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Art & Misc. Gameplay Callbacks

All-Star Battle Mode Stardust Crusaders Jotaro vs Robert E. O. Speedwagon Extra Battle Land the "This incredible power...!" throw
Cover of Volume 24 flipped around to be seen from a back perspective.

All-Star Battle Mode Stardust Crusaders Jotaro vs Muhammad Avdol Normal Battle Do a normal attack with Stand on
Cover of Weekly Shonen Jump 1990 Issue #9
Chapter 255: DIO's World, Part 9, where Jotaro walks up to the showdown between Joseph and DIO
Chapter 188: "The Fool" Iggy and "Geb" N'Doul, Part 6, as well as other similar scenes

* The attached media is outdated and displays an older version of the game.
Star Platinum unleashes a barrage of punches, with the option to lead into ORAAA!. The distance the Stand moves depends on the input, increasing in order; although this also increases vulnerability. Also, pressing the attack button repeatedly will increase the number of hits.
This ability can initiate Rush Mode.
Damage: 63 ~ 103 (depends on number of hits)
Startup frames: 9 /
13 /
Active frames: 30 ~ 55 /
30 ~ 65 /
30 ~ 70 (depends on number of hits)
Recovery frames: 13 /
17 /
Block advantage: -30 /
-26 /
Hit advantage: -22 /
-18 /
|ref={{GVid|ASBR Jotaro ORA, ORA! StandOn.mp4}}