It is Weather Report who's sacrificing himself in order to make Jolyne win this battle. Weather Report too is gravely affected by the vacuum, which shocks her. Meanwhile, Lang realizes that he's out of options and decides to release the zero-gravity, hoping that the burst of air that will fill the vacuum will allow him to escape. Lang cancels his ability but Jolyne punches him with Stone Free. It is in fact too late for Lang to escape because Jolyne is too close, and the burst of air is now pushing him towards her. It allows Jolyne to violently pummel Lang Rangler, defeating him for good. Moreover, she's able to retrieve the Star Platinum DISC. However, she still has to break through the door leading to the courtyard.

Torrent Downpour warning

With Lang Rangler retired, Weather is able to explain the layout of the prison. Beyond the metal door is a hallway where a revolving door will lead to the courtyard. While the door isn't locked, there is remains the problem of breaking through the metal door. Thankfully, Jolyne retrieves Lang's passes. She plans on using Lang's pass to fool the guards into opening the doors for her and then knock out the guards on the other side. Weather warns her that she'll earn six months of solitary confinement for that but she doesn't mind it because all she wants is to save her father.

Jolyne hears someone's step on the other side of the door. She hides Weather behind some drum barrels since he's too gravely injured to follow her. She then bangs at the door while slipping Lang's pass card in the computer slot, causing the other person behind to call out for him and then open the door. Jolyne prepares to knock out whoever's stepping in but she refrains herself when she sees it is not a guard. It is in fact Enrico Pucci, who's come to seek his subordinate and talk to him in the chapel. Pucci spots Jolyne. Confused, Pucci realises that Lang's failed and reaches for the alarm. However, Jolyne stops him, begging him to not raise the alarm. In her mind, Jolyne feels conflicted at the idea of attacking a priest even though it is to save her father. She makes up a story and asks Pucci to let her go to the courtyard for a minute, telling him that her father's life and spirits are at stakes without giving precisions as she expects Pucci to be ignorant about Stands. Pucci then asks if she's alone and Jolyne confirms it, wanting to hide Weather. Pucci decides to let her pass. In reality, he's guessed that Jolyne was lying about being alone because she's avoided looking at the barrels at all, and thus the priest estimates that he has no choice but to let Jolyne pass to not get exposed as Whitesnake's User.

Jolyne thus runs towarsd the courtyard and spots someone standing by the stone clock. She expects the man to be an ally, but she is shocked to see that it is in fact one of the guards. In it is fact a guard who's been affected by a DISC and whom Pucci has placed there just in case. The guard shoots Jolyne in the abdomen a few times, and Weather hears the gunshots.

Enrico Pucci reminisces the year 1988, a time when he's met a man in Egypt who had the ability to stop time: DIO. Pucci remembers DIO's extraordinary physique and aura, and remembers that they were good friends who visited each other regularly. During one meeting, DIO suddenly said that they could be a way to go to Heaven. Pucci frowned at this declaration but DIO reassured him, telling him that he didn't want to die but rather to make the spirit evolve until it reached "Heaven". Only thus it would attain true happiness, DIO said, adding that happiness wasn't about being invincible, having money or even ruling over the human race. DIO declared that he would get there, no matter the sacrifices. Curious, Pucci asked how he would do it but DIO didn't reveal it immediately. DIO told Pucci that he would need the priest's help and that his findings where recorded in a notebook, but then the notebook was burned in 1989 by Jotaro Kujo, who read its content before destroying the notes. Thus Pucci coveted Jotaro's knowledge and plotted for 20 or so odd years in order to lure Jotaro in Green Dolphin Street Prison and steal his memories, only stealing Star Platinum to avenge DIO. Although Jolyne represented a thorn in his side, Pucci expects things to go well now that she's been seemingly eliminated.

In the laundry room, Weather Report remains behind the drum barrel. He realizes that Jolyne has been shot but doesn't know what is really happening and is stuck behind the metal door. Satisfied, Pucci decides to head back to his chapel. Meanwhile in the courtyard, the brainwashed guard feel confused about the exact circumstances of his presence in the courtyard, but remembers distinctly an order to kill Jolyne Cujoh for good. As Weather helplessly struggles against the door, the guard prepares to shoot Jolyne. Suddenly, a frog falls on the guard's hand, throwing his aim off. Astonished, the guard and Jolyne then both look up and are surprised to see several other frogs falling from the sky, one such frog landing right on the guard's face. In the laundry room, it is revealed that Weather Report has used his Stand's ability to at least protect the DISC, even if his move won't protect Jolyne herself, but he hopes that she will have the willpower to survive the ordeal. In the hallway, Pucci also looks up and is shocked to see that it's raining frog. The narration thus explains that records of unusual rains of animals from sardines to snakes to frogs are a rare but not unheard of meteorological phenomenon. Moreover, it is raining poison dart frogs, whose bright skin color signals their extreme toxicity.

