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<noinclude>{{Minor Items/Header}}
<noinclude>{{PTabs|Part 1}}{{PTabs|Part 2|s=BT}}{{PTabs|Part 3}}{{PTabs|Part 4}}{{PTabs|Part 5}}{{PTabs|Part 6}}{{PTabs|Part 7}}{{PTabs|Part 8}}{{PTabs|One-Shots}}{{PTabs|Other Works}}
This is a list of minor items appearing in ''[[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]]'': ''[[Battle Tendency]]''.
The items featured in this list do not have enough information to justify an article, mainly due to lack of relevance, but are still notable.<br />
{{S|Note: Blue buttons link to separate pages}}</noinclude>
==Part 2: [[Battle Tendency]]==
{{Center|{{AnchorButton|Tommy Gun}}{{AnchorButton|Ripple Conducting Scarf}}{{AnchorButton|Anti-Ripple Wires}}{{AnchorButton|Ripple Breathing Mask}}{{AnchorButton|Photo Album}}{{AnchorButton|War Hammer}}{{AnchorButton|Crossbows}}{{AnchorButton|Molotov Cocktail}}{{AnchorButton|Ultraviolet Ray Blasters}}}}
|Tommy Gun|
|Part = BT
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|ADebut = {{Ep|Episode 10}}
|Desc = A Thompson submachine gun, based on the M1928 model. [[Joseph Joestar]] was carrying it with him after he heard about the "death" of [[Robert E. O. Speedwagon]], and used it to surprise [[Straizo]] as soon as the vampire revealed himself to Joseph.
J-109.jpg|{{ABC}}; Machine Gun, Joseph
|Ripple Conducting Scarf|
JosephHHA.jpg|Used as a Heat Heart Attack in [[All Star Battle]]
(SR) Joseph Joestar (Declaration of War!).png|[[Stardust Shooters]]; Declaration of War!
DR 2 Joseph.png|Featured in Young Joseph's [[Diamond Records]] model
Joseph2-3PPP.png|Featured in New York's JoJo Joseph's Icon in [[JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!]]
Joseph2-3StandPPP.png|Featured in New York's JoJo Joseph's Stand-up Icon in [[JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!]]
PPP Joseph3 PreAttack.png|Featured in New York's JoJo Joseph's Charging up to attack pose in [[JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!]]
PPP Joseph3 Attack.png|Featured in New York's JoJo Joseph's Attacking Pose in [[JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!]]
PPP Joseph3 Win.png|Featured in New York's JoJo Joseph's Win Pose in [[JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!]]
|Part = BT
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|MDebut = {{Ch|Chapter 48}}
|ADebut = {{Ep|Episode 10}}
|Desc = A scarf made with the dried intestinal fibers of a fictional insect called the {{Nihongo|[[Satiporoja Beetle|サティポロジアビートル|Satiporojia Bītoru}}, native to Southeast Asia]]. Crafted from 30,000 scarabsbeetles, these types of scarves were used by both [[Straizo]] and his student [[Lisa Lisa]]. The scarf has the property to conduct 100% of the [[Ripple]] it receives, making it both a handy weapon for a Ripple Master and a good protection against it. [[Straizo]] would compare it to a lightning rod.
PPP VampStraizo Scarf.png|Featured in [[JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!]]
|Anti-Ripple Wires|
|Part = BT
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|Desc = Special metallic wires with a hook attached at the end crafted by the [[Pillar Men]] as a defensive and offensive weapon against [[Ripple]] users. Attached to the user's head, they can create small tornadoes strong enough to destroy a [[Ripple]] infused projectile when the user shakes his head. Moreover, the small tornadoes act as invisible projectiles which can severely injure the enemy.
|Ripple Breathing Mask|
|Part = BT
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|ADebut = {{Ep|Episode 16}}
|Desc = A metal mask specially designed to train people to breathe in order to produce the [[Ripple]]. It is strapped to the user's head, covering both the nose and mouth and cannot be removed without outside help. If the wearer breathes as if he produced the [[Ripple]], he will be able to have air, but if he breathes incorrectly, he'll suffocate. It is undeniably cruel but effective as a training tool. [[Lisa Lisa]] uses it to train Joseph to prepare him against the [[Pillar Men]].
JumpComics9SPine.png|[[Volume 9]] Spine Art
|Photo Album|
OVAJosephWoolHat.png|Featured in Part 3 OVA Timelines
25920.jpg|[[Chara Heroes]]; Part 2
BTModel-Joseph4.png|Featured in Joseph's Anime Model Sheet
Unit Joseph Joestar (Custom Campaign).png|[[Stardust Shooters]]; Man Challenging the Test of Hell
|Part = BT
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|War Hammer|
|Part = BT
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|ADebut = {{Ep|Episode 22}}
|Desc = A great two-handed war hammer. It was made available to the fighters during [[Joseph Joestar]]'s chariot race against [[Wamuu]]. Joseph grabbed it first and used it as a pole to vault over Wamuu's horses. Joseph never had the occasion to use it as a weapon as Wamuu used his Divine Sandstorm at close range against Joseph, taking the hammer out of his hands.
