Enigma (エニグマ) is a stand featured in Part IV: Diamond is Unbreakable used by Terunosuke Miyamoto. Its name is based on the electronic musical project Enigma
Enigma is able to seal objects and people, including the user, in paper. Once folded closed, even a simple piece of paper can hold a single person. The condition of the object or person trapped in the paper remains the same as long as the paper is kept in one piece (i.e hot soup stays hot, ripped paper can damage captive). To trap a person in paper, the user must discover the habits the target displays when afraid. Once he has witnessed them display their habit twice, the stand captures the target. In this situation, Enigma is invincible, and stand powers are rendered useless. An object can be released by simply opening the paper.
Destructive power - E / Speed - E / Range - C / Durability - A / Precision - C / Development potential - C