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return {
["Chapter 1"] = "侵略者ディオ",
["Chapter 2"] = "新しき友人!",
["Chapter 3"] = "愛しのエリナ",
["Chapter 4"] = "負けられない戦い",
["Chapter 5"] = "炎のダニー",
["Chapter 6"] = "過去からの手紙",
["Chapter 7"] = "父への誓い",
["Chapter 8"] = "{{Ruby|食屍鬼街|オウガーストリート}}の戦い",
["Chapter 9"] = "仮面の人体実験",
["Chapter 10"] = "血の渇き",
["Chapter 11"] = "人間を超越する!",
["Chapter 12"] = "{{Ruby|一組|ふたつ}}の{{Ruby|指輪|リング}}",
["Chapter 13"] = "不死の怪物",
["Chapter 14"] = "{{Ruby|生ける死者|リビング・デッド}}の襲撃",
["Chapter 15"] = "ディオとの青春に決着!",
["Chapter 16"] = "慈愛の女神像",
["Chapter 17"] = "懐かしき面影",
["Chapter 18"] = "凶人ジャック{{Ruby|&|と}}奇人ツェペリ",
["Chapter 19"] = "奇跡のエネルギー",
["Chapter 20"] = "洋上の惨劇",
["Chapter 21"] = "呪われた町",
["Chapter 22"] = "恐怖を我が物とせよ",
["Chapter 23"] = "北風とバイキング",
["Chapter 24"] = "罠への招待",
["Chapter 25"] = "血も凍る仮面{{Ruby|力|パワー}}",
["Chapter 26"] = "暗黒の騎士達",
["Chapter 27"] = "過去からの復讐鬼",
["Chapter 28"] = "77{{Ruby|輝輪|リング}}の勇者",
["Chapter 29"] = "黒騎士の呪縛",
["Chapter 30"] = "英雄として瞑る",
["Chapter 31"] = "騎士たちの遺跡",
["Chapter 32"] = "双首竜の間",
["Chapter 33"] = "あしたの勇気",
["Chapter 34"] = "老師の予言",
["Chapter 35"] = "怒りをたたきこめ!",
["Chapter 36"] = "遥かな国からの3人",
["Chapter 37"] = "怪人ドゥービー",
["Chapter 38"] = "{{Ruby|稲妻十字烈刃|サンダークロススプリットアタック}}",
["Chapter 39"] = "血戦! {{Ruby|JoJo|ジョジョ}}{{Ruby|&|と}}{{Ruby|DIO|ディオ}}",
["Chapter 40"] = "{{Ruby|炎|ファイヤー}}{{Ruby|&|アンド}}{{Ruby|氷|アイス}}!",
["Chapter 41"] = "悪鬼の最後!",
["Chapter 42"] = "恐嵐への序曲",
["Chapter 43"] = "最後の波紋!",
["Chapter 44"] = "忘却の彼方へ",
["Chapter 45"] = "ニューヨークのジョジョ",
["Chapter 46"] = "生きた彫像",
["Chapter 47"] = "悲痛な知らせ",
["Chapter 48"] = "ストレイツォの野望",
["Chapter 49"] = "ゲームの達人",
["Chapter 50"] = "不死身の化け物",
["Chapter 51"] = "冷酷非情ストレイツォ",
["Chapter 52"] = "ナチスと\"柱の男\"",
["Chapter 53"] = "\"柱の男\" 蘇生実験",
["Chapter 54"] = "\"柱の男\" 対石仮面の男",
["Chapter 55"] = "砂漠の追尾者",
["Chapter 56"] = "消えたサンタナ",
["Chapter 57"] = "{{Ruby|JoJo|ジョジョ}} {{Ruby|VS.|たい}} 究極生物",
["Chapter 58"] = "究極生物に波紋!",
["Chapter 59"] = "完璧なる作戦ッ!!",
["Chapter 60"] = "シュトロハイムの覚悟",
["Chapter 61"] = "誇り高き男の最後!",
["Chapter 62"] = "スパゲッティーの戦い",
["Chapter 63"] = "ハトと女の子",
["Chapter 64"] = "エイジャの赤石",
["Chapter 65"] = "真実の口にひそむ真実",
["Chapter 66"] = "究極戦士ワムウ",
["Chapter 67"] = "必殺{{Ruby|JoJo|ジョジョ}}クラッカー",
["Chapter 68"] = "\"血時計\"の闘い",
["Chapter 69"] = "ヒーローの資格",
["Chapter 70"] = "死の{{Ruby|結婚指輪|ウエディングリング}}",
["Chapter 71"] = "ヴェネチアの達人",
["Chapter 72"] = "波紋戦士の試練",
["Chapter 73"] = "一点集中波紋パワー",
["Chapter 74"] = "一か八かの賭け!",
["Chapter 75"] = "波紋{{Ruby|達人|マスター}}{{Ruby|JoJo|ジョジョ}}",
["Chapter 76"] = "最終試練!",
["Chapter 77"] = "しごきの成果",
["Chapter 78"] = "エシディシの不気味",
["Chapter 79"] = "深く罠をはれ!",
["Chapter 80"] = "決定されていた勝利",
["Chapter 81"] = "忍び寄る魔!",
["Chapter 82"] = "奪われた肉体",
["Chapter 83"] = "スイスに赤石を追え",
["Chapter 84"] = "謎のナチス軍人",
["Chapter 85"] = "カーズ\"光の{{Ruby|流法|モード}}\"",
["Chapter 86"] = "死の崖へつっ走れ",
["Chapter 87"] = "死闘175{{Ruby|m|メートル}}",
["Chapter 88"] = "シーザー過去からの怒り",
["Chapter 89"] = "シーザー孤独の青春",
["Chapter 90"] = "鬼気!幻の男",
["Chapter 91"] = "光と風の激突!!",
["Chapter 92"] = "鮮赤のシャボン",
["Chapter 93"] = "シーザー最後の波紋",
["Chapter 94"] = "{{Ruby|絹|シルク}}の舞いリサリサ",
["Chapter 95"] = "100対2のかけ引き",
["Chapter 96"] = "骸骨の踵石",
["Chapter 97"] = "荒ぶる古の戦",
["Chapter 98"] = "月光のスタート!",
["Chapter 99"] = "柱とハンマー!",
["Chapter 100"] = "天才的イカサマ師",
["Chapter 101"] = "真の格闘者",
["Chapter 102"] = "対称点上を撃て!",
["Chapter 103"] = "風の{{Ruby|最終流法|ファイナルモード}}",
["Chapter 104"] = "風に帰る戦士",
["Chapter 105"] = "悪逆!生贄の神殿",
["Chapter 106"] = "リサリサ、{{Ruby|JOJO|ジョジョ}}を結ぶ絆",
["Chapter 107"] = "{{Ruby|JOJO|ジョジョ}} 最後の波紋",
["Chapter 108"] = "ジョージ・ジョースターの悲劇",
["Chapter 109"] = "超生物の誕生!!",
["Chapter 110"] = "{{Ruby|JOJO|ジョジョ}} 最後の賭け!",
["Chapter 111"] = "神となった男!!",
["Chapter 112"] = "驚異の赤石パワー",
["Chapter 113"] = "帰ってきた男",
["Chapter 114"] = "悪霊にとりつかれた男",
["Chapter 115"] = "炎の魔術師",
["Chapter 116"] = "悪霊 その正体!",
["Chapter 117"] = "星のアザをもつ男",
["Chapter 118"] = "戦慄の侵入者",
["Chapter 119"] = "裁くのは誰だ!?",
["Chapter 120"] = "{{Ruby|DIO|ディオ}}の呪縛",
["Chapter 121"] = "{{Ruby|幽波紋|スタンド}}の戦士たち",
["Chapter 122"] = "機中にひそむ魔",
["Chapter 123"] = "奇虫襲撃!",
["Chapter 124"] = "恐怖のランチタイム",
["Chapter 125"] = "炎の人形",
["Chapter 126"] = "騎士のおきて",
