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GioGio page concept

Giorno makes his video game debut with the rest of Team Bucciarati as one of the main playable characters in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure. He is voiced by Romi Park.

Giorno's special attacks utilize his ability to create life: he can create a tree to knock down an enemy, a snake to bite them, or a frog to reflect an incoming attack. While his Stand is active, Giorno's Stand Shoot takes the form of Gold Experience's signature "Muda-muda!" barrage of punches.

Giorno Giovanna / Gold Experience
Normal Mode
Stand Mode
PS Square.png
Normal Combo (3x)
Stand Rush (4x)
PS Square.png (Heavy)
Tackle (while moving)
Heavy Punch
PS Cross.png
New life, spring forth!
Life, spring forth!
PS Triangle.png
I can tell you apart!
The attack will be reflected back!
PS R1.png
Gold Experience!

Available Stages: Chapters 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 10-2
  • Another Story Mode: Chapters 4-3, 5-1, 6-2, 7-2, 8-1, 8-2, 10-1, 11-2
In the final battle of Super Story Mode, Giorno wields Gold Experience Requiem. Gold Experience Requiem shares most of its attacks with Gold Experience, but foregoes the tree and vine attacks in favor of a long-range scorpion flick attack. Gold Experience Requiem is the only being immune to King Crimson's time erasure: if Diavolo erases time while Giorno is in Stand Mode, Gold Experience Requiem can attack at full speed even as Giorno continues to be slowed down.
Giorno Giovanna / Gold Experience Requiem
Normal Mode
Stand Mode
PS Square.png
Normal Combo (3x)
Stand Rush (4x)
PS Square.png (Heavy)
Tackle (while moving)
Heavy Punch
PS Cross.png
Can you escape destruction?
Can you escape destruction?
PS Triangle.png
I can tell you apart!
The attack will be reflected back!
PS R1.png
Gold Experience!

Available Stages: Chapter 11-3
Bucciarati makes his video game debut in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure as both a boss and a playable character. He is voiced by Takahiro Sakurai.

Bucciarati is the first enemy the player must face, appearing as an enemy in Chapters 1-1 and 1-2. As Chapter 1-1 mostly consists of a tutorial, Bucciarati has only half the health of a regular enemy. In Chapter 1-2, he first attempts to evade Giorno through the use of his zippers: at one of four places in the stage, Bucciarati can create a zipper and teleport to any of the other three. If he is dealt enough damage, he attempts to hide inside one of four civilians, requiring the player to find him in order to beat him. When he is fought directly as an enemy, his attack pattern primarily utilizes "My skills make you shiver, no?" and Stand Shoot attacks.

Although most of his moves are shared as a boss and a playable character, his zipper teleportation in Chapter 1-2 is exclusive to that stage. However, Bucciarati gains some new moves as a playable character: in Stand Mode, Bucciarati can cover large distances via a closing zipper, as well as temporarily disappear by traveling underground. During Chapter 11-2, the player plays as Bucciarati's soul in Diavolo's body; this unusual situation has no effect on his moveset.

Bruno Bucciarati / Sticky Fingers
Normal Mode
Stand Mode
PS Square.png
Normal Combo (3x)
Stand Rush (4x)
PS Square.png (Heavy)
Tackle (while moving)
Heavy Punch
PS Cross.png
My skills make you shiver, no?
Run, zipper!
PS Triangle.png
Close, zipper!
Open, zipper!
PS R1.png
Sticky Fingers!

Available Stages: Chapters 5-1, 5-2, 7-1, 7-2, 10-3, 11-2
  • Another Story Mode: Chapters 2-1, 3-1, 4-3, 8-1, 10-1, 10-2, 11-3
Mista makes his video game debut as a playable character in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure. He is voiced by Kentaro Ito.

Mista is a unique character in the game, as he cannot use punches or pummeling attacks, save for a melee attack if he gets close to the enemy. His main method of attack is firing bullets from his gun, like in the manga. The cylinder of Mista's revolver appears at the bottom right of the screen, displaying how many bullets he has remaining: if Mista runs out of bullets, he must reload before he is able to shoot again. If at any time during a battle, Mista ends an attack with 4 bullets remaining, a unique line of dialogue depicting his agitation will play.