The brainwashed guard himself is gravely affected by the poison which causes huge blisters on his hands and face. The rain of frog breaks through the skylight in the corridor and the rain of frog also reaches Pucci, who drops his pass card. Pucci identifies the poison dart frogs and the danger that they represent. More frogs fall towards him, forcing Pucci to summon Whitesnake to punch the amphibians away. However, he's still stuck in the hallway because his card has been buried under the frogs. The priest realizes that the culprit must be Weather Report, knowing about the man's abilities. Pucci is forced to call for help. In the courtyard, Jolyne too is in a dangerous situation as the frogs not only threaten to fall on her, but also their poisonous innards represent a danger when they splatter on her. Using a string, Jolyne thus weaves a tight sheet to make the frogs rebound far from her but even then, the frogs' body fluid is seeping through the strings.

Stuck in the hallway, Pucci begins to count prime numbers to keep his calm. However, the situation makes it difficult to keep his composure. He decides to call for the guard he's posted in the courtyard, but when the latter enters the hallway, Pucci sees that the guard's body has horribly swelled and burned because of the poison. The guard begs Pucci to ask for God to spare him. Ignoring that, Pucci orders the guard to come over here and give him his pass. Unfortunately for him, more frogs fall on him and the guard drops his pass and dies from the poison, his fall crushing some frogs and even splattering Pucci's face with poisonous gore. Another guard happens to come by and is confused about the frog rain. Pucci asks him to open the gate to the inside, but the guard is frigtened at the sight of a tropical frog clingin to his boot. Under the pretense of seeking help, the guard tries to turn back and flee. Angered, Pucci orders Whitesnake to give him a DISC. Pucci kicks a poison dart frog and then throws a DISC ordering the animal to explode once it flies for 10 meters. Pucci hits true and the frog explode in front of the guard, the body fluids blinding him. The guard falls to the ground, blinded and asking for help, and thus is forced to come open the door for Pucci so that the priest can seek help. Finally out of danger, Pucci can set his mind to retrieving the Star Platinum DISC and leaves the blinded guard for dead.

In the courtyard, Jolyne is covered in frogs and she realises that she cannot hold against this deadly frog rain. Once the rain ends, Whitesnake enters the courtyard in search of Star Platinum's DISC. Despite the risk of being exposed, Pucci has decided to order his Stand to retrieve the DISC. Whitesnake finds what appears to be Jolyne's corpse covered with frogs and uses a second to comment on her demise. Following Pucci's advice to scan the area between Jolyne and the gate, Whitesnake finally finds the DISC and picks it up. Suddenly, Jolyne reveals herself to be alive and uses a string to snatch the DISC from Whitesnake's hand. Indeed, Jolyne has tied several frog to make a net to tie frogs and produce a cushio that'll stop the frogs from splattering near her. Whitesnake angrily tries to kill Jolyne, but it's too late as the messenger from the Speedwagon Foundation has already retrieved the DISC. The messenger is in fact a messenger pigeon named Savage Garden which flies away. Whitesnake desperately retrieves the guard's gun and tries to shoot the bird but the weapon is out of ammunition. Hearing guards approaching, Whitesnake makes his retreat, but not before declaring that Jolyne not saved her father yet. Jolyne attaches a string to the Stand in order to discern its user's identity but Pucci spots it and severs the thread, escaping the situation without being unmasked. Pucci consoles himself, claiming he has no need for the Stand DISC, and that everything continues to go according to plan.

Finally, the guard will report the presence of Weather Report, Jolyne Cujoh and Lang Rangler, all severely injured. Because of the commotion surrounding the emergency situation, Jolyne's "attempted escape" has been pardoned. Meanwhile, Savage Garden flies towards the Speedwagon Foundation's Headquarters so that Jotaro can at least retrieve his Stand but to restore his mind, the heroes need to retake his memory DISC.


Dio Brando
Savage Garden
(1st appearance)
Jotaro Kujo
(Mentioned only)
Lang Rangler
(1st appearance) (Retired)

Caterer SPWF Representatitve Mens's Ward Guard Surveillance Technician Brainwashed Courtyard Guard Blinded Courtyard Guard


彼の作品は、僕のにおいと、とても近い—— ———————————————— 漫画家 寺沢 武一









○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

バオーの説得カある描写にはうなった! ———————————————— 作家 夢枕 獏





kajipon questions

  • When did you discover Jojo ?
  • What made you such a fan of JoJo ?
  • Tell us more about the JoJo Posing School. How did you become involved with it?
  • Tell us more about Oni-sensei. When did you meet? Are you still in touch with him?
  • How did you meet with Hirohiko Araki ?
  • What are your favorite part/jojo/villain ?
  • What do you think about the evolution of jojo now ?
  • Jojo is very popular overseas these days. What are your thoughts on it ?


Best beatdown in JJBA ?