["Chapter 127"] = "海路のワナ!?",
["Chapter 128"] = "スタンド使いとタバコの煙",
["Chapter 129"] = "水中蟻地獄",
["Chapter 130"] = "無人船と猿",
["Chapter 131"] = "見えないスタンド",
["Chapter 132"] = "8番目のタロット・カード",
["Chapter 133"] = "冷蔵庫の悪魔",
["Chapter 134"] = "恨みの影",
["Chapter 135"] = "恨みをぶちまけろ!",
["Chapter 136"] = "不吉な映像",
["Chapter 137"] = "人喰いテンパランス",
["Chapter 138"] = "無敵のスタンド!?",
["Chapter 139"] = "真の幸運",
["Chapter 140"] = "鏡の中のスタンド",
["Chapter 141"] = "さすらいの{{Ruby|皇帝|エンペラー}}",
["Chapter 142"] = "銃は剣よりも強し",
["Chapter 143"] = "ふたりで闘う!",
["Chapter 144"] = "光小さき者の瞳",
["Chapter 145"] = "ピカピカの金貨",
["Chapter 146"] = "ホル・ホースの女",
["Chapter 147"] = "「{{Ruby|女帝|エンプレス}}」の顔",
["Chapter 148"] = "親の腕かじり!",
["Chapter 149"] = "戦いの年季!",
["Chapter 150"] = "死への追い越し",
["Chapter 151"] = "危険!行き止まり",
["Chapter 152"] = "土俵際の戦い!",
["Chapter 153"] = "道を切り開け!",
["Chapter 154"] = "霧の中の町!",
["Chapter 155"] = "穴ボコチーズの死体",
["Chapter 156"] = "あやつり{{Ruby|正義|ジャスティス}}",
["Chapter 157"] = "死を支配する{{Ruby|正義|ジャスティス}}",
["Chapter 158"] = "なめるようにきれいに",
["Chapter 159"] = "あと一回の呼吸",
["Chapter 160"] = "恐ろしき{{Ruby|恋人|ラバーズ}}",
["Chapter 161"] = "頭の中の{{Ruby|恋人|ラバーズ}}",
["Chapter 162"] = "ミクロの戦い!!",
["Chapter 163"] = "{{Ruby|恋人|ラバーズ}}は俺だッ!",
["Chapter 164"] = "史上最弱が怖い!",
["Chapter 165"] = "つけの領収証",
["Chapter 166"] = "砂漠の太陽",
["Chapter 167"] = "ふたつの岩",
["Chapter 168"] = "夢の{{Ruby|DEATH|デス}}{{Ruby|13|サーティーン}}",
["Chapter 169"] = "大空の悪夢",
["Chapter 170"] = "\"{{Ruby|BABY|ベイビー}} {{Ruby|STAND|スタンド}}\"",
["Chapter 171"] = "花京院の確信",
["Chapter 172"] = "余裕ある勝利",
["Chapter 173"] = "夢の中の死角",
["Chapter 174"] = "魔法のランプ",
["Chapter 175"] = "恐ろしき願い",
["Chapter 176"] = "愛しのシェリー",
["Chapter 177"] = "二人のアヴドゥル",
["Chapter 178"] = "アヴドゥル4つの願い",
["Chapter 179"] = "6つのコーヒーカップ",
["Chapter 180"] = "スタンドの正体を追え!",
["Chapter 181"] = "「戦慄!」のハンドシグナル",
["Chapter 182"] = "ダイヤモンドの奥歯",
["Chapter 183"] = "助っ人\"{{Ruby|愚者|ザ・フール}}\"",
["Chapter 184"] = "水が怖い!",
["Chapter 185"] = "時計の音",
["Chapter 186"] = "音{{Ruby|V.S.|たい}}臭い",
["Chapter 187"] = "特攻イギー",
["Chapter 188"] = "大地の神ゲブ",
["Chapter 189"] = "オインゴ ボインゴ兄弟",
["Chapter 190"] = "予言は必ずあたる!",
["Chapter 191"] = "爆弾仕かけのオレンジ",
["Chapter 192"] = "イギーのひろったオレンジ",
["Chapter 193"] = "アヌビスの剣",
["Chapter 194"] = "1歩の間合い",
["Chapter 195"] = "ヒゲ剃りに御用心",
["Chapter 196"] = "たしかに憶えた",
["Chapter 197"] = "アヌビス{{Ruby|+|プラス}}チャリオッツ",
["Chapter 198"] = "押し込めば死",
["Chapter 199"] = "触れてはいけない物",
["Chapter 200"] = "人間磁石!?",
["Chapter 201"] = "脚がグンバツの女",
["Chapter 202"] = "マライヤのワナ",
["Chapter 203"] = "追いつめられた!?",
["Chapter 204"] = "はさみうちッ!",
["Chapter 205"] = "若がえりは御免",
["Chapter 206"] = "少年チャリオッツ",
["Chapter 207"] = "お姉ちゃんがいない!?",
["Chapter 208"] = "密室で消失",
["Chapter 209"] = "子供の承太郎",
["Chapter 210"] = "{{Ruby|DIO|ディオ}}を撃つ!?",
["Chapter 211"] = "魂を奪うギャンブル",
["Chapter 212"] = "ジョセフの賭け",
["Chapter 213"] = "最も危険なポーカー",
["Chapter 214"] = "イカサマの罰",
["Chapter 215"] = "イカサマとハッタリ",
["Chapter 216"] = "{{Ruby|賭ける|コール}}か{{Ruby|降りる|ドロップ}}か",
["Chapter 217"] = "新コンビ誕生",
["Chapter 218"] = "鼻に指をつっこめ",
["Chapter 219"] = "予知は絶対",
["Chapter 220"] = "正午キッカリに命中",
["Chapter 221"] = "予知にまちがいはなかった",
["Chapter 222"] = "氷の鳥",
["Chapter 223"] = "犬好きの子供",
["Chapter 224"] = "ペット・ショップの笑い",
["Chapter 225"] = "氷のミサイル",
["Chapter 226"] = "イギー、犬死に!?",
["Chapter 227"] = "果てしない館",
["Chapter 228"] = "とっておきの世界",
["Chapter 229"] = "魂のTVゲーム",
["Chapter 230"] = "F-{{Ruby|MEGA|メが}}魂のレース",
["Chapter 231"] = "加速トンネルへ{{Ruby|GO|ゴー}}",
["Chapter 232"] = "勝利への加速",
["Chapter 233"] = "ルールは知っている",
["Chapter 234"] = "バッティングはおぼえた",
["Chapter 235"] = "ダービー謎の能力",
["Chapter 236"] = "承太郎の投球予告",
["Chapter 237"] = "{{Ruby|YES|イェス}}か{{Ruby|NO|ノー}}か!?",
["Chapter 238"] = "死の覚悟",
["Chapter 239"] = "探知不能",
["Chapter 240"] = "姿なきスタンド",
["Chapter 241"] = "背後を見張れッ!!",
["Chapter 242"] = "暗黒空間の軌跡",
["Chapter 243"] = "数撃ちゃ当たる!?",
["Chapter 244"] = "答えは③",
["Chapter 245"] = "{{Ruby|DIO|ディオ}}の吸血鬼",
["Chapter 246"] = "スージーQ来日",
["Chapter 247"] = "不死身!?のヌケサク",
["Chapter 248"] = "階段を登れ!",
["Chapter 249"] = "棺桶の中に!?",
["Chapter 250"] = "ヤツの時間がきた!",
["Chapter 251"] = "上院議員の災難",
["Chapter 252"] = "{{Ruby|世界|ザ・ワールド}}の脅威",
["Chapter 253"] = "世界を支配するスタンド",