The heads of Mista's Sex Pistols are shown next to the revolver display: if Mista uses a special attack, a normal attack in Stand Mode, or a Stand Shoot, one of the Sex Pistols will ride the bullet. After the shot hits something, the Pistol will begin slowly returning to Mista. While Stand Mode is active, Mista's normal attack uses up one Sex Pistol in order to home in on the enemy. Charging a Stand Shoot loads more of Mista's available Pistols onto the bullet; if a Stand Shoot is used in Stand Mode, the Pistols linger around the enemy to deal additional damage with Mista's next shot.

Guido Mista / Sex Pistols
Normal Mode
Stand Mode
PS Square.png
Gonna light you up!
PS Square.png (Near Enemy)
Melee Attack
Melee Attack
PS Cross.png
Go, Pistols!
We've got him off-guard!
PS Triangle.png
PS R1.png
Sex Pistols!
Pass, pass, pass!

Available Stages: Chapters 6-1, 6-2, 10-1
  • Another Story Mode: Chapters 1-2, 3-1, 5-1, 5-2, 7-2, 8-1, 8-2, 10-2, 10-3, 11-2
Narancia makes his first video game appearance in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure, voiced by Fujiko Takamoto.

Narancia's normal attacks include knife swipes and kicks. "Take that! And that! And that!" can be used consecutively if the previous attack lands; Narancia will injure his foot on the seventh attack, though the injury only stuns him and does not affect the health gauge. Most of Narancia's moveset utilizes his Stand Aerosmith in order to shoot or bomb the enemy. When Narancia enters Stand Mode, the player takes control of Aerosmith and can move freely. Aerosmith's radar appears at the bottom-right corner of the screen, allowing the player to view the relative positions of enemies and other breathing organisms. Though Aerosmith is capable of inflicting heavy damage in Stand Mode, its use renders Narancia immobile and open for attack.

Narancia Ghirga / Aerosmith
Normal Mode
Stand Mode
PS Square.png
I'll cut you right up! (3x)
Shoot to kill!
PS Square.png (Heavy)
Tackle (while moving)
Shoot to kill!
PS Cross.png
Fire away!
I'll blow you away!
PS Triangle.png
Take that! And that! And that!
You're in the way!
PS R1.png
Volare via!

Available Stages: Chapter 3-1
  • Another Story Mode: Chapters 1-2, 4-3, 5-2, 6-2, 8-1, 8-2, 10-2, 10-3, 11-2, 11-3
Abbacchio debuts as a playable character in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure. He is voiced by Tetsu Inada.

Abbacchio himself can only attack with regular punches and kicks, as most of his special attacks involve his Stand. In Normal Mode, Abbacchio's Stand Shoot is unique in that Moody Blues briefly pauses before delivering the attack; in Stand Mode, Moody Blues's Stand Shoot causes it to mirror Abbacchio's movements, with the attack lasting longer if charged up beforehand. Moody Blues can also grab the enemy and, if the player performs enough button presses, perform a barrage of punches before letting go.

Moody Blues's special ability in Normal Mode allows it to record Abbacchio's movements over a period of ten seconds. During recording, Moody Blues will remain motionless and open to attack, and Abbacchio will be unable to use any moves that involve his Stand. The recording will be stopped if the move is used again, or if either Abbacchio or Moody Blues takes damage. Regardless of whether the recording is completed, using the same move in Stand Mode will cause Moody Blues to replay the recorded inputs, creating opportunities for combos. The recording will remain "saved" until either Abbacchio begins recording again or the fight ends. If the playback move is used before recording any input, Moody Blues will deliver a single kick before returning to Abbacchio.

Leone Abbacchio / Moody Blues
Normal Mode
Stand Mode
PS Square.png
Normal Combo (2x)
Stand Rush (3x)
PS Square.png (Heavy)
Heavy Punch
Heavy Kick (while moving)
Heavy Punch
PS Cross.png
Kiss the ground!
I'll grab you with my Stand!
PS Triangle.png
Start recording!
Replay, start!
PS R1.png
Moody Blues!
Trace my movements!

