The daughter of Passione's "boss". Her spirit has grown through her travels with Giorno and the gang, and her Stand has revealed itself.
How to Obtain
Ultimate Quest
Platinum Ring Exchange
Link Skill
Girl shaking off her hesitation
White and Red attributes ATK+15% and Smash range +10% up!
Command Skill
In that case, we'll do the opposite!
Gain ATK+300%, movement speed +30% and move again with +150% additional movement distance! While this movement occurs, if an enemy comes into contact with another enemy deal 250% damage to both targets! Furthermore up to 3 times when this unit touches the walls, gain ATK+300% and movement speed +30%!
Up to 1 time per round, if the Skill Gauge reaches MAX while this unit is moving, the Skill Gauge will deplete to 1% and this unit will gain ATK+500%!
The daughter of Passione's "boss". Her spirit has grown through her travels with Giorno and the gang, and her Stand has revealed itself.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
You've already made up
White attributes and Team Bucciarati members ATK+60%, HP+80%.
Command Skill
You softened it!
When activated gain movement distance +100%, blow away enemies in contact with your own movement distance +200%! Furthermore, deal 800% damage to each other when enemies contact between them, and deal 800% damage when touching the wall!
More unbreakable than "Diamond"!!
Every time you touch a wall during your action, your ATK will continue increasing by 200% during that action!
The daughter of Passione's "boss". Her spirit has grown through her travels with Giorno and the gang, and her Stand has revealed itself.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Different mental power
Stand users ATK+70% and increase Skill Gauge gain at Round start.
Command Skill
Spice Girl
Deal 3500% damage to all enemies! Furthermore, for 3 turns, make the wall soft (movement speed up on ally wall contact and ATK+50% and HP 5% recovery! Movement speed down if the enemy hits the wall and action count +1)!
Up to 3 times per Round, if the Skill Gauge increases to 100% or higher, lower the Skill Gauge to 1% and grant all allies ATK+1500%!
The power of Chariot Requiem caused their souls to switch bodies.
How to Obtain
SP Campaign
Leader Skill
Two confused people
Red and Silver attributes HP+70%!
Command Skill
For 2 turns increase this units movement speed, and your Smashes become double! Furthermore, increase this units ATK+150% at the end of all allied actions!
Spiritual change
Increase this units HP+3000! Furthermore, the HP and ATK of this unit will be switched!
The power of Chariot Requiem caused their souls to switch bodies.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Men and women with changed spirits
Red and Stand Users ATK+85%.
Command Skill
I have already shot
Deal 1600% damage to enemies within range (medium circle size), and set their ATK to "1000" and their defense power to "0" for 1 turn! Furthermore, deal the current round number x 1250% damage to enemies within the same range!
For 2 turns, grant 30% damage cut to all allies, and when an enemy tries to use their Command Skill, cancel it and deal 2500% damage to them!
Pericolo, an executive of the organisation, and the daughter of the boss, Trish, disguise themselves as cleaners before their meeting Bucciarati and the gang.
How to Obtain
SP Campaign - Protecting and escorting his daughter...
Clean upat the start of the move and clean up all destructible items on the field! ATK+40% up by the number of items cleaned up during 2 turns!
The daughter of Passione's "boss". Her spirit has grown through her travels with Giorno and the gang, and her Stand has revealed itself.
How to Obtain
Login Bonus
Tower Battle: Diavolo Hard Tower - Floor 4
Leader Skill
Spice of battle
Gold and Red attributes HP+50%!
Command Skill
Open the path to the future
Deal 800% damage to all enemies within a medium circular range and soften the walls for 2 turns! Upon allied units coming into contact with the walls for 2 turns they’ll gain a speed boost and ATK+25% and 5% HP recovery! When an enemy unit comes into contact with the wall reduce their speed and give them +1 action count!
Strange growth
Allies will recover 1% of their HP at the beginning of the turn! Furthermore upon quest completion gain an extra 1% Rank experience!
Their relationship changed from that of a protecting bodyguard, to a relationship of pursuing the identity of the boss together.
How to Obtain
Diamond Gacha
Leader Skill
Two rebellious beliefs
Silver attributes and Stand users ATK+70% and for 2 turns grant 70% damage cut for all allies!
Command Skill
Reverse the defenses of all enemy units on the field, and destroy all destroyable items on the field! For each item that’s destroyed this units ATK will increase x50%! Furthermore, deal 800% x 10 consecutive hits to the enemy and blow them away!
Ready to fight
At round start, Skill Gauge rises by Lv. depending on "Level" of the unit equipped with ability (up to 100%)! When MAX, gain ATK+500% & Skill Gauge consumption is 0!
A member of the Bucciarati team and the daughter of the "boss".
How to Obtain
Stardust Ring Exchange
Leader Skill
Original soul
Give +1 action count to all enemies at the start of the Round.
Command Skill
For two turns increase your ATK by 400%, and recover 25% HP! Furthermore, during this time immobilise the enemy closest to you when you activate the Command Skill!
Nostalgic smell
If your team is comprised of only one color, the Smash range of all allies will increase by 20% and gain 25% Skill Gauge!