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<noinclude>{{Minor Characters/Header}}
{{Hatnote|''See also: [[Unnamed Characters/Part 9|Unnamed Characters in Part 9]]''}}
This is a list of '''minor characters''' featured in the ninth part of ''[[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]]'', ''[[The JOJOLands]]''.
MostThese characters inplay thisvarious sectionsmall haveroles verythroughout littlethe informationstory. toMinor warrantcharacters awith characterenough page,notability usuallyare duegiven totheir lackown ofarticles, relevancemarked orin backstoryblue.</noinclude>
==[[The JOJOLands]]==
{{Center|{{AnchorButton|Kate}}{{AnchorButton|Bakin}}{{AnchorButton|Leo}}{{AnchorButton|Mauka}}{{AnchorButton|Sophie White}}{{AnchorButton|Congressman White}}{{ClickButton|Yokohama|color=blue}}{{AnchorButton|MackMonte YokohamaBrutto}}{{AnchorButton|Professor Herzberg}}}}
|Part = TJL
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|MImage = Leo Infobox.png
|MDebut = {{Ch|TJL Chapter 9}}
|Namesake = {{W|Tsuguharu Foujita|Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita}} {{S|Japanese painter}}
|Desc = {{Nihongo|'''Leo'''|レオ|Reo}} is a man with a distinctive haircut who buys an $80,000 watch from [[Diamotch]] for his [[Leo's Girlfriend|girlfriend]]. He puts sunscreen on her back after she asks him to. He looks around upon seeing a flock of birds fly near them.<ref name="TJL10">{{Ch|TJL Chapter 10}}</ref> They return back to their car and he complains to his girlfriend for sticking her fingers in weird places on his body while putting sunscreen on. Leo is unable to drive as [[Jodio Joestar|Jodio]] and his friends are standing in front of his car, so he complains to them to move. [[Paco Laburantes|Paco]] grabs his throat to check if his skin feels like sand like their [[Charming Man|enemy]], but can't tell because of the sunscreen and his beard. Instead, Paco asks him and his girlfriend to show their ankles so he could see if they're injured.
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|Part = TJL
|Name = MackMonte YokohamaBrutto
|MImage = MackMonte Brutto Infobox.png
|MDebut = {{Ch|TJL Chapter 1723}} {{Flash}}
|Namesake = Monte Brutto {{S|Italian Mountain}}
|Desc = {{Nihongo|'''Mack Yokohama'''|マック・ヨコハマ|Makku}} is an employee who works at Dolphin Bank. He and other employees from the bank show up at [[Acca Howler]]'s private immigration gate when Howler arrives at Honolulu. Howler tries to rudely dismiss Mack, but Mack insists on delivering urgent news regarding Howler's land at Hualalai being authorized for seizure by the state government, with approval from other congressmen following Congressman White's authorization. Mack believes that Howler will be accused of falsely claiming to install waterworks in Hualalai's water veins to misappropriate public tax money. Mack demands immediate repayment for the 38 billion dollar loan that Dolphin Bank had lent to [[HOWLER Company]].
|Desc = {{Nihongo|'''Monte Brutto'''|モンテブルット|Monte Burutto}} is a Hawaii state representative who aims to claim [[HOWLER Company|HOWLER Farm]]'s land on the north slope of [[Hualalai]] for his own use, in order to develop a resort hotel and villas on the land. He has ties to the [[Hawaiian Mafia|Hawaiian mafia]] and secretly gets them to set a fire on the farm in 1967, causing the Howler family to nearly go bankrupt.
While he's in a car later, he gets angry about a slow truck driving in front and tells his driver to overtake them. Seeing all the exhaust from the truck, he thinks of writing up an exhaust emission law. Once his driver passes by the truck, the truck driver, who is [[Acca's Grandfather|Acca Howler's grandfather]], shoots Monte Brutto through the cheek and kills him.
Howler is shocked by this betrayal, arguing that he borrowed the money based on the bank's advice for constructing the Honolulu head office and purchasing other lands on Oahu. Despite this, Mack declares Howler's impending bankruptcy and insists on repayment, either in cash or land. Although their bank is involved with the crimes, Mack believes that only Howler will be considered guilty. He calls Howler a country bumpkin and hopes this will be the end of his conceited attitude before driving away with the rest of the bank staff.<ref name="TJL17">{{Ch|TJL Chapter 17}}</ref>
Mack starts having stomach pains, claiming to feel nervous about collecting from Howler since it involves a huge amount of money. He goes to the hospital to get a prescription for stomach medicine, but is suddenly shot in the head by [[Glory Days]].<ref name="TJL18">{{Ch|TJL Chapter 18}}</ref> Later, Jodio finds the documents he's prepared to collect all of Howler's asset as collateral and the gang decides to take him away in order to somehow collect the debt.<ref name="TJL20">{{Ch|TJL Chapter 20}}</ref>
|Part = TJL
|Name = Professor Herzberg
|MImage =
|MDebut = {{Ch|TJL Chapter 23}} {{Mo}}
|Namesake = {{W|Frederick Herzberg}} {{S|American psychologist}}
|Desc = {{Nihongo|'''Professor Herzberg'''|ヘルツベルグ教授|Herutsuberugu Kyōju}} is a professor working at Harvard University. [[Key West]] mentions him when asking [[Dragona Joestar|Dragona]] how he's doing. Dragona's lack of response makes Key West suspicious.