["Chapter 254"] = "命をふりしぼったメッセージ!!",
["Chapter 255"] = "血で血を洗う戦い!!",
["Chapter 256"] = "同じタイプのスタンド!",
["Chapter 257"] = "時の止まった世界で見える!?",
["Chapter 258"] = "何十本ものナイフ!",
["Chapter 259"] = "完全なるとどめ",
["Chapter 260"] = "死の確認",
["Chapter 261"] = "逃走経路",
["Chapter 262"] = "ジョセフの遺言",
["Chapter 263"] = "{{Ruby|DIO|ディオ}}の完全勝利!?",
["Chapter 264"] = "暁に果つ!",
["Chapter 265"] = "100年間の貸し",
["Chapter 266"] = "恐るべき新入生",
["Chapter 267"] = "マジであぶねー奴",
["Chapter 268"] = "姿を見せた恐怖",
["Chapter 269"] = "{{Ruby|水の首かざり|アクア・ネックレス}}",
["Chapter 270"] = "水の逆襲",
["Chapter 271"] = "待っていたのは…",
["Chapter 272"] = "拳で罰を!",
["Chapter 273"] = "聖なる弓矢",
["Chapter 274"] = "謎の隣人",
["Chapter 275"] = "「立」…「禁止」",
["Chapter 276"] = "何かがいる!",
["Chapter 277"] = "完全なワナ!",
["Chapter 278"] = "恐怖の{{Ruby|中隊|カンパニー}}!",
["Chapter 279"] = "謎のスタンド!",
["Chapter 280"] = "すでに終了した!",
["Chapter 281"] = "屋根裏の怪人",
["Chapter 282"] = "{{Ruby|DIO|ディオ}}の亡霊",
["Chapter 283"] = "エレクトリック・ナイトメア",
["Chapter 284"] = "罪深き少年",
["Chapter 285"] = "罪と罰",
["Chapter 286"] = "アトランティック・ハイツ",
["Chapter 287"] = "サウンド・オブ・テラー(恐怖の音)",
["Chapter 288"] = "死に至る罪悪感",
["Chapter 289"] = "謎の3年生",
["Chapter 290"] = "放課後の恐怖",
["Chapter 291"] = "識別不能!!",
["Chapter 292"] = "おいかけて杜王町",
["Chapter 293"] = "過激なランナー",
["Chapter 294"] = "昼下がりの一大事",
["Chapter 295"] = "炎の少女・由花子",
["Chapter 296"] = "カゲ口大作戦!!",
["Chapter 297"] = "恐怖の個人教授",
["Chapter 298"] = "一発勝負!",
["Chapter 299"] = "玄関の攻防!",
["Chapter 300"] = "新しい力!",
["Chapter 301"] = "康一{{Ruby|ACT|アクト}}{{Ruby|2|ツー}}!!",
["Chapter 302"] = "エコーズ・クリフ",
["Chapter 303"] = "注文の不思議な料理店",
["Chapter 304"] = "アカぬけた{{Ruby|前菜|アンティパスト}}",
["Chapter 305"] = "怖い{{Ruby|かくし味|・・・}}!",
["Chapter 306"] = "料理人の生きがい!",
["Chapter 307"] = "何かに見られている!",
["Chapter 308"] = "確かに聞いた!",
["Chapter 309"] = "『右手』の威力!",
["Chapter 310"] = "真実はひとつ!",
["Chapter 311"] = "華麗なる登場!",
["Chapter 312"] = "壮絶!もぐら叩き!!",
["Chapter 313"] = "町中の電力パワー!!",
["Chapter 314"] = "直さないからいい!!",
["Chapter 315"] = "スタンドが笑った!",
["Chapter 316"] = "ツーメン&ベイビー!!",
["Chapter 317"] = "真紅の救出法!",
["Chapter 318"] = "人気漫画家お宅訪問!",
["Chapter 319"] = "最高のネタ!",
["Chapter 320"] = "奪われた『記憶』!",
["Chapter 321"] = "スーパーテクニック!!",
["Chapter 322"] = "恐るべき「手」の動き!",
["Chapter 323"] = "目を開かせる方法!",
["Chapter 324"] = "髪型の{{Ruby|理由|わけ}}!",
["Chapter 325"] = "「{{Ruby|狩り|ハンティング}}」に行こう!",
["Chapter 326"] = "冷蔵庫の中!",
["Chapter 327"] = "追いつめろ!",
["Chapter 328"] = "『罠』!",
["Chapter 329"] = "プレッシャー!!",
["Chapter 330"] = "地図にない道",
["Chapter 331"] = "迷路の案内人!",
["Chapter 332"] = "涙の訴え!",
["Chapter 333"] = "ふり向いちゃあダメ!",
["Chapter 334"] = "遠い記憶!",
["Chapter 335"] = "{{Ruby|イチエンミツケタゾ|・・・・・・・・・}}!",
["Chapter 336"] = "一大「プロジェクト」!",
["Chapter 337"] = "「友情」のしるし!",
["Chapter 338"] = "「名前」が変わる!",
["Chapter 339"] = "やるもんかよ!!",
["Chapter 340"] = "本能の頭脳!",
["Chapter 341"] = "理解不能!",
["Chapter 342"] = "影のうすい男!",
["Chapter 343"] = "ハードな危機!",
["Chapter 344"] = "露わになった{{Ruby|中身|・・}}!",
["Chapter 345"] = "睡眠の妨げ!!",
["Chapter 346"] = "オラが守る!!",
["Chapter 347"] = "動き出す戦士達!!",
["Chapter 348"] = "愛と出逢うメイク!!",
["Chapter 349"] = "「30分」の幸せ!",
["Chapter 350"] = "愛に無敵の{{Ruby|肉体|ボディ}}!!",
["Chapter 351"] = "通じ合う『{{Ruby|心|ハート}}』!!",
["Chapter 352"] = "消滅した部品!",
["Chapter 353"] = "バラ色の選択!",
["Chapter 354"] = "つかんだ「手掛かり」!!",
["Chapter 355"] = "注意深く観察しろ!!",
["Chapter 356"] = "遠隔操作でもパワフル!",
["Chapter 357"] = "本当の後悔!",
["Chapter 358"] = "命令シテクダサイ!",
["Chapter 359"] = "{{Ruby|ACT|アクト}}{{Ruby|3|スリー}}の『能力』!!",
["Chapter 360"] = "『目の前』の男!!",
["Chapter 361"] = "敗北感…!!",
["Chapter 362"] = "成長したな!",
["Chapter 363"] = "私は生きのびる!",
["Chapter 364"] = "雑踏の中へ…!",
["Chapter 365"] = "平常を装う男の異常な趣味!",
["Chapter 366"] = "『写真』の中!!",
["Chapter 367"] = "写真の中…!",
["Chapter 368"] = "なぜここに…!?",
["Chapter 369"] = "生きのびようとする執念!",
["Chapter 370"] = "主婦「川尻しのぶ」のロマンス!!",
["Chapter 371"] = "「ジャンケン」しよ~よ!",
["Chapter 372"] = "ジャ~ンケン グー!!",
["Chapter 373"] = "コテンパンにしてやる!",
["Chapter 374"] = "勝負の下り坂!",
["Chapter 375"] = "もっとも「むずかしい事」!",
["Chapter 376"] = "死んだ方がまし!",
["Chapter 377"] = "お楽しみがいっぱい!",
["Chapter 378"] = "わたしは宇宙人!",
["Chapter 379"] = "連れてってくれ!",
["Chapter 380"] = "宇宙人の恩返し!",
["Chapter 381"] = "チンチロリン!",
["Chapter 382"] = "小指をもらう!",
