The Sun is a simple stand in power, but this does not make it any less deadly, the Sun, named for the XIX card of the Major Arcana of the same name, appears as a perfect replica of the sun. It has no personality outside of serving its user, Arabia Fats.
Sun Replica: The Sun is able to increase the heat of the surrounding area exponentially, as well as provide a large amount of light. A Desert at 8:10 P.M. was recorded at a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius (176 Fahrenheit)from its power, hot enough that a scorpion caught fire and burned to death when it stepped onto a rock, as well as being bright enough that it was thought to be much earlier.
Laser: When the Sun is threatened, it is able to shoot lasers with alarming precision out at its target in a shotgun-like dispersion, able to shatter a pair of binoculars in Joseph Jostar's hands while he hid under a rock. These lasers seem to be more powerful then Kakyokin's Emerald Splash, as he was forced to abandon the attack when faced with a barrage of the lasers.