Irene Rapona

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I'm cruel. (わたし 残酷ですわよ, Watashi zankoku desu wa yo)
—Irene's catchphrase, Gorgeous Irene

Irene Rapona (アイリン・ラポーナ, Airin Rapōna) is the protagonist of Gorgeous Irene. She is a teenage girl with a pure personality. Despite her innocent nature, she is secretly a skilled assassin nicknamed Gorgeous Irene (ゴージャス アイリン, Gōjasu Airin), with various techniques using makeup.


Irene is a fair young girl with light shoulder-length hair. She styles her hair differently, sometimes being in pig-tails or a braided ponytail. With her battle makeup, she can disguise herself to drastically change her appearance.

When battling as an assassin, her hair grows darker with her battle makeup and she wears a frilly dress.

Color Scheme

The series is known for alternating colors between media, the information presented below may or may not be canon.
Colored Manga
Hair(Light Orange)
Upper Outfit
(Yellow blouse with pink polka-dots and magenta drawstrings, magenta armband, blue sash.)
Lower Outfit
(Olive skirt with red stripes, yellow pantyhose with white and green swirls.)
Gloves(Light orange with white polka-dots)
(Black with green laces, orange and burnt orange socks with magenta heels and toes.)


Irene is depicted as being pure-hearted but is also extremely gullible. She trusts anybody, including strangers she just met who actually want to harm her. She is caring of those she considers her friends, and listens to their assassination requests.

Like her father, she takes loyalty seriously. She is saddened when a young man breaks their trust and friendship promise when he speaks about her to Lauper. She also feels sorry that she has to lie to people about her secret identity and can feel very lonely as a result.


Irene inherits the deadly assassination abilities of her father, a man born in the underworld who became a killer.

Battle Makeup

Irene attacks with her fake nails

When Irene puts on makeup, her spirit can change her entire body to match her disguise. She uses it to disguise herself either as an old lady or a young girl. Wearing battle makeup promotes her killer instinct. She is capable of stopping a chainsaw that weighs 80kg and has a 400cc engine with only her bare hands.[1] Her makeup is also capable of removing hazardous materials or objects that have entered her body by changing the muscles in her face. According to Irene, makeup in ancient times warded off diseases and the effects of poisonous insects.[2]

Fake Nails

Irene can fire sharp fake nails out of each finger. As projectiles, they are as strong as knives and can easily scar or kill someone.

Death Style

Irene's Death Dance
  • Death Dance: Irene strips off her dress and performs a seductive dance. She is extremely flexible and can easily dodge attacks in this state as well as learn the opponent's movements.
  • Heart Magic: If the opponent either smells Irene's perfume or gets her makeup on them, she can make the opponent her slave by controlling their heart, body, mind, and soul. An enemy with a "hard" soul will also have a hard body, no longer being able to move. With this, Irene can stop their movements and they will listen to what she tells them to do.
  • Execution Makeup: Irene gives the opponent a kiss on the cheek and then shows them a mirror. She uses her lipstick to draw a line on the mirror and the opponent will copy what the mirror image looks like. When fighting Lauper, Irene draws a vertical line on Lauper's mirror image. Lauper copies what the mirror version of herself looks like and cuts herself in half with her chainsaw.
Bullet trick


Irene is intelligent and cunning in terms of battling. She is analytical and prepares ahead of time, such as when she disguises as an old lady to work for Lauper's gang and then replaces all their bullets with blanks. She keeps the real bullets hidden in a glove to make it look like she caught their bullets later on when they fire at her.

She prepares for assassins who are targeting her by planting mines in the floors of Michael's home. By doing so, she would also be protected from any sneak attacks while she was sleeping.



Irene is the daughter of a man from the underworld who had no wife. She inherited his deadly assassination abilities and secretly becomes an assassin as a side business while still going to school.[2]

Lauper's Palace

Friendship promise

Irene lives in a 17th century Rococo style house in a place known as Swingtown. She plays with a spider outside at school when a group of boys begin talking behind her back, making bets about how gullible she could be. One of the boys gives her some flowers and tells her they're edible and taste good so she should try them. As she is about to eat one, the boys are shocked she would actually do it and trip over each other. They land in a puddle and one boy's elbow splashes mud onto Irene's face. Irene begins to cry just before her butler appears and chases the boys away. Her butler then introduces her to a young man he brought with him, who has an assassination request.

