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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:ReceptionTable/doc

local p = {}

-- Function to create the header of the table
function p.header(frame)
    local part = frame.args.part or 'pb'
    local headerColor = frame.args.headerColor or '#ffffff'
    local width = frame.args.width or '80%'
    local borderColor = frame.args.borderColor or 'var(--' .. string.lower(part) .. '2)'
    local hasVolume = frame.args.volume or true

    local header = '{| class="wikitable receptionTable diamonds" style="width:' .. width .. '; border: 2px groove ' .. borderColor .. '\n'
    if hasVolume ~= true then
    	header = header .. '! class="receptionTableHeader ' .. part .. '" style="color:' .. headerColor .. ';" | Volume\n'
    header = header .. '! class="receptionTableHeader ' .. part .. '" style="min-width:150px; color:' .. headerColor .. ';" | Date\n'
    header = header .. '! class="receptionTableHeader ' .. part .. '" style="color:' .. headerColor .. ';" | Rank\n'
    header = header .. '! class="receptionTableHeader ' .. part .. '" style="color:' .. headerColor .. ';" | Copies Sold\n'
    header = header .. '! class="receptionTableHeader ' .. part .. '" style="color:' .. headerColor .. ';" | Total\n'
    return header

-- Function to create a row in the table
function p.row(frame)
	local part = frame.args.part or 'pb'
    local volume = frame.args.volume or ''
    local date = or ''
    local rank = frame.args.rank or ''
    local copiesSold = frame.args.copiesSold or ''
    local total = or ''
    local rowspan = frame.args.rowspan or 1
    -- Create the row with the necessary cells and rowspan
    local row = '|-'
    if volume ~= '' then
        row = row .. 'class="receptionTableSection" style="border-top: 2px solid var(--' .. string.lower(part) .. '2);"\n! class="receptionTableImage ' .. part .. '4 diamonds"' .. 'style="width:5%;" rowspan="' .. rowspan .. '" | ' .. volume .. '\n'
    row = row .. '\n| ' .. date .. '\n| ' .. rank .. '\n| ' .. copiesSold .. '\n| ' .. total
    return row

-- Function to close the table
function p.footer(frame)
    return '|}\n'

return p