List of Food and Drinks

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This is a list of food and drinks appearing in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and related medias.

It features notable fruits, vegetable, drinks and dishes.

Phantom Blood

Jonathan's ChocolateErina's Berry BasketDio's WineWill's Wine
Jonathan's ChocolateLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 2: Dio Brando the Invader, Part 1
Leftover chocolate.
Erina's Berry BasketLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 3: Dio Brando the Invader, Part 2
Dio's WineLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 9: The Stone Mask, Part 2
Will's WineLink to this section
In the anime they made DIO's wine from Part 6 the same.

Battle Tendency

Spaghetti al Nero di SeppiaLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 62: The Pillar Man, Santana, Part 9
Squid ink pasta.

Stardust Crusaders

Hot ColaHong Kong DishesChilled Coconut JuiceCherriesChaiDoner KebabBaby Food
Hot ColaLink to this section
Hong Kong DishesLink to this section
Various dishes served at the Hong Kong Restaurant .
Preserved Egg Beef PorridgeLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 124: Silver Chariot, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 4: Tower of Gray
Preserved Egg Beef Porridge (皮蛋牛肉粥, Pídàn niúròu zhōu) (Porridge (おかゆ, Okayu) in japanese)
Plum Open Oven Bird FishLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 124: Silver Chariot, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 4: Tower of Gray
Plum Open Oven Bird Fish (梅子明炉鳥魚, Méizi míng lú niǎo yú) (Boiled Fish (さかなを煮たもの, Sakana o nita mono) in japanese)
Boiled ShellfishLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 124: Silver Chariot, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 4: Tower of Gray
Boiled Shellfish (煮貝子, Zhǔ bèizǐ) ((貝料理, Kai ryōri) in japanese)
Whole Grilled FrogsLink to this section
Manga Debut: Chapter 124: Silver Chariot, Part 1
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 4: Tower of Gray
(烤田雛, Kǎo tián chú) (Whole Grilled Frogs (カエルのまる焼き, Kaeru no maru-yaki) in japanese)
Chilled Coconut JuiceLink to this section
CherriesLink to this section
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 9: Yellow Temperance
Doner KebabLink to this section
Anime Debut: Stardust Crusaders Episode 16: Lovers, Part 1
Baby FoodLink to this section

Diamond is Unbreakable

Tonio's Food
Trattoria TrussardiLink to this section
Various dishes served at the Trattoria Trussardi Restaurant .
Mineral waterLink to this section
CriSp and fresh.
Mozzarella and tomato saladLink to this section
Four thin slices of Mozzarella cheese, five slices of tomato and Tonio's special dressing which consists of anchovy, seaweed, olive oil, white wine vinegar, lemon juice, salt & pepper, basilico flakes and lettuce.
Spaghetti alla PuttanescaLink to this section
A dish allegedly created by a prostitute in Naples who mixed several leftover ingredients. Has anchovy, hot peppers, garlic, cherry tomatoes, seedless black olives, parmesan cheese, parsley, salt & pepper.
Lamb with applesauceLink to this section
Secret ingredients.
PuddingLink to this section
Pudding that cures athlete's foot.


Beef Tongue with Miso PicklesSesame Honey DumplingsNet MelonsHigashikata Melon ParfaitRuby RomansJiroMamezuku's Strawberry RomanoffHigashikata GelatoKaato's Cream StewCakes
Beef Tongue with Miso PicklesLink to this section
Morioh's speciality.
Sesame Honey DumplingsLink to this section
Manga Debut: JoJolion Chapter 2: Soft & Wet, Part 1
A local culinary specialty of Morioh, the Sesame Honey Dumplings are bite-sized mochis filled with honey-like sesame seed, edamame or cream. They spill easily and are supposed to be bitten with the back teeth. Yasuho gave a box of them to Josuke, who found the dumplings delicious and would later associate them with his romance with Yasuho. He also bites them with the front teeth, spilling the filling.
Net MelonsLink to this section
First-grade fruits sold, and placed at the front of the Higashikata Fruit Parlor. Any left unsoled are made into melon parfaits.
Higashikata Melon ParfaitLink to this section
A dessert served in the Higashikata Fruit Parlor in order to recycle unsold melons, specifically muskmelons given the color. It consists of nine layers of from top to bottom:
  1. Cut melon
  2. Jelly and whipped cream
  3. Ice cream
  4. Melon Granita
  5. Champagne sherbet
  6. Crunchy corn biscuit
  7. Melon jelly
  8. Whipped cream
  9. Melon juice

The dessert is served in a specially crafted fountain glass designed by Norisuke Higashikata IV. While it is supposed to be eaten from top to bottom, the movement of the spoon inside it will mix the layers and ensures that the taste of each mouthful is different.

Ruby RomansLink to this section
Manga Debut: JoJolion Chapter 59: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 1
Grapes sold by the Higashikata Fruit Company the name "Versailles". They are sold for 660,000 yen per bunch.
JiroLink to this section
Manga Debut: JoJolion Chapter 59: Dolomite's Blue Lagoon, Part 1
Pickled plums sold by the Higashikata Fruit Company for 20,000 yen each. A buyer is limited to buy 15 containers with 8 plums each.
Mamezuku's Strawberry RomanoffLink to this section
A dessert that the plant appraiser Rai Mamezuku creates for Josuke and Yasuho atop his ski-lift "home". Consisting of Romanoff (a golden cream made by combining meringue, sugar, and egg whites) and sliced strawberries, it is shown to be so delicious that it causes Josuke to cry and Yasuho to squeal with delight.
Higashikata GelatoLink to this section
Manga Debut: JoJolion Chapter 87: The Wonder of You, Part 4
Kaato's Cream StewLink to this section
Manga Debut: JoJolion Chapter 107: When All Curses Are Broken
A cream stew made by Kaato Higashikata that her son Jobin likes. It is a stew with Mezame potatoes of the Incas that are peeled, cut and deep fried into cooking oil. Just one day before his death at the hands of Wonder of U, Jobin told his mother that he'd really like some again, so she brought a full pot over, but it turns out to be in vain when she finds out her son died.
CakesLink to this section
Manga Debut: JoJolion Chapter 110: Higashikata Fruit Parlor
A set of cakes produced by the Higashikata Fruit Company. At the end of the story, the Higashikata Family gathers to choose a cake to properly celebrate Norisuke IV's return from the hospital. Among them are a strawberry cake, a cherry cake, a kiwi cake, and cheese cakes. In the end, the family agrees that Josuke should be the one to choose the cake.