  • Jonathan vs. Bruford
  • Jotaro vs. Kakyoin
  • Jotaro vs. Rubber Soul
  • Jotaro vs. Steely Dan
  • Jotaro vs. Anubis
  • Polnareff & Jotaro vs. Alessi
  • Polnareff vs Vanilla Ice
  • Jotaro vs. Dio
  • Josuke vs. Yuya Fungami
  • Jotaro vs Kira (1)
  • Jotaro vs. Kira (2)
  • Giorno vs. Black Sabbath
  • Bucciarati vs. Pesci
  • Narancia vs. Squalo
  • Giorno vs. Cioccolata
  • Giorno vs. Diavolo
  • Jolyne vs. Johngalli A.
  • Ermes vs. Sports Maxx
  • Jolyne vs. Rikiel
  • Jolyne vs. Lang Rangler
  • Jolyne vs. Miraschon
  • Jolyne vs. Miu Miu
  • Johnny vs. Funny Valentine
  • Other


truyc Araki Misery couverture tohoku speech 2013 from araki An idol jojo fan ? ONI PAGE

ONI bio

Born in Hokkaido. Read JoJo in high-school.

Co-founder and chief instructor of the JoJo's Posing School (ジョジョ立ち教室, Jojotachi kyōshitsu).

2012 Reconversion into a farmer in Vietnam, cultivating and harvesting fruits.

2014 Marriage.


There are no borders when it comes to JoJo fans!!
—Kajipon, founder of the JoJo's Posing School, 2014

Kajipon (カジポン).

Born in Osaka in 1967. Graduated from Kinki University. Wrote "The Encyclopedia of Contemporary Words (現代用語の基礎知識)" published in 2010. カジポン・マルコ・残月.

Co-founder of the JoJo's Posing School (ジョジョ立ち教室, Jojotachi kyōshitsu).

Kajipon is a seasoned traveller. He has notably completed several trips mirroring the journeys of the protagonists of each part, from a trip to England to crossing the United States.

Kajipon's most notable activity is his habit of visiting the graves of past personalities. Self-described as a Tomb Miler (墓マイラー, Haka mairā) as he's visited the tombs of over 2500 people across 33 countries.

In August 1987, Mr. Kajipon was in front of Dostoevsky's tomb in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in the former Soviet Union. "I was a 19-year-old student at the time. As the last ritual for my teens, I decided to thank my" parents "." When I put my hand on the grave and said "Spa Shiva (Thank you)", a thunder-struck shock ran all over my body.

From the second year of high school, he left his parents' house and lived alone. This is because "the father was in a fight all the time." As a sensitive and troubled teenager, I read Dostoevsky's works such as "Crime and Punishment" and saved my heart many times. From the time I was in my third year of high school, I became a "junkie" who was absorbed in literature, music, and painting. The opportunity is unrequited love. Every time I fell in love with a junior student who aspired to be an art school, a music college student, or a librarian at a library, I began to read literary books, listen to music, and thoroughly investigate the lives of artists.

I always ended up with a broken heart, but the world expanded. "Beethoven, who died at the age of 56, had a broken heart, but he produced a masterpiece in the midst of unrequited love. Van Gogh also had a broken heart, but he drew a masterpiece like" Himawari. " Touched is not the end of the world. Many artists have turned broken hearts into immortal masterpieces. "

In the same graveyard as Dostoevsky, there is also the grave of composers Tchaikovsky and Mussorgsky, and when leaving the graveyard, he said, "I have to thank other artists! Bach! Shakespeare! Goethe! I have to hurry!" It is said that he was driven by a feeling.

I would like to trace the lives of the "beneficiaries" who supported me when I was mentally distressed and express my gratitude. Driven by that thought, while working as a truck driver, when he saves money, he goes on a "pilgrimage trip" at home and abroad. The target has spread to all kinds of great people who have contributed to the history and culture of humankind. "Thanks to the widespread use of the Internet and the creation of a homepage, it has become possible to eat at lecture requests and writing requests. But if you get stuck, even a truck driver will do anything."

The first European pilgrimage at the age of 21 in 1989.

"Even if you say visiting a grave, you can't just come to see the gravestone," he says. "The important thing is to express gratitude. If there is a birthplace nearby, I will stop by. I want to follow in the footsteps of that person. The final point is the grave. However, I have to choose because the funds are not abundant. And I aim to visit the grave more than once as much as possible. I think that it is only when I visit the grave multiple times. "

The destination is not always a graveyard. From the ship in the Antarctic, he made an idea of ​​the direction of Robert Scott's distress and put his hands together, and in the Arctic, Roald Amundsen prayed in the direction of his disappearance.

In 2019, I traveled to South Korea and Taiwan. In Seoul, I visited the grave of Takumi Asakawa, a Japanese who loved Korean ceramics and studied locally, and in the south, I also visited the graves of students scattered in the Gwangju Uprising. In Taiwan, we visited the tombs of Teresa Teng , the hero of the independence movement Mona Rudao, and Yoichi Hatta, who built the Wushantou Dam .

"Around 101 countries, we were able to confirm that humans have much more in common than differences, even if they have different nationalities and cultures. Smiles return with a smile and help troubled travelers." .. No matter where you go, the facial expressions of the people who come to visit the grave give you a feeling of longing and prayer for the deceased. "That's why, even when there are conflicts between countries, we want to look at what they have in common and respect each other."

