Dio Brando (ディオ・ブランドー, Dio Burandō) is a playable character in Stardust Shooters with X different units in rarities ranging from SSR to N. Both his Part 1, and Part 3, incarnations appear as playable Metal Strikers. For his Part 1 variations, his younger self's Finish Move attacks the opponent with a punch followed by a fingerprint (mimicking the same finishing blow he dealt to Jonathan in their first fight), while his vampire versions attack the opponent with his fingers while sucking their blood.
A boy who is invited to join the Joestar family after the death of his father. He is smart, cold-hearted, and has the ambition to become a man that nobody can beat.
How to Obtain
Polar Star
Link Skill
Perfect behavior
For 1 turn, add +1 to action count to all enemies at the start of the turn
Command Skill
A terrible plan
Deal 900% damage to the enemies within the range (circle large type) and make the target poisoned!
Confidence to fill
If 3 or more Skill Gauge remain, your ATK+300% up!
Jonathan's eternal rival. He tries to get rid of Jonathan, but it fails and he ends up drinking and getting into trouble in the port city.
How to Obtain
Expert Challenge - Dio Brando edition
Leader Skill
Evil from birth
Red and Black attributes ATK+50%, Smash range +35%
Command Skill
For 2 turns at the end of every enemy's ally's actions, ATK+100%, movement distance +50%, and Smash range +10% will be added! Futhermore, at the end of a turn, target the enemy closest to you and deal 550% damage!
I can't stop drinking
At the start of every turn, place 2 bottles (Tac item 0059 enemy.png)! When an ally takes a bottle, HP+10% and ATK+50% up for 2 turns! When an enemy takes it, ATK+50% and become confused (move in the opposite direction) for 2 turns!
Black and Red attributes ATK+20%, HP+20%, movement distance +20%
Command Skill
Live blood is power!
For 2 turns, when your HP is 10% and at the end of every enemy and ally action, deal 50% remaining HP damage to the nearest ally or enemy, recovering HP yourself based on the damage given!
Gauge break
During the action of a unit equipped with this Ability, it becomes possible to accumulate Skill Gauge beyond MAX! (up until 120% maximum)
Red Attributes will become vampires! Vampires ATK+65% and movement distance +10%
Command Skill
They killed themselves
After activating the Command Skill, move to the wall and continue moving along the wall. Gain +840% ATK while moving on the wall, any enemies you damage will get blown away!
Vampire king
When you receive lethal damage, sacrifice one vampire ally to recover all your HP, increase your ATK by +400%
If you die after using this CS, recover 80% HP only once! Furthermore, ATK+250% and movement distance will be increased by 1.2 times at resurrection (status ups can be overlapped)
Become my body and live!
When an enemy Joestar dies, recover all HP and ATK+200% and movement distance +80%!
For 3 moves after activation, if you tap during an enemy's action or you receive a contact attack, deal 1000% of defense-ignoring damage to the enemy and their surroundings (in a small circular range) during that action and stop them from moving!
Oblivion of death
After selecting the Command Skill and move, reduces count of all enemies to 0, and for 2 turns gain number of reduced counts x ATK 150%! During your action, deal 500% surrounding damage and absorb some of the damage given!
ATK+300% and +150% movement! Tap up to 3 times during movement to weak point HIT 850% damage and freeze the object when tapping (damage 1.5 times, take attack or don't decrease count until 2 turns)!
Can a Monkey reach a human?
For 1 time the Round! If you select the Command Skill, move, and finish the movement without using the Command Skill, increases ATK+400% and the Command Skill consumption will be 0 only once!
Launch a horde of three zombies! Each with +50% movement and can pass through enemies. Deal 50% x 5 hits when contacting the enemy! Furthermore, If you tap the screen (up to 3 times) deal 850% damage in a small circular range!
How many breads have you eaten in your life?
Increase your HP by +2500 and absorb 5% of damage dealt upon contact hit!
Only once per Round, choose an ally unit to turn into a vampire and give ATK+1500%. At the end of the vampire's action, deal 500% damage to all enemies and absorb a portion of that damage as health!
The wounds will not heal
At the start of the Round, decrease this unit's HP by 50% and gain 50% Skill Gauge!
A boy who is invited to join the Joestar family after the death of his father. He is smart, cold-hearted, and has the ambition to become a man that nobody can beat.
Leader Skill
Welcoming boy
Black and Red attributes ATK+25% up
Command Skill
Come on!
For 3 turns deal 350% of counter damage to any enemy unit who comes into contact with this unit!
Own ATK+50%! Furthermore, this effect is added by the ability value slot level total value × 1% of abilities equip!
Deal 400% damage to all enemies within a horizontal linear range, and give them +1 action count! If the enemy is a Joestar member, deal an extra +400% damage!
HP drain
When you hit an enemy, drain some of their HP and replenish your own!
Black attributes and Vampires 15% ATK up, and 10% movement distance up!
Command Skill
Freeze the legs!
ATK up and move! Upon contacting with the enemy, add an ice effect and immobilise them, and the damage they take will be increased! These enemies action counts will not count down until they receive contact damage, or after a number of turns pass.
Black nature
This units ATK will increase by 200% when its HP falls below 70%! This effect will disappear when the HP goes back above 70%.