Yukako appears in Diamond Records as a playable character in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. She has a variety of unlockable statues varying between the 'Courage' and 'Solitary' types, ranging from 3 stars to 6 stars. Yukako's moveset in both game modes is comprised of various attacks inspired by the anime, using her stand Love Deluxe.
Yukako's basic attack string is a combination of up to five various attacks using her hair. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits.
Yukako smacks opponents away with her hair.
Yukako strikes opponents with her hair multiple times. (Unlockable)
Yukako grabs an opponent with her hair to deal multiple hits of damage.
Yukako walks forward slowly, with any opponents in her range getting temporarily stunned. (Unlockable)
Yukako jumps into the air, landing with two strikes using her hair. This attack replaces SP Skill 1 in Yukako's 3 star statue
Yukako traps an opponent in her hair and slams them on the ground numerous times before releasing them.
3-star (Courage)
Max LVL Stats:4674 HP/2706 ATK/2337 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:8574 HP/5556 ATK/4287 DEF
4-star (Courage)
Max LVL Stats:7524 HP/4356 ATK/3762 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:13824 HP/9306 ATK/6912 DEF
5-star (Courage)
Max LVL Stats:11286 HP/6534 ATK/5643 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:20886 HP/14934 ATK/10443 DEF
5-star (Solitary)
Max LVL Stats:10692 HP/7128 ATK/5346 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:14292 HP/21528 ATK/7146 DEF
6-star (Courage)
Max LVL Stats:16986 HP/9834 ATK/8493 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:28686 HP/22434 ATK/20193 DEF
Telence T. D'Arby
Telence T. D'Arby appears in Diamond Records as an assist character. He has one 'Tactical' type 3 star assist statue. As a 3 star assist, Telence does not appear in gameplay and only functions a as stat boost for the playable statue he is equipped to. However, like all assist characters, he may provide extra effects to the player based on active assist links (Action Battle mode only).
3-star Assist (Tactical)
Max LVL Stats:4692 HP/3036 ATK/2898 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:5692 HP/8036 ATK/3398 DEF
(Note: don't put this section on page. just keeping this because it took a while to write)
Although Telence does not appear in actual gameplay, the game's internal files contain various assets suggesting that a functional 4 star assist statue may have been in the works. However, this never came to fruition prior to the game's end of service.
Unused Animations
Telence and Atum both have a number of animation files hinting at an in-game assist ability. The animations in question are codenamed "bet" in reference to Atum's ability, making it possible he might have had a chance based ability similar to Daniel J. D'Arby's assist.
Mannish Boy appears in Diamond Records as an assist character in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has one 'Solitary' type 4 star assist statue. Like all assist characters, when the active assists link together, his assist ability may provide extra effects (Action Battle mode only).
(Assist Ability) Mannish Boy summons Death Thirteen to slash at opponents multiple times with its scythe. In Tactical Battle, this damages all opponents present on the stage.
4-star Assist (Solitary)
Max LVL Stats:8694 HP/4140 ATK/3933 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:24694 HP/12140 ATK/11933 DEF
Steely Dan
Steely Dan appears in Diamond Records as an assist character. He has one 'Solitary' type 3 star assist statue. As a 3 star assist, Steely Dan does not appear in gameplay and only functions a as stat boost for the playable statue he is equipped to. However, like all assist characters, he may provide extra effects to the player based on active assist links (Action Battle mode only).
3-star Assist (Solitary)
Max LVL Stats:5130 HP/3375 ATK/2160 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:6130 HP/8375 ATK/2660 DEF
Jotaro's Diamond is Unbreakable iteration is playable in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has a variety of unlockable statues between the 'Unity', 'Fighting Spirit', and 'Tactical' types, ranging from 3 stars to 6 stars.
Jotaro's moveset in both game modes is comprised of various attacks inspired by the anime, using his stand Star Platinum.
Jotaro's basic attack string is a combination of up to five various basic strikes from Star Platinum. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits.
Star Platinum unleashes a single strong punch.
Jotaro stops time and lights a fire on the ground that burns opponents. (Unlockable)
Star Platinum unleashes a powerful barrage of punches.
Jotaro uses Star Platinum: The World to stop time for a short period, letting him run freely around opponents and attack them as they are frozen in their tracks. In Tactical Battle, this is used to give Jotaro a few free turns, as well as allowing him to ignore any of the opponent's active counters. (Unlockable)
Jotaro uses Star Platinum to shoot a ball bearing at opponents. This attack replaces SP Skill 1 in Jotaro's 3 star statue.
