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Jotaro and Joseph discuss their next actions. Jotaro, ignoring Joseph’s suggestion to return to their hotel, heads into the crowd. Joseph worries about Holy, as she only has three days left.

Polnareff, bruised and exhausted, inspects the north area of Al-Darb al-Ahmar in search of the Stand user who summoned the monsters attacking him. In spite of his vertigo, Polnareff musters all of his fighting spirit, preparing for another assualt. He suddenly hears the sound of horses approaching and is attacked by a Roman chariot. He acts too late, and his leg gets run over. Before even coming to his senses, the chariot knocks him out. Polnareff is approached by a mummy-like figure who delights in taking out one of the members of the Joestar group and disappears in the Cairo bustle.

In 1908, a British explorer named E. Stevenson took part in an expedition to the Valley of the Kings. Despite being widely anticipated, it didn't bring any satisfactory results. Only afterwards, some papyrus documents were unearthed. After they were deciphered and were assigned the name The Genesis of Universe, E. Stevenson disappeared. On January 1, 1913, he died of a heart attack while writing a summary of the documents, which, despite their age, contained the entire history of Egypt up to the present day. The Genesis of Universe soon disappeared. With no evidence, his writings were dismissed as fits of madness.

Joseph and Avdol, while returning to the hotel, suddenly sense an enemy nearby. Unable to fight in a crowded area, they head to an alley and call out their Stands. To their utter bewilderment, instead of an alley, the two find themselves at the gates of the underworld. In front of them were 42 judges and a scale with a feather and a beating heart. To see if it's an illusion, Avdol unleashes Magician's Red’s flames upon them. Joseph, who through Hermit Purple determined that this is not the case, tried to stop him. It was too late, the 42 men cried out in pain before being turned to ash along with the gates and the scales. Joseph tries to calm down Avdol, who becomes extremely distressed after seemingly doing something unforgivable. At the end of the alley, they see an old man holding a papyrus in his hands. He tells them about his Stand, The Genesis of Universe, and introduces himself as The Scribe Ani. He tells them about the crusades, and a whole army appears in front of Joseph and Avdol. One of the soldiers charges at Joseph and manages to cut his cheek. Avdol, now knowing that they're not real people, cuts through the army that stands in his way with Joseph following behind. Their road is suddenly obstructed by a giant Sphinx. Joseph wraps Hermit Purple around an emergency ladder, grabs Avdol, and climbs up to the fourth floor. They break through the emergency exit and finally get away from their pursuers. At the end of the hallway they see an Egyptian ship with countless warriors advancing towards them.

Chapter 1
===Chapter 1===

After the fight with N'Doul, the Joestar Group is forced to traverse the desert on foot with little remaining water, while being assaulted by the scorching heat and the blinding sunlight. Polnareff is incessantly complaining about the sunlight and his hoarse throat to Jotaro’s annoyance. Joseph shuts down Polnareff’s chatter and tells him not to waste his energy. Jotaro, although annoyed, sympathizes with Polnareff, in such a desperate situation it was crucial to keep the mind active. Kakyoin, who has been carried by Avdol for the past three days, suddenly moans out in pain. He refuses Avdol's suggestion to rest and apologizes to Joseph for being a burden. Joseph makes Kakyoin sit down and treats his wound with whiskey. Jotaro tosses Polnareff his uniform and tells him to put it on, to which Polnareff reluctantly agrees. As the group rests, they pass around the remaining flask of water, emptying it completely.

On the horizon they see a city, one of numerous mirages they've seen in the past three days. They get up and continue walking. From the mirage, a black oil tanker begins moving through the sky towards them. It passes over them and disappears on the opposite side of the horizon. Polnareff begins to dought his sanity, but Joseph points out that the water that has fallen from the ship was real. The group comes to the conclusion that they are being attacked by a Stand.

