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The only one that can move me, on Heaven or Earth, is me. (私を動かすことができるのは、天国でも地球でも、私だけです)
Watashi o ugokasu koto ga dekiru no wa, tengoku demo chikyū demo, watashi dakedesu.
—Buddha, Record of Ragnarok
Zero Two... we’re becoming one. Now you are me... We’re probably going to disappear soon, but the path we walked on, others will take it from here... I love you, Zero two. (ゼロツー…ひとつになる。 今、あなたは私です... もうすぐ消えちゃうけど 歩いてきた道 誰かがここから奪っていくよ... 愛してる ゼロツー)
Zerotsū… hitotsu ni naru. Now you āru me... Mōsugu kie chaukedo aruite kita michi darekaga koko kara ubatte iku yo... Itoshi teru zerotsū.
—Hiro, DARLING in the FRANXX
And you are me... It doesn’t matter how long it takes, as long as we have souls, I’m sure I will meet you again on Earth, and we’ll pick up where we left off... I feel the same. I love you, darling. (そして、あなたは私です...どれだけ時間がかかっても、私たちに魂がある限り、私は地球であなたに再び会えると確信しています。 同じように感じます。 ダーリン、愛している)
Soshite, anata wa watashidesu... Dore dake jikan ga kakatte mo, watashitachi ni tamashī ga aru kagiri, watashi wa chikyū de anata ni futatabi aeru to kakushin shite imasu. Onajiyōni kanjimasu.
—Zero Two, DARLING in the FRANXX
Just some nerd who really loves JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and JoJo related content. I edit the wiki occasionally as well. I am currently up to date with the manga and am loving JOJOLANDS.
About Me
I am a very big JoJo fan and love reading/watching it. I also like to read "normal" books, watch YouTube videos, and read fanfiction. Grammar enthusiast.
Favorite JoJo Things
Favorite JoJo
Favorite Main Antagonist
Favorite Jobro
Favorite Stand
Favorite Part
Favorite Manga/Anime
- Attack on Titan
- Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
- One-Punch Man
- High School DxD
- Food Wars!
- Akudama Drive
- Chivalry of a Failed Knight
- Sword Art Online: Alicization - War of Underworld
- Clockwork Planet
Some Other Stuff
JoJolion is my second favorite part, and Toru is my second favorite main antagonist
My favorite niche manga is 25-ji no Ghost Writer (Ghost Writer at Twenty-Five O'clock)