ZZ | |
Namesake | ZZ Top |
Debut | |
Final Appearance | |
Seiyuu | None |
Voice Actor | None |
Profile | |
Age | |
Date of Birth | |
Blood type | ??? |
Eye color | |
Hair color | |
Height | ??? cm |
Weight | ??? kg |
Stand | Wheel of Fortune |
ZZ is an enemy Stand user from Part III: Stardust Crusaders.
ZZ is first seen with his muscular arms sticking out the window of a car, making the other characters believe he is an impressively large man. It soon comes to the attention of the gang that they are been fallow by a car and when it shows its no normal car, they deduce its a stand user. Which is confirmed soon after. When he was last seen defeated by Jotaro and the gang and chained to a rock where he most likely died as a sign was put next to him that said not to disturb him.