Jotaro uses Star Platinum to punch an opponent, then stops the time to deliver a barrage of punches before resuming it, sending the opponent flying.
3-star (Tactical)
Max LVL Stats:4488 HP/2772 ATK/2904 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:6288 HP/5622 ATK/5904 DEF
4-star (Unity)
Max LVL Stats:7866 HP/5175 ATK/3312 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:15366 HP/8925 ATK/7062 DEF
5-star (Unity)
Max LVL Stats:12084 HP/7950 ATK/5088 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:24084 HP/13950 ATK/11088 DEF
Max LVL Stats:14700 HP/4998 ATK/5292 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:42300 HP/6798 ATK/7692 DEF
6-star (Unity)
Max LVL Stats:17670 HP/11625 ATK/7440 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:29670 HP/23625 ATK/19440 DEF
Jotaro Kujo ~I'll Break It~
Jotaro's iteration from his encounter with Yoshikage Kira is playable in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has one 'Courage' type 6 star statue.
Jotaro's moveset in both game modes is comprised of various attacks inspired by the anime, using his stand Star Platinum.
Jotaro's basic attack string is a combination of up to four various basic strikes from Star Platinum, with the fifth attack being a quick barrage of punches. In Action Battle, the final hit can be held down during DoDoDo Mode to continue punching at enemies. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits, alongside the omission of the barrage holding capability.
Jotaro uses Star Platinum: The World to stop time for a short period, letting him run freely around opponents and attack them as they are frozen in their tracks. In Tactical Battle, this is used to give Jotaro a free turn, as well as allowing him to ignore any of the opponent's active counters.
Jotaro uses Star Platinum to shoot a bullet at opponents. (Unlockable)
Jotaro uses Star Platinum to stop time, then unleashes a powerful barrage of punches before resuming it.
Jotaro uses Star Platinum to stop time, and punch the ground, damaging surrounding opponents. (Unlockable)
Jotaro delivers a powerful barrage of punches using Star Platinum, ending with a final strike at the ground with a wide range of effect. In Tactical Battle, this hits all opponents present on the stage.
6-star (Courage)
Max LVL Stats:22338 HP/16425 ATK/11826 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:31338 HP/30825 ATK/24426 DEF
Golden Wind
Jotaro Kujo
Jotaro's Golden Wind iteration is playable in only the Tactical Battle game mode. He has one 'Tactical' type 6 star statue.
Jotaro's moveset is comprised of various attacks inspired by the anime, using his stand Star Platinum. Most attacks in his moveset are based on scenes from Diamond is Unbreakable.
Jotaro's basic attack is a combination of three various basic strikes from Star Platinum.
Jotaro uses Star Platinum: The World to stop time, giving him a free turn as well as allowing him to ignore any of the opponent's active counters.
Jotaro uses Star Platinum to shoot a bullet at an opponent. (Unlockable)
Jotaro calls Koichi on the phone, who appears to deliver a barrage of punches using Echoes ACT3.
Star Platinum unleashes a powerful barrage of punches. (Unlockable)
Jotaro delivers a powerful barrage of punches using Star Platinum, ending with a final strike at the ground.
6-star (Tactical)
Max LVL Stats:27500 HP/17800 ATK/17000 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:37400 HP/31300 ATK/29600 DEF
Diamond is Unbreakable
Koichi Hirose ~ACT1~
Koichi with Echoes ACT1 appears in Diamond Records as a playable character in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He two unlockable statues between the 'Tactical' and 'Unity' types, one 3 star and one 5 star.
Koichi's moveset in both game modes is comprised of various attacks inspired by the anime, using Echoes ACT1.
Koichi's basic attack string is a combination of up to five various basic strikes from Echoes ACT1. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits.
ACT1 delivers a punch that activates a sound effect.
ACT1 throws a sound saying "Believe in me!" opponents. (Unlockable)
ACT1 swings multiple sound effects at opponents.
ACT1 strikes an opponent and activates its ability, dealing damage over time. (Unlockable)
ACT1 throws a sound saying "I hate you" at opponents. This attack replaces SP Skill 1 in ACT1 Koichi's 3 star statue
ACT1 grabs opponents and hits them repeatedly with sound effects.
