Mikitaka Hazekura

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Mikitaka Hazekura is a minor protagonist who appears in Part IV: Diamond is Unbreakable. Because of Araki never revealing the true nature of his powers, he is one of the most controversial characters of the entire series.


While looking for more people to transform into Stand users in order to protect his son, Yoshihiro Kira was guided by the arrow into piercing a young boy. The arrow however didn't pierce him perfectly: instead it bounced off of him, leaving the boy with just a scratch.

The following morning, Josuke Higashikata and Okuyasu Nijimura discover a series of mystery circles in the middle of a crop field: half buried in the crop of the larger central circle lied Mikitaka. Unconscious, he is waken up by Josuke and Okuyasu's arrival and his strange personality is immediately revealed: instead of introducing himself, he asks if he is currently on planet Earth and claims to be an alien. The protagonists think he's just kidding, but when he eats Josuke's handkerchiefs and puts two frozen ice-creams out of his bag, they realize there's something strange about him.

He finally reveals to be called Nu Mikitakaze Nshi, to be 216 years old and to be a space pilot. As a Fire Truck passes by, its noise causes Mikitaka to experience a weird and violent skin reaction. He begs Josuke to take him away, revealing his transformation power for the first time.

Josuke, now believing Mikitaka to be an alien, asks him to return the favor, by exploiting the alien's ability and making him assume the shape of three dices. The two new friends play dice with Rohan Kishibe and, despite of the mangaka's suspicions, they manage to trick him and earn a lot of money. The following day, Josuke meets Mikitaka's mother, who reveals that they had to move from Tokyo because of her son's obsession with aliens. Mikitaka, on the other hand, explains Josuke that his "mother" is just a human woman he hypnotised to make her believe he is her son.

Later in the story, Josuke and Okuyasu meet Mikitaka again, staring at an abandoned telephone tower. In this place Josuke gets trapped by Yoshihiro Kira and Toyohiro Kanedaichi, but thanks to Mikitaka, who transformed into an iron cable, stopped the tower owner from his evil plan. However, tables are turned when Toyohiro exploits his Stand's deflection to trap Mikitaka and Josuke returns into the tower to save him.

After the defeat of Superfly's wielder, Mikitaka only reappars at the end of part IV with the other protagonists to sat goodbye to Reimi.

Stand User... or Alien?

Mikitaka is an enigmatic character who produces more questions than answers. His true nature was never revealed by Araki, and the evidences of both his alien and human nature are contradictory.

Alien evidences:

  • He was initially chosen by the arrow to become a Stand user, but then it bounced off, unable to piercing him perfectly for some reason.
  • When Josuke and Okuyasu find him, he is sleeping in the middle of a crop circle.
  • When he hears the sound of a siren, his skin has a violent reaction, with blisters appearing on his body.
  • Appearantly, he is unable to see other people's Stands.

Stand User theory:

  • Mikitaka's ability is most likely a Stand since it has its own name: Earth, Wind, and Fire. He might have acquired it when the arrow pierced him: although its impact produced just a scratch, Mikitaka claims to have felt sick and fallen asleep for thirteen hours, so the arrow did have some effect on him. Or maybe, he already was a Stand User and the arrow bounced off for that reason, giving him no new abilities and knocking him unconscious.
  • He most likely created the crop circles with his Stand, whether intentionally or while he was asleep.
  • His reaction to the siren might be the result of a combination of its Stand ability and a Nocebo effect.
  • The fact he can't see other Stands is the strongest evidence of his alien nature. Persisting with the Stand User theory, one could say his Stand is a special one, since he lacks of this basic ability. If he did acquired its Stand through the arrow, the fact he wasn't completely pierced may give explanation to this peculiarity.

Anyway, none of these theories will be ever proved 100% sure: Araki probably just wanted every reader to develop his or her own opinion about Mikitaka, regardless of objectivity.


Although he claims to be 216 years old, he has the appearance of a teenager. His most peculiar physical traits are is pointed ears and his bizarre uniform, decorated with various space symbols. He enters the story wearing something like a nose filter, but removes it in later chapters.

Whether he is an alien or a crazy Stand user, Mikitaka exhibits great curiosity towards human things, to the point he'd eat handkerchiefs thinking they're food. However, he is a rather calm and pleasant person, not hesitating to risk its life to save a friend and more than willing to return favors. His kindness and gentleness are first seen when he thanks Okuyasu and Josuke for the handkerchiefs by giving them two ice-creams(which were actually part of his own hands).


Mikitaka's powers are more likely the result of a Stand ability bond to his own body (Like Yellow Temperance or Khnum), rather than alien powers. It's unclear how he obtained his shape-shifting Stand. For further information, see Earth, Wind, and Fire.


  • He says that his planet is slowly dying and lies within the magellanic clouds and that he came to earth to see if it was a nice planet and if its inhabitants were friendly.
  • If he actually was an alien Stand user and he didn't lie about his age, he would be born in 1783, thus making him the oldest Stand user in the series.
  • Mikitaka's Earth Wind and Fire reference is most likely the song "Jupiter" by the same group. Mikitaka's last portion of his name (taka) means "Eagle" in Japanese, and an eagle is a common symbol to depict the planet Jupiter.
  • Mikitaka exhibits traits similar to that of an Indigo Child or Star Seed, which is a new age phenomenon.