Chapter 2

The previous day, after the oil tanker, a fuel tank truck and a medieval European castle had flown over them. The bricks detatched from the castle almost crushed their heads. Jotaro wonders why hasn't the enemy attacked them more directly. At night, the group is besieged by a sandstorm. Polnareff, after failing to make Iggy stop the storm with his Stand, attempts to kick him and ends up falling face-first into the sand. As they continue walking, the wind becomes weaker, as if it's being blocked by a large object. To their surprise, that object turns out to be a diesel locomotive.

Chapter 3

The locomotive's idling engine loudly roars, its headlights and the interior lights turn on. Avdol suggests boarding it, but Polnareff insists that this is a mirage. Avdol responds that, at night and during a sandstorm, the Stand could not create mirages. Joseph convinces his allies that they have no other choice. Jotaro steps into the locomotive. The LED message panel lights up, saying that at the last stop, Hell City, they will be connected to an express train to Aswan, their destination. The rest of the group board the train.

As the train leaves, Jotaro inspects its insides for anything suspicious and notices an odd mismatch in its technology: the oustide is of a 60's model, the inside looks as if is was made in the 30's, while having an LED screen from the 80's. Polnareff and Joseph are complianing about the stale air and shaking. Before even finishing their sentences, they feel the air becoming fresher and the shaking being stopped. The train's driver, Absalom, introduces himself and his train, Satanic Coupler, through the speakers and announces the time of arrival to their destination. Joseph, begins dozing off and falls asleep. He is woken up by Kakyoin, who says that the storm is over and the last stop is only an hour away. In the past few days he had learned to interpret situations without the use of sight. The sandstorm is immediately replaced by a mirage, which manefests itself as countless pieces of the United States. The group's attempts to stop or escape the train prove to be in vain as the train is in Absalom's full control.

Chapter 4

Satanic Coupler rushes through the mirage, constructing its own rails. The Joestar group unleashes their Stands and begins pummelling the insides of the train. It was, however, to no success as the train morphed and expanded to cusion the blows. While Absalom is boasting, Jotaro asks what would happen if the train was attacked from outside instead. He doesn't answer the question, but instead declares that they're going to die inside. Kakyoin loses his patience and unleashes his Emerald Splash in spite of his teammates' protests. The emeralds bounce off the walls and hit Kakyoin and his allies, covering the floor with their blood. From Satanic Coupler emerge numerous tentacles, wrapping around the group and releasing a paralizing liquid. The walls of the train become transparent to reveal a nightmarish mirage of a city. Absalom, with uncharacteristic aggression, declares his desire to cruelly punish the civilized men before they die.

Chapter 5

The environment of the mirage-city did not follow laws of reason: some rooftops were beneath the structures, no building stood upright, and everything was misplaced. Satanic Coupler has already been moving through the city for several hours. Iggy is unconscious, foaming at the mouth. Kakyoin, completely disoriented, is calling out to his allies to no response. After another announcement from Absalom, the tentacles, wrapped around the Joestar group, begin pumping out their blood, extracting information from their brains. The train begins to transform, becoming more modern. On top of that, Iggy’s perception of locomotives as monsters causes the train to grow horns and quills all over its surface. Jotaro and Polnareff coincidentally come up with the same plan; they begin pumping the Stand with advantageous information. The tentacles retract and the fixed windows change into manual opening windows. Jotaro and Polnareff escape successfully with Iggy, but Joseph, Avdol, and Kakyoin react too late and the windows become fixed again. The three land safely on the pavement, using their Stands to cushion the fall. Satanic Coupler abruptly stops and begins moving towards them.

