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Showing messages 1-23 of 23 messages.
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posted 548 days ago

hey! just wanna say, as someone else on the wiki who tries here and there to keep merch pages updated, your contributions were very meaningful and appreciated. good luck with your wiki!

posted 600 days ago

We fixed some of the issues you talked about. But you don't have to say the color is ugly. You're being a dick.

posted 600 days ago

That's because you're using the Phantom Blood theme, take it off and you'll have the regular light theme.

posted 688 days ago

Hey, just so you know some of the images you're uploading to the Otaku Lamps page you're working on are already on the page for Crunchyroll

posted 696 days ago

Oh are you talking about JOJO magazine article? If so then it's because I didn't know If I could swear in the comments so the word "Coward" came to my mind first. Saying it looks bad, because everyone has the same face is a rather bad take so I wanted to ratio you.

posted 696 days ago

btw I'm Damianito#3727

posted 696 days ago

btw I'm Damianito#3727

posted 713 days ago

You're missing the file extension, if you add the ".jpg" at the end then it'll work.

posted 713 days ago

What are you entering as the new title?

posted 713 days ago

You just leave that as "File"

posted 713 days ago

Okay, so where it says "New Title", you would put the new filename you want. For example, instead of "27221.jpg", you could write "ARTFX Kakyoin.jpg"

posted 713 days ago

Oh if you're uploading a different picture then it wouldn't work. This is just if you want to rename the current ones that are up already

posted 713 days ago

Sure, though if they're the same images then you could go to the existing file pages and then click "More" at the top and then "Move". That would let you rename the files

posted 726 days ago

Yeah, it's fine for your profile.

posted 727 days ago

I'd prefer if the prototype pics goes into the figure galleries.

posted 746 days ago

I guess the Stone Mask can go in the misc section, and yeah, you can add the Bruno thing. Thanks

posted 756 days ago

Medicos says scheduled to release in April 2023 so I think we should use that

posted 756 days ago

Sure, you can add them

posted 783 days ago

I see, the date on the Medicos site would be more reliable though since it's the official source.

posted 783 days ago
posted 783 days ago

The other edits were rejected because of the filenames, which is what nabu mentioned below.

posted 783 days ago

you should rename your files to acceptable names before trying to upload them.

posted 788 days ago

Hey sorry to keep you waiting but go for it. Joseph SAS that comes with a little Iggy is a good example