Author's Note (JoJolion)

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In every volume of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, the front folded flap of the dust jacket usually contains a picture of Hirohiko Araki himself, and more than often a quotation. The quotations featured below the picture are always different from each other, and are usually about Araki expressing his opinion on certain subjects. These subjects can be about anything, including information about characters or the story itself. The following quotes and pictures below are from the volumes of JoJolion.

JJL Chapters

  • 31. 薬で溶かしちゃったけど腎臓に結石ができた。
  • 32. 今気づいたけどストローが嫌いで使ったことが一度もない。ストローで飲むと不味いよね。
  • 33. スポーツ観戦は圧倒的に勝っているのが好き。僅差だと同点になったらどうしようって心配。
  • 34. 最近、旅行したくない気分。近所の散歩が一番。
  • 35. この夏の目標はどこか地方の花火大会に行くこと。花火アプリ入れた。
  • 36. 写真を撮るだけでワイン情報が分かるアプリ「Vivino」に一瞬はまった。
  • 37. ラ・ベットラ・ダ・オチアイのレシピ本を買って、1ページ目から全部作ってる。
  • 38. Dirty LoopsとYES!のライブに行った。音楽を「聴かせる」素晴らしい演奏でした。
  • 39. 謹賀新年。去年は一度も乗らなかった飛行機に、今年はがんばって乗るぞ!
  • 40. 今、一番欲しいのは東京駅のSuica。手に入れたけど。
—Hirohiko Araki

  • 41. 一筆書き山登り番組『グレートトラバース』にはまっている。
  • 42. 初代担当の椛島さんが定年を迎えられました。お疲れ様でした。
  • 43. 別売の光学ドライブがCDを読み込まなくて5時間格闘したが、裏返しでディスク入れてた。
  • 44. さくらんぼの皮をむいて食べるんだけど、ちょっとびっくりされる。いちいちむくよ。
  • 45. 不味い飲み物を店に作り直させることが出来る人、憧れる。自分が出来ないので。
  • 46. アニメの打ち上げに参加したらたくさんの人がいた。気軽に観ててすいません。
  • 47. 夏休みにS・キングの『ドクター・スリープ』を読んだ。久々に大作の読書した。
  • 48. 福山雅治さんが結婚して、知り合いの女性が皆家から出てこない。お元気ですか?
  • 49. 今年は有名人の結婚とか、そういうのがある意味面白かった。
  • 50. 代々木公園で「ケサランパサラン」を見た。未確認生物ですけど。良い年でありますように。
—Hirohiko Araki

  • 51. ものすげーちょっとハマったこと。ラジオ体操第3。
  • 52. 編集長がゴルフを始めたら、仕事的にちょっとやらしい風を感じる
  • 53. 凸版印刷の特殊切手「日本の建築シリーズ」から切手集めにハマっちまってる。
  • 54. プリンスは青春時代からの尊敬する人でした。ご冥福をお祈りいたします
  • 55. 新しいものより要らないものばかり目に付く。新しい祭日とか要る?
  • 56. 担当さんが変わりました。よろしくお願いします!
  • 57. 今年からはエアコン28℃で24時間フル回転にした。
  • 58. 9月22日から頒布される熊野本宮大社のお守りのイラストデザインを致しました。
  • 59. 居酒屋でウツボを焼いて食べてみた。意外と旨かった。
  • 60. 近所のオヤジで、くしゃみをする時の発音が「にゃんこちゃん」と聞こえる人がいる。
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 1

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Hello. This is the beginning of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure "Part 8". I made the stage the fictitious town of "Morioh" from Part 4, a story I wrote a long time ago. But this, "Part 8" isn't linked to that story at all. The stage is the same "Morioh" of Japan, but this is a story about different inhabitants. Therefore, even if you haven't read "Part 4" or don't really remember it, or have no memory of it whatsoever, you'll be all right.  I really hope you enjoy it. And I send my regards and best wishes to all of you.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 2

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The "lion" in the title"Jojolion" means things like "blessed thing", "evangelistic", and "commemorative seal". It's a word from ancient Greek or something like that. By combining this word with "Jojo", I've meant for the title to signify the existence of the protagonist "Josuke" in this world. It's also used in the name of the tragic king in a Greek myth called "Pygmalion" as well as the Japanese animation "Evangelion", but I'm not sure if it has to do with the same idea.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 3

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Sometimes, I am confronted with a Cornelian dilemma such as "Which came first, the egg or the the chicken?"