Anime BD Vol 8 Back.jpg|[[Volume 8 (Anime)|Anime Volume 8]] Back Cover
KUJI JosephA2.jpg|[[Ichiban Kuji]] Overdrive
Unit Joseph Joestar (Sledgehammer).png|[[Stardust Shooters]]; Sledgehammer
|Part = BT
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|ADebut = {{Ep|Episode 22}}
|Desc = Two crossbows, one large and one small, specially designed to shoot metal balls instead of regular bolts. The metal balls measure 5.8 cm in diameter and weight 5.5 kg each. The crossbow are powerful enough to crush even [[Wamuu]]'s brain with the steel balls, and the large one even moreso, although it is next to impossible to bend the large one. They were made available to [[Joseph Joestar]] and Wamuu and were crucial weapons in their battle.
Crossbow MS.png|Anime Model Sheet
|Molotov Cocktail|
Unit Joseph Joestar (Crossbow).png|[[Stardust Shooters]]; Crossbow
HFTF Ironbow.png|[[Capcom Fighters]]
|Part = BT
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|Desc = A molotov cocktail [[Joseph Joestar]] had on him during his fight against [[Wamuu]]. It proved to be a crucial instrument of Joseph's victory. When Wamuu used his ultimate technique, Joseph threw the bottle of oil at Wamuu, who cut it in half. Still, his body sucked in the oil and Joseph then threw the burning bandana of [[Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli]] at the Pillar Man, which resulted in a dramatic explosion that destroyed Wamuu's body.
|Miniaturized UV Lasers|
|Part = BT
|Name = MiniaturizedUltraviolet UVRay LasersBlasters
|MImage = UV Lasers Manga.png
|AImage = UVLasers.png
|MDebut = {{Ch|Chapter 108}}
|ADebut = {{Ep|Episode 24}}
|Desc = The {{Nihongo|'''Ultraviolet Ray Blasters'''|紫外線照射装置|Shigaisen Shiyousha Souchi|lit. Ultraviolet Radiation Beaming Devices}} are miniaturized ultraviolet lasers weredeveloped as anti-vampire weapons developed by the [[Speedwagon Foundation]]. These weapons are in essence two UV lights attached to the shoulders and powered by a miniaturized battery which the user wears as a backpack. The miniaturized UV Lasers were put into use by the [[Speedwagon Foundation|SPW Foundation]]'s special force and the Wehrmacht during a battle against [[Kars]]'s [[Vampire]] army near the [[Skeleton Heel Stone]]. These weapons enabled the humans to stand up to the Vampires. Unfortunately, Kars exploited them to activate the [[Stone Mask]] combined with the [[Red Stone of Aja]], becoming the Ultimate Thing.
Heavy Gauge Stroheim.jpg||Featured in Stroheim's [[Heavy Gauge]] Figurine
J-114.jpg|{{ABC}}; Major Stroheim
BTModel-StroheimUV.png|Featured in Stroheim's Anime Model Sheet
(SSR) Rudol von Stroheim.png|[[Stardust Shooters]]; Rudol von Stroheim and Elite Troops
(SSR) Rudol von Stroheim (Ultraviolet Rays).png|[[Stardust Shooters]]; UV Irradiation Device
(SR) Rudol von Stroheim (You're done).png|[[Stardust Shooters]]; You're Done
Stroheim Uv jojoeoh.png|Featured in Stroheim's UV Radiation Mode Render in [[Eyes of Heaven]] (JP Version)
EU-US UVStroheim EoH.png|Featured in Stroheim’s Alternate UV Radiation Mode Render in [[Eyes of Heaven]] (EU-US Version)
DR 2 StroheimCyborg.png|Featured in Cyborg Stroheim's [[Diamond Records]] model
Stroheim2StandPPP.png|Featured in Multi-Tech Machine Body Stroheim's Stand-up Icon in [[JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!]]
PPP Stroheim2 UVLight.png|Featured in Multi-Tech Machine Body Stroheim's Shining UV lights with his army in [[JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!]]
PPP Stroheim2 Win.png|Featured in Multi-Tech Machine Body Stroheim's Win Pose in [[JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!]]
PPPStickerStroheim2EX.png|Featured in Stroheim's Sticker [EX], Multi-Tech Machine Body in [[JoJo's Pitter-Patter Pop!]]
Stroheim ASBR UV Laser Mode Alts A-D.png|Featured in Stroheim's Default Costume (UV Laser Mode) in [[All Star Battle R]]
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==Site Navigation==
{{DISPLAYTITLE:Minor Items in ''Battle Tendency''}}