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JOJO PAINT is a set of original acrylic paints made in collaboration with Holbein and Banpresto in commemoration of the opening of Hirohiko Araki JoJo Exhibition: Ripples of Adventure, exclusively sold at the Osaka venue.[1] Notably the set was made with full supervision from Hirohiko Araki.[2]

List of Colors

JoJo Color 1.png
  • JJ201 - Red Stone of Aja (エイジャの赤石)
  • Color: Brilliant Red (鮮やかな赤)
  • Series C ✓
  • Lightfastness: ■ ■ ■ □ ✓
  • Transparency: □ □ ■ □ ✓
  • Pigments used: PR254 PV19 ✓
JoJo Color 2.png
  • JJ202 - The Last Sun Seen By the Vampire (吸血鬼の最後に見た太陽)
  • Color: Orange (オレンジ色) ✓
  • Series C ✓
  • Lightfastness: ■ ■ ■ □ ✓
  • Transparency: □ ■ □ □ ✓
  • Pigments used: PY110 PO36 ✓
JoJo Color 3.png
  • JJ203 - Devil's Palm (悪魔の手のひら)
  • Color: Sand (砂色)
  • Series D ✓
  • Lightfastness: ■ ■ ■ □ ✓
  • Transparency: ■ □ □ □ ✓
  • Pigment used: PY150 ✓
JoJo Color 4.png
  • JJ204 - Gold Experience (ゴールド・エクスペリエンス)
  • Color: Bright Yellow (明るいイエロー) ✓
  • Series C ✓
  • Lightfastness: ■ ■ ■ □ ✓
  • Transparency: ■ □ □ □ ✓
  • Pigments used: PY154,175 ✓
JoJo Color 5.png
  • JJ205 - Wall Eyes (壁の目)
  • Color: Bud Green (若芽色)
  • Series B ✓
  • Lightfastness: ■ ■ □ □ ✓
  • Transparency: □ □ ■ □ ✓
  • Pigments used: PY3,53,154 PG7 ✓
JoJo Color 6.png
  • JJ206 - Green Dolphin Street Prison (グリーン・ドルフィン・ストリート刑務所)
  • Color: Green like the ocean (海のようなグリーン)
  • Series B ✓
  • Lightfastness: ■ ■ ■ □ ✓
  • Transparency: □ ■ □ □ ✓
  • Pigments used: PG7 PB16 ✓
JoJo Color 7.png
  • JJ207 - Stone Free (ストーン・フリー)
  • Color: Blue reminiscent of the sea and freedom (海と自由を連想させる青)
  • Series A ✓
  • Lightfastness: ■ ■ ■ □ ✓
  • Transparency: □ ■ □ □ ✓
  • Pigments used: PB15,29 PW6 ✓
JoJo Color 8.png
  • JJ208 - A Sky on the Verge of Falling (今にも落ちて来そうな空)
  • Color: Deep Blue (深い青) ✓
  • Series B ✓
  • Lightfastness: ■ ■ ■ □ ✓
  • Transparency: □ □ ■ □ ✓
  • Pigments used: PB15,29 ✓
JoJo Color 9.png
  • JJ209 - Locacaca (ロカカカ)
  • Color: Deep Red-Purple (深い赤紫色)
  • Series C
  • Lightfastness: ■ ■ ■ □ ✓
  • Transparency: □ □ ■ □ ✓
  • Pigment used: PV19 ✓
JoJo Color 10.png
  • JJ210 - Crazy Diamond (クレイジー・ダイヤモンド)
  • Color: Fleshy Pink (ボディカラーのピンク色)
  • Series B ✓
  • Lightfastness: ■ ■ □ □ ✓
  • Transparency: □ □ □ ■ ✓
  • Pigments used: PR146 PW6 ✓
JoJo Color 11.png
  • JJ211 - Pink Dark Boy (ピンクダークの少年)
  • Color: Dark Pink (ダークピンク) ✓
  • Series C ✓
  • Lightfastness: ■ ■ ■ □ ✓
  • Transparency: ■ □ □ □ ✓
  • Pigment used: PR122 ✓
JoJo Color 12.png
  • JJ212 - Satiporoja Beetle (サティポロジァビートル)
  • Color: Burnt Brown? (こげ茶色)
  • Series A ✓
  • Lightfastness: ■ ■ ■ ■ ✓
  • Transparency: □ □ □ ■ ✓
  • Pigment used: PBr7 ✓