3-star (Tactical)
Max LVL Stats:5292 HP/2142 ATK/2772 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:10992 HP/3042 ATK/5772 DEF
5-star (Unity)
Max LVL Stats:15000 HP/5700 ATK/4800 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:27000 HP/11700 ATK/10800 DEF
Koichi with Echoes ACT2 appears in Diamond Records as a playable character in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has a variety of unlockable statues between the 'Courage' and 'Solitary' types, ranging from 3 stars to 6 stars.
Koichi's moveset in both game modes is comprised of various attacks inspired by the anime, using Echoes ACT2.
Koichi's basic attack string is a combination of up to five various basic strikes from Echoes ACT2. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits.
ACT2 sets a "sizzle" trap on the ground, if an opponent walks into it, they'll be hit by a burst of flames. In Tactical Battle, this merely acts as a simple counter.
ACT2 sets a "boing" trap on the ground, if an opponent walks into it, they'll be knocked away with a bounce. In Tactical Battle, this merely acts as a simple counter. (Unlockable)
ACT2 sets a "hyooo" trap on the ground, if an opponent walks into it, they'll be knocked away with a gust of wind. In Tactical Battle, this merely acts as a simple counter.
ACT2 drops a "boom" sound over top of opponents, causing an explosion that knocks them away. (Unlockable)
Koichi summons ACT2 to strike opponents using "sizzle", causing a large burst that knocks them away. In Tactical Battle, this hits all opponents present on the stage.
3-star ~ACT2 Growing Boy~ (Solitary)
Max LVL Stats:3648 HP/2166 ATK/2850 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:6798 HP/4716 ATK/5475 DEF
4-star (Courage)
Max LVL Stats:8820 HP/3570 ATK/4620 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:18720 HP/4620 ATK/9870 DEF
4-star ~ACT2 Growing Boy~ (Solitary)
Max LVL Stats:6048 HP/3591 ATK/4725 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:10848 HP/7941 ATK/9225 DEF
5-star (Courage)
Max LVL Stats:12978 HP/5253 ATK/6798 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:29778 HP/5853 ATK/15798 DEF
5-star ~ACT2 Growing Boy~ (Solitary)
Max LVL Stats:9216 HP/5472 ATK/7200 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:15816 HP/12672 ATK/14700 DEF
6-star ~ACT2 Growing Boy~ (Solitary)
Max LVL Stats:12000 HP/6300 ATK/5700 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:24000 HP/12600 ATK/11400 DEF
Koichi with Echoes ACT3 appears in Diamond Records as a playable character in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He two unlockable statues between the 'Tactical' and 'Unity' types, one 3 star and one 5 star.
Koichi's moveset in both game modes is comprised of various attacks inspired by the anime, using Echoes ACT3. Unlike a majority of statues in the game, ACT3 Koichi lacks any unlockable skills.
Koichi's basic attack string is a combination of up to five various basic strikes from Echoes ACT3. In Tactical Battle, this is cut down to only three hits.
ACT3 moves at an extremely fast speed, hitting opponents from all directions. In Tactical Battle, this hits all opponents present on the stage.
ACT3 strikes the ground, hitting surrounding opponents. In Tactical Battle, this hits all opponents present on the stage.
ACT3 delivers a barrage of punches at the opponent. This attack replaces SP Skill 1 in ACT3 Koichi's 3 star statue
ACT3 delivers a barrage of punches at an opponent, followed by hitting them with 3 Freeze.
3-star (Unity)
Max LVL Stats:6900 HP/2622 ATK/2208 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:11400 HP/4872 ATK/4458 DEF
5-star (Tactical)
Max LVL Stats:13104 HP/5304 ATK/6864 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:28704 HP/7254 ATK/15114 DEF
Koichi Hirose ~ACT2~
Koichi's assist form can be used in both the Action Battle and Tactical Battle game modes. He has one 'Fighting Spirit' type 4 star assist statue. Like all assist characters, when the active assists link together, his assist ability may provide extra effects (Action Battle mode only).
Koichi summons ACT2 to place a "sizzle" sound effect that deals damage over time to opponents.
4-star Assist (Fighting Spirit)
Max LVL Stats:7980 HP/3990 ATK/4620 DEF Max LVL Tree Stats:23980 HP/11990 ATK/12620 DEF
Golden Wind
Koichi Hirose (Part 5)
Part 5 Koichi appears briefly in the moveset of Part 5 Jotaro Kujo. He is called in to assist Jotaro by hitting the opponent with a barrage of punches using Echoes ACT3.