Old lady disguise

The man's father was a friend of Irene's father, and was killed by a gang leader named Lauper. The man pleads for Irene to avenge his father. Irene responds asking if he wants to make a friendship promise with her and the man agrees, kissing her palm.

Irene after transforming into "Gorgeous Irene"

Irene infiltrates Lauper's gang while disguised as an old woman with her special makeup. The gang had hired her to do work like cleaning and reloading their weapons. Ten days later, the man is caught by Lauper and tortured after she learns he hired an assassin. The man tells Lauper about Irene, forcing Irene to take off her disguise and reveal herself. She transforms with her battle makeup into "Gorgeous Irene". Lauper's guards shoot their guns at her but they were actually replaced with blanks when Irene was working for them. Irene put their real bullets in her glove to make it look like she caught the bullets instead. She fires fake nails out of her fingers and kills all of the guards, while also scarring Lauper's face.

Angered, Lauper attempts to attack Irene with a giant chainsaw, but Irene dodges all of it and learns Lauper's movements with her special Death Dance. Irene's Heart Magic allows her to take control of Lauper's body after Lauper smells the scent of her perfume. She manipulates Lauper into cutting herself in half with her chainsaw by using her Execution Makeup. Irene expresses sorrow that the young man broke their friendship promise by speaking about her to Lauper. She lets him live because she had promised to and then leaves.

The Girl in the Slums

Irene's squirrel informs her the news

Irene walks alone in the slums of Harlem in New York City. A young man named Michael sees her and is shocked as to what a young girl is doing there on her own. Just then, a squirrel finds Irene, informing her that her butler was killed and assassins are after her. Michael suddenly grabs Irene's purse and knocks her down, demanding her money. He realizes she only has makeup in there and nothing else. Angered at Irene lacking fear, Michael takes out a knife. Irene simply grabs the knife with two fingers and then hugs Michael. Some thugs appear asking Michael to share Irene with them but Irene takes control of Michael's body and has him beat them up.

They go to a bar and meet a man who offers to make Irene rich as a film star. Irene agrees but Michael elbows the man in the face, warning Irene not to trust everyone she meets. They leave and reach the subway, where a man sells Irene an old racing stub. At first Michael refuses to take care of Irene anymore but when he hears that she has no home and her father and butler are both dead, Michael takes her to his house.

Robbing a bar

The next day, Michael and Irene rob a bar for money. The assassin who killed Irene's butler meets with the man who offered to make Irene a star. She shows him a picture and the man says he saw her recently, although she looked different like she was wearing a disguise. Suddenly, the female assassin arrives at Michael's house and breaks through their window. With her mysterious phantom tattoo ability which lets her grow an arm from her back, the woman stabs Irene. However, Irene had planted mines in the floors of Michael's home since she expected assassins to target her. One of the mines explode, causing the woman to lose a foot. The assassin then summons vicious fire ants from her tattoo which latch onto Irene's face. She states that the species would eat through Irene's skin and burrow into her brain. The assassin herself is unharmed by her ants because she wears a special repellent.

Drawing on the enemy's face

Irene transforms using her Battle Makeup and reveals her killer instinct. The makeup uses the muscles in Irene's face to force the insects out of her skin. Irene then dances and draws on her opponent's lips using her lipstick, preventing the woman from being able to close her mouth. Since the woman doesn't have repellent in her mouth, the fire ants begin crawling into her mouth and eat her from within. Irene apologizes to Michael for lying to him and gives him a kiss before leaving.

Michael later discovers the old racing stub that Irene bought was actually a big winner and moves to Los Angeles to start his music career. He eventually releases a debut single which refers to Irene as a mysterious girl, selling over 600,000 copies. Irene had vanished and no one had ever seen her again. On the seventh day of the month, a mafia boss named Tony Bormont had strangely committed suicide in his Chicago estate by stabbing himself in the throat. In the past, he had given the order to have many of his rival gangs across the U.S. assassinated. It is inferred that Irene killed him, as revenge for ordering her father's death in the past.

Video Games


Eyes of Heaven (PS3/PS4)

"Gorgeous Irene" is imprinted on an opera poster in the Naples Station stage of Eyes of Heaven. Other series by Hirohiko Araki are also listed, but Gorgeous Irene is written in large, bold text unlike the others.

JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop! (Android/iOS)

The New York furniture has a cafe in the background belonging to Irene.


See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Gorgeous Irene Chapter 1
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Gorgeous Irene Chapter 2

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