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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:TranslationCheck/doc

local p = {}

function p.unEscapeCategory(title)
    -- Get category namespace page name from escaped link
    if string.sub(title,1,10) == ':Category:' then
        return string.sub(title,2)
    return title

function p.checkTranslation(frame)
    local title = mw.text.trim(frame.args[1] or '')
    local lang = mw.text.trim(frame.args[2] or '') -- Language code
    local escapedTitle = p.unEscapeCategory(title) -- Actual page name for categories
    local displayText = frame.args[3] or escapedTitle

    -- Load the JSON data directly from the "JoJo Wiki:Translated_Pages" page
    local jsonData = mw.loadJsonData('JoJo Wiki:Translated_Pages')

    -- Check if the specified language exists in the JSON data
    if jsonData and jsonData[lang] then
        -- Iterate through the list of page titles for the specified language
        for _, translatedTitle in ipairs(jsonData[lang]) do
            -- Check if the current title matches the requested title
            if translatedTitle == escapedTitle .. '/' .. lang then
                -- If a match is found, return a link to the translated page (do not escape categories)
                return string.format('[[%s|%s]]', title .. '/' .. lang, displayText)

    -- If no translation is found or the language does not exist, return a link to the base page
    return string.format('[[%s|%s]]', title, displayText)

return p