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{{Interview Infobox
|part = SO
|cover = BunkoSO vol1.png
|date = April 18, 2008
|interviewee = [[Hirohiko Araki]]
|type = Commentary
|media = Volume
|publication = JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Paperback Edition)
[[Hirohiko Araki]]'s
===Volume 1 (40)===
Even if I don't usually care about something, when certain periods of time come around, I find it strange and get weirdly angry at it.
Once, I shared the following story with my relatives: there
▲Even if I don't usually care about something, when certain periods of time come around, I find it strange and get weirdly angry at it. "Seasons of aggression" exist within me, but these "seasons of aggression" are balanced by "seasons of being attacked."
▲Once, I shared the following story with my relatives: there was a traffic light on the street in my neighborhood, and it turns "red" even when there aren't any cars passing through. I used to just ignore it and cross the street if I didn't see any cars, but it always felt like a bad idea to me, so lately I've decided not to cross until the light turns green. And then, suddenly, a barrage of criticism began. "Who would even do that these days?" "Aren't you just such a good boy? Jackass." and "Because someone saw you doing it and wrote about you on 2chan,<ref group="lower-alpha">2chan is a Japanese forum onto which millions of posts regarding a wide variety of topics are uploaded on a daily basis. These posts are largely unmoderated and face little-to-no censorship.</ref> you hypocrite?!" Oh no. It seems my "season of being attacked" has arrived.
It's one thing to be attacked for doing or saying the wrong thing, but I hadn't even done anything. I didn't even cross the street at a traffic light. Such is the "season of being attacked." We find ourselves under attack without knowing the reason why. When such a season comes, trying to fight back only leads to further aggression and pain. The only thing you can do is wait for the season to end, like how a person with hay fever has to wait for pollen to stop flying. This season is one where the best defense is ''not'' a good offense.
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While working on ''Stone Ocean'', I visited a prison in Florida on a research trip. The prison was divided into four areas: the juvenile ward, the female ward, the male ward, and the ward for the dangerous or condemned. In America, where punishment is a commercial enterprise, prisons are often privately owned. We were allowed to enter three of the four areas; with the exception of the kitchen where the model prisoners worked, we were not allowed to visit the male ward, which we were told was a dangerous place. It wasn't the kind of large-scale prison Jolyne finds herself in, but rather a high-tech prison building like {{W|Roppongi Hills}}.
Upon entering the prison, we were searched for belongings and had to pass through metal detectors. After that, we took an elevator, walked down a corridor, took another elevator, went down another corridor, and so on, again and again. And each time, a steel door with an electronic lock opened and shut and opened and shut as I entered with the warden and guards. None of us mentioned it, but every time the door closed, the realization sank in that I would never be able to leave on my own free will ever again. I felt claustrophobic, and I became so nervous that I started to hyperventilate and had trouble breathing. The prisoners would call out to us, "I'm from Tokyo
Jolyne Cujoh... For the entire time I worked on Part 6 of the series, I wondered if she was going to be okay. If I were in Jolyne's shoes, I would've broken down and cried within three hours of being put in there. Out of all of the protagonists in ''JoJo'', I really feel that she might be the toughest, and the one I wanted to be happiest. Especially since she's found herself in the middle of a "season of being attacked."|[[Hirohiko Araki]]}}
[Translated by [[User:HudgynS|HudgynS]]]▼
以前、80年代に「ゴージャス☆アイリン」という「女性が主人公」の短編を、創作的冒険の動機で描いた事があるんだけれども、その時なんか妙に、こう………女性が自分の作品にしっくりとハマらない雰囲気がただよったので、長編にするのをやめにした事がある。<br/>15年近く過ぎて、時代がなんか変わったような気がする。女の子でもパンチくらったり、指が吹っ飛んだり、ビルから突き落とされても、タフに行けそうな雰囲気の時代になって来た。全ては父―空条承太郎の責任。そして娘を救いに向かい、逆に娘も父の命を救出に向か う事によって、娘の心は成長していくのだ。マンガの巾でそういう主人公にチャレンジする価値はありそうだ。<br/>血統とその{{Ruby|志|こころざし}}は男であろうが女であろうが受け継がれるものだから。<br/>「ストーンオーシャン」とは「{{Ruby|石|ストーン}}」は徐倫の意志、「{{Ruby|海|オーシャン}}」は女性を象徴的に意味する。もしくは「石でできた海」、この舞台である牢獄のイメージを意味する。<br/><br/>
▲[Translated by [[User:HudgynS]]]
===Volume 11 (50)===
{{Text|To tell the truth, I don't have much to comment on in this afterword.
In terms of [[Stand|Stand abilities]] (speaking from my own perspective), it felt at the time like I had drawn all that I needed to in ''JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean'', and I felt a sense of creative satisfaction at the thought that, perhaps, I had reached the pinnacle of my ideas. Time itself was getting faster and faster and outpacing human senses, approaching infinity itself, or at least as close to infinity as possible. I thought to myself then that no Stand ability could ever surpass it. There was nothing more incredible I could draw. My ideas had indeed reached their pinnacle.
