Chapter 225

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The Gatekeeper of Hell, Pet Shop (4), originally The Ice Missile in the WSJ release, is the two hundred twenty-fifth chapter of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga. It is also the one hundred twelfth chapter of Part III: Stardust Crusaders.


In the Cairo sewers, Iggy successfully performs a sneak attack on Pet Shop and deals a devastating blow to the bird. Iggy tells Pet Shop that he has no care for him or DIO, and is willing to let him go. However Iggy has damaged Pet Shop's pride, and the Stand-wielding hawk will not accept the idea of Iggy escaping with his life. He summons his Stand, Horus, and stops his bleeding with ice, as well as blocking the exit. Iggy runs away, but every exit he finds gets frozen shut by Horus' ice missiles. As Iggy runs, one of his paws gets frozen to the ground. In order to escape, Iggy amputates his paw, and flees into the sewer water.

In the city streets the Joestar Group contemplates why the beggar they hired is taking so long. Avdol states that he might have found the mansion, and was taken out by its guardian. At the bottom of the Nile, Iggy hides in a sand dome made from The Fool. He believes himself to be safe, however Pet Shop dives into water never giving up the hunt for his prey.


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