Chapter 6

Absalom is enraged and humiliated. Satanic Coupler turns from red to black. Jotaro, Polnareff, and Iggy turn left into a narrow alley. The train follows them, smashing through the walls and hurling debris in all directions. While running away from Absalom, Jotaro comes to the conclusion that the ability to create mirages comes from another Stand user. He looks at the driver's cabin with Star Platinum and sees a girl with a Stand sitting beside Absalom. They run into a dead end, so Jotaro tells Iggy to call out his Stand. He grabs The Fool as it extends it's huge wings and steers it towards Satanic Coupler's cabin. The Fool crashes into the windshield, terrifying the woman into recalling her Stand. Jotaro and Polnareff, now surrounded by a desert, use their Stands to create a wave of sand which briefly engulfs the train. Absalom regains vision after two or three seconds, but the three are now out of his sight. He assumes that they went flying into the air with The Fool. He turns to Michal and berates her for calling back her Stand, but promptly apologizes for losing his temper. Satanic Coupler vanishes beyond the line of horizon in search of the three. Jotaro, Polnareff, and iggy emerge from the sand, covered by Jotaro's uniform. Polnareff praises the plan, hugging and kissing the uniform, making Jotaro burst out laughing. Jotaro jokingly compliments Iggy, calling his Stand ugly. The dog attempts to retaliate by urinating on him, but finds himself too dehydrated to do so.

Chapter 7

The three wander the desert until the sun sets. They arrive at the foot of a dune before collapsing from exhaustion. Jotaro sees an oddly familiar view: two hills and a bright star. It reminded him of The Little Prince, a book gifted to him by Holy, which he loved reading as a kid. Jotaro prepares to meet his end, his only regret being that he couldn't save his mother. He suddenly sees a little boy standing before him. He assumes him to be a hallucination of the Little Prince, but in reality, he was a young nomad. He notifies his village and the men and the dog are brought there. They are offerred water and food and quickly regained their physical and mental vigor. Jotaro thanks the village elder who was the only one in the villahe who could speak English. With the old man's request the newcomers join him by the campfire. Jotaro and Polnareff wonder out loud how someone could live so far from the civilized world. The elder offers them a thick greyish liquid in aluminum cups. Polnareff attmepts to drink it and spits it out to the elder's amusement. He reveals that it's medicine obtained from a lizard. Jotaro tells him that they were looking for thier friend, Absalom. Thy elder tells them that he lives on an oasis with his sister and mentions an accident that happened in Cairo. Suspecting DIO's involvement, Jotaro asks for more information, so the old man begins to tell the story.

Chapter 8

Absalom and Michal got along incredibly well with each other and with their parents. In his childhood Absalom was attracted to civilization, particularly to trains, and believing that "the human being can only find happiness in a civilized society". He would collect stories about civilization from passing caravans and travelers. Four years ago, when Absalom was 17, he convinced his parents to visit Cairo. The bus that they were on stopped on a level crossing and was hit by a moving train. Both parents died on impact, Absalom's legs were broken, and Michal was on a brink of death from a peace of metal that tore her throat. When medical helped arrived, the wealthy were treated first, while Michal and Absalom were last. And although Michal's life was saved, she had lost her voice. From this point on, Absalom began to detest civilization. In Cairo, he met DIO who, after restoring Michal's voice, became his subject of worship.

Satanic Coupler is again transformed into a more modern train, much to Absalom's delight. Michal, afraid, hands out food to Joseph, Kakyoin, and Avdol, who are still constrained by the Stand. Absalom proclaims his intention to keep them alive to make them see the painful deaths of Jotaro and Polnareff. Avdol ironically points out Michal's lack of enthusiasm regarding the upcoming events. Absalom, enraged, kicks Avdol's side, scaring the girl even more.

Before bed, Jotaro and Polnareff discuss their plans and the story they heard from the elder. They agree that Polnareff will distract Absalom, while Jotaro attacks the train's coupler. Polnareff complains about not being able to find his passcase where he keeps keep girls’ phone numbers. Jotaro feels sympathetic towards Absalom, as his views and behavior are clearly a result of severe psychological trauma.

