
hi guys!!1 im the number 1 jjba fan (real yes). ive read/watched all parts and fully caught up with jojolands. all my socials usually have the name "TheRealDeal" with the rare exception being my discord username (a.little.too.real). i love jojolion. peak fiction fr.
About Me
- if you didnt want to do the math, i am 16 years old.
- my timezone is EST.
- i am a straight white christian male (real btw)
- jojolion is my favorite part and not just because its the most well written part or because it has the best aesthetic or not even just because of the symbolism and every little attention to detail but its also my favorite part because it sets up this plot that is vastly different from other parts leaving for intresting enemy dynamics and how enemy stand users come into play. the part is not just "defeating a big bad guy" which forces araki to get very creative with the overall writing of jojolion and how he sets things up. this is also part of why i really enjoy DIU because it has somewhat of the same approach as jojolion except with a different endgame in mind. instead of being exaclty like jojolion where it natarully just cant have a huge "defeat this bad guy" typa goal in mind due to the story, DIU purposefully restrains from revealing an antagonist in the first half of the part to give the town-like vibe to the watchers. it gets the watcher familiar/attached with the town of morioh and familiar with the every-day citizens of morioh as they would with their own neighborhood, making the reveal of a serial killer whos been lurking undetected for years alot more grand and sets the steaks high as if you were a citizen of morioh worrying for your own saftey. i personally think these 2 similar writing-styles of DIU and jojolion are very underlooked and people should really try to look at the real meaning behind the writing of araki before they hate. the whole reason why jojolion especially is one of the most overhated parts is because most fans cant seem to realize the brilliance of it upon first glance. i would talk about sbr (an easy top 2 out of all parts) but thats a whole other unrelated topic and i think ive yapped too much for one bullet point.
The Bizzare Adventure
over the past 2-3 years ive loved jjba with all my heart and soul and ive gathered alot of opinions and experience over that time so heres a long autobiography about my time being a jjba fan:
My History With JJBA
i first found out about jojos somtime between late 2021 and early 2022. i dont remember the exact details but me and my family went to New York City to go to a musical. when the musical ended and everyone was walking out i saw one of those billboard things about the stone ocean anime release.
when i finally got up to the manga (parts 7-9), beleive me when i say that i did NOT want to read them and for the same reason why anime-only fans today refuse to read parts 7-9: i didnt like reading. around april of 2022 i saw this one steel ball run video talking about why it was the best part. i didnt have a clue about most of the stuff the guy was talking about in the video but it was still jojos so i liked and commented, to which more and more sbr vids started to appear on my feed so i just eventually decided to read sbr just to get it over with. it somehow only took me a few pages to get hooked onto sbr and i managed to fly through it within a week. i couldnt just read a little bit of peak fiction and ignore the rest so you already know i had to get on jojolion asap. to my suprise, something actually existed in this world that could top sbr. this is when i started to realize that jjba as a whole has always been this peak and this is also when i started to get really big on jjba.
JJBA Topics & My Opinions
over time ive learned alot about jjba and have my own opinions about alot of theoriea, matchups, and rankings so ill try to discuss all the popular ones.
Top 5 Strongest Stands
- Bohemian Rhapsody
- Gold Experience Requiem
- Wonder Of U
- D4C: Love Train
- Notorious B.I.G
"Is KQ:BTD A Requiem Stand?"
i think that Bites The Dust was infact a case of requiem. kira being stabbed with the arrow intsead of killer queen prevented killed queen from changing form but it still gave kira an undeniable requiem ability.
The Controversy That Is GER
there are MANY different ways people have interpreted Gold Experience Requiem's abilltys. in particular, his ability known as "Revert To 0". some say it works like a checkpoint, others say he can rewind any action he selects, and i even saw one JJK loving freak say that ger works like a JJK domain (idk how he even came to that conclusion). Ive examined ger more than alot of stands over the years and this is probably the most accurate insight to his revert to 0 ability (i swear im not being biased):
stuff goes from one point to another. like this: "O ---> O". everything also has a cause and effect to it. something will start at a cause and make its way to the effect/result, "C ---> E". if the effect of anything (a knife for example) results in giorno being harmed, directly or indirectly, than when the knife in this example is making its way from the cause towards the effect, there will be a wall, "C --|-> E". this "wall" would be ger. ger prevents any and all things from reaching their destination of harming giorno. once the knife in this example comes in contact with this "wall" they will be pushed back to their cause or rather back to their starting point while also reverting the will of the attacker/root of the event, or in other words, nullifying the attackers ill intent towards giorno.