["Chapter 383"] = "わかったぞ!!",
["Chapter 384"] = "壁の中に誰かいる!!",
["Chapter 385"] = "時速60キロ!",
["Chapter 386"] = "グっときたぜ!",
["Chapter 387"] = "突っ切るしかない!",
["Chapter 388"] = "今日はツイてない!",
["Chapter 389"] = "何も問題はない!",
["Chapter 390"] = "ぜってえそこまで行く!",
["Chapter 391"] = "怒っているのは俺だ!!",
["Chapter 392"] = "『穴』が開いていた!",
["Chapter 393"] = "思い出したぞ!",
["Chapter 394"] = "爆発しない!!",
["Chapter 395"] = "見えない能力!",
["Chapter 396"] = "調べるんだ!",
["Chapter 397"] = "あいつはパパじゃあない!",
["Chapter 398"] = "送電鉄塔の中に住む男!",
["Chapter 399"] = "この鉄塔に入るな!",
["Chapter 400"] = "かけめぐるパワー!",
["Chapter 401"] = "鉄塔に残るのはお前だ!",
["Chapter 402"] = "反射するエネルギー!",
["Chapter 403"] = "最後の悪あがき!",
["Chapter 404"] = "臭いの追跡能力!",
["Chapter 405"] = "恐怖のサイン!",
["Chapter 406"] = "無敵の瞬間!",
["Chapter 407"] = "賢い行い!",
["Chapter 408"] = "開けるしかない!",
["Chapter 409"] = "ぜってーゆるさねえ!",
["Chapter 410"] = "すがすがしい気分!",
["Chapter 411"] = "ずっとお前を撮っていた!",
["Chapter 412"] = "背中を見られたくない!",
["Chapter 413"] = "おんぶして!",
["Chapter 414"] = "写真を焼こう!",
["Chapter 415"] = "絶対に焼くものか!",
["Chapter 416"] = "離すものか!",
["Chapter 417"] = "魂を連れ去る者!",
["Chapter 418"] = "新しい能力!",
["Chapter 419"] = "絶対の自信!",
["Chapter 420"] = "ついに見つけたぞ!",
["Chapter 421"] = "運命を変えるんだ!",
["Chapter 422"] = "仲間がいたんだ!",
["Chapter 423"] = "質問しちゃだめだ!",
["Chapter 424"] = "もう時間がない!",
["Chapter 425"] = "信じられない好運!",
["Chapter 426"] = "お前がしゃべったんだ!",
["Chapter 427"] = "空気が火を吹いた!",
["Chapter 428"] = "逃げる気なんてねえ!",
["Chapter 429"] = "触っちゃだめだッ!",
["Chapter 430"] = "死んでなんかいるものか!",
["Chapter 431"] = "決着はオレがつける!",
["Chapter 432"] = "自動追尾弾!",
["Chapter 433"] = "最後の一撃!",
["Chapter 434"] = "運命が味方する者!",
["Chapter 435"] = "正義の心!",
["Chapter 436"] = "正体を知った者!",
["Chapter 437"] = "間に合った!",
["Chapter 438"] = "裁いてほしい!",
["Chapter 439"] = "黄金の精神!",
["Chapter 440"] = "恐るべき力!!",
["Chapter 441"] = "無駄なんだ!",
["Chapter 442"] = "同一人物!",
["Chapter 443"] = "ウソの味!",
["Chapter 444"] = "やるしかない!?",
["Chapter 445"] = "生命を与えよ!",
["Chapter 446"] = "未来のために!",
["Chapter 447"] = "もう殺さない!",
["Chapter 448"] = "面接試験!",
["Chapter 449"] = "ボディ・チェック!",
["Chapter 450"] = "夢のために!",
["Chapter 451"] = "チャンスをやろう!",
["Chapter 452"] = "もうすぐ沈む!",
["Chapter 453"] = "つかんだ!",
["Chapter 454"] = "向かうべき道!",
["Chapter 455"] = "神は許す!",
["Chapter 456"] = "新しい仲間!",
["Chapter 457"] = "回収せよ!",
["Chapter 458"] = "おまえなら!",
["Chapter 459"] = "5分前!",
["Chapter 460"] = "もう1つの謎!",
["Chapter 461"] = "やってみろ!",
["Chapter 462"] = "先に行け!",
["Chapter 463"] = "そこにいる!",
["Chapter 464"] = "仕方ねえ!",
["Chapter 465"] = "逃がさねえ!",
["Chapter 466"] = "縁起悪ィぜ!",
["Chapter 467"] = "信じるか?",
["Chapter 468"] = "渡したぞ!",
["Chapter 469"] = "命を懸けて!",
["Chapter 470"] = "命令は守る!",
["Chapter 471"] = "そろそろだ!",
["Chapter 472"] = "仲間のために!",
["Chapter 473"] = "なぜバレた!?",
["Chapter 474"] = "時間が来た!",
["Chapter 475"] = "\"罰\"の小包!",
["Chapter 476"] = "思い出した!",
["Chapter 477"] = "もっとでっかく!",
["Chapter 478"] = "乗り物の{{Ruby|鍵|キー}}!",
["Chapter 479"] = "ひとりずつ!",
["Chapter 480"] = "近づくな!",
["Chapter 481"] = "何かある!",
["Chapter 482"] = "おまえのだ!",
["Chapter 483"] = "さっさと行け!",
["Chapter 484"] = "外に出れば!",
["Chapter 485"] = "くらわせろ!",
["Chapter 486"] = "はまった!",
["Chapter 487"] = "どこにもいない!",
["Chapter 488"] = "とことんやるぜッ!",
["Chapter 489"] = "老いる条件!",
["Chapter 490"] = "探せ!!",
["Chapter 491"] = "兄貴ィ!!",
["Chapter 492"] = "ひとり足りない!!",
["Chapter 493"] = "幹部の条件",
["Chapter 494"] = "ツイてない奴!",
["Chapter 495"] = "{{Ruby|ママッ子|マンモーニ}}のペッシ!!",
["Chapter 496"] = "針をはずせ!",
["Chapter 497"] = "『覚悟』の行方!!",
["Chapter 498"] = "どっちが早い!?",
["Chapter 499"] = "地獄に堕ちた魂",
["Chapter 500"] = "受胎せよ!",
["Chapter 501"] = "ブッ殺す!!",
["Chapter 502"] = "攻撃!",
["Chapter 503"] = "けずり取る",
["Chapter 504"] = "成長する!",
["Chapter 505"] = "「必要」は「発明」の母!",
["Chapter 506"] = "シンプルで行こう!",
["Chapter 507"] = "ボスからの指令!!",
["Chapter 508"] = "ミスタ!!",
["Chapter 509"] = "どんどん凍る!!",
["Chapter 510"] = "振りきれ!",
["Chapter 511"] = "本当の『勝利』とは!?",
["Chapter 512"] = "「殺る」のは今だ!!",
["Chapter 513"] = "ジェントリー ウィープス!!",
["Chapter 514"] = "血の覚悟!!",
["Chapter 515"] = "覚悟の行方!!",
["Chapter 516"] = "ミーティング・ポイント!",
["Chapter 517"] = "{{Ruby|運命の車輪|ホイールズ・オブ・フォーチュン}}",
["Chapter 518"] = "暗殺!",
["Chapter 519"] = "ボス!!",
