|{{Q|{{Nihongo|BARU BARU BARU BARU BARU BARU!|バルバルバルバルバルバル}}|v=BARUBARUBARU.wav|Baoh|{{Ch|Baoh Chapter 9}}}}
|{{Q|Who did I make a vow to? I swore to myself that I would save this girl! I'm not giving up hope! I'm a creature that has the ultimate life force!|Baoh before healing Sumire|{{Ch|Baoh Chapter 9}}}}
SBSP.JPG|Shooting Bees-Stinger Phenomenon
Baoh Break Dark Thunder Phenomenon.png|Break Dark Thunder Phenomenon
LaserBeam.JPG|Laser Beam
SaberOff.JPG|Saber Off
BRSP.JPG|Reskiniharden Saber Phenomenon
|Chapter Covers|
Baoh page 1 magazine.jpg|[[Baoh Chapter 1]] Cover A
WSJ1984No45T.png|[[Baoh Chapter 1]] Cover B
Baoh Chapter 02.jpeg|[[Baoh Chapter 2]] Cover
Baoh Chapter 03.jpeg|[[Baoh Chapter 3]] Cover
Baoh Chapter 05.jpeg|[[Baoh Chapter 5]] Cover
Baoh Chapter 07.jpeg|[[Baoh Chapter 7]] Cover
Baoh Chapter 08.jpeg|[[Baoh Chapter 8]] Cover
Baoh Chapter 09.jpeg|[[Baoh Chapter 9]] Cover
|Weekly Shonen Jump|
WSJ1984No45C.jpg|[[Weekly Shonen Jump]] 1984 [[Baoh Chapter 1|Issue #45]]
Baoh WSJ vol46 announcement.jpg|Weekly Shonen Jump 1984 Issue #45 Next Issue Illustration
|Volume Covers|
Baoh Volume 001.png|[[Baoh Volume 1]] Cover
BaohJumpComics1.png|[[Baoh Volume 1]] Cover Illustration
Baoh Volume 1 Book Cover.jpg|[[Baoh Volume 1]] Book Cover
Baoh Volume 002.png|[[Baoh Volume 2]] Cover
BaohJumpComics2.png|[[Baoh Volume 2]] Cover Illustration
Baoh Volume 2 Book Cover.jpg|[[Baoh Volume 2]] Book Cover
BaohSpine.jpg|Baoh the Visitor Spine Illustration A
BaohSpineC.png|Baoh the Visitor Spine Illustration B
Baoh Volume 1 Illustration.jpg|[[Baoh Volume 1]] (Inside Illustration)
Baoh Chapter 1 Tailpiece.png|[[Baoh Chapter 1]] Tailpiece
Baoh Chapter 4 Tailpiece.png|[[Baoh Chapter 4]] Tailpiece
Baoh Chapter 5 Tailpiece.png|[[Baoh Chapter 5]] Tailpiece
Baoh Volume 2 Illustration.jpg|[[Baoh Volume 2]] (Inside Illustration)
Baoh Chapter 6 Tailpiece A.png|[[Baoh Chapter 6]] Tailpiece A
Baoh Chapter 7 Tailpiece.png|[[Baoh Chapter 7]] Tailpiece
Baoh Chapter 8 Tailpiece.png|[[Baoh Chapter 8]] Tailpiece
Ikuro Newspaper.png|Ikuro reading a newspaper
Ikuro Semi-Transformed.png|Ikuro Semi-Transformed
Ikuro Melts Truck.png|Melting truck's roof
Happy Ikuro.png|Flashback of Ikuro with his family
Baoh Blast.png|Firing a blast
Baoh Pose.png|Ikuro with blades coming from his wrists
Baoh Blades.png|Reskiniharden Saber Phenomenon
BaohIkuroDual.png|Baoh and Ikuro
BaohBreaksWall.png|Ikuro breaks through the wall to save Sumire
