Imposter Captain Tennille/fr: Difference between revisions

Content deleted Content added
Undo revision 617044 by The Speedwagon Foundation (talk)
Tag: Undo
m clean up, replaced: {{Ch3|Chapter 128}} → Chapter 128 (3), {{Ep3|SC Episode 6}} → SC Episode 6 (2)
Line 18:
|death = 2 décembre 1988
|cod = Se noie après avoir été vaincu par Jotaro
|mangadebut = {{Ch3|[[Chapter 128}}]]
|mangafinal = {{Ch3|[[Chapter 129}}]]
|animedebut = {{Ep3|[[SC Episode 6}}]]
|gamedebut = [[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (SFC Game)]]<br />[[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Records|Diamonds Records]] (Jouable)
|seiyuu = {{W|Yūji Kishi}} ([[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Heritage for the Future|Heritage for the Future]])<br />{{W|Tesshō Genda}} ([[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders|Anime]])
Line 78:
|Name=[[Dark Blue Moon]]|JPN=ダークブルームーン(暗青の月)
|Debut={{Ch3|[[Chapter 127}}]] / {{Ep3|[[SC Episode 6}}]]
|Type={{ST/fr|Close}}, {{ST/fr|NH}}
|Ability=Nage, bernacles drainant la force