["Chapter 520"] = "キング・クリムゾン!",
["Chapter 521"] = "予測しろ!",
["Chapter 522"] = "裏切り!",
["Chapter 523"] = "ボートに乗るのは!?",
["Chapter 524"] = "ボスの謎を探れ!!",
["Chapter 525"] = "水が!!",
["Chapter 526"] = "本当に見たの!?",
["Chapter 527"] = "ジョルノォォォ!!",
["Chapter 528"] = "逃げられた!!",
["Chapter 529"] = "勝利の行方は?",
["Chapter 530"] = "見つけたぞ!",
["Chapter 531"] = "「ひるむ」だって!?",
["Chapter 532"] = "飛行機で行こう!!",
["Chapter 533"] = "異常なし!?",
["Chapter 534"] = "ピッツァが食べたい!!",
["Chapter 535"] = "目標は!?",
["Chapter 536"] = "再起不能!",
["Chapter 537"] = "イツモ アナタノ ソバニ…",
["Chapter 538"] = "あなたの名は?",
["Chapter 539"] = "くそ野郎",
["Chapter 540"] = "血のつながり!",
["Chapter 541"] = "秘密!!",
["Chapter 542"] = "ドッピオ!!",
["Chapter 543"] = "2メートル",
["Chapter 544"] = "暗殺者リゾット!",
["Chapter 545"] = "なぜ動かない!?",
["Chapter 546"] = "メタリカ!!",
["Chapter 547"] = "ドッピオでは探知できない!",
["Chapter 548"] = "敵は1人?",
["Chapter 549"] = "追跡しろ!!",
["Chapter 550"] = "『意志』の力!!",
["Chapter 551"] = "弓と矢!!",
["Chapter 552"] = "ウイルス!",
["Chapter 553"] = "チョコラータ!",
["Chapter 554"] = "ミスタにまかせろ!",
["Chapter 555"] = "駐車場に行かねば!!",
["Chapter 556"] = "ばかな!",
["Chapter 557"] = "素朴な疑問!",
["Chapter 558"] = "パニック・イン・ローマ!!",
["Chapter 559"] = "{{Ruby|一対一|サシ}}で勝負!",
["Chapter 560"] = "好奇心の成果!",
["Chapter 561"] = "幸せって!!",
["Chapter 562"] = "ひどい野郎!",
["Chapter 563"] = "メッセージは2つ!!",
["Chapter 564"] = "コロッセオの男",
["Chapter 565"] = "コロッセオ、一歩手前!",
["Chapter 566"] = "勝者となれ!!",
["Chapter 567"] = "また来たよ!",
["Chapter 568"] = "君なのか!?",
["Chapter 569"] = "昔話!!",
["Chapter 570"] = "ディアボロは過去を乗り越える!",
["Chapter 571"] = "この世を制する者",
["Chapter 572"] = "ジョルノが負傷する!!",
["Chapter 573"] = "目的はなんなのだ!?",
["Chapter 574"] = "「その先」の話!",
["Chapter 575"] = "不測の展開",
["Chapter 576"] = "あってはならないこと!",
["Chapter 577"] = "からっぽの世界!",
["Chapter 578"] = "レクイエム!!",
["Chapter 579"] = "{{Ruby|前奏曲|プレリュード}}が終わり…!",
["Chapter 580"] = "距離をとれ!",
["Chapter 581"] = "ボスはどこ!?",
["Chapter 582"] = "レクイエムの影!",
["Chapter 583"] = "乗り越えろ!",
["Chapter 584"] = "みんなによろしくと!",
["Chapter 585"] = "「矢」を持つ資格!",
["Chapter 586"] = "あんたは滅びる!?",
["Chapter 587"] = "ジョルノのレクイエム!!",
["Chapter 588"] = "何回でも繰りかえす!!",
["Chapter 589"] = "眠れる奴隷",
["Chapter 590"] = "眠れる奴隷",
["Chapter 591"] = "なんか変!?",
["Chapter 592"] = "運命の奴隷!",
["Chapter 593"] = "触っちゃダメ!",
["Chapter 594"] = "大いなる始まり!",
["SO Chapter 1"] = "留置番号21番!",
["SO Chapter 2"] = "二人の未来",
["SO Chapter 3"] = "お前は許さない!",
["SO Chapter 4"] = "206号の徐倫",
["SO Chapter 5"] = "インコのピーちゃん",
["SO Chapter 6"] = "チョロ吉誕生",
["SO Chapter 7"] = "グーグー・ドールズ",
["SO Chapter 8"] = "追いつめられて…",
["SO Chapter 9"] = "S・F",
["SO Chapter 10"] = "ベースボール・ボーイ",
["SO Chapter 11"] = "誰が来るの!?",
["SO Chapter 12"] = "承太郎は語る",
["SO Chapter 13"] = "{{Ruby|狙撃手|スナイパー}}ジョンガリ・A",
["SO Chapter 14"] = "徐倫の決断",
["SO Chapter 15"] = "私が守る!",
["SO Chapter 16"] = "前後不覚",
["SO Chapter 17"] = "悪夢からの脱出",
["SO Chapter 18"] = "捕獲計画",
["SO Chapter 19"] = "絆",
["SO Chapter 20"] = "徐倫の決断",
["SO Chapter 21"] = "新たなる目覚め",
["SO Chapter 22"] = "掃除人の憂鬱",
["SO Chapter 23"] = "地獄へ道連れ",
["SO Chapter 24"] = "屋敷幽霊",
["SO Chapter 25"] = "電撃地獄",
["SO Chapter 26"] = "農場捜索隊",
["SO Chapter 27"] = "全部で何人?",
["SO Chapter 28"] = "走れ!",
["SO Chapter 29"] = "バカなっ!!",
["SO Chapter 30"] = "フー・ファイターズ",
["SO Chapter 31"] = "2対2",
["SO Chapter 32"] = "傷だらけの取り引き",
["SO Chapter 33"] = "敬虔なる神父",
["SO Chapter 34"] = "キャッチボール開始",
["SO Chapter 35"] = "危険な賭け",
["SO Chapter 36"] = "取り立て人",
["SO Chapter 37"] = "さらなる賭け",
["SO Chapter 38"] = "動く部屋",
["SO Chapter 39"] = "何球だっけ?",
["SO Chapter 40"] = "記憶なき男",
["SO Chapter 41"] = "{{Ruby|制御不能|アウト・オブ・コントロール}}",
["SO Chapter 42"] = "天変地異",
["SO Chapter 43"] = "極限状態",
["SO Chapter 44"] = "射程距離",
["SO Chapter 45"] = "回転弾地獄",
["SO Chapter 46"] = "待ってたわ",
["SO Chapter 47"] = "中庭へ",
["SO Chapter 48"] = "超常気象",
["SO Chapter 49"] = "絶対命令",
["SO Chapter 50"] = "探し物",
["SO Chapter 51"] = "エルメェスの過去",
["SO Chapter 52"] = "蘇りし者",
["SO Chapter 53"] = "未知なる力",
["SO Chapter 54"] = "見えない死骸",
["SO Chapter 55"] = "人間じゃあない?",
["SO Chapter 56"] = "エルメェスの覚悟",
["SO Chapter 57"] = "決着",
["SO Chapter 58"] = "「骨」の記憶",
["SO Chapter 59"] = "殺人鬼、起つ!",
["SO Chapter 60"] = "ファイトクラブ",
["SO Chapter 61"] = "史上最弱のスタンド",