Baoh Worried.png|Ikuro worried [[Sumire]] will die
Baoh saves Sumire.png|Ikuro heals Sumire
Sumire Hugging Ikuro.png|Sumire doesn't want to leave Ikuro
Baoh Laser Cannon.png|Ikuro has a laser cannon
Baoh Break Dark Thunder.png|Break Dark Thunder Phenomenon
Ikuro Epilogue.png|Ikuro at the bottom of sea
|Design Sheets|
|Promotional Art|
BaohMovicDeskPad.png|[[Baoh the Visitor (OVA)]], {{W|Toho Cinemas}} (Poster)
BAOH OVA Laserdisc Poster.png|Baoh Laserdisc/Soundtrack Promotional Poster
Baoh Pamphlet-4.png|Toho Cinemas Pamphlet
BaohVHS.png|Baoh the Visitor Animation Video (VHS)
Baoh1989AnimeVideoPackage.png|Baoh the Visitor Animation Video (VHS) (Package Illustration)
BaohTheVisitorLaserDisc.jpg|LaserDisc Cover Artwork
BaohPostcard-3.png|Baoh the Visitor Postcards (VHS)
BaohPostcard.png|Baoh the Visitor Postcards (VHS) (Illustration)
BaohPostcard-2.png|Baoh the Visitor Postcards (VHS)
BAOH postcard1.jpg|Baoh the Visitor Postcards (VHS) (Illustration)
BaohPostcard-1.png|Baoh the Visitor Postcards (VHS)
BAOH postcard2.jpg|Baoh the Visitor Postcards (VHS) (Illustration)
BaohOST.jpg|[[Baoh the Visitor Original Soundtrack]]
Baoh1989CDJacket.png|Baoh the Visitor Original Soundtrack (CD Jacket)
BaohTheVisitor.jpg|Baoh the Visitor OVA - DVD
BaohDVD2003.png|Baoh the Visitor OVA - DVD (Package)
|All-Star Battle|
Baoh-ASB.png|Render, {{ASB}}
IkuroASBConcept.png|Human Concept Art
BaohASBConcept.png|Baoh Concept Art
Baoh ASB Color Alts A-D.png|Baoh, Normal
Baoh ASB Special Costume A.png|Baoh, Costume A
Baoh ASB Special Costume B.png|Baoh, Costume B
Ikuro ASB Color Alts A-D.png|Human, Normal
Ikuro ASB Special Costume A.png|Human, Costume A
Ikuro ASB Special Costume B.png|Human, Costume B
Baoh ASB Entrance.gif|Match Entrance
Baoh ASB Throw.gif|Throw, "Get the hell out of my way!!"
Baoh ASB MPP.gif|"Baoh Meltedin Palm Phenomenon" Skill
Baoh ASB Saber Light.gif|"Baoh Reskiniharden Saber Phenomenon" Skill (Light Variant)
Baoh ASB Saber Medium.gif|"Baoh Reskiniharden Saber Phenomenon" Skill (Medium Variant)
Baoh ASB Saber Heavy.gif|"Baoh Reskiniharden Saber Phenomenon" Skill (Heavy Variant)
Baoh ASB Saber Off.gif|"Saber Off!" Skill
Baoh ASB Bee Stinger.gif|"Shooting-Bees Stinger Phenomenon" Skill
Baoh ASB BDTP.gif|"Baoh Break Dark Thunder Phenomenon" Skill
Baoh ASB HHA.gif|Heart Heat Attack, "Laser Cannon!"
Baoh ASB GHA.gif|Great Heat Attack, "Time to cover up that stench!"