Chapter 9

Jotaro, Polnareff, and Iggy receive some water and food from the old man and depart before sunrise. They see Satanic Coupler is advancing towards them at full speed. Thay manage to dodge by a hair but are flung into the air by the shock wave. When thay recover, Jotaro hears a terrified scream coming from Polnareff. He turns to see the "Little Prince" blocking the way of the train. With a loud thud, the boy is flung into the air before Absalom stops the train. A black object is dropped by the boy, which Polnareff identifies as his passcase. Enraged, he declares his desire to avange him, but he is stopped by Jotaro, who tells him to bring the boy to the village, while he fights Absalom. Polnareff agrees; he picks up the boy and heads towards the village. Jotaro calls Absalom scum, comparing him hitting the boy to the death of his parents. Absalom proclaims that the harm he does doesn't matter, as he doesn't belong to neither the civilization nor the desert, but the world of DIO. Absalom charges at Jotaro. He throws himself on the ground to avoid the shockwave, Iggy hides in his pocket. Without Polnareff, Jotaro had no plan.

Chapter 10

Joseph, Kakyoin, and Avdol, powerless, watch as the fight unfolds from the train's window. As the battle goes on, Jotaro's moves become slow, and the uniform is covered in tears and Jotaro's blood. Satanic Coupler manages to cut Jotaro's hand, causing him to cry out in pain. Absalom prepares to deal a killing blow, but notices that there are two Jotaros. The one on the right looked slightly unusual, but Absalom, in his confusion, couldn't tell. They run in opposite directions and Absalom unconsciously pushes the brakes. Absalom decides to persue the Jotaro on the right, since he had slower movements. When he was hit with the train's spikes, the right Jotaro splits in half and disintegrates into sand. Meanwhile, the real Jotaro had already reached the train's coupler and had now separated the locomotive from the passenger car. Absalom screams in desperation and stops the train with a turnabout. In a flash, the passenger car turns into an pile of steel beams with Joseph, Avdol, and Kakyoin. Smiling, they rush to Jotaro to thank him. Joseph praises the ingenuity of his plan and says that he is truly a Joestar. Jotaro pushes him back and points out that Absalom and Michal are still in shape. Absalom and Michal are in shock. Absalom, pale and drenched in sweat, yells at Michal to use Dark Mirage. Michal takes a step back with a perplexed look in her eyes. Absalom tells her that they only have DIO to turn to and the only way to show their devotion is to kill the Joestar group. Michal, with watering eyes, silently nods and the mirages begin to appear. Cisterns, factories, chimney stacks, intire office districts begin raining down, forming an industrial zone as maddening as the mirage-city. Following Joseph's suggestion, they run to the buildings in the newly formed industrial area. Absalom, with a wicked smile, reves up the engine.

Chapter 11

Heading back to the battlefield, less than kilometer away, Polnareff notices the newly formed mirage-city. He rushes in without hesitation. While calling out for his comrades, in the strangely silentt city, he notices a trail of blood leading towards the entrance of the gatehouse. He follows it to towards the entrance of the gatehouse where it stopped. After realizing that it was actually paint, countless petroleum cisterns begin materialising and flying into the hall. They explode, spreading fire everywhere. As Polnareff attempts to escape, he becomes drenched in fuel and is subsequently set ablaze.

Jotaro, Joseph, Avdol, and Kakyoin find themselves in the middle of a two hundred metres long corridor, quietly anticipating the next attack. Satanic Coupler knocks down a wall begins persuing the group, dodging their attacks by digging through the walls. Jotaro criticizes Joseph suggestion to bring the fight into the world of common sence. Joseph retaliates saying that the buildings themselves are common sense, but Absalom digging right through them is what's really irrational. They duck as the train passes in front of them. Joseph apologizes, saying that he didn't think that Absalom could do that. He is interrupted by Kakyoin’s warning who then gets hit by one of Satanic Coupler's quills. Avdol attempts to retaliate with Magician's Red, but the fire doesn't reach the train, protected by a shock wave. While discussing their plan of action, Jotaro hears the train crashing through a wall 50 meters away from them and comes to the conclusion that Absalom is just hitting the hallway randomly. He suggests simply to run, to the surprise of his friends. After running about a hundred meters, they reach a stairway and, as per Avdol's suggestion, head to a warehouse. Jotaro says that he could defeat Absalom, if the train stopped even briefly.

