Chapter 50
The hilt of Joseph's gun successively connects with Straizo's face, allowing Joseph to release a burst of Ripple into it. Outside the cafe, a women asks Smokey what is going on inside the Cafe, but when he answers she assumes he's crazy.
Back inside, Straizo is seen slouching againt the wall. Joseph checks to see if his face had melted, but to Joseph's surprise, Straizo is unharmed and immediately fires another beam from his eyes. Joseph just barely manages to dodge the beam by bending backwards with only the skin on his neck getting grazed. Straizo explains that, as a skilled ripple user, he had prepared in advance by wearing a scarf made of the shells of a rare beetle that acted as a shock absorber for the ripple.
Joseph had also been prepared and attempts to run away, but not before revealing that he had pinned a grenade to Straizo's clothes. Unamused, Straizo quickly deflects the grenade. However, he pin on the grenade had multiple strings tied to it, with the other side of each string also connected to multiple grenades on Strazio's back. Having pulled the first grenade off caused the rest of the pins on the other grenades to pop off, and Straizo was caught in a major explosion.
After the smoke clears, Straizo is seen pulling together his dismembered body parts. Smokey asks Joseph if he has any other plans, to which Joseph replies by using the secret Joestar Technique: running away. Straizo finishes reforming himself and quickly jumps to the second floor of the building.