Baoh Win Pose A.gif|Round Win Pose
{{Center|{{GVid|Baoh ASB Taunt A.mp4|caption=Taunt A}}
{{GVid|Baoh ASB Taunt B.mp4|caption=Taunt B}}
{{GVid|Baoh ASB Taunt C.mp4|caption=Taunt C}}
{{GVid|Baoh ASB Taunt D.mp4|caption=Taunt D}}
{{GVid|Baoh ASB Taunt E.mp4|caption=Taunt E}}
|Win Poses|
Baoh ASB Win Pose A.png|Win Pose A
Baoh ASB Win Pose B.png|Win Pose B
Baoh ASB Win Pose C.png|Win Pose C
Baoh ASB Win Pose D.png|Win Pose D
Baoh ASB Win Pose E.png|Win Pose E
|All-Star Battle R|
Ikuro_Baoh_ASB_R.png|Render, ''{{ASBR}}''
File:ASBR_Ikuro_BreakDarkThunder.png|Skill, "Baoh Break Dark Thunder Phenomenon"
File:ASBR_Ikuro_MeltedinPalm.png|Skill, "Baoh Meltedin Palm Phenomenon"
File:ASBR_Ikuro_HHAstart.png|HHA, activation
File:ASBR_Ikuro_GHAstart.png|GHA, activation
File:ASBR_Ikuro_GHAready.png|GHA, preparing final attack
File:ASBR_Ikuro_GHAfinalAttack.png|GHA, final attack
File:ASBR_Ikuro_Entrance1.png|Match entrance, Ikuro
File:ASBR_Ikuro_Entrance2.png|Match entrance, about to transform
File:ASBR_Ikuro_Entrance3.png|Match entrance, transformed into Baoh
File:ASBR_Ikuro_EntranceEnd.png|Match entrance, Baoh pose
<br>{{Center|{{Vid|OOtLy9HOPks|500|center|desc=Character Trailer}}}}
Heavy Gauge Baoh.png|[[Heavy Gauge]]
Heavy Gauge Ikuro.jpg|[[Heavy Gauge]]
Manga Realization Baoh.png|Manga Realization
Baoh RAH.jpg|[[Real Action Heroes]]
Baoh SAS Wonderfest.jpg|[[Super Action Statue]]
Baoh SAS Second.png|[[Super Action Statue]] Second
UltraBaoh1.jpg|[[ultra BRAND]] Blue<br>February 1, 2010
UltraBaoh2.jpg|[[ultra BRAND]] Black<br>February 1, 2010
UltraBaohBEAMS1.jpg|[[ultra BRAND]] Purple<br>April 2010
Baoh the Visitor Coaster 1.jpg|[[Sentinel|World of Hirohiko Araki]] Coaster Gallery
Baoh the Visitor Coaster 2.jpg|[[Sentinel|World of Hirohiko Araki]] Coaster Gallery
PIIT Baoh the Visitor Graphic 1.jpg|[[PIIT]]<br>October 11, 2017
PIIT Baoh the Visitor Graphic 2.jpg|[[PIIT]]<br>October 11, 2017
ArakiAutographOct1985-Baoh.png|Autograph sketch, October 1985
FanroadMay1986.jpg|Fanroad Magazine, May Issue, 1986
FanroadMay1986C.png|Fanroad Magazine, May Issue, 1986 (Cover)
FanroadMay1986Poster.jpg|Fanroad Magazine, May Issue, 1986
FanroadMay1986B.png|Fanroad Magazine, May Issue, 1986 (Inside Illustration)
FanroadMay1986Sketch1.png|Fanroad Magazine Sketch
FanroadMay1986Sketch2.png|Fanroad Magazine Sketch
JumpRemixBaohBT.png|[[Shueisha Jump Remix]] featuring Baoh
Baoh UCC Coffee Set.png|Baoh branded Instant Coffee set by {{W|UCC Ueshima Coffee Co.}}
MurataJump.jpg|By {{W|Yusuke Murata}} for [[Weekly Shonen Jump]] 40th Anniversary
*The characters [https://www.fightersgeneration.com/characters2/neodio.html Dio] and Neo Dio from the video game series ''{{W|World Heroes}}'' bear a striking resemblance to Baoh, also having similar attacks which they use in their various appearances in the ''World Heroes'' series and ''NeoGeo Battle Coliseum''.