A boy who dreams to be a gangster. When he meets Bucciarati, destiny is set in motion.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
A man that dislikes useless things
White and Gold attributes HP+120%, ATK+40%, Smash range +40%.
Command Skill
Give birth to new life...
This can be only activated once per Round! For 2 turns, all allies will counter attack when hit by an enemy! Furthermore, at the end of each action, ATK+300% and movement distance +50% is given to all allies!
Additional weakness attribute boost
While in 1more, Silver attributes will be added as weakness and deals extra 250% damage to weak attributes!
A boy who dreams to be a gangster. When he meets Bucciarati, destiny is set in motion.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Black and Gold attributes ATK and movement +90% up.
Gold Experience
Select 1 enemy, deal 1500% damage to it and move! While moving, target defense will be "0" and unable to use ability! With 3 taps, you can deal 500% x 5 hits around the target per tap!
A boy who dreams to be a gangster. When he meets Bucciarati, destiny is set in motion.
How to Obtain
Ultimate Quest
Platinum Ring Exchange
Leader Skill
Death battle growth
Passione members ATK+60%, movement distance +50%, Smash range +30%.
Command Skill
It's a "piranha"...
Continue moving with ATK+500% and movement distance +350%! Tap up to 3 times during movement to deal 800% damage x 10 hits to enemies within range (medium circle size)! When stopping, deal 1500% damage to the enemy with the highest HP!
Ability to create
HP+5000 and for 2 turns from field appearance, whenever you and your allies take damage that is not lethal, convert that damage into healing instead!
A boy who dreams to be a gangster. When he meets Bucciarati, destiny is set in motion.
How to Obtain
After login 2 days.
Tower Battle: King Crimson Hard Tower - Floor 3
Leader Skill
A man with a golden dream
Gold attributes and Passione members ATK+40%, movement distance +35%.
Command Skill
Ability to keep life
Deal 400% damage and add +1 to action count to enemies within range (large circle size), blow away and deal 1100% of defense ignoring damage to enemies within range (small circle size)!
Muda Rush
Smash changes to Muda Rush! Sliding in certain directions will blow enemies away, dealing 250% damages! 150% damage to enemies that hit walls!
A boy who dreams to be a gangster. When he meets Bucciarati, destiny is set in motion.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
The Boy with The Star
Black attributes HP and movement distance +85% up!
Command Skill
You're someone who has prepared themselves
Upon activation cancel the ability of all enemy units within a medium circular range for 2 turns! Furthermore these enemies will receive 2x their usual damage, and their movement distance will be reduced by 40%!
Life Power
Increase unit HP by 20,000! Contact damage will be fixed at a value equal to its maximum HP!
A boy who dreams to be a gangster. When he meets Bucciarati, destiny is set in motion.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
He who stops evil
Add +1 to all enemy reinforcements and Gold attributes ATK and HP +70% up!
Command Skill
Deal 100% x 50 defense ignoring and partial defense skill ignoring damage and gain ATK+600% until three allied actions have passed! Furthermore for 3 actions at the end of allied units actions deal another 100% x 50 defense ignoring and defense skill ignoring damage to all the enemies!
Know your place...
Up to one time during this units action a contact hit, instead of it being 1 contact hit will instead be 50 HITs!
The spirits of Giorno and Narancia were switched by Chariot Requiem's ability.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Super fast fighter
White attributes and Team Bucciarati members movement distance +120%!
Command Skill
Come on, Aerosmith!
Upon activation gain counter immunity, the ability to pass through items and other units, as well as +150% movement distance! During this movement if an enemy unit touches the wall, deal 250% damage to them! Furthermore, when the hit counter increases by a multiple of 10, deal 1000% damage to the enemy!
I feel cool
Up to 2 times a round, when hit counter exceeds 99 hits, reset counter to 1! When counter reaches 1, ATK+400% for all allies and reduce enemy defense to 0 for 1 turn!
Giorno was accepted by the arrow, and as a result he gained a new found power.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Golden Requiem
Team Bucciarati members ATK+150% and HP+50%!
Command Skill
Power ahead
This Command Skill can only be activated once per Round! Upon activation, disable the counter and Smash counter during the Round! Furthermore, for 2 moves, increase this units ATK by 1.5x at the end of any enemy or ally action and completely recover the HP! (ATK boost is stackable)
Holder of the arrow
All parameters are increased by 1 and tap the Arrow icon on the Ability Equipment screen to change to an Ability with a cost of up to 1 from the same attribute you possess!
Giorno was accepted by the arrow, and as a result he gained a new found power.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Controller of the Arrow
All parameters of all attributes +70%.
Command Skill
Gold Experience Requiem
For 2 turns after activation, gain Counter Immunity and Smash Counter Immunity, penetrate enemy medals during movement, deal 500% damage to surrounding enemies and give them action count -1! When stopping, deal 10 hits of defense and partial defense skill ignoring damage to all enemies! Whenever an enemy tries to move, cancel it and make it your own action!
All parameters of this unit 1.5x up! If this unit is the Leader unit you cancel all enemy abilities from your field appearance for 2 moves!
Giorno Giovanna, an Italian boy, and Koichi Hirose, who has come to investigate him.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Stand users drawn together
White attributes and Stand users all parameters +60% up and immunity to abnormal effects!
Command Skill
Could you move to the right a little bit?
For 2 turns increase all allied units ATK by +300% and stop all enemy units movement when they approach this unit (range increases in accordance to HP) and deal 1000% defense ignoring and partial defense skill ignoring damage!
The will of justice
Own ATK becomes 100% of the stats of the Leader unit! Furthermore for every "4" available ability cost, you'll be able to use the Command Skill for 0 Gauge consumption!
Giorno dreams to be a gangster, and Bucciarati sees in Giorno a noble "determination" and a golden "dream".
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
The Golden Oath
All allies are immune to negative effects. Passione HP and ATK +70%.
Command Skill
Are you prepared?
Move 250% with ATK+500%, Smash range +40% and Smash +1! During movement, enter a state of counter invalidity and deal 1000% damage to enemies within Smash range of allies. Upon stopping, deal 2500% of defense and partial defense skill ignoring damage and lower the enemy's protection.
Golden Road
3 times during quest, Soul Chip effect can be used! 4 times during the quest, using a Soul Chip boosts the ATK by 1.5 of the entire team!
As a result of witnessing Giorno's resolve, Fugo's mind changes.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Something not expressed through words
Stand users HP+150%, movement distance +80%.
Command Skill
For the deeds you risked your life to accomplish!
At the time of enemy contact, deal 5000% pursuit damage of your current HP, and at the end of the action, you will give a virus that deals 4% of the target's maximum HP! At the end of the action, your current HP will decrease by 90%!
This guy's trustworthy
If you equip this ability and start quest, increase HP by 5000 x the maximum number of own Soul Chips!
Giorno's actions in a life threatening moment begins to change Abbacchio's mind.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Resolution to win trust
Black attributes and Team Bucciarati members ATK and HP +70%! Furthermore at the beginning of the turn gain 2 Skill Gauge bars!
Command Skill
You’re a crazy guy
Deal 1250% defense ignoring and partial defense skill ignoring damage x the number of allies within the range! Furthermore, just once after activation of the Command Skill, this unit will cover all damage that allied units take, and when it dies will revive at 50% HP! Upon the unit being resurrected cancel all background effects, and deal 2500% defense ignoring and partial defense skill ignoring damage x the number of allies on the field to all enemy units!
Justice and Knowledge
Unit deals weak point HIT as pursuit damage! 1500% damage to all enemies within circular range (increase with lv.) and trigger all allied units Smashes who’re in range!
Giorno's resourcefulness and Narancia's scouting ability form a powerful weapon for the Bucciarati team.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Gangsters with hope
Blue attributes and Passione members gain +70% all parameters!
Command Skill
Golden wings
Upon activation move slowly for a certain distance with the counter disabled! During this movement deal 500% damage to all enemies in the direction of this units movement, and you can swipe to change the direction! Furthermore when this unit stops deal the hit counter value x 250% defense ignoring and partial defense damage to all enemies on the field!
Road of dreams
Gain ATK+20% for every "5" team cost that isn't used on your team, and the Skill Gauge consumption for unit becomes 0 for every "100" team cost used!
The combination of Giorno and Mista. Together, they have overcome many difficulties.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Those who are ready
Gold attributes and Team Bucciarati members ATK and HP +90%!
Command Skill
We won’t know unless we TRY!
Shoot 3 shots! The bullets gain movement distance +150%, and gain ATK+10% when coming into contact with the wall until the combo counter hits 99HITS and will gain speed! Upon tapping, deal 500% DEF and partial DEF skill ignoring damage! Furthermore, deal 400% x 10 in a range around the enemy with the highest HP at the end of the Command Skill!!
Full Shot
Up to 1 time during quest you can pull the unit to MAX and consume all of the Skill Gauge! During this movement this unit will gain ATK+2500% and you’ll ignore the enemies DEF and DEF skills!
Their burning resolve illuminates "the path" they will take.
How to Obtain
Custom Campaign Event
Leader Skill
Those who break the darkness
Passione members HP+100%.
Command Skill
Brighter than the rising Sun
Get +50% movement distance from activation! While moving, tap to deal 500% damage to enemies starting from the one with highest HP! Furthermore, each tap deals 10% damage to your remaining HP! When the HP falls to 0, revive and deal 250% x 5 consecutive hits to all enemies!
A blood-lit road
For each 20% of HP missing, reduce the Command Skill cost by 1%!
Giorno and Diavolo's battle for the arrow reaches its climax.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Battle for the arrow
Passione members ATK and HP +80% and at the start of the Round, increase Skill Gauge MAX.
Command Skill
Traitor's Requiem
Deal 999% defense and partial defense skill ignoring damage to enemies within range, and lower enemies' defenses for the amount of damage dealt! Continue moving and tap up to 6 times, when tapping on the right: deal 10 hits of 250% damage to all enemies, when tapping on the left, deal combo HIT number x 500% weak point damage and reduce HIT count to 0!
King of Kings
If you select Command Skill and move, gain ATK+2500% and reverses the damage you receive for 3 moves including the current action!
DIO who has the body of Jonathan with a star-shaped birthmark, and his son Giorno, who has a similar birthmark.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Blood inheritance
Increase all parameters of Stand users by 70%.
Command Skill
Select one enemy, deal 500% x5 hits of defense ignoring damage and blow them away, the same effect occurs on re-contact! Tap to stop time, ATK+500%, destroy items and deal damage in an area around you while moving! When stopping, deal 2500% defense ignoring damage to all enemies!
Smash changes to Experience! Experience clears own debuffs once when tapping, and ATK+500% to all allies for 2 turns and Skill Gauge increases by 50%!