My Prized Needle and Thread (オレ自慢の針と糸, Ore Jiman no Hari to Ito) is a short story written by Yoshihito Okita starring Pesci and Prosciutto. It was announced in the December 2024 issue of Ultra Jump on November 19, 2024 and published in the Winter 2024 issue of JOJO magazine on December 18, 2024.
Prosciutto and Pesci are assigned a mission to eliminate Ago, a gangster defying Passione by managing a brothel and secret drug routes behind Passione's back. When Pesci tears up Ago's prized suit jacket out of spite, Ago's brother Filo confronts Prosciutto, demanding their punishment.
Laem Chabang (レムチャバン, Remu Chaban) is an antagonist featured in the ninth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, The JOJOLands.
She is a police officer affiliated with HOWLER Company who works together with Key West and Ningbo to either find Lulu or the culprits going after HOWLER's assets. She is implied to be a Stand user, wielding a currently unnamed Stand.
The Grateful Dead (ザ・グレイトフル・デッド, Za Gureitofuru Deddo) is the Stand of Prosciutto featured in the fifth part of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure series, Vento Aureo.
It has the simple but deadly ability to rapidly age any living organism, with the rate of aging being proportional to the organism's body temperature.
Executioner Sanson: The Man Who Beheaded King Louis XVI (死刑執行人サンソン 国王ルイ十六世の首を刎ねた男, Shikei Shikkou-nin Sanson: Kokuō Rui Jūroku-sei no Kubi o Haneta Otoko) is a book written by the Japanese author Masakatsu Adachi. It tells the story of Charles-Henri Sanson, who was a French executioner responsible for the execution of King Louis XVI.
Hirohiko Araki wrote a short review of the book, and later stated that Sanson was the inspiration for the Steel Ball Run character Gyro Zeppeli. Later releases of the book were sold with an illustration of Gyro on the cover.
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