["SO Chapter 62"] = "不覚",
["SO Chapter 63"] = "来るッ!",
["SO Chapter 64"] = "ヒビ",
["SO Chapter 65"] = "星の光",
["SO Chapter 66"] = "懲りない女",
["SO Chapter 67"] = "結論から",
["SO Chapter 68"] = "ケンゾー",
["SO Chapter 69"] = "凶の方角",
["SO Chapter 70"] = "{{Ruby|換気扇|ファン}}",
["SO Chapter 71"] = "鏡が必要!",
["SO Chapter 72"] = "{{Ruby|死刑執行|エレクトロキューション}}",
["SO Chapter 73"] = "安全な位置",
["SO Chapter 74"] = "離れる!",
["SO Chapter 75"] = "本物の愛",
["SO Chapter 76"] = "小男と骨",
["SO Chapter 77"] = "太陽の方向",
["SO Chapter 78"] = "生き残り",
["SO Chapter 79"] = "召し使い",
["SO Chapter 80"] = "次の標的",
["SO Chapter 81"] = "ヒューヒュー",
["SO Chapter 82"] = "ヨーヨーマッ",
["SO Chapter 83"] = "追跡センサー",
["SO Chapter 84"] = "ハレルヤ",
["SO Chapter 85"] = "思い出",
["SO Chapter 86"] = "2分の1",
["SO Chapter 87"] = "追いつく方法",
["SO Chapter 88"] = "学習",
["SO Chapter 89"] = "知能",
["SO Chapter 90"] = "司令塔",
["SO Chapter 91"] = "コココーン",
["SO Chapter 92"] = "得体が知れない",
["SO Chapter 93"] = "手錠",
["SO Chapter 94"] = "謝罪の印",
["SO Chapter 95"] = "最後の最後",
["SO Chapter 96"] = "必要なもの",
["SO Chapter 97"] = "3つまで",
["SO Chapter 98"] = "これだけ",
["SO Chapter 99"] = "追ってるのは…",
["SO Chapter 100"] = "同時に!",
["SO Chapter 101"] = "数字の意味",
["SO Chapter 102"] = "誰を?",
["SO Chapter 103"] = "3つ流れた",
["SO Chapter 104"] = "優しいウェザー",
["SO Chapter 105"] = "誰のファン?",
["SO Chapter 106"] = "食べるため",
["SO Chapter 107"] = "ストーリー通り",
["SO Chapter 108"] = "ヂョキン!",
["SO Chapter 109"] = "早く!",
["SO Chapter 110"] = "バンザーイ",
["SO Chapter 111"] = "意外と",
["SO Chapter 112"] = "ロッズ",
["SO Chapter 113"] = "「速い」敵",
["SO Chapter 114"] = "あった",
["SO Chapter 115"] = "物知りエンポリオ",
["SO Chapter 116"] = "アポロ11号",
["SO Chapter 117"] = "偶然と計算",
["SO Chapter 118"] = "おもしろい",
["SO Chapter 119"] = "穴",
["SO Chapter 120"] = "記憶するのは",
["SO Chapter 121"] = "うるせー",
["SO Chapter 122"] = "ほしいなぁ~~",
["SO Chapter 123"] = "罪悪感",
["SO Chapter 124"] = "藁の家",
["SO Chapter 125"] = "別人",
["SO Chapter 126"] = "ヤッベ",
["SO Chapter 127"] = "出会い",
["SO Chapter 128"] = "しきたり",
["SO Chapter 129"] = "声",
["SO Chapter 130"] = "増殖",
["SO Chapter 131"] = "焦るな",
["SO Chapter 132"] = "見つけた",
["SO Chapter 133"] = "既にいる",
["SO Chapter 134"] = "太陽の光",
["SO Chapter 135"] = "今 気付いた",
["SO Chapter 136"] = "射程内",
["SO Chapter 137"] = "やんだ",
["SO Chapter 138"] = "15分",
["SO Chapter 139"] = "水平",
["SO Chapter 140"] = "そのしぐさ",
["SO Chapter 141"] = "パニくるな",
["SO Chapter 142"] = "ガリッ",
["SO Chapter 143"] = "やっぱり",
["SO Chapter 144"] = "メール着信",
["SO Chapter 145"] = "手",
["SO Chapter 146"] = "胸の形",
["SO Chapter 147"] = "ジョースターの血統",
["SO Chapter 148"] = "位置",
["SO Chapter 149"] = "早い!",
["SO Chapter 150"] = "シュンッ",
["SO Chapter 151"] = "結婚宣言",
["SO Chapter 152"] = "人類の幸福",
["SO Chapter 153"] = "いいわ",
["SO Chapter 154"] = "殉教者達",
["SO Chapter 155"] = "さらに!",
["SO Chapter 156"] = "運命の夜明け",
["SO Chapter 157"] = "ズブッ",
["SO Chapter 158"] = "出会い",
["SBR Chapter 1"] = "サンディエゴビーチ 1890年9月23日 スタート2日前",
["SBR Chapter 2"] = "サンディエゴビーチ 1890年9月23日 スタート2日前 その2",
["SBR Chapter 3"] = "サンディエゴビーチ 1890年9月23日 スタート2日前 その3",
["SBR Chapter 4"] = "サンディエゴビーチ 9月25日 スタート",
["SBR Chapter 5"] = "15,000メートル 丘陵地帯 午前10時",
["SBR Chapter 6"] = "15,000メートル 涸れた川 午前10時5分",
["SBR Chapter 7"] = "15,000メートル 登り坂 午前10時8分",
["SBR Chapter 8"] = "15,000メートル 雑木林 午前10時12分",
["SBR Chapter 9"] = "15,000メートル 下り坂 午前10時14分",
["SBR Chapter 10"] = "15,000メートル 最終直線 午前10時17分",
["SBR Chapter 11"] = "15,000メートル ゴール前 午前10時18分",
["SBR Chapter 12"] = "{{Ruby|1st.|ファースト}}{{Ruby|STAGE|ステージ}} 着順確定",
["SBR Chapter 13"] = "{{Ruby|2nd.|セカンド}}{{Ruby|STAGE|ステージ}}スタート",
["SBR Chapter 14"] = "ミセス・ロビンスン",
["SBR Chapter 15"] = "アンドレ・ブンブーン",
["SBR Chapter 16"] = "ブンブーン一家",
["SBR Chapter 17"] = "マウンテン・ティム",
["SBR Chapter 18"] = "3人の闘い",
["SBR Chapter 19"] = "呪われた{{Ruby|能力|ちから}}",
["SBR Chapter 20"] = "ツェペリ一族",
["SBR Chapter 21"] = "中継地点",
["SBR Chapter 22"] = "砂漠の猛爆",
["SBR Chapter 23"] = "山岳地帯の追撃",
["SBR Chapter 24"] = "プロローグ編",
["SBR Chapter 25"] = "大統領命令「死体をさがせ」①",
["SBR Chapter 26"] = "大統領命令「死体をさがせ」②",
["SBR Chapter 27"] = "大統領命令「死体をさがせ」③",
["SBR Chapter 28"] = "ディエゴ・ブランドー",
["SBR Chapter 29"] = "ディエゴ・ブランドー②",
["SBR Chapter 30"] = "ディエゴ・ブランドー③",
["SBR Chapter 31"] = "ディエゴ・ブランドー④",