I've always believed that a sense of satisfaction or accomplishment is a dangerous feeling. To put it bluntly, speaking as a human being and a manga artist, the situation that arises from thinking that everything's turned out alright and nothing more needs to be done is a dangerous thing, for the development of society and civilization, for science, for philosophy, and especially for art. It's like a love that has burned itself out, an ''{{W|Ashita no Joe}}'' with no more battles to fight. We all work to achieve something, to find satisfaction, but what do we do after that? That was the contradictory feeling I had when I finished ''Stone Ocean''.
The protagonist, [[Jolyne Cujoh]], lacked the love from [[Jotaro Kujo|her father]] that she so desperately sought, which led to her involvement in a car accident and her incarceration. But then, by trying to save her father, she grows as a woman. The story of her growth as a protagonist is complete. What do we do now? I felt much the same way about the process of creating the manga itself. In other words, there's nothing left to draw. It's over. ''[[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]]'' has reached its peak. That is ''Stone Ocean''. The end.
No, it still doesn't feel quite right. Maybe I'm just conceited, but this is still no good. That feeling of having accomplished something is a problem in and of itself. The red light's flashing. What can I do? What can I possibly do? And then it hit me.
We'll go back to the root. The {{W|Italian Renaissance}} was inspired by a return to ancient Greek and Roman concepts. The French painter {{W|Paul Gauguin|Gauguin}} created a new painting by returning to nature in {{W|Tahiti}}. We'll make the [[Made in Heaven|Stand ability]] of the main villain, [[Enrico Pucci|Father Pucci]], even more powerful. That way, time, the protagonists, and the [[Joestar Family|bloodline]] itself can make a full cycle of the universe and return to their origin. ''JoJo's Bizarre Adventure'' will abandon modern civilization and return to nature.
That is the end of ''Stone Ocean'', which was changed and redrawn at the last minute. Moreover, it also brought out a sense of nostalgia. Jolyne Cujoh's memories are [[Irene|different]], but her love and affection will remain and become eternal, and she will surely continue to grow and move forward. Speaking of which...
As I finished Part 6, I had a thought: the [[Johnny Joestar|protagonist]] of the next part of ''JoJo's Bizarre Adventure'', Part 7, should be a protagonist who fights against nature, but also learns from nature and grows as a person as a result. Would ''[[Steel Ball Run]]'' (tentative) be a good title? Under normal circumstances, I probably wouldn't have said or written any of this. But it's an afterword written by the author. The afterword is what it is.|[[Hirohiko Araki]]}}
[Translated by [[User:HudgynS|HudgynS]]]
{{Text|このあとがきのコメントは実をいうとあまりありません。<br/>この『ジョジョの奇妙な冒険Part6ストーンオーシャン』でスタンド能力としては(作者自身の感覚としては)――けっこう描ききった感が当時あって、アイデア的に究極に達してしまったのかな? と創作的な満足感を味わってしまったのです。<br/>「時間」が、どんどん人間の感覚より速くなって行って、無限に、考えうる限りの無限に――近づいて行く。―――これ以上のスタンド能力ってもうないだろう。凄いのなんて、もうないな。アイデアは究極へ達した。そう思ってしまったのです。<br/><br/>
「満足感」とか「達成感」という感覚は、けっこう危険な領域の感覚なのでは? と常日頃思っていて、つまり「全てOKしちゃって、もう何もいらないや」という状態は人間としても漫画家としても、あるいは社会や文明の発展としても科学としても哲学としても、芸術としてもきっとヤバイ事に違いない。<br/>燃え尽きる恋愛。もしくは闘い終わった〝あしたのジョー〟。人間はきっと何かを達成したり満足するために行動するのだろうけど、満足したらそのあとどうする? それがこのストーンオーシャンを描き終わった時の矛盾した感覚でした。<br/><br/>
主人公の空条徐倫は、求める父親からの愛情の空虚さが心の底にあって、それ{{Ruby|理由|ゆえ}}、交通事故を引き起こし、投獄されました。<br/>そして、逆に父を助ける行動で、ひとりの女性として成長して行く。主人公の成長物語としては達成してしまった。そのあとどうする? ………漫画制作的にそうも思ってしまいました。<br/>つまり描く事はもうないな。終わったな。「ジョジョの奇妙な冒険」はもう究極に達してしまったな。それがこの「ストーンオーシャン」です。―――――以上。………………<br/><br/>
……………………………………………………………………いや、やっぱりヤだな。それはなんか、うぬぼれなのかもしれない。かなりヤバイ。達成感とか思う事。それ自体がヤバイような。赤信号が点滅しました。どおしよう? 本当どおしよう? 「そうだ!」そう思いました。<br/>原点に返ろう。イタリアのルネッサンスは古代ギリシャやローマ時代の概念に返ったから起こったんだ。フランスの画家のゴーギャンは、タヒチという原始に返って新しい絵画を生みだしたんだ。<br/>ラストのボス・プッチ神父のスタンド能力をさらにパワーアップさせよう。そうすりゃあ、時間も主人公たちも血統も宇宙一周して原始に返れる。ジョジョの奇妙な冒険は――現代文明を捨てて自然に返ろう。<br/><br/>
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