Available Stages: Chapter 4-2
  • Another Story Mode: Chapters 1-2, 2-1, 5-1, 5-2, 8-1, 8-2, 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, 11-3
Fugo makes his first video game appearance in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure. He is voiced by Hiroaki Miura.

At the bottom right corner of the screen, Purple Haze's virus capsules are displayed, showing how many times Fugo can use the virus before he must refill Purple Haze's capsules. Fugo's regular moveset consists of lightweight attacks; in addition, he can use a special move that disperses the virus in a circle around Fugo, though this does not deplete Purple Haze's capsules. However, using the "Numbskull!" move causes Fugo to become enraged, changing his Normal Mode moveset entirely: Fugo uses heavier attacks, and his special move now disperses the virus in a straight line in front of him. Using the "Numbskull!" move again will restore Fugo's regular moveset.

Like Narancia, Fugo cannot move while in Stand Mode: the player takes direct control of Purple Haze. At the bottom right corner of the screen, Purple Haze's virus capsules are displayed, showing how many times Purple Haze can use the virus before he must use his refill ability. Purple Haze possesses powerful attacks, as well as a special move that allows it to throw a virus capsule at the enemy. If Purple Haze strays too far from its user, its compulsive tendency to clean itself will take over, and the Stand will be unable to move until it is recalled.

Pannacotta Fugo / Purple Haze
Normal Mode
Stand Mode
PS Square.png
Normal Combo (3x)
Heavy Combo (2x) (Enraged)
Stand Rush (2x)
PS Square.png (Heavy)
Tackle (while moving)
Heavy Punch
PS Cross.png
A homicidal virus!
The virus capsule!
PS Triangle.png
Capsule Reload
PS R1.png
Purple Haze!

Available Stages: Chapters 4-1, 4-3
  • Another Story Mode: Chapters 1-2, 2-1, 3-1, 5-2, 6-2, 7-2, 11-2

I made a blog post.

Despite the names of moves in GioGio's Bizarre Adventure never being given in-game, they do exist! The instruction manual gives names to every attack each playable character can perform, for both their normal moveset and their moveset in Stand Mode. Many of these names are quotes from the manga, and so I will attempt to document all of them here. Polnareff's moveset and Gold Experience Requiem's special attack are not in the manual, but are instead named in the official strategy guide.