Chapter 12

Polnareff musters up enough energy to summon Silver Chariot to remove the flames engulfing him. While fending off the cisterns with his Stand, he thinks of a location from where Michal could be watching him. He then notices that one of the curtains doesn't flutter, so he rushes towards it and pulls out his sword.

Avdol melts the door of the warehouse and they get in. Satanic Coupler begins circling the warehouse, steadily coming closer. It makes a sharp turn towards them as they disperse. Joseph uses Hermit Purple to detach his prosthetic arm. When Satanic Coupler makes a turn, Joseph throws the arm under the wheels, spilling oil everywhere. Without any friction, the train couldn't move. Jotaro unleashes Star Platinum’s barrage of punches on the underside of Satanic Coupler. It shatters into a thousand pieces and disappears bit by bit. At the same time, Polnareff strikes Michal, which causes the mirage to dissolve completely.

Chapter 13

Michal is unconscious, while Absalom is spitting out blood, telling the Joestar group that he’ll give up only when he dies. Polnareff says that he can help him with that, but notices something coming from Absalom to Avdol. Absalom explains that he has sent a microscopic version of his Stand inside Avdol's body and that, if his psychic link with it ends, the boiler will explode. Jotaro tells Absalom that the child he had hit earlier will be saved, he responds with relief. Then, as if ashamed of his previous answer, begins to assert that he doesn't care. Kakyoin reveals that Hierophant Green and Star Platinum can also shrink and are already inside of Avdol. Jotaro uses Star Finger to destroy the boiler. Absalom pukes out more blood and asks why they didn't kill him yet. Jotaro responds that he wants to give him a chance to redeem himself and mentions that, after they kill DIO, he and his sister will have nowhere to go. Suddenly the villagers appear and, after witnessing the scene, the elder decides that the Joestar group are the subjects of a devil called Ababasubombo. He says that Absalom and Michal are very precious to them, so he and the other villagers drive them off. Absalom, left alone with Michal, cries as he realizes that there is a place where he and his sister belong.

Chapter 14

On the evening of the fifth day, the Joestar group put an end to their battle. They continue their journey heading to a city at the base of the mountains ten kilometers away. They wonder what could be the cause of Absalom's hatred. Jotaro, touched lightly by a cool and damp breeze, turned around to realize how far he had traveled during those five days. Then he notices two dunes with a bright star above. Jotaro regrets turning around, realizing that the view was not at all unique. From the bottom of the hill, Polnareff tells Jotaro to get moving.


Chapter 1

Jonathan Joestar
(Mentioned only)
Dio Brando
(Mentioned only)
Holy Kujo
Nomad Boy
Nomad Boy
Village Elder
Village Elder
Absalom and Michal's Parents
Absalom and Michal's Parents
(Mentioned only)

Chapter 2

Holy Kujo
(Mentioned only)
Dio Brando
(Mentioned only)
Monsters Attacking Polnareff
Monsters Attacking Polnareff
(Mentioned only)
Roman Charioteer
Roman Charioteer
E. Stevenson
E. Stevenson
(Mentioned only)
42 Judges
42 Judges
Minor Characters/Part 3#Caravan Serai
(Mentioned only)
Crusader Army
Crusader Army
Egyptian Soldiers
Egyptian Soldiers


Jonathan Joestar
(Mentioned only)
(Mentioned only)
(Mentioned only)
Monsters Attacking Polnareff
Monsters Attacking Polnareff
(Mentioned only)
Roman Charioteer
Roman Charioteer
E. Stevenson
E. Stevenson
42 Judges
42 Judges

NoPicAv.png AnubisMangaAv.png

(Mentioned only)
Crusader Army
Crusader Army
Egyptian Soldiers
Egyptian Soldiers
Statue of Pinedjem
Statue of Pinedjem
Roman Army
Roman Army
Perfume Salesman
Perfume Salesman