Symbol Guide

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  • Lightfastness
    • ■ ■ ■ ■: Indicates an absolutely robust color.
    • ■ ■ ■ □: Indicates a robust color.
    • ■ ■ □ □: Indicates a relatively robust color.
    • ■ □ □ □: Indicates that the color is easy to change.
    • □ □ □ □: No mark is a color that changes remarkably easily.
  • Transparency:
    • ■ □ □ □: Transparent Color
    • □ ■ □ □: Translucent color rather than transparent
    • □ □ ■ □: Translucent color than opaque
    • □ □ □ ■: Opaque Color


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Appearing in the second part, "Aja's Red Stone" is said to amplify the light it takes in and emit a beam of light equivalent to a laser beam. As an ore, I used Pyrrole Red, which has a beautiful red color and high light resistance, and Quinacridone Red to give it a bluish tint, and expanded the image of the motif in the work.
—Engineering Department
第二部に登場し、取り込んだ光を増幅してレーザービーム程の光線を放つとされる「エイジャの赤石」。鉱石ということで、美しい赤色で耐光性の高いピロール レッドと、青みを持たせるためにキナクリドン レッドを使用し、作中モチーフのイメージを膨らませました。
—Engineering Department
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An important scene in the first part, in which the vampire, illuminated by the morning sun, crumbles away. The bright, transparent and lightfast isoindolinone yellow is used as the base for the dawn sun, and imidazolone orange, which gives it a reddish tint, expresses the image in the work.
—Engineering Department
第一部で朝日に照らされた吸血鬼が崩れ去っていく重要なワンシーン。夜明けの太陽ということで、明るく、透明性と耐光性に優れたイソインドリノン イエローをベースに、赤みをもたせるイミダゾロン オレンジで作中のイメージを表現しました。
—Engineering Department
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A cursed land that torments the challengers gathered in the Arizona desert in Part 7. A monoazo nickel complex salt pigment, which has high transparency and can express the hot, strong yellow sunlight and scorching sandstone in one color, was just right.
—Engineering Department
—Engineering Department
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Part 5 "Golden Wind", the main character Giorno Giovanna's stand, Gold Experience, is expressed in vivid lemon yellow colors. Using imidazolone pigments with high lightfastness and transparency, it expresses the appearance of "a vision created by vitality".
—Engineering Department
—Engineering Department
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An important keyword for Part 8 is "wall eyes". Based on the light green tone proposed by Hirohiko Araki, we used two types of yellow to create a complex color tone that has never been seen in Holbein paints.
—Engineering Department
第八部の重要なキーワードである「壁の目」。 荒木飛呂彦先生からご提案をいただいたライトグリーン調の色味から、2種類のイエローを使った、これまでのホルベイン絵具にはない複雑な色調が生まれました。
—Engineering Department
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Green Dolphin Street Prison, which is the stage of the story in Part 6 "Stone Ocean". Based on a phthalocyanine green pigment, it is toned with a highly transparent blue that expresses a high-security prison on an isolated island, and is expressed in a deep blue green.
—Engineering Department
—Engineering Department
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The stand "Stone Free" that Jorin Kujo, the main character of Part 6, manifested while in prison. The refreshing blue, which evokes a strong will and freedom, is based on a compose blue-like light blue and is toned with deep ultramarine pigments to tighten the color.
—Engineering Department
—Engineering Department
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Leone Abbacchio who plays an active part in Part 5. With a strong sense of justice, he fell into the world of gangsters, and in order to express the impressive scene where he meets his final moments, we used transparent phthalocyanine based on his blue and a deep reddish blue. It's crossed.
—Engineering Department
第五部で活躍するレオーネ・アバッキオ。強い正義感を持ちながらギャングの世界に身を落としてしまった彼が、最期を迎える印象的なシーンを表現するため、透明色のフタロシアニン ブルーをベースに、赤みのある濃いブルーをかけ合わせています。
—Engineering Department
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Locacaca, an important item in Part 8, is a mysterious fruit that heals those who put it in its mouth, while at the same time causing some kind of reaction. In order to express the mysterious bluish red color, I chose a violet pigment that is transparent and has a strong redness.
—Engineering Department
—Engineering Department
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"Crazy Diamond" is the stand of Josuke Higashikata, the main character of Part 4. The vivid pink skin peeking through the gaps in the armor is expressed in monoazo red compose color. In order to reproduce the texture of skin, the opacity is increased.
—Engineering Department
—Engineering Department
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"Pink Dark Boy" is the debut work of Rohan Kishibe, a manga artist who appears in Part 4 "Diamond is Unbreakable". The image of the work and the eccentricity of the cartoonist are finished with quinacridone pigment, which is difficult to design when making paint, and has extremely fine particles.
—Engineering Department
—Engineering Department
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The Satiporoja Beetle is prized as the material for the muffler that Lisa Lisa wraps in the second part. We use highly opaque natural soil to reproduce the image of dark brown insects that live in the Middle East.
—Engineering Department
—Engineering Department