Character Input Normal Mode Name Normal Mode Source Stand Mode Name Stand Mode Source
Giorno PS R1.png ゴールド・エクスペリエンスッ!
Gold Experience!
Chapter 442
(Gold Experience, Part 3)
Chapter 441
(Gold Experience, Part 2)
PS Square.png 本体パンチ攻撃
Normal Punch Attack
N/A スタンドラッシュ
Stand Rush
PS Cross.png 生まれろ新しい命よッ!
New life, spring forth!
Chapter 442
(Gold Experience, Part 3)
Life, spring forth!
Chapter 442
(Gold Experience, Part 3)
PS Cross.png
あんたは… 滅びずにいられるかな
Will you escape destruction?
Chapter 586
(Gold Experience Requiem, Part 1)
あんたは… 滅びずにいられるかな
Will you escape destruction?
Chapter 586
(Gold Experience Requiem, Part 1)
PS Triangle.png 見分けが付くってわけだッ!
I can tell you apart!
Chapter 446
(Bucciarati Is Coming, Part 4)
The attack will be reflected back!
Chapter 441
(Gold Experience, Part 2)
Bucciarati PS R1.png スティッキィ・フィンガーズッ!
Sticky Fingers!
Chapter 459
(The Mystery of Soft Machine, Part 2)
Chapter 499
(The Grateful Dead, Part 12)
PS Square.png 本体パンチ攻撃
Normal Punch Attack
N/A スタンドラッシュ
Stand Rush
PS Cross.png ブルっちまう特技だろ…。
My skills make you shiver, no?
Chapter 444
(Bucciarati Is Coming, Part 2)
Run, zipper!
Interpolated from
Close, zipper!
PS Triangle.png 閉じろッ!ジッパーッ!
Close, zipper!
Chapter 521
(The Mystery of King Crimson, Part 4)
Open, zipper!
Interpolated from
Chapter 495
Mista PS R1.png セックス・ピストルズッ!
Sex Pistols!
Chapter 464
(Sex Pistols Appears, Part 3)
Pass, pass, pass!
Chapter 464
(Sex Pistols Appears, Part 3)
PS Square.png ブチ込んでやるッ!
Gonna light you up!
Chapter 466
(Sex Pistols Appears, Part 5)
Chapter 464
(Sex Pistols Appears, Part 3)
PS Cross.png 行けッ!ピストルズッ!
Go, Pistols!
Chapter 559
("Green Day" and "Oasis", Part 6)
We've got him off-guard!
Chapter 467
(Sex Pistols Appears, Part 6)
PS Triangle.png リロード
N/A リロード
Narancia PS R1.png エアロスミスッ!
Chapter 470
(Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 1)
Volare via!
Chapter 537
(Clash and Talking Head, Part 7)
PS Square.png 切り刻んでやるッ!
I'll cut you right up!
Chapter 456
(5 Plus 1)
Shoot to kill!
Chapter 473
(Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 4)
PS Cross.png ブッ放つッ!
Fire away!
Interpolated from
Chapter 549
I'll blow you away!
Interpolated from
Chapter 477
PS Triangle.png どうだ!どうだ!どうだ!
Take that! And that! And that!
Chapter 471
(Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 2)
You're in the way!
Chapter 475
(Narancia's Aerosmith, Part 6)
Abbacchio PS R1.png ムーディー・ブルースッ!
Moody Blues!
Chapter 459
(The Mystery of Soft Machine, Part 2)
Trace my movements!
Interpolated from
Chapter 459
PS Square.png 本体パンチ攻撃
Normal Punch Attack
N/A スタンドラッシュ
Stand Rush
PS Cross.png 地面にキスしてなッ!
Kiss the ground!
Interpolated from
Chapter 510
I'll grab you with my Stand!
Interpolated from
Chapter 482
PS Triangle.png 録画開始ッ!
Start recording!
No apparent source. 再生(リプレイ)開始ッ!
Replay, start!
Interpolated from
Chapter 459
Fugo PS R1.png パープル・ヘイズッ!
Purple Haze!
Chapter 480
(Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 2)
Chapter 480
(Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 2)
PS Square.png 本体パンチ攻撃
Normal Punch Attack
N/A スタンドラッシュ
Stand Rush
PS Cross.png 『殺人ウイルス』だッ!
A homicidal virus!
Chapter 480
(Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 2)
The virus capsule!
Chapter 485
(Man in the Mirror and Purple Haze, Part 7)
PS Triangle.png ド低脳がァーーッ!
Chapter 456
(5 Plus 1)
Capsule Reload
Trish PS R1.png スパイス・ガールッ!
Spice Girl!
Chapter 538
(Notorious B.I.G, Part 6)
Chapter 539
(Spice Girl, Part 1)
PS Square.png 本体パンチ攻撃
Normal Punch Attack
N/A スタンドラッシュ
Stand Rush
PS Cross.png 来るんじゃねーわよッ!
Don't come any closer!
Chapter 538
(Notorious B.I.G, Part 6)
I made it softer!
Chapter 538
(Notorious B.I.G, Part 6)
PS Triangle.png スットロいッ!
Chapter 538
(Notorious B.I.G, Part 6)
Time to slice it up!
Chapter 538
(Notorious B.I.G, Part 6)
Polnareff PS R1.png シルバーチャリオッツッ!
Silver Chariot!
Chapter 570
(His Name Is Diavolo, Part 2)
Million Spit
Heritage for the Future
PS Square.png スタンド攻撃
Stand Attack
N/A スタンドラッシュ
Stand Rush
PS Cross.png 斬り上げ
Upward Slash
N/A ぶった斬ってやるッ!
I'll cut you up!
Chapter 241
(The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 4)
PS Triangle.png のろいぜッ!
Too slow!
Chapter 244
(The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 7)
Too slow!
Chapter 244
(The Miasma of the Void, Vanilla Ice, Part 7)