Despite racking my brain over it, I never manage to find an answer. In that case, I prefer to decide on the answer myself (laugh). I tell myself "No doubt, the egg must have come first." And just like this, life comes in order and everything's fine again.

Huh? What is my point, you ask? Well... I forgot. Sorry!
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 4

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I think the season of "Anger" may have come. On the early-morning TV weather forecast, the weather man asks the audience "So, what do you think the highest temperature in Japan will be?" and then cuts to commercial! This is the morning when we're in a hurry trying to figure out what sorta outfit we should be leaving the house in, don't screw around! Moron. Are you a weatherman or some sort of entertainer? Are you a quiz show host or something?! I hate people that're vague like that! Maybe I'll just look up what the high for today is on the internet during the commercials and then I won't need you!
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 5

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There are some things I just kinda have fun drawing. Previously, I really enjoyed doing the character Polnareff's hairstyle, the original Josuke's hairstyle, Killer Queen's whole design, and Soft & Wet's ears. Those sort of drawings where you draw them up with a "swish swish", I go "Ooh!" from the impression it gives myself. This time, I have a lot of fun drawing Yasuho-chan's skirt and don't want to let anyone else draw it, but whenever I do draw it, I always think the flowers on the skirt have got to feel lumpy on her butt so she can't sit down. Are you okay, Yasuho? I'm a little worried.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 6

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This is kind of a negative topic. I've been thinking about what are some things I hate to hear people say to me. For those, the #1 worst is "What a long story." Not about manga. I just don't wanna be one of those kinds of adults. Ahaha. Then #2 "You're fixating on glorifying the past." WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Man, I seriously don't want people saying that to me at ALL. #3 "I'm not using this charger anymore, do you want it?" #4 "I'm surprised you don't know of any good Sushi places." I know at least one beautiful place. And I'm using a brand-new cell phone, dangit! #5 "Have you gotten taller?" That's all.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 7

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There are some very creepy song lyrics, for instance London Bridge's lyrics or this children's tune Tōryanse: "Going in is easy, but returning is scary." As for me, I've recently been marked by the lyrics of this American folk ballad: Oh My Darling, Clementine. Clementine is the daughter of a miner. Light as a fairy, she drowns in a river and dies because of her big feet. The narrator, Clementine's father or maybe her lover, laments her passing until the day he kisses her little sister and forgets his dear Clementine. Oh my god! What the hell is that ending ?! What the heck is that guy playing at ?! In any case, it was a powerful song.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 8

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JJL Volume 9

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JJL Volume 10

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JJL Volume 11

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JJL Volume 12

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I made a set of personal standards to judge whether the things I see in life are OK or not OK. When I go to my office, I travel through a residential area, where you can see a house that's got things hung to dry on the veranda. I don't know whether the owner of the house is elderly or young, but the washing pole is stuck straight through the sleeves of their shirts and the legs of their pants, and so on. That's not something you see too often... They also put their shoes on the handrail to dry after washing. Now, is this OK or not OK? Verdict: OK! (Standards to be continued on the next volume)
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 13

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Is something okay? Is it not okay? My assessment depends on whether it enriches your life.

I have assessed drying your laundry on a washing pole to be okay. The reason being, whenever that house doesn't have their laundry hung up to dry on that pole, I get pretty disappointed and saddened by its absence. It makes me think, Hang up that laundry, guys. Please.

Conversely, what I think are not okay are houses that hang their christmas lights up by the window so other people can see them. Smugness is unpleasant. One of the factors of my assessment is smugness. In other words, smugness is not enriching.
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 14

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JJL Volume 15

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Current status... recently, I've fallen in love with attending parties. I'm not sure why, though. I'm just in that mood. On the other hand, I don't like travelling because it's seriously so much effort. I'm just in that mood, too.

When I was young, it was the opposite. I longed for other countries, and I even wanted to go to places I didn't have to.

Even though weird people used to exist and still exist, I used to hate going to parties. Is there some causative relationship here? If I'm invited to a party in another country, what should I do?
—Hirohiko Araki

JJL Volume 16

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I've always wanted a tree house. Like those hideouts American kids build in their huge back yards, where they play poker and stuff. I used to be so jealous of them.

But, nowadays, what I dream about is a lift house, where you live on an aerial lift in the mountains.

It would be ultra high-tech, and everything's electronic. You can move around on the cables, and you've got everything you need right there. Mamezuku is living the life! He can harvest his crops while he's right above them, and then cook them on the spot. That's the life! Mamezuku, please invite me over.
—Hirohiko Araki

Untranslated Notes

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Steel Ball Run
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