["SBR Chapter 32"] = "湖を越えろ",
["SBR Chapter 33"] = "大草原の小さな墓標①",
["SBR Chapter 34"] = "大草原の小さな墓標②",
["SBR Chapter 35"] = "大草原の小さな墓標③",
["SBR Chapter 36"] = "ルーシー・スティール",
["SBR Chapter 37"] = "緑色の小さな墓標",
["SBR Chapter 38"] = "緑色の小さな墓標②",
["SBR Chapter 39"] = "緑色の小さな墓標③",
["SBR Chapter 40"] = "ルーシーの決意",
["SBR Chapter 41"] = "敵はどいつだ?",
["SBR Chapter 42"] = "さらなる段階",
["SBR Chapter 43"] = "黄金長方形",
["SBR Chapter 44"] = "黄金の回転へ!",
["SBR Chapter 45"] = "湖畔のルール",
["SBR Chapter 46"] = "湖畔のルール②",
["SBR Chapter 47"] = "湖畔のルール③",
["SBR Chapter 48"] = "湖畔のルール④",
["SBR Chapter 49"] = "政府公邸の攻防",
["SBR Chapter 50"] = "政府公邸の攻防②",
["SBR Chapter 51"] = "鉄球VS鉄球",
["SBR Chapter 52"] = "氷の世界",
["SBR Chapter 53"] = "ウェカピポのやり方",
["SBR Chapter 54"] = "ウェカピポが来る!",
["SBR Chapter 55"] = "6度目のゴール",
["SBR Chapter 56"] = "追憶の館",
["SBR Chapter 57"] = "追憶の館②",
["SBR Chapter 58"] = "追憶の館③",
["SBR Chapter 59"] = "追憶の館④",
["SBR Chapter 60"] = "決戦の地へ",
["SBR Chapter 61"] = "真の{{Ruby|力|パワー}}①",
["SBR Chapter 62"] = "真の{{Ruby|力|パワー}}②",
["SBR Chapter 64"] = "真の{{Ruby|力|パワー}}③",
["SBR Chapter 65"] = "真の{{Ruby|力|パワー}}④",
["SBR Chapter 66"] = "真の{{Ruby|力|パワー}}⑤",
["SBR Chapter 67"] = "不可解の連鎖",
["SBR Chapter 68"] = "大統領が来る!",
["SBR Chapter 69"] = "大統領が来る!②",
["SBR Chapter 70"] = "大統領が来る!③",
["SBR Chapter 71"] = "囚われのルーシー",
["SBR Chapter 72"] = "デラウェア河へ①",
["SBR Chapter 73"] = "デラウェア河へ②",
["SBR Chapter 74"] = "デラウェア河へ③",
["SBR Chapter 75"] = "弱点の証明",
["SBR Chapter 76"] = "最後の砦",
["SBR Chapter 77"] = "追い付く看板",
["SBR Chapter 78"] = "現象と女神",
["SBR Chapter 79"] = "正義と邪悪",
["SBR Chapter 80"] = "正義と邪悪②",
["SBR Chapter 81"] = "正義と邪悪③",
["SBR Chapter 82"] = "正義と邪悪④",
["SBR Chapter 83"] = "正義と邪悪⑤",
["SBR Chapter 84"] = "女神の嫉妬",
["SBR Chapter 85"] = "LESSON5",
["SBR Chapter 86"] = "LESSON5②",
["SBR Chapter 87"] = "LESSON5③",
["SBR Chapter 88"] = "LESSON5④",
["SBR Chapter 89"] = "LESSON5⑤",
["SBR Chapter 90"] = "新たな世界",
["SBR Chapter 91"] = "新たな世界②",
["SBR Chapter 92"] = "新たな世界③",
["SBR Chapter 93"] = "新たな世界④",
["SBR Chapter 94"] = "新たな世界⑤",
["SBR Chapter 95"] = "幸福の行方",
["JJL Chapter 1"] = "「壁の目」の男",
["JJL Chapter 2"] = "Who am I?",
["JJL Chapter 3"] = "who am I?②",
["JJL Chapter 4"] = "soft & wet",
["JJL Chapter 5"] = "soft & wet②",
["JJL Chapter 6"] = "キラ・ヨシカゲ",
["JJL Chapter 7"] = "東方家の人々",
["JJL Chapter 8"] = "東方大弥の異常な愛情①",
["JJL Chapter 9"] = "東方大弥の異常な愛情②",
["JJL Chapter 10"] = "東方大弥の異常な愛情③",
["JJL Chapter 11"] = "『SBRレース全記録』の秘密",
["JJL Chapter 12"] = "杜王町Navigation",
["JJL Chapter 13"] = "追跡者",
["JJL Chapter 14"] = "追跡の果て",
["JJL Chapter 15"] = "病院への道",
["JJL Chapter 16"] = "追跡者",
["JJL Chapter 17"] = "家政婦の虹村とホリー・ジョースター",
["JJL Chapter 18"] = "trouble with the curve",
["JJL Chapter 19"] = "trouble with the curve②",
["JJL Chapter 20"] = "trouble with the curve③",
["JJL Chapter 21"] = "カツアゲロードの秘密",
["JJL Chapter 22"] = "ジョニィ・ジョースターの伝説",
["JJL Chapter 23"] = "秘密の小部屋",
["JJL Chapter 24"] = "つるぎのフシギ",
["JJL Chapter 25"] = "東方定助に会え!",
["JJL Chapter 26"] = "地下室の住人",
["JJL Chapter 27"] = "疑惑の人々",
["JJL Chapter 28"] = "東方家庭園の恐怖",
["JJL Chapter 29"] = "迫りくる物体",
["JJL Chapter 30"] = "追跡",
["JJL Chapter 31"] = "LOVE OF GRAVITY",
["JJL Chapter 32"] = "八木山夜露の野望",
["JJL Chapter 33"] = "五代目",
["JJL Chapter 34"] = "その男、常敏。",
["JJL Chapter 35"] = "第一取組",
["JJL Chapter 36"] = "第2局",
["JJL Chapter 37"] = "熱戦",
["JJL Chapter 38"] = "ドライブレコーダー",
["JJL Chapter 39"] = "追跡",
["JJL Chapter 40"] = "大年寺山愛唱に迫れ!",
["JJL Chapter 41"] = "恐怖のトルネード",
["JJL Chapter 42"] = "さらなる追跡",
["JJL Chapter 43"] = "セッちゃん",
["JJL Chapter 44"] = "What is my name?",
["JJL Chapter 45"] = "逃亡者作並カレラ",
["JJL Chapter 46"] = "コンビネーションプレイ",
["JJL Chapter 47"] = "お客様",
["JJL Chapter 48"] = "田最環の痕跡",
["JJL Chapter 49"] = "二年前、洋上にて。",
["JJL Chapter 50"] = "仗世文、その過去",
["JJL Chapter 51"] = "継ぎ木",
["JJL Chapter 52"] = "信頼",
["JJL Chapter 53"] = "仗世文と吉良",
["JJL Chapter 54"] = "田最環は二度殺す",
["JJL Chapter 55"] = "決着、そして…",
["JJL Chapter 56"] = "ミラグロマン その1",
["JJL Chapter 57"] = "ミラグロマン その2",
["JJL Chapter 58"] = "母との出会い",
["JJL Chapter 59"] = "池の辺に住む男 その①",
["JJL Chapter 60"] = "池の辺に住む男 その②",
["JJL Chapter 61"] = "ブルーハワイ その①",