Creatures Summoned by The Genesis of Universe

Creatures Summoned by The Genesis of Universe
Monsters Attacking Polnareff
Monsters Attacking Polnareff
Roman Charioteer
Roman Charioteer
42 Judges
42 Judges
Crusader Army
Crusader Army
Egyptian Soldiers
Egyptian Soldiers
Statue of Pinedjem
Statue of Pinedjem
Roman Army
Roman Army
Perfume Salesman
Perfume Salesman

Unnamed Characters

Monsters Attacking PolnareffLink to this section
Novel Debut: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel) Chapter 2
Monsters created by The Genesis of Universe, who attack Polnareff, when he searches through Cairo. Among them are a monstrous demon, a giant with Tutankhamun's mask, an enormous Uraeus cobra, a multitude of mummies, and a stone colossus.
Roman CharioteerLink to this section
Novel Debut: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel) Chapter 2
A Roman soldier riding a war chariot created by The Genesis of Universe. When Polnareff, after being continuously attacked by other creations of the Stand, prepares for another assault, he hears a horse-drawn carriage coming his way. It runs over his leg and, before Polnareff even comes to his senses, knocks him out. The Roman war chariots appeared in Egypt around 30 BC, when, under Octavius, Egypt becomes a part of the Roman Empire, ending the Ptolemaic dynasty.
42 JudgesLink to this section
18 Jump Novel Vol. 4 MR VS Genesis.jpg
Novel Debut: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel) Chapter 2
42 judges who, along with the gates to the underworld and the scales, are summoned by The Genesis of Universe to attack Joseph and Avdol. They get quickly painfully incinerated by Magician's Red. In Egyptian mythology, they, under the direction of Osiris, judged the souls of the dead at the entry to the underworld by weighing the person’s heart against a feather.
Crusader ArmyLink to this section
16 Jump Novel Vol. 4.jpg
Novel Debut: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel) Chapter 2
SphinxLink to this section
8 Jump Novel Vol. 4 Avdol&Joseph.jpg
Novel Debut: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel) Chapter 2
A sphinx summoned by The Genesis of Universe. She blocks the way of Joseph and Avdol when they try to escape from the crusader army. They escape by climbing an emergency ladder, leaving the the monster behind as she roars and scrathces the walls unable to reach them. The sphinx is half woman, half lion, 5 meters tall and clad in bulky armor. In Egyptian mythology, she would stop travellers to ask them questions. Those who couldn't answer them correctly would be eaten.
Egyptian SoldiersLink to this section
Novel Debut: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel) Chapter 2
Roman ArmyLink to this section
7 CrusadersVSGenesisArmy.jpg
Novel Debut: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel) Chapter 2
Perfume SalesmanLink to this section
Novel Debut: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel) Chapter 2

Minor Characters

AbabasubomboLink to this section
Novel Debut: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel) Chapter 1
According to the village elder, Ababasubombo (アババスボンボ) is a devil who lives in the desert. After seeing the aftermath of the fight between the Joestar Group and Absalom, the elder comes to the conclusion that the visitors are the devil's subjects and, with the other villagers, drives them off.
E. StevensonLink to this section
Novel Debut: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel) Chapter 2
E. Stevenson (E・スティーブンソン, E. Sutībunson) is a British explorer responsible for the discovery of The Genesis of Universe. In 1908, he takes part in an expedition to the Valley of the Kings. Despite being widely anticipated, it doesn't bring any satisfactory results. Only afterwards, some papyrus documents are unearthed. After they are deciphered and assigned the name The Genesis of Universe, E. Stevenson disappears. On January 1, 1913, he dies of a heart attack while writing a summary of the documents. The Genesis of Universe soon disappears. With no evidence, his writings are dismissed as fits of madness.
Statue of PinedjemLink to this section
15 Jump Novel Vol. 4 Pol Joseph&Avdol.jpg
Novel Debut: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel) Chapter 2
AmmitLink to this section
Jump Novel 4 Jotaro SP.jpg
Novel Debut: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Novel) Chapter 2
Ammit (アムミット, Amumitto)
