SO Chapter 107, Cover A
SO Chapter 108, Cover A
SO Chapter 108, Cover B
SO Chapter 110, Cover A
Bohemian Rhapsody (ボヘミアン・ラプソディー (自由人の狂想曲), Bohemian Rapusodī, kanji lit. "La fantasie d'un homme libre") est le Stand d'Ungalo, figurant dans Stone Ocean. Bohemian Rhapsody permet de mélanger la fiction et la réalité, et fait entrer des personnages de fiction dans le monde réel tandis que les gens deviennent les personnages de leurs histoires préférés.
Bohemian Rhapsody est un pouvoir spécial mais n'a pas d'apparence à proprement parler.
Les personnages de fiction qui sont matérialisés sont très expressifs mais peuvent avoir une personnalité assez différentes de leur version originale. Par exemples, les Sept Nains de Blanche-Neige sont très amicaux, et semblent connaitre l'existence du Terminator et de Star Wars. D'autres comme la Chèvre du conte "Le loup et les Sept Chevreaux" est très vengeresse et violente.
Bohemian Rhapsody est un pouvoir extrêmement puissant qui affecte le monde entier et cause un grand chaos à travers celui-ci.
Bohemian Rhapsody a une portée au moins planétaire et la nature ésotérique de son pouvoir rendent un combat conventionnel impossible. Cependant, la clé de sa défaite réside dans son propre pouvoir.
Bohemian Rhapsody is able to bring fictional characters depicted in images into reality through media containing them.[1] Cartoon and anime characters, even works of art and drawings are affected.[2]
The characters are made of the same material they came from, and thus cannot easily be destroyed; shown when the mother goat is simply folded into paper when punched.[3] There is no way to change the course of the story one find themselves in as they are already written.[4] Running away or hiding from the characters is useless as objects will simply unfold like paper that enable the characters to walk through[3] or even teleport.[2] Destroying the fictional character that brought a victim into a story is the only way to return the soul back into the body.[5] The images of characters destroyed in reality don't return to the books and papers they were featured. The only example shown in the manga is after Pinocchio was killed by Anasui.[5]
The Stand draws power from the original artist's creativity and passion put into the animation, and thus its range is infinite.[2] One may be immune to this ability if they have neither knowledge of the story nor character, but this is difficult due to the number of characters brought to life, as well as the character's ability to act even based on subconscious recognition and drag even unwilling victims like Anasui into the role of the wolf in The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids.[3] Due to this and its worldwide range, it is practically impossible to find and defeat the user.[2]
Despite its tremendous power, it can be defeated through the creation of a fictional character by a talented hand, whose sole role is to eliminate other fictional characters to cancel Bohemian Rhapsody. [4]
The countries most heavily affected by the Stand were stated to have been the U.S., Japan, Italy, and France while the Stand was active.[4]
In addition to fictional realization, the victim's body and soul are separated. When one meets a character they like, their souls are dragged into the character's role, taking the appearance and the fate of the character[1] because, as Pinocchio claims, they secretly wish to be able to live their fantasies.[5]
The soul and the body of the victim now act independently, as if the person was split. Moreover, the separation is immediate and almost unnoticeable to the victim.[1][5] The soul is visible to only other souls[1][5] and only the soul can use the person's Stand.[5] Although some can be dragged into a happy story, it is especially dangerous to be dragged into a story where the character dies.[6]
SO Chapter 107, Cover A
SO Chapter 108, Cover A
SO Chapter 108, Cover B
SO Chapter 110, Cover A
Pinocchio grabbed by Diver Down
Pinocchio attacking Anasui with his nose
Ungalo realizing that Peter Pan and Tinker bell have returned to the book