["JJL Chapter 62"] = "ブルーハワイ その②",
["JJL Chapter 63"] = "ブルーハワイ その③",
["JJL Chapter 64"] = "植物鑑定人 その①",
["JJL Chapter 65"] = "植物鑑定人 その②",
["JJL Chapter 66"] = "植物鑑定人 その③",
["JJL Chapter 67"] = "植物鑑定人 その④",
["JJL Chapter 68"] = "岩人間と岩動物 その①",
["JJL Chapter 69"] = "岩人間と岩動物 その②",
["JJL Chapter 70"] = "岩人間と岩動物 その③",
["JJL Chapter 71"] = "いつか見ていたもの",
["JJL Chapter 72"] = "プアー・トムとオゾン・ベイビー その①",
["JJL Chapter 73"] = "プアー・トムとオゾン・ベイビー その②",
["JJL Chapter 74"] = "プアー・トムとオゾン・ベイビー その③",
["JJL Chapter 75"] = "プアー・トムとオゾン・ベイビー その④",
["JJL Chapter 76"] = "プアー・トムとオゾン・ベイビー その⑤",
["JJL Chapter 77"] = "等価交換と大学病院 その①",
["JJL Chapter 78"] = "等価交換と大学病院 その②",
["JJL Chapter 79"] = "等価交換と大学病院 その③",
["JJL Chapter 80"] = "等価交換と大学病院 その④",
["JJL Chapter 81"] = "等価交換と大学病院 その⑤",
["JJL Chapter 82"] = "等価交換と大学病院 その⑥",
["JJL Chapter 83"] = "収穫のカウントダウン",
["JJL Chapter 84"] = "TG大学病院の院長 その①",
["JJL Chapter 85"] = "TG大学病院の院長 その②",
["JJL Chapter 86"] = "TG大学病院の院長 その③",
["JJL Chapter 87"] = "オージロー再び その①",
["JJL Chapter 88"] = "オージロー再び その②",
["JJL Chapter 89"] = "危険な追跡 その①",
["JJL Chapter 90"] = "危険な追跡 その②",
["JJL Chapter 91"] = "危険な追跡 その③",
["JJL Chapter 92"] = "危険な追跡 その④",
["JJL Chapter 93"] = "危険な追跡 その⑤",
["JJL Chapter 94"] = "危険な追跡 その⑥",
["JJL Chapter 95"] = "終わりなき厄災 その①",
["JJL Chapter 96"] = "終わりなき厄災 その②",
["JJL Chapter 97"] = "終わりなき厄災 その③",
["JJL Chapter 98"] = "終わりなき厄災 その④",
["JJL Chapter 99"] = "終わりなき厄災 その⑤",
["JJL Chapter 100"] = "終わりなき厄災 その⑥",
["JJL Chapter 101"] = "終わりなき厄災 その⑦",
["JJL Chapter 102"] = "終わりなき厄災 その⑧",
["JJL Chapter 103"] = "終わりなき厄災 その⑨",
["JJL Chapter 104"] = "終わりなき厄災 その⑩",
["JJL Chapter 105"] = "見えないしゃぼん玉",
["JJL Chapter 106"] = "{{Ruby|Go Beyond|ゴー・ビヨンド}}",
["JJL Chapter 107"] = "東方花都の\"攻撃\"",
["JJL Chapter 108"] = "最後の厄災",
["JJL Chapter 109"] = "ラヂオ・ガガ事件",
["JJL Chapter 110"] = "ラヂオ・ガガ事件②",
["TJL Chapter 1"] = "{{Ruby|仕組み|メカニズム}}",
["TJL Chapter 2"] = "ハワイ島にいる日本人",
["TJL Chapter 3"] = "豪邸にあるダイヤを探せ",
["TJL Chapter 4"] = "vs.岸辺露伴",
["TJL Chapter 5"] = "{{Ruby|11月の雨|ノーベンバー・レイン}}",
["TJL Chapter 6"] = "ジャングルの攻防 その①",
["TJL Chapter 7"] = "ジャングルの攻防 その②",
["TJL Chapter 8"] = "高級時計を見に行こう",
["TJL Chapter 9"] = "溶岩の持ち主",
["TJL Chapter 10"] = "THE ハッスル その①",
["TJL Chapter 11"] = "THE ハッスル その②",
["TJL Chapter 12"] = "その名も\"チャーミングマン\"",
["TSKR Episode 16"] = "エピソード16 懺悔室",
["TSKR Episode 2"] = "六壁坂",
["TSKR Episode 4"] = "エピソード4 望月家のお月見",
["TSKR Episode 5"] = "エピソード5 富豪村",
["TSKR Episode 6"] = "エピソード6 密漁海岸",
["TSKR Episode 7"] = "エピソード#07 月曜日-天気雨",
["TSKR Episode 8"] = "{{Ruby|episode|エピソード}} #09 {{Ruby|D|ディー}}・{{Ruby|N|エヌ}}・{{Ruby|A|エー}}",
["TSKR Episode 9"] = "エピソード10 ザ・ラン",
["TSKR Episode 10"] = "エピソード #10 ホットサマー・マーサ",
["TSKR Episode 11"] = "エピソード⑪ ドリッピング画法",
["CSBT Chapter 0"] = "魔少年ビーティー",
["CSBT Chapter 1"] = "サマーキャンプ事件",
["CSBT Chapter 2"] = "イタズラ死体事件 (前編)",
["CSBT Chapter 3"] = "イタズラ死体事件 (後編)",
["CSBT Chapter 4"] = "おじさんX事件 (前編)",
["CSBT Chapter 5"] = "おじさんX事件 (後編)",
["CSBT Chapter 6"] = "恐竜化石泥棒事件 PARTⅠ",
["CSBT Chapter 7"] = "恐竜化石泥棒事件 PARTⅡ",
["CSBT Chapter 8"] = "恐竜化石泥棒事件 PARTⅢ",
["CSBT Chapter 9"] = "そばかすの不気味少年事件 (前編)",
["CSBT Chapter 10"] = "そばかすの不気味少年事件 (後編)",
["CSOBT Chapter 1"] = "そばかすの不気味老害事件",
["CSOBT Chapter 2"] = "「婆シニアによろしく」事件",
["Gorgeous Irene Chapter 1"] = "大女の館",
["Gorgeous Irene Chapter 2"] = "スラム街に来た少女",
["Eccentrics Episode 1"] = "ニコラ・テスラ",
["Eccentrics Episode 2"] = "タイ・カッブ",
["Eccentrics Episode 3"] = "コリヤー兄弟",
["Eccentrics Episode 4"] = "康 芳夫",
["Eccentrics Episode 5"] = "ウィンチェスター・ミステリー・ハウス",
["Eccentrics Episode 6"] = "腸チフスのメアリー",
["Baoh Chapter 1"] = "最終兵器バオー",
["Baoh Chapter 2"] = "抹殺指令!",
["Baoh Chapter 3"] = "バオー{{Ruby|犬|ドッグ}}",
["Baoh Chapter 4"] = "無敵の肉体",
["Baoh Chapter 5"] = "殺意のにおい",
["Baoh Chapter 6"] = "凶獣マーチン",
["Baoh Chapter 7"] = "人工進化",
["Baoh Chapter 8"] = "六助じいさん",
["Baoh Chapter 9"] = "アロマ・バット",
["Baoh Chapter 10"] = "サイボーグ・ドルド中佐",
["Baoh Chapter 11"] = "{{Ruby|怪物|バオー}}よ出でよ",
["Baoh Chapter 12"] = "魔人ウォーケン",
["Baoh Chapter 13"] = "分子振動!",
["Baoh Chapter 14"] = "ネペンテスの罠",
["Baoh Chapter 15"] = "戦士の化粧",
["Baoh Chapter 16"] = "最後の切り札",
["Baoh Chapter 17"] = "闇に沈め!",
--["default"] = ""