
From JoJo's Bizarre Encyclopedia - JoJo Wiki
Revision as of 14:41, 14 November 2021 by Waldo-San (talk | contribs)
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Hey. I'm Waldo-San, student and portuguese translator for on my free time. I mostly do smaller, less noticable pages that probably wouldn't be translated otherwise. Currently have 696 edits in the site, pretend to make that number much bigger in the future, but since I regularly do lots of works on a page before saving it, that's gonna take a while.

More proud of my translator badge then I should be, I very much appreciate when I see anyone translating pages to other languages. My goal is to make this website truly universal, for everyone to be able to come in, select a language, and read whatever they want or need.

Recently achieved the Stone Free badge, so I´m really freaking happy about that. Only 60 people have that. Do ya know how little that is? If I account that there are about 1500 people with edits, only 4% of the users WITH EDITS have this. That is crazy (yes, I do get way too excited with achievements like this).

About Myself

I only started watching/reading Jojo in 2018, when I first bought a Battle Tendency volume. Took until last year for me to get the second volume, but at that point I was already done with the anime and starting Part 6, so I was just buying for my collection.

I'm also a big fan of lots of other series, such as Naruto, Dragon Ball, Perfect Crime, Tokyo Ghoul, Edens Zero, and many others. Also very into gaming, with my favorite series in that section being Naruto Ultimate Ninja, The Legend of Zelda, and also many more.

I was never very active in the old wiki, but once the wiki changed into this website, I felt like duty was calling me. I went on a big hiatus for about 3 months, but now I'm back, with style!

My favorite pass-time on the page is just clicking random on the homepage and translating the page that appear, since those are mostly pages that most people would never think about creating, let alone translating.

Wiki Contributions

Page Translations

Translation pages that I created or added to:


Favorite Stands