The Most Confusing Arc: Who Shot Johnny?
the "Who Shot Johnny?" arc in steel ball run, from chapters 64-70, is hands down the most confusing arc mainly because of how the alternate universes are potrayed. ill try to explain in the best way possible my deduction to what actually happened (to make it as clear as possible, i will use bold text like this for scenes that are in an alternate universe). these events all take place from 16:00 to 16:03 in order:
- Valentine returns from an alternate universe via emerging from johnnys horse that johnny was right next to. Valentine then proceeds to shoot johnny and flees back to an alternate universe along with his alternate universe counterparts that he brought to deceive everyone.
- Diego finds wekapipo and falls to the floor to pin him down. he aims his gun but right before he shoots at wekapipo he falls into a flag and goes to an altrenate universe. in this alternate universe, diego spawns in at the exact spot he was in when he got hurled into the flag, making it so that he didnt even know he switched universes and thought he just simply got back up from his fall. once diego comes back out of the flag he shoots the wekapipo of this altrenate world and then gets hurled back into the flag, unknowingly sending him back to the main universe. diego spawned back in the main universe right infront of johnnys shot body, making him think that the guy he was shooting was actually johnny. diego then throws the gun on the floor and flees the scenes.
- Wekapipo, being confused on where diego went after he suddenly vanished to an alternate universe, was just standing bewildered when all of the sudden a man emerges from an american flag that was on a flag pole next to wekapipo. the man who came from the flag was infact valentine but it was too shady so wekapipo could just see a silhouette. valentine had diegos gun with him from when diego threw it and fleed. valentine quickly started shooting at wekapipo but wekapipo used his left-side ataxia to disorient valentine and make him drop the gun, to which wekapipo picked it up and started shooting at valentine. valentine was in the same spot johnnys shot body was so when wekapipo fired one of many bullets it caused valentine to be inbetween a wall and the bullet which let him escape to an alternate universe to revive. when valentine vanished away johnnys body was uncovered and after wekapipo went into view and wsaw johnnys shot body, he had nothing else to assume but that the silhouette was johnny and he infact shot him.
- After all of these events, johnny then used tusk act 3 to flee and hopefully get aid.
Plot Armor In JJBA
ive seen alot of people say that there is frequent plot armor throughout the part endings and i couldnt disagree more. just because a scene is very elaborate doesnt mean its one-sided. infact, the bizzare complexity to most of the final fights is what makes jjba such a masterpiece. i think the best example of this is the ending to stone ocean. ill try to resight what happened as best as possible
as puccis hate grew more and more for the main cast he decided he could not let any of them live including emporio which means that he couldnt just let the universe reset finish or else pucci will never be able to get close to him. he temporarily paused the universe reset to stop the cycle at an earlier period so that way he could be in the same spot as emporio and kill him once and for all. however, one of the new properties of this universe is that pucci is exempt from fate and can change fate as opposed to everyone else who can see their own predetermined fate in hopes that humanity will be content (people can still make minor changes to their fate like talking or moving around but the significant goal will always prevail). emporio held up the weather report disc he stole from pucci and caused pucci to accidently insert the disc into emporio which changed the course of fate and caused emporio to kill pucci. since the universe reset wasnt completely finished, the main casts souls werent completely erased yet so they just had AU counterparts in the new universe, which means that when pucci died the universe reset cycle couldnt be completed so everyone went back to the original universe where all the souls who couldnt travel over were. the only one who couldnt travel back to the original universe was pucci since the dead cant travel over so once the undoing of the universe reset cycle was completely finished, pucci was completely erased from existence which caused a great impact to the main cast. since pucci never existed, ermes and jolyne never went to prison, weather report was alive and living a good life, ect.
the reason why people think this is plot armor is because they paid little attention when watching and just thought "pucci just killed everyone quickly, so why couldnt he just kill emporio? and even when the universe reset why couldnt pucci just speed blitz him?". the thing i hate the most about the jojo community is that you could give them a platter of the best food in the world but they would just take one bite than throw it away.