Laem Chabang

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You can be certain... That we'll make our way to the truth one step at a time. (我々は確実に……一步一步、真実にたどりつくからね)

Laem Chabang (レムチャバン, Remu Chaban) is an antagonist featured in the ninth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, The JOJOLands.

She is a police officer affiliated with HOWLER Company who works together with Key West and Ningbo to either find Lulu or the culprits going after HOWLER's assets. She is implied to be a Stand user, wielding a currently unnamed Stand.


Laem Chabang is a short dark-skinned woman who is bald aside from a light colored ponytail. Her face has two tattoos above and below her left eye of large swallows with dark and light patterns carrying a flower in their beaks. She wears round half-rim sunglasses with the rims on the bottom.

Her outfit consists of a collared jumper dress with a column of four rectangular buttons on the top and bottom. A prominent "FURY" logo is across her chest, split between the letters on either side of her dress. Beneath it, she wears a long-sleeve shirt with crisscrossed laces running the length of her arms. The dress ends with a semicircle opening with vertical lines on both sides of it. On the side, she has a gun holster. Her legs are exposed, but she wears knee pads with spikes on the top and bottom.


Befitting her occupation as a police officer, Laem Chabang is an inquisitive and formal yet authoritarian woman. When she first meets Meryl Mei Qi to inquire about Paco Laburantes, Laem Chabang initially adopts a polite and professional demeanor.[2] However, she has a sharp psychological insight and ability to read when people are vulnerable. Her investigative instincts quickly take over when she senses fear in Meryl Mei and suspects an attempt to obstruct her investigation. Without hesitation, she abuses her authority, bypassing proper protocol by searching Meryl Mei's computer without authorization.[3]

Once convinced that Meryl Mei is connected to Paco, Laem Chabang leverages fear and intimidation to gain the upper hand in her conversations. She displays her ruthlessness by coldly instructing Ningbo to torture Meryl, despite Meryl being a civilian, permitting Ningbo to escalate the severity of the interrogation until they extract the desired information. This demonstrates not only her willingness to use unethical means but also her determination to uncover the truth at any cost.[4]

She also takes on a mocking tone toward Meryl Mei's attempt to challenge her authority, such as giggling[5] and repeatedly saying "no" to Meryl Mei in response to the principal's attitude.[6]



Main article: Laem Chabang's Stand

Laem Chabang is implied to be a Stand user since she commands Ningbo to use his own Stand.[2] Her Stand's capabilities are unknown, but her ability involves using fear-sensing nematodes that she raises as pets and attached to her sunglasses.[1]

Laem Chabang's Stand (レムチャバンのスタンド)Link to this section
Fear Sensing & Map Creation



Laem Chabang is a police officer hired by Acca Howler to work for HOWLER Company, though Howler doesn't remember her. She was friends with Bobby Jean and investigated his murder at Pearl General Hospital together with Key West and Ningbo.[1]

The JOJOLands

Resolved to find Lulu or the culprits

Laem Chabang is introduced to Acca Howler by Key West, who informs him of the mysterious circumstances behind Bobby's death. They question Howler about what Bobby was investigating, but he refuses to tell them, telling them that their job is only to protect HOWLER's interests. He orders them to track down Lulu since she went missing, so they agree to either look for her or the enemies. Laem shows Howler the nematodes in her sunglasses while Key explains their ability before they leave.[1]

Laem Chabang and Ningbo follow their lead up to McKinley High School where Paco Laburantes used to go. They find Meryl Mei Qi at her office and try to inquire about Paco's whereabouts. Meryl Mei plays dumb and sends a mass text to all her students hiding a warning to her gang, then tries to block off Laem Chabang's insistence on getting Paco's address. Laem Chabang's nematodes sense that Meryl Mei is afraid, which raises Laem's suspicion. When she asks if Meryl could somehow be afraid of them, Meryl sends a second message, prompting Laem and Ningbo to corner her physically. They read Meryl's message and although they seem to merely be assignments to her students, Laem Chabang remains suspicious and orders Ningbo to start torturing the principal, telling him that he is free to escalate until Meryl tells them what they want. Thus, Ningbo makes Meryl's arm inflate dangerously, waiting to see her reaction.[2]


Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance


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  • I'd like to know. What was Bobby really investigating? (知りたいね。実際のところボビーは何を捜査していたのか?)
  • No no no no no no no! There is no need for you to forcibly take that attitude! You don't need to speak compulsively and try to smooth things over with lies, Mrs. principal. Because you can be certain... that we'll make our way to the truth, one step at a time. (いやいやいやいやいやいやいや!そーゆー態度は無理にとらなくていいんだ。我々は確実に……一步一步、